Real Estate /
Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]
Founder at Learnfast languages
Should this read "of"?
Consulting/Management at Other experience
Should this be "and"?
Its funny that Mr.Biernat (College and University?, is that one day at each?) and yourself, both seem to be dyslexic and suffer from poor English. Having read some of the rubbish on the "Claritaslux" sites, its not difficult to see a similarity in style.
I have reported you and Harry a hundred times and still you get away with it......
You report and abuse anybody who disagrees with your fantasy predictions. If you want to be believed, at least have some knowledge of the subject. Its no use using out of date comments from newspapers or youtube. You need to be invovled at ground level and use your eyes. If it was that easy to predict the market, you would have been a millionaire, years ago.
I happen to agree with Delph and Harry that buying a property to live in makes sense, if people buy as an investment, they run the risk as any gambler does, the first rule of gambling is never to lose more than you can afford.
In a few days we will be into another year and your predictions will be another year older. Lets get to the end of 2012 and see what happens. I have a feeling (not a prediction) that there will be much volatility in prices and availibility of credit to buy property, small loans with high interest rates will be the norm while large loans will be extremely difficult to get.
Have not heard much from AndyB in Krakow recently, is he still around?