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Posts by Kashub1410  

Joined: 24 Jun 2022 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 8 Jul 2023
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27 Jun 2022
Genealogy / Silesian, old Polish heritage? [49]

Romantisicing the past ey? Had a guy once who prefer a more simple life, knowing what to. What was expected of him, not having to guess it. Living like a peasant for instance everybody knowing it and accepting it. Not having to argue all the time about it etc
27 Jun 2022

@Bratwurst Boy
That is a difficult situation, closest I can get is when Lithuanian aristocracy prolonged sending military to Vienna against the Ottomons due to internal bickering with Sobieski and Polish ND being passive with their forces and in general in hopes of Piłsudski's personal defeats + Polish Sejm objecting a campaign to capture Moscow as not to increase king's authority and influence. (Polish king having Moscovy as personal fief would create severe problem for Polish nobility powerwise)

So in modern terms, refusal of paying taxes, arming as many as possible quietly or starting peaceful civic activities.
27 Jun 2022

Mode of operandi for Russians is living in fear, instead of fearing God almighty. They fear everything else around them, especially those with big sticks. So they prefer to give a big stick to others as a way to not get it themselves, which shocks them when they actually receive it back and in a more hurtful way.

Until they understand that they can stop living in such fear, they won't get out of that loop. Fear transferring to next generation of Russians. Traumas of the past continuing on and on
25 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

@johnny reb
Cause such people think rule of law is for stupid people, and that as long as they get away with it's fine to them. Such people lack ethical/moral compass, if they could get away with murder they would do it. Disregarding the jeapordy of their mental state&soul.

Your expecting such people to be compelled from murdering, while they wish they were able to.

What's disgusting for you, isn't disgusting for them. It's rather more disgusting to them that your telling them that they cannot murder anyone. Especially those who are weakest, cause they despise weakness.

While adoring strength and have a wish to be strong and percieved as strong (by killing in an unethical immoral way )

Such people see that if they are able to steal, murder, rape, torture without consequences (thinking it) then they are free. It is self delusion however, cause no society survives that line of thinking.
25 Jun 2022
News / Bitcoin Embassy Launches In Poland's Capital Warsaw [37]

Massive amounts of gold being transported from America to Europe created Spains downfall cause of inflation. Cryptocurrencies aren't able to create inflation unless amount changes by the owner of it. Such owners don't have the need to make more of like governments do. Since they are not bound by electoral promises or need to please their voters/supporters.

Owners of crypto currencies prefer to increase currencies long term and make it more popular. Their goal isn't scamming (there are short minded scammers who use crypto currencies for it, not understanding. The value of it and are looking for a quick earning immorally. This is also with regard to selling products or using standard currency. I don't find it surprising)
25 Jun 2022

It's pretty complex, despite main parts of the Russian Federation (lands controlled by Dukes of Moscovy before creating a Russian Empire (Tsar title being practiced).

It was a fully eastern European country, but despite being overrun and controlled by Mongols then able to repel them. Moscovites copied a lot of mindset/rules/habits/way of life they deemed superior/useful since it was used by Mongols on eastern Slavs (when they succeeded in conquering and pillaging basically entire Eastern Europe).

A lot of copy-catted mentality was abhorant to Poles (the non-Slavic behaviour/tactics), in similar way Czechs and Poles adopted certain rules/way of life/organising/laws from Germans. To great misunderstanding to other Slavs.

While there was a period of westernisation (technologically speaking, similarily like Japan) Peter I drew inspiration from the west. While having a strongly anti-western elite that was basically alergically adamant about not becoming too western, to such degree to brutally fight every attempt and influence deemed negatively to show their power and not lose influence towards the more western minded factions within Russia
25 Jun 2022

Because Ukraine is a prime example of wars reoccurring when states are outside EU/NATO. It wakes up member states drive and purpose. EU not having military capabilities, makes Sweden and Finland want to rush for NATO membership realising this very actual point.

They are hesitant to be left outside the good company on formal terms, seeing Ukraine being treated as it is. Putin gave NATO a real package deal

Some take relations very personally and value it more then others
25 Jun 2022

You seem to be under the impression to expect Polish view/standing/morals from people of other cultures, ignoring difference in mentality, tradition, upbringing, political needs, experiences and goals.

If they weren't different, then Russians wouldn't be Russians but: Poles.

And that won't happen anytime soon cause they see us as demon spawns protected by demonic U.S.A lead by a demonicly infested Vatican being mind controlled by a Pope they do not acknowledge.

Wake up honey, they hate our guts. But risk is too high so they took it out on Ukraine out of fears and opportunism.
25 Jun 2022
News / Bitcoin Embassy Launches In Poland's Capital Warsaw [37]

Most currencies today are based on trust of the government. No matter how useless or useful the currency is, the second it is deemed not to be trusted. (Exchanging it, then not gaining expected results. Due to rapid changes of prices. Different form currency starts to be used).

As long as mistrust towards digital currencies (crypto) are in place, lack of knowledge and understanding. It will remain mostly in the hands of very few people exploiting it's enormous benefits.

It's here to stay, and people acting like wooden wheel cart makers when they see metal wheel based trains come in use is senseless.

The moment I get my salary I am going to buy as many cheap crypto as possible, hopefully it will continue to sink even further next month so I can invest even more with my next salary.

It's like a super sale right now due to people panicking :D
24 Jun 2022

BS. Ukraine didn`t attack or even threaten RuSSia, quite the opposite

Then you are unaware of the Austrian plot to destabilize Russia at it's very foundation?

You think they supported Ukrainian national movement only as to support an opposing political identity against Polish influence on their controlled areas?

They wanted to Shake the very core of Russian foundation which is the continuity of Kiev Rus being uphold by them. This matter was put under the carpet during Soviet Union cause control over Ukraine was a fact and a non issue at the time (from a practical perspective), but it bore it's fruits after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

In theory Ukraine could claim all Russian owned lands due to it being the more legitimate heir, with enough internal Russian support if Political leadership in Kiev will be a promising option then Kremlin.

Which scares Putins gang so much they would create excremets in their pants if Ukraine wins that war. It would be over for them, the longer Ukraine can influence ordinary Russians, the more desperate measures they will take

If we are talking bullets, control or military I agree with you. But sure understand that U.S.A, China or Poland cannot end Russia. But, Ukraine can actually
24 Jun 2022

Russian perspective is such: Say what is needed to avoid as much trouble as possible even lying through teeth, preferably while having a laugh and liking it that the people they are talking to are being duped and get to feel superior. But when a nation points out their lying they get upset. Appearently somebody trying to save their soul is incomprehensable.

As they have lost touch with reality they forgot and don't care about two of the greatest military victories that Russians and Poles won together. Battle at Grunwald and battle for Berlin, each group providing more means then the other in seperate battles.

Yet instead of truly wanting to co-operate and stand together and learn from that, they wish to feel that they can rival U.S.A and China at the same or preferably playing them against each other.

It ended badly for Second Polish republic trying to balance between two major military powerhouses. Thinking itself superior, same with Yugoslavia and it's neutral policy that made it explode in the end when internal factions grabbed after foreign support&influence. I hope Russians will learn in time.

Instead of Russians grieving shared strife and misery in chains which both nations are FREE from now. In a true fashion!

Lukashenko challenged Poland's sovereignty by sending middle eastern migrants, thinking Poland is Americas lapdop that will bark and do nothing until U.S.A arrives, then strike a deal to earn moneys.

Now that he failed with that he cries: "foul" and runs to Putin for support.

Wether Russian Federation or state of Ukraine has greatest claim to the continuation of Kiev Rus (people of Ukraine have it more in my opinion).

It doesn't change the fact that human beings are at war in a slavic country, waged war by another slavic country while everyone around tries to coin the situation in their favor with whatever is possible or make a good deal.

Russians and Ukrainians got to come to their senses.
24 Jun 2022

Did you notice that "I" in my post?

Mr. Selfish it was noticed


My parents didn't have any contact with NKVD or even PZPR and they did just fine

That smells like BS and lies, no credibility in my eyes.

to make a point not supported by facts. The only nightmare I experienced was meat all gone by 11.

Smells like party membership to me

Well if you think Brits and Americans are Polish overlords, you would be horribly surprised that there are no shrines to them
24 Jun 2022

I like Russians because they liberated Poland and closed Auschwitz

You forgot to mention that all political opposition was brutally hunted and political post-war delegation wasn't seen again. Turning Auschwitz death camp into a NKVD interrogation camp.

Polish peoples army infiltrated by NKVD immensively, none becoming officers unless member of communist party and forcefully build pałac kultury even tho there were other priorities to be made due to the city had been razed to the ground by Nazi Germans while red army was waiting for it to be razed due to Stalins paranoia of Polish western army lead paratroopers to have been believed to be there. Stalin couldn't accept or face reality that Polish the Polish resistance being without necessary weapons and equipment with local population able to withstand longer then three days.

Not to mention NKVD's efforts to infiltrate the catholic church in Poland as much as possible. But you not recognizing any of that/not knowing it and seeing it through PRL propaganda not understanding the ongoing silent conflict makes you a feeble sentimental sheep thinking those times were a dream while it being a nightmare to most Poles who faced the truth of the reds

Mr pinkie
24 Jun 2022

You seem to be sarcastic, but I complementing him enourmesly. Due to his warning Russian backed oligarchs were able to escape and save their skins, while giving a warning to Putin if he misconducts similarily to them. Riots and lose of power will happen similarily in Russia.

They can think it's western intelligence orchestrating it all, but they are just coining the development to their favor to not lose backing in the beurocracy obviously. While Russian intelligence being paranoid is gobbling it all up and being played by their own citizens without CIA having to lift a finger except creating minor operations as a ruse for the Russian Intelligence to think their main adversory are foreign intelligence agencies