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Posts by Foreigner4  

Joined: 18 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 12 / Live: 1 / Archived: 11
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From: tychy
Speaks Polish?: yes and no
Interests: sports, politics, the economy, history, writing, yadayadayada

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11 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Women have posted on this thread before about how they are objectified and made to feel inadequate about their bodies.

It really is an independent business decision so if the manager finds it profitable to establish "women only" times then that's what they'll do. It's just an example of the squeaky wheel getting the grease imo.

Women, in groups and as individuals, understand that men just often don't give a f*ck and will yield to their constant complaining. That's what feminism amounts to these days -constant complaining and whining for more. What they've been able to do, for better and worse, is create financial repercussions to their whining. That's impressive in some ways but not when they go about actively making life worse for males just because their self-entitlement has no boundaries.

I mean can you imagine a self-respecting man going to management and complaining that he "fears" women in a private business? Gawd no!

That's the difference between men and women in Western society; men are more likely to just get on with it while women will make a mountain out of mole-hill until "something is done about it!" Everyone just needs to tell such people to keep it down and put them in their place, like we would anyone else.

That being said, if a manager sees the financial benefit of establishing women-only hours then I would agree that's the right thing to do financially. This also indicates more women utilizing the premises which means that's a healthier group of people. No one should be opposed to that unless it means it comes at a cost to others.

Of course the question is, does that policy discriminate against men? Is that legal? Would it be legal to create me-only hours? Is that legal?
8 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Actually, if the mayor of that German town is right about women and parking, bringing in the female racing driver to give women advanced driving skills and also boost their confidence would be a much better way to help them drive better than designing special, extra-large parking bays.

Oh yes, my good fellow! Zooming around a race track in a vehicle doing 300 km/hr is so much like parking in a confined urban setting that I'm surprised no one except you has seen that correlation. Splendid!

Generations of conditioning have led girls and women to believe they are less capable, inferior, marginalised and generally inferior to men; this has been reinforced by legal and other constraints preventing them from doing certain things.

Generations of conditioning led (past tense) girls and women to believe certain things that I'm not going to pretend I know.
This used to be reinforced by laws that have simply changed.
In any situation there will be someone who is more capable and someone who is less capable. We've all been on both sides of that ratio and that's called life so suck it up and quit feeling sorry for people who don't give a damn about you and need to learn what they can and can't do like the rest of us. The problem is you seem to actually view women as inferior to you and therefore dependent on you to somehow right all the compounded wrongs of the past. You see yourself as a white knight and feminists just see you as a sucker.

Do you really resent feminism's attempts to change [that]?

Feminism has changed that.
They wanted equality in the work force? Well now they can do just about anything they want if they can make the standards.
What if they can't make the standards? That's fine, if you're a woman they won't lower the standards for you, they'll "change" them.

They wanted equality in courts. Things are so good now, they're more equal in the courts than you or I will be based on gender and nothing more. You hear them rioting about that very often?

They wanted equality in sports. Well now things are so equal that in some places that if not enough girls are interested in a sport then the boys aren't allowed to do the sport either. You think that's fair?

They wanted equal pay. They got it.
They wanted equality in schools. They got it.
The fatal diseases women can only get are given prominence whereas the fatal diseases men can only get are ignored by comparison.
So where is this inequality that women are suffering in Western countries?
How is it any worse than the inequality suffered by men there?
8 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

If society sends out messages to girls

Well society hasn't done that in this instance so what's your problem?

If.... this creates a risk that they either don't do it, or they set their expectations low so don't do it well.

I don't agree with your conclusion to the scenario at all. Those are two possible outcomes for some people but you're really assuming many women are weak-willed underachievers with your attitude.

Much better to send out positive messages such as celebrating women who are great racing drivers

So your solution to the parking problem in Triburg would be to celebrate female race car drivers? How would that address the problem they were experiencing?

i must add my driving is **** hot btw.

Well if you're Polish then I'll take one of those to describe your driving but not two;)
8 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

I know, you are spot on Englishman, it is so insulting.

No he isn't- It's not a message that young girls are in a position to receive and no amount of pretending to be offended will change that.

It's not insulting to you because you're not a woman in that city so park your indignation, make it safe and turn off the ignition.

Did you ever consider that perhaps the women who wouldn't or couldn't park properly actually are to blame for this?
8 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

So we can take your anecdote and extrapolate that to mean all German women drive like Steve F'n McQueen....or we can take the word of the German mayor who noticed there sure were a lot of accidents in Triburg parking bays that were caused by women. Seeing as we've already figured out that men have a higher spatial capacity than women, this isn't a stretch.

Patronising initiatives such as the women's easy parking bays send out a message, especially to young girls: you're useless at this kind of thing, don't even try.

Young girls shouldn't be operating a motor vehicle in the circumstances you are imagining therefore it is premature to worry about the message being sent to young girls as a consequence of gender specific parking bays. But this is what the "politically correct" do, they cry about being offended and think that's enough.
7 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

I'm not going to discuss with youtube videos

That's a shame because the woman who makes the case does so very eloquently yet still in a straightforward manner. You're doing yourself a disservice by ignoring it.

The point about extended families was a direct counter to your suggestion that the nuclear family has for thousands of years been the ideal and has produced the most stable environment for humans

Okay but I think we can still all agree that the "husband & wife + children = makings of a stable family" is rather tried and true formula and it's got a few thousand years behind it.

I still dont get what is the objection to women talking about the best way to organise society

They can talk all they want but if they say they want equality and then show that what they really want is inequality then they are liars.
4 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

No one has said those things but feel free to argue against them any way.

No one has admitted as much but even you can probably discern that this is common place among special interest group sympathizers. If you've never considered that then you owe it to yourself to pay closer attention.

It is very much your personal preference, women have traditionally raised children....

A big negative on that one Barney.
No, in no way shape or form has it been my preference that women have traditionally and successfully raised children among the humans over human history. That's nature at work and if you don't believe me then try observing most of the other species we share the planet with. It's one of those things that you should be smart enough not to argue. Now you may be correct in that men and women haven't lived together as husband and wife for that long at all but unless you're suggesting there's a more effective and efficient family unit for society than the nuclear family then so what?

Would you like to give some reasonable arguments of how feminism damages society?

The question at this point is if you're capable of accepting any criticism of feminism. I posted a very good presentation that's roughly half an hour long by Prof. Sommers in which she describes the War Against Boys being waged by society at the behest of selfish and short-sighted feminists:
Obviously you don't think it a good idea to try and mentally and emotionally sabotage the development of boys just so some women can feel better about themselves so why not speak out against that? Or do you think she hasn't made her points?

The logic is not faulty, would you like to demonstrate how family courts are not biased against men?

You don't understand. I didn't intend to say that "Its well known that family courts are biased against men and that they usually interpret the term "best needs of the child" as best needs of the mother" is incorrect. What I meant for you to understand is that this bias is unfair and when a court of law is unfair then the logic used to arrive at the unfair outcome was and is obviously faulty. The point of a legal system is to promote justice, when if fails to do this then someone or some people have made some bad decisions using faulty logic.

So YES, the logic used by the courts in which a biased has been established against men is faulty.
4 Jul 2013
Life / News on driving in Poland [57]

So would him having multiple offenses have garnered him a 25 yr sentence?
3 Jul 2013
Life / News on driving in Poland [57]

Good to know and I plan on never utilizing that knowledge beyond the hypothetical.
So if he actually did receive a 25 year sentence, it then would have had to be ruled homicide of some degree, have I got that right?

However I am curious about the logic used when a woman kills 2 children and doesn't even receive the maximum for killing 1 person...I should really know more about the law here.
3 Jul 2013
Love / What strange/unnerving/funny things do your Polish wives do? [153]

If my woman did sth like that, my revenge would be really nasty. E.g., ban on sex for a week!

I'd be abstaining every week if I did that. I think she is, like a lot of women are, just afraid that if she doesn't find something to argue or complain about then she'll forget this important life skill: )

Good but will she listen? Women are so stubborn.

She listened today. But is she stubborn enough to choose to forget?
3 Jul 2013
Love / What strange/unnerving/funny things do your Polish wives do? [153]

I'd forgotten about this thread. Thanks for the reminder!
I think this might be true of all women but my wife is the back seat driver of my life. Like any little mistake no matter how inconsequential must be commented on and logged.

Just today she started shouting and carrying on like it was the end of the god damned world because I put a pair of dirty running shoes in a backpack of hers, which I had claimed many years ago.... I told her that's not how adults are supposed to communicate with each other.
3 Jul 2013
Life / News on driving in Poland [57]

Probably your wife gave you wrong info. Or she missed some important details.

Oh man, nothing gets her more intolerable than when I ask her if she missed any details...nonetheless, is there a circumstance in which manslaughter could get someone 25 years? Does it depend on how effective one's lawyer is/isn't?
3 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

No court can force a man to pay for a child that is not his.

That is incorrect. The conclusions you have arrived at as a result need other justification or you should abandon those conclusions.

Its well known that family courts are biased against men and that they usually interpret the term "best needs of the child" as best needs of the mother.

This is faulty logic. Therefore unjust.

Using this as a stick to attack feminism is really clutching at straws because there is a lack of any (other) reasonable argument.

This is not the stick we are using to attack feminism, this is the stick feminists are using to attack men or stand by and let others do it. This is a consequence of not questioning the motives of people who claim to be "doing the right thing" just because they play the victim card. Have you not been paying attention?

Imposing your own personal preference of what a family looks like also lacks a reasonable argument as there are always exceptions and qualifiers to any point of view.

Over the past hundreds and hundreds of years, the nuclear family has produced the most stable and productive family unit known to civilization. Based on historical evidence and NOT personal preference, the winning formula for what a strong family looks like has made itself evident. If you argue that then either you know something that some of us don't or you're choosing to ignore the evidence. Which is it?

This is another example of feminist hypocrisy. They are clamouring for equality, except ('Animal farm' style) they wish to be more equal than men.

I don't agree with you on many things but these are all very true observations.
3 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

How about this one:
A woman kills 2 boys while she's driving under the influence of narcotics.
A man kills a woman while driving drunk.
Her sentence was 8 out of a maximum 12 years plus a lifetime ban on driving (can she appeal that in 10 years?) and 50, 0000 pln to each family (100,000.00 total).

His sentence was 25 years.
So are the lives of 2 boys only worth, at a combined rate, 30% of 1 woman's life?
Or does she get a lesser sentence simply because she's a woman.
Why do feminists remain so quiet when I say the courts are biased against males.

Will you lot (feminists) at least admit it's true or haven't you the integrity to even do that?
2 Jul 2013
Life / News on driving in Poland [57]

I don't know the parents but having lost a child due to another person's negligence, I can say it is very very disorienting. As for the the what?

Okay so my wife told me last evening a young man, while driving drunk, hit a mother and her child with his vehicle, killing the mother. His sentence was 25 years.

I have not confirmed this as I trust my wife would not get the details of that wrong. If that is not true then my apologies.

If it is true then am I alone in noticing something very wrong when comparing the two sentences?
The maximum she could receive was 12 while the maximum he could receive was 25?

Anyway pawian, I was only offering you an explanation for why the parents didn't seek a longer sentence. I was only trying to say that based on experience, I can understand them.
2 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Gabbi, why not just point out what exactly has got you rolling your eyes. Zimmy has consistently stated that feminists on this thread refuse to engage in specifics and he seems to think you know your logic won't hold up to scrutiny once we get into specifics. So?
1 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Basically if a judge decides that after a divorce or the end of a common-law partnership that a man, despite not being the biological or adoptive father, was perceived as or acted as the father figure to a child then he can be made to pay alimony for that child or children. As far as I know this has happened in the U.S. and the U.K.

I read about these cases a year back and noted women's groups made no outcry about diminished maternal responsibility or even individual responsibility. Now, even when women make incredibly bad life choices, the courts protect them and penalize the man almost exclusively.
30 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

I didn't say I was offended. The shame belongs to those touting illogical rubbish which is gravitating around their own confirmation bias. So you can keep your label of "offended" and also keep your straw man effigies of "offended women" coming out in their droves.

Fair enough.

There is no point in arguing specifics with people who when confronted with widely accepted accepted ideas and stats by the vast majority of sociologists, in response give out rather dubious statistics for rather dubious sources. In this way it's like trying to argue with creationists. It doesn't matter what evidence you show. It is simply ignored as people have invested too much ego and emotion into it.

Fair point as well but you must acknowledge that criticism is just as easily levied against "the other side of the gallery" too.

My question to you is what kind of feminist are you (as well as others) addressing here?

The kind that attack males in various ways. I'm not going to spend my time keeping up with some silly labels these Liberal Arts types assign themselves.

As with most movements, the ones who shout the most get the most attention (and usually these people come from a biased position to start with). Other feminists are actively trying to repair the damage caused by these screaming idiots, but I don't actually expect the nuances and the history to be discussed here

That is good news. I'll support anyone who's going to honestly work for a healthy balance.
One of the main problems as I've seen it, is that many "human rights" movements tend to accompany fact with emotion. That isn't necessarily a bad thing but an unfortunate spin off of of this is there are people who can't get beyond an emotional response of violation of human rights number x.

I've noticed this is particularly true with the multi-culti troopers and feminists. It's like any idea or program that is flown under those banners gets immediate acceptance. Some people know and see this. They are the Al Sharptons of feminism. There's no filter with these "feminists" so some of us are going to be the f*ckers that p*ss off the mainstream until the mainstream gets itself sorted.

I'll respond to your link next time I reply. (I wonder how many people actually watch the links we all have provided)
Thank you for the first well-thought out reply I've read on this thread.


From your link:
Equality feminism: Focuses on gaining equality between men and women in all domains (work, home, sexuality, law). Argues that women should receive all privileges given to men and that biological differences between men and women do not justify inequality. Most common form of feminism represented in the media.

Essentialist feminism: Focuses on "true" "biological" differences between men and women, arguing that women are essentially different from men but equal in value (i.e.,"separate but equal").

I would hope not one person would be opposed to either of these ideals.
But 23 types of feminism?

Again, as I've previously stated, I have seen the effects in western courtrooms and there is now an imbalance in society which some feminists have brought about.

E.g. A woman recently stomped on her (now deceased) husband's head until he was dead and received a 2-year prison sentence in the UK. I cannot imagine a man receiving the same leniency and cannot imagine the outcry from women's groups if that were to happen under any circumstances. Speculation? Yes. Is it accurate?

Another example of inequality that I would argue has been a result of irrational feminism is now men can actually, by law, be made to pay alimony to children they have not even sired.

As a man, I have good reason to feel threatened by these symptoms of irrational feminism. While neither of those 2 situations are things I should ever have to worry about, they do tell a story of courts that increasingly hold bias against one gender for no rational reason.
29 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Oh great another woman has come on here to state how offended she is. You're offended? So what?
Would some feminist supporter please get on here and get to specifics. Vague references to belittling, having an archaic mindset or not understanding feminism are all well and good if all you can do is feign indignation every page of this thread but trust us, we get it, you've chosen to be offended can you get over yourselves already?

Zimmy, whom I don't agree with on everything, has made numerous offers for any of you to take up a specific point of debate and then have it out.

Realistically speaking when men and women has been granted the same rights in the eyes of the law feminism has been rendered redundant.

Those are astute observations and based on what I've seen male subordination seems to be the goal of more than a few feminists. For many of them, their motivation to change the law seems to stem more from a revenge mentality than one of genuine fairness.

I'll be the first to admit there is not equality in various aspects of life for men or women. And I have no problem shouting down bogus arguments against feminism. But feminists stepped over the line when they decided to start undermining the place of males in society instead of just defending female's. If it wasn't for that, I'd most likely be supportive of the movement but it was hijacked a long time ago and is wildly off-course.

I wonder if there'll be any developments when I get back...
27 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Now then pep talk's over.
We've already settled it, there a good feminists as well as bad ones.
There have been some positives that genuine feminists fought to achieve but now the feminazis are simply taking the p*ss and attacking men the only way they can and that is through institutions.

Increasingly, the victims of these assaults are little boys. How horrible are those c*nts, attacking children to push their agenda. There are some women who seem to be defending and denying the negative aspects of feminism. Don't be one of those people.

but a female employee is not performign at peak level for 40 hours a year (due to the menstrual cycle alone, let alogn pregnancy), then should the employer suffer because of it?

What? That's rubbish as far as I can see.
Someone could turn around and argue men have "too much" testosterone and take that same angle with you.
If a person can do the job they can do the job and jobs should be performance based. If you have some data for your menstral cycle angle then please show me any corroborating data. I've worked alongside some fine people and of them the women never brought any more or less drama to the scene than the men. Now if you want to talk about the incompetent people I've seen on the, I'd rather not.

Be fair, don't be like them.
26 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

are you referring to the mistakes your mother made raising you?

Well, to be fair and objective while she did the best she could, she, like any person (even you toots) isn't perfect.
So, bearing that in mind, let's say that I entertain your poor excuse for wit with a "yes."
The floor is yours.
25 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

No, the "women's liberation" movement has been led by misandrist females for decades.

That seems to be true in some regards but what you quoted also expresses there are good feminists and I tend to agree with that too. Incidentally, you've attributed that to me but I don't recall typing that one out.

Women leaders have no shame;

While you seem more fervent than I am on the matter, I must, out of objectivity, agree with you.
23 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

When all our 'tough' guys have been reduced to effeminate pretty boys? When every action movie is meant to gather to women more then men?

Objectively speaking, "tough" guys in film and media being replaced with some weak-sister-friend-zoned limp wrist, should not be a measuring stick for anything other than what is going to make money for the producers. I mean, I don't get the correlation. What's the big deal if some ridiculous caricatures of one kind have been replaced with ridiculous ones of another kind?
23 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Again, try to concentrate on all the good that feminist movement did.

But none of the nasty consequences, only the good stuff?

IHonestly, is that the logic of feminism or just feminists with self-serving agendas?

Where was she rude? In which comment? Quote?

When she referred to the idea that men ought to be compensated more based on the argument men are expected to be the first to sacrifice their health and safety ahead of anyone else. I think that's worth something and if someone simply dismisses that by calling it stupid without addressing it to be something a "toots" and a "babycakes" would do.

Now seriously, get over it already. That's the equivalent of one man calling another guy, "buddy" or "guy" or "bigshot." Anyone who gets that offended by a comment not even directed towards them really takes themselves and this board too seriously.
22 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

The fact of the matter is: feminism ≠ equality of the sexes.
Feminists know this yet they keep banging on like it's the 1970's and they're oh so repressed.

You ridiculous broads and the dung beetle-like men who cling to your cause fall back on vague terms like "women's struggle' and petty insults when the reality of the feminist agenda is exposed. And you all collectively feign being insulted if someone plays with you a little on an internet forum. No fair individual should be promoting women not have fair opportunities but feminists as well as anyone with an agenda have proven that time and time again, over the long-term, they don't actually want anything to be fair, they want an unfair advantage for themselves or those they claim to represent.

Listen to that lecture I posted and say what you think about what she's stated. IMO she's not wrong on a single thing but maybe some of you have some information she doesn't.
22 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Yes of course you were. I'm sure to someone you are a hero. Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back.
Now then panty waste, seeing as you can't get on track with the thread, let a man help you.

Feminism, was a movement that started out to correct a problem of inequality. I am not suggesting that inequality didn't exist but I am suggesting feminism was not the right way to do it. The reason I think this, and anyone is free to disagree of course, is that it pits women against men.

Sure, you'll have some men who go with the flow and agree with wage parity for responsibility parity but of course there were and still are plenty of women who have seen this as a way to get ahead by pushing guys down where they can. The easiest group of males to attack have actually been boys. There has been a systemic attack against men by first attacking them when they are boys.

These attacks have been benign in some ways but effective nonetheless at disenfranchising them and marginalizing their needs. If anyone has the patience, this lovely individual gives a very informative talk: