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Posts by jarnowa  

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Last Post: 12 Mar 2013
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1 Nov 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

people are always getting sentimental "they are humans just like you and me".

That's sentimental?

yes, it's not relevant that they have feelings too. as if this entitles them to be welcomed.
as if they care about the feelings of white men when on the hunt for white women.

i am European, EU citizen, paid a lot of tax to help Poland, my country is host to many Poles.
it's an insult to compare me to some Nigerian chick/visahunting student who hasn't contributed anything to Europe, yet is here to scrupoulessly harvest the best fruit that Europe has to offer.

There are plenty of "jobseekers" from Belarus in Poland - always have been, and Slovakians have an absolute right to settle there.

You don't seem to understand. The point is: why is it ok to complain and to question the immigration of people from other European countries, but when we're talking about African immigrants we shouldn't ask critical questions?

I came with my Polish ex-girlfriend whom i met outside of Poland. I lived with her in Poland and made some Polish friends so yes, i do have some Polish ties. I didn't come to Poland for ************ or to get a visa.

PS: i'm glad that you share my observations about black immigration.
31 Oct 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

It's not just blacks, but non-EU citizens as a whole.

yes that's true.

my point is: in every thread about blacks coming to Poland, people are always getting sentimental "they are humans just like you and me".

It's not about blacks being the same as whites or not, it's about them coming to Poland.

If Poland would be flooded by jobseekers from Belarus or Slovakia and these people wouldn't get a warm welcome by Polish workers, would it make sense to get sentimental and to say "Belarussians are humans like you and me"? To me it makes more sense to focus on why they are coming, the effects on Polish society and whether they should be welcomed or not.

But when it's about blacks, we're supposed to focus on how human they are instead of analyzing the effects of their immigration?
31 Oct 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

Then the place to get firsthand knowledge would be the African/Black community in PL.

Of which 90% is male, having no ties to Poland whatsoever, only coming to study in Poland for the purpose of dating white females and marrying one to get a permanent visa.

Let's not ignore this fact. No black couples, families, elderly people or single women come to Poland, we're talking about a group of merely male blacks.
16 Oct 2010
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

If you knew the language and culture as well as I do, you would know this is not always the case.

yeah you're probably right, my Polish is still too bad to read Polish newspapers so i'm sure to miss a lot of stories that would give me a more balanced picture of Polish people. ;)

They used to be, but they are changing ;)

Might be true, but you really should compare it to public transport in western Europe. After living there you will be surprised that Poland's public transport is so safe and clean.

In Belgian and Holland city buses you will find coloured youth gangs in the back seats looking agressively, cutting the seats or sticking their chewing gum on it. Many seats and windows show signs of vandalism, graffiti everywhere, bus drivers get spitted at regularly (in 99% of the cases by coloured youth), many people who put their mp3 man on the highest volume, people who occupy 2 seats and don't care to share. Of course you will find this everywhere, but in Poland it's nothing compared to the big cities in NW Europe.

They will eventually. The EU traitors will force them to. Racism will end when we're all part of a coffee-coloured (probably Islamic) race, won't it? So much for "celebrating diversity"! ;)

You create diversity at the price of attractiveness. Now that makes sense! ;)

Remind me NEVER to go to Bellium if that's true!!! :D

Really, every official document that i got so far was painless. Maybe i'm lucky in this, but i expected that in Poland most experiences with officials would be frustrating, slow and painful. It wasn't.

I thought you were describing London for a minute, most people are great round here :)

F*** it, I'm going to Costa lol

where is here? :)
if i remember well, you live in Norway?
16 Oct 2010
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Polish people are less hypocrite, more friendly, more polite in buses and trains, they don't give their country away to 3rd world scum, public servants are more helpful than in my former country, etc.

So it's really a relief compared to countries like Belgium and Holland that have many, many egocentric, annoying, anti-social, unfriendly and mentally sick people.
8 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

you've must be kidding.

No. If you sit too close to the fire, you're likely to get burned. Don't blame others for your decision to be brave.

Poland is not wellknown as dangerous places. London is wellknown to be dangerous generally as a big metropoly.

We were not talking about what countries are dangerous in general, i think we were talking about countries that are unwelcoming for certain groups.

Because blacks get insulted on a daily basis in Poland you can say that it's not the smartest thing to stay.

Poles on the other hand don't experience the same in the UK or Ireland, so you can't say that these Polish victims made a stupid decision to stay. In their case it's just bad luck instead of deliberately choosing for a country that doesn't welcome them.

You see the difference?

lol. what a bollox! Was it sarcastic?

No i'm serious. It's way too simplistic to think that groups get disliked for nothing but their race.

Btw. Jarnowa what's your nationality?

for one time, let's keep ontopic, this is not the right place to ask.
8 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

To me a racist is someone who thinks all black/white/hispanic/asian people are bad or inferior.

Although i don't deny there's always people who think like that, i think that's not a common reason for the insults.

I think in most cases those who insult just don't agree with them coming to live in their city, dating their girls, taking their jobs (sometimes very popular jobs like DJ), driving a bigger car, possibly bringing diseases from 3rd world, looking down on Polish people etc.

That's why many people dislike them and start insulting them. Nothing to do with racism.
7 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

The Pole murdered after an argument on a bus in London, only has himself to blame. The Pole murdered at the airport in Canada by a Police taser gun, only has himself to blame.

Only if Dublin/London/Canada were wellknown as dangerous places for Poles, then you would have a point. I don't see what mistake these poor victims made by choosing to live there.

If you want to be a hero by not leaving a country where you get insulted on a daily basis, then you are just asking for trouble sooner or later.
7 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

Its very sad... I feel really sorry for all those ppl who has to bear such insults on daily basis.

i don't feel sorry for them.

they knew the price of living in Poland from the very beginning, yet they decided to stay.
no one is to blame but themselves.
3 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

It doesn't surprise me that the likes of you remembers this incident. There may be hundreds or thousands of white ppl that kill black ppl. , but if one black individual kills a bunch of whiteys, you will remember only that one single event and not the other events.

You know as well as me that violence of nonwhites against whites is much higher.

And that incident probably opened up the eyes of many people in Wroclaw who had a naive picture about Africans.

Many naive Wroclawians thought that the blacks in their city were innocent refugees or poor African students who had no other option than Poland (never mind that it's still much cheaper for them to study in Africa, making Poland not the smartest choice if it were for studying only), not seeing the real reason for the increase of single black males between 20-35 in their city. After the incident it turned out that this black was not a poor refugee but a migrant from Netherlands who only decided to live as a DJ in Poland for 1 reason...

Please, try and keep to the original topic.
Thank you.

3 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

Why should he run.

What else?

Do you suggest that people have the right to stab and severly injure anyone who insults them?
3 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

I don't think Wroclaw already forgot the negroe diskjockey who stabbed a few drunk Polish guys because they said some things he didn't like.

I remember this incident very well. People said that the black could easily have run away instead of brutally attacking the guys who did nothing than expressing their feelings about African immigrants living in their city.
22 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

It depends on the level of a girls' needs.If she wants the latest mobile,expensive clothes,bags,getting out everyday then she has to manage it somehow.Slavic girls really want to live they don't want to stay home and play the matryoshkas.

Ok, i understand. But aren't there more than enough respectful jobs to earn good money?

You wouldn't care if you meet a girl with such lifestyle and she tells you that she earns all this money from babysitting a few nights per week, whilst in reality she's earns it from letting dozens of ugly men c#m in her mouth?
22 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

Okay, and what about a girl who has had dozens of boyfriends, and dozens of one night stands?

Of course i prefer a girl who only had a few bf's, but a girl who only f#cks guys she's attracted too deserves more respect than a girl who's available for even the ugliest guy.

I'm actually willing to dispute this. There are a lot of men *and* women who talk these kind of ideas into a young girl's mind. No offense to all the girls out there, but girls are sensitive to status and pretty susceptible to what other women do, especially at a younger age. Take modern media for example; All they show you is success, materialism, beauty, power and wealth. They present this as an ideal. Money is made all-important. Girls who don't have much might be persuaded to something they actually wouldn't do if these things didn't seem all-important. So are they sick? Or is society sick? Are they sick? Or the men who pay her for sex? Oh, and keep in mind that eventhough some girls may have been persuaded or seduced into this line of work, they can barely get out due to pressure, threats or social stigmatizing.

I understand that some girls get trapped in the tricks of smooth-talking pimps who offer them a life of fame and fortune, but the very first day they are told to give a bj to a fat old guy or a 3rd world d#ck, they should understand that they have been trapped and should run away immediately, even if this will cost them money. Better than lowering themselves to gutter level.

.or really naive, really poor, really desperate, really unlucky, really forced or really wanting to get somewhere. You don't know all of these girls. I do know one ex-prostitute personally though. She chose to do it for herself at a time when she was young and really needed the money because she wanted to study. It seemed very easy money to her at first, but she regretted it a few years later. She felt dirty, cheap, disrespected and used. She never went to college, but she's happily married now, to someone who actually knows her background, and she has two kids. She's a good woman at heart and has a very warm personality. She really is a pretty girl, and her guy doesn't look that great, but he was one of the few who could look past what she used to do. He's happy with her, and she's happy with him. Sounds like a fairytale, but it happens more often than you'd think. Most girls keep their past a secret. (I think if you carry secrets around for too long it's bad for your health though.)

Anyway, it's easy to judge, and I know everything about that, because I used to be a very black and white person myself. No longer though. There are worse things than a girl who sells herself. Much worse actually.

In 3rd world the situation is more difficult. I know many people in Poland are also struggling to survive, but i think only very, very few Polish girls really have no other option than to sell their bodies.
21 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

And what if she turns out to be a real sweet girl? What if she really loves you for who you are as a person? What if she did whatever she thought she had to do to survive? What if she never really wanted to be a prostitute? What if she's the only girl who would ever love you?

Seriously, i rather stay alone for the rest of my life than having a sexual relation with a (former) prostitute.

Most prositutes are simply sick in their brain. There really must be something wrong in your head if you want to act like a semen bin for anyone paying.
20 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

Thats a bit different than sleeping with a black guy.

No, everyone (including you i guess) has some ideas about what personality his/her partner should have and would be deeply disappointed if their partner confesses something they thought he/she wasn't like that. Most people don't want their partner to be a former prostitute for example.

Even so love is blind, you might like to say here you'll dump her but you wouldnt really.

Hard to say, but it would at least have a very bad impact on the relationship, that's for sure.
You can't imagine anything your gf tells about her personal preferences that would make you turn off strongly?
20 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

i would probably divorce, it's a lack of respect to hide such a big turnoff. girls who don't have respect for my feelings -> exit.

how would you react if your girlfriend/wife one day told you that she has voluntarily been gangbanged by 20 men? would you still love her? would you still look at her the same?
19 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

i have more respect for Polish girls living in poverty than for sl#ts who prositute themselves to anyone paying (including old farts, fat guys, blacks, etc). it's really disgusting.
11 Jul 2010
Love / What do Polish girls think about dating Asian guys? [134]

This thread is not about me and not about blacks, so i can't answer you. But for now i can say that you are a hypocrite yourself if you say that you don't judge people on who they are. Of course you do. Everyone does.
15 Jun 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

Yesterday monday 14,June 2010,I was walking with my polish girlfriend and a woman just walked past us and said my girfriend is stupid bcos she's going out with a blackman.

Respect for that brave woman, she could have been stabbed for that.

Do you know how many will be looking at us this way?maybe many even have many worse to do to us that just saying STUPID STUPID STUPID.....anyway that was not the 1st time.

Wsh you goodluck if you come to poland bro.

It's the price you both pay for betraying your own race. Don't blame others, blame yourself.
28 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

hakuna matata enjoy life free of hatred

That's a common trick used by Africans that invaded Europe. Trying to win the hearts of whites by playing the innocent, peace-loving and relaxed African and then putting the blame on white people by portraying them as evil and full of hatred only because they want to protect their territory, properties and beloved ones against 3rd world immigrants.

That ain't gonna work for me buddy, because this trick has been used too many times by 3rd world immigrants.

If you lived in africa and white men came brutally to your country without asking your permission and girls you fancy wouldn't see you standing anymore and instead only sh#g with these white guys i'm sure you wouldn't be as relaxed as you are now.

No, then you would probably join some militant Black Panthers-like group and listen to gangstarap about evil whites. Your hatred against whites would grow stronger every day and then one day when you are frustrated about something and then you see a girl you fancy walking hand in hand in da hood with some ugly white guy, chances are you and your maties take a machete and next day we have another white guy murdered in Africa.

You now have no reason at all to hate whites because of everything we gave you, so it's easy talking. I think your view of whites will change soon if we wouldn't allow you to live anymore in our territory.
22 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

*doesn't believe Jarnowa is a productive immigrant in Poland*

I am more productive than the average moroccan or black in W-Europe.

No, but there's enough poverty in your country, so you can tell that to the Polish guys who pointed a gun to my head.

I'm sorry to hear this. But how do you know they were Polish? And don't get me wrong...i don't deny that there are a Polish robbers, of course there are. But unless things have dramatically changed since summer last year (when i left the multicultural sh#thole Rotterdam), Polish robberies are nothing compared to those committed by moroccans and blacks.

That's a fact. I know you hate to hear it, but it's true. I will show you all the figures after dinner.

Ok, i'm looking forward to your "evidence" that Poles are far more criminal than 3rd world immigrants.
22 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

So you call the CBS (Central Bureau of Statistics.) an unreliable source? I promise I will respond to this later on.

Ok, i will remember this. ;)

What kind of jobs? (I can tell you what kind of jobs, because I'm doing the same jobs. No contracts. Temporary. Sometimes even below minimum wage.)

I remember a lot of them working in the public service. Not because they were qualified but because their ethnic background and being able to write their names was enough to get the job. The police even lowered the standards for officers just to make sure enough immigrants could qualify. And no contracts is really BS. Working below minimum wage is not possible unless they are illegal.

I would like to reply to your other points but i don't think this discussion should be about the Netherlands.

But one thing i have to react to:

Poverty is the main reason behind crime. Everybody knows that.

It isn't. And even if it was, there's not enough poverty in your country to justify all these robberies. Some groups simply have too many bad apples. Try to accept that the world isn't fair, you will become a realist one day.
22 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

the highest crime rates of all the other groups when it comes to burglary and robbery.

Maybe burglary, but i'm sure moroccans and blacks are still the nr. 1 when it comes to street/home/shop robberies. So i'm sure you can't give us a reliable source.

I lived in Rotterdam for 6-7 years and i know that Arabs and Antillians do get a lot of help finding jobs, benefits and houses. Even when they are criminal they can count on help from government and they hardly get punished for crimes. Goverment is only tough on companies who refuse them jobs. And if a muslim girl decides to wear islamic clothes when the job doesn't allow for that, she will get huge financial compensation if she gets fired. Racism in Netherlands is even lower than in Belgium, so all in all you really can't blame society for the high crime rates among them.

And my point is, given the fact that 3rd world immigrants are even a major problem in countries that treat them very well, you know that the root cause of the problem is the immigrants and not society.

If you think about this, do you really want Poland to be the next country to suffer from multiculturalism?