The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by TheLox  

Joined: 1 Dec 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Feb 2013
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Posts: 50
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Gettin Lit, Hanging out with Friends, Down for Anything.

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7 Dec 2012
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Work Illegaly, as in under the table pay? If so, I've done that. Whatever you have to do to take care of your family. Think about it, if you were starving on the street, would you not do the same if it came down to it?

Call1N? You're still mad about that? What kind of apology would you like? verbal?
7 Dec 2012
Life / Can a 17 year old, buy beer and cigarettes in Poland? [30]

I'm not from Poland but I will tell you there's a 50/50 chance they will ask you for ID like most other countries. If it doesn't work you can always try bargaining your way out of it. A lot of Poles smoke.
8 Dec 2012
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Thor? Coward. This brings me to why people think the world is going to end in 2012. I dont know, gaze at the stars and ask the universe if the world will end in 2012 based on your assumption. I think that may be under Odin. The SLAVIC got Weles takes Thor and Odin into captivity, hangs them updise-down by the testicles, and beats them with a bat until their faces turn blue, while Pelun brings rain down upon our earth to sow seeds of life for a new beginning. Just an opinion.

Please keep on topic.
8 Dec 2012
Life / Can a 17 year old, buy beer and cigarettes in Poland? [30]

F Stop, I think the authorities have better things to do than to scope a 17 year boy out, smoking a cigarette. If a cop stopped me on such b*******, as a 17 year old boy, I would tell them to go screw themselves. Needless to say, they would probably stare as you as if they think themselves higher than you are, and speed off like the arrogant b******* they are, laced with Steroids and Amphetamnines.
8 Dec 2012
Life / If you are Polish abroad or of Polish descent, do you celebrate St. Nicholas day? [33]

Over here, the gifts are usually placed under a tree, and you can't open them until morning, the 25th. You're supposed to leave cookies out for St.Nick, overnight (Although I would sneak out in the middle of the night, and eat some). Now, based on a new generation of family tradition, my family just goes to my Uncle's house, and we celebrate there, and spend the night.
9 Dec 2012
Life / Can a 17 year old, buy beer and cigarettes in Poland? [30]

Over here, some store won't ID you simply because they don't give a sh***. They just want money. An yes it's probably not the smartest idea, but over here it's almost like a don't ask don't tell policy.
12 Feb 2013
USA, Canada / Are there any Polish people in Florida? [306]

Exactly. It is a process called "Obtaining Citizenship". The catch is, you can get married, yet NOT devote your life unto that citizen. THEY get cash, YOU get Citizenship. However.......I devote my life....simply because I do not believe in such virtues. I believe in Sacrifice unto the ones I love. I don't USE people. F****** Infidels, when will you ever learn? Peasants. You will not be missed, only die with gray hair, lonely and cold, for you have not experienced true Love. Material Goods come with a price. Love is Priceless.