The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Avalon  

Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - S
Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
Threads: Total: 4 / Live: 1 / Archived: 3
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14 Mar 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Not all of them apparently. They should not have jailed the Pakistani for two years at the taxpayers expense, they should have made him live with her for the rest of his life.
11 Feb 2012
Life / 200zl mandat and 3 points for not wearing seatbelts? [75]

I had heart attack in 1980, was given a triple by-pass in in Krakow in 2008, treated lppenappently he "English Hosiptal, neber even gave me an " angiogram" which was " dome body is censoring this !!!!!
11 Feb 2012
Life / 200zl mandat and 3 points for not wearing seatbelts? [75]

So its ok to climb a mountain in winter, to ski off-piste, send troups into battle, but, we cannot drive 400 metres without being protected by the state. When the police do it, its in the line of duty, when the police crash into an innocent bystander during a high speed chase, its allowed because they have had a weeks training at an advanced drivers course.

Life is a risk!!!, whether on a plane, in a train or on a boat (see Italy), you life is "never" in your own hands.

Stop looking to blame and accept "Karma", "fate, whatever you want to call it. Just be as careful as you can and hope that the other people around you do the same.
23 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

What are you waffaling on about now?. I am not aware of any developers asking for special treatment. I think you will find that they have also lowered their costs and lowered their profit margins. Criminality occurs in all walks of life, even in governments.
23 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

The only intervention they should make is to reduce bureaucracy, make permits and zoning easier and reduce transaction taxes if they can afford to do so. I guess they could make a straightforward ban on foreign currency lending but the banks have more or less imposed that anyway.

I agree. Also get rid of VAT on new build, this would stimulate the industry and create more jobs.
22 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

However you overlook the fact that it is unusual for a Polish family to have only one wage earner. So to take your calculation, the earnings would be 72,000 per year and the multiple 216,000, with a 20% deposit that is about 260,000. Reckon that is enough to buy family accommodation in the average Polish city?

Even so Harry, If you are renting, look how long it would take to save a deposit. If you are looking at a central location in a city, the most you will get with that sum would be something old and crappy, certainly not new unless it is 23-33m2 studio flat.

I understand that people would have to buy what they could afford but there are some real problems out there at the moment, mainly with lending and social housing. Goverment interference is gooing to be needed in the near future.
21 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

I have no idea where his 45 k figure comes from but maths obviously not a strong suit, nor economics by the look of it.

I must apologise for getting the calculation wrong, I was in a hurry and talking to someone at the same time.
Even so, you are not very clever yourself, you assume that the 3000 PLN per month is saved, what about living costs, rent, food etc. We did cite this as a single, average wage.
21 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

He denegrates the very people he expects to provide him with somewhere to live. I imagine that he thinks doctors are doing him a favour when they treat him.
21 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

stop using this thread as a ruse to cyber bully Milky

That is really funny, you should read the previous posts by Milky. Not only insulting to everyone that disagrees with his stupid, socialist fantasies but also very close to legal litigation with his false accusations.

He lost the right to respectful debate a long time ago.
19 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

The real answer is that prices in populated places will drop away from their bubble levels in order to be affordable.

So what is affordable? are you talking of the old communist blocks or new build? you can talk about one income, two incomes, you can listen to Milky who thinks average wage, say 3000 = 18,000 X 2.5 = 45,000 is the sum that apartments should sell for in his socialist, fairyland.

What is the "real answer" CMS. If you show me how you can buy land, build apartments, sell them for 45.000 PLN ( inc VAT + Fees) per unit and make enough profit to keep a business going then I will give you a free partnership.

I have stated before, a couple of times now, I agree that Polish salaries are dire, but, there are still people buying flats in the 200 - 300,000 price range and the developers are announcing new projects weekly so somebody has the money.

Most of the people I sold too were either first time buyers or people upgrading to larger flats, two were retiring (both teachers) and wanted new. The Polish government is going to have to do something but where the money is going to come from is anyones guess.
17 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

The system is -let the market dictate; which means 'all power to the rich'.

Socialism seems to have worked in UK, Greece, Spain etc, thats why they are all in **** street.
17 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

To borrow 300,000zl would be a suicidal as monthly repayments would be in the range of 3000zl.

I know friends who have a 300,000 mortgage and their repayments are around 2000 per month. I suppose it depends on when and who you took your loan with.
14 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

nothing more than a pack of opportunistic chancers,

I suppose that statement applies to anyone who actually works for a living. Get a job and you can afford a flat or house.
14 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

Good points, great to see a rational view point on here.

Rational!!! what would you know about "rational". look back over the past three years at your "rational" posts, nothing but old/false links and stupid predictions. What you would like to happen and reality are a long way apart.
10 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

I'm surprised you don't agree that we had a bubble around 2007, Harry. There was high volume trade at inflated prices, no?

But there is no mention of large amounts of foreclosures (as in the UK, Ireland and the States) neither have the prices dropped 50%, so where is the bubble?
29 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]


Founder at Learnfast languages

Should this read "of"?

Consulting/Management at Other experience

Should this be "and"?

Its funny that Mr.Biernat (College and University?, is that one day at each?) and yourself, both seem to be dyslexic and suffer from poor English. Having read some of the rubbish on the "Claritaslux" sites, its not difficult to see a similarity in style.

I have reported you and Harry a hundred times and still you get away with it......

You report and abuse anybody who disagrees with your fantasy predictions. If you want to be believed, at least have some knowledge of the subject. Its no use using out of date comments from newspapers or youtube. You need to be invovled at ground level and use your eyes. If it was that easy to predict the market, you would have been a millionaire, years ago.

I happen to agree with Delph and Harry that buying a property to live in makes sense, if people buy as an investment, they run the risk as any gambler does, the first rule of gambling is never to lose more than you can afford.

In a few days we will be into another year and your predictions will be another year older. Lets get to the end of 2012 and see what happens. I have a feeling (not a prediction) that there will be much volatility in prices and availibility of credit to buy property, small loans with high interest rates will be the norm while large loans will be extremely difficult to get.

Have not heard much from AndyB in Krakow recently, is he still around?
25 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

over a period of 12 months?? and after January prices usually decrease faster, so??? 25% fall seems highly likely by the summer or end of 2012, if not a lot more.

So the calculations are, 1.5% after 12 months. At that rate, it means another 16 years before you get that 25%, but your latest prediction is that it will happen next year?

Their will laughter on the streets,more like it, as developers cry bankruptcy.

How many development companies have gone bankrupt? to give us the names of any?
25 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

The housing market is seeing a continued decline in the prices of apartments. In November 2011, the average decrease for the 15 major cities was 1.5%, according to a reported prepared by, Metrohouse and Expander.

My God, a huge 1.5% fall, call out the military. There will be riots in the streets. The financial sector will collapse. Another prediction to complemente the last three years
22 Dec 2011
Work / The level of English of Polish teachers of English. What do you think of it? [101]

Sorry to sound negative but Avalon sounds like another Brit like you with his head up his azz.

I really cannot take my kids' teachers seriously .......and only private school teachers take children and their parents seriously.
'Training' them up to be shyte work fodder, to conform and be silent.

yes, you are negative.
22 Dec 2011
Work / The level of English of Polish teachers of English. What do you think of it? [101]

Ever occured to you that choosing 4 best students to tutor means your wife did all the work

I take four of the older students for free English conversation lessons, this is usually on a weekend and its the amount of time I am prepared to set aside for this purpose. By the way, where did I say wife?

Read what is written, not what you think you see.
17 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

why should anyone downsize ? unless it's for health reasons.

There has been an argument brewing that modern, new built detached and semi-detached (outside of the luxury market, are very small, compared to what was built 40-50 years ago. A survey discovered that there were some 300-400,000 such homes which had a single occupancy. Labour have recently published a report which suggests that these people should be "forced" into smaller accommodation to free up these houses for young families. Typical "socialist", Labour.

It is thought that one of the reasons that the occupants of these larger houses do not want to move out is because they have all there memorories there, they have lived in these homes a long time (mortgage paid off) they raised their children there and feel safe amongst neighbours they know. They do not want to finish their days amongst strangers in areas they do not associate with.

NB. I read reently that the average size of a newly built 3 bedroom, family home was around 70m2, whereas the UK government housing guidelines recommend some 83m2. The developers are being accused of making these houses smaller to maximise profits.
17 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

Getting back on topic, I think the following article is worth considering. Although it refers to the situation in the UK market, it seems sensible and unbiased and could be on a parallel with what is happening/likely to happen in Poland.

Some facts not pointed out by the writer:-
a) 160,000 newly married couples, enter the market each year.
b) The reluctance of elderly people to downsize once their children have left home.
c) The price of these middle size homes is out of the reach of first time buyers.
d) As more young couples/single people are forced into the rental market, the rents are rising drastically which leaves little of their income to be saved for a deposit to satisfy lenders.

e) Increased immigration, has forced up rental prices.
f) The governments failure to cap housing allowance has kept rents artificially high.

Luckily, most of the extra points I added do not affect the situation in Poland.
16 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

In Ireland between 2000-08 the average Joe Soap was saying, "you have to get on the property ladder, the Irish are greedy, they'll never budge on prices",If I'd got a penny for every time I heard this I'd be a rich ..........

And if you had bought in 2000 and sold before 2007, you would have been rich.
15 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

Just to keep thing in context, check the price here from countries were the wages are 4 times higher.

"Property sales have fallen 70pc in the inland city of Changsa. Prices have reportedly dropped 70pc in the "ghost city" of Ordos in Inner Mongolia".

I realise that the link is not about real estate in Poland but it is about as relevant as your links to Irish property prices.