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Joined: 9 Sep 2015 / Male ♂
Last Post: 14 Mar 2019
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2 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

Go after Le Pen because you disagree with her policies not because her policies will hurt the feelings of people causing problems. That's political correctness and a bigger problem than racism

France has A-LOT of problems. Probably more than one single "Presidency" can fix. The individual and more importantly ideology that wins in 2017 is most likely a dead person walking by 2022. 5 years is when the Migrant Crisis will really begin to rear it's ugly head and will only worsen by 2027. This is when the "Far Right" will take Western Civilization by storm. There are still too many naive and gutless "oh my god fighting racism is so important" in the West for serious change.

Actually, if you gave Putin full control of France I bet he could fix it within 3 years
2 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

Sidenote: did you guys see a heavily Muslim populated region in China banned the baby name "Muhammed".

Man, you gotta respect Asians. While White people are busy arguing whether we should or not accept ISIS fighters into our communities as refugees, Asians are flat out banning names. Isn't Muhammad the most popular baby name in England? Hahah what happened to our once proud race?
2 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

Unless she is racist against the Native population, why should it be of major importance (as you and the leftist media are making it out to be?)

If she worsens living standards for a small minority while improving it for the majority - isn't that better than no changes for everyone? (knowing that France is in dire straits)
2 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

I have no doubt some areas of France are gorgeous etc. But if Warsaw (or any Polish city) resembled what is occurring in Paris - I would enlist in the Polish military tomorrow and seek to clean up the mess
2 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

Ya, couple years ago is different than weekly riots and self-made refugee camps openly in city centres. There is noway I would believe you these are scenes from Europe.

> Multiculturalism

> Socialism

Pick one. You can't successfully do both and I'm being nice by considering American multicultural society a success.
2 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

What could Le Pen possibly do that is worse than currently occurring? Current day France is a combination of the worst White leftist and worst Ethnic conservatives all in one spot. :0

France needs to deport people. Meh whom am I kidding the human trash will just freely wander back in. France is literally a wasted state. Place for 3rd worlders to collect free monies and harass a once proud Native people. I'm not gonna lose any sleep for a now feeble civilization. Maybe France would be better off today too if the Soviets marched West and hardened them for 50 years. Sometimes you need this to be reminded just how lucky you are to be born Polish.
2 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

If France were so peachy then why are they close to electing a "racist Russian puppet"? Odds are if French politics weren't so heavily influenced by fifth column ethnics she would have been already elected in the past.

I'm a stupid stocky Polak. And I wouldn't trade it for anything else!
2 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

If Le Pen loses in 2017 (which is likely) my response to every future terrorist attack, city riot and migrant flooding will be "I told you so". At least in my community I don't even see people posting about French attacks on Facebook any longer because it is simply the norm now.

I am attending the World Cup in Russia next summer and wanted to visit many European spots but I'm not gonna bother going anywhere West of Berlin (family member lives in the German capital and I want to see how much the city I wanted to migrate to only 4 years ago has changed because of the Migrant Crisis). Simply too dangerous, dirty and over run with 3rd Worlders - I could just visit Los Angeles for that
2 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

^ The French people have clearly lost their fighting spirit after WW1

A Le Pen victory would be the equivalent of tearing off a band aid. Chaos initially. I do believe many possibly even most Native French (who gives a **** what the fifth column ethnics think) aren't ready for that. But I will stick by my prediction: Le Pen will be elected in the near future when chaos erupts but it won't be on the Native French peoples terms by then. Instead by then the enemy will be ready and reinforced.
2 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

TheOther, No question. Compared to England and Belgium - France is possibly beyond repair. Just too much immigration for too long and the worst kind: Mena and Africa. There will always be reinforcements of trouble makers. Man they royally screwed themselves by destroying Libya for financial reasons. But that's where greed will lead you....
2 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

Jon, when terrorist attacks no longer inspire outrage or surprise - the terrorist won. I know the nut job leftist playbook argues "when your enemy kills you, you won" but reality is France is a global laughing stock. I've been increasingly hearing about the insufferable begging and theft in Paris for over a decade and those lazy boiling frogs did nothing but double down on the problem.

How on earth do you ever see France rebounding without massive deportations and serious border enforcement on its Southern border? And a fellow such as Macron has the cajones to do this? Hell no
3 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

I know. That's why I stated "too much immigration for too long".

I do think one could make the argument - the best strategy would be to get the entire EU on board with reinforcing our external borders and collectively deporting people. But ultimately I just don't personally have any trust in the leftist ideology which seems to put foreigners on equal ground as citizens or even Natives. When you see the statements out of Brussels and UN - this is a planned demographic replacement. I dunno if individuals such as Jon are playing gullible on purpose or they themselves envision/hope Western Europe being another USA where there is no heritage or culture. [scratch that - the culture is that there isn't a central one]
3 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

^ At that point I would rather live in the USA than Western Europe. W.E. will no longer have the advantage of safety & culture and USA will always have the upper hand on job earnings. No change in my plans to return to Poland and start a family anyway, I work in I.T. so even EU breakup or sanctions won't discourage me (and if so I'll return to California).

Honestly if these nations couldn't even withstand 75 years of cultural marxism, then they were always destined to be replaced anyway. Just makes Poland look better you could selfishly view.
4 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

Polands "free ride" is coming to an end regardless. For example the currency switch will be sooner than later forced.

A hypothetical EU breakup will force us to improve deals within our region. Even with (gasp) Russia. We are USA's ***** regardless but I rather not be one to multicultural France and Germany. I want to see our fellow Europeans get their own homes in order.
4 May 2017
News / Berlin terrorist attack -- Poland's ethnic homogeneity a true blessing [436]

My niece was born in Berlin. The stereotype type is you will almost never find a Berliner that was born there. It's almost entirely transplants. Probably why everyone gets along - no sense of "I have to keep this place clean or respectful". People just turn the other cheek and say - well that's Berlin

I planned to move to Berlin just 4 years ago. Fk moving to Germany after the migrant crisis. Berlin was already overrun with ethnic street beggars so I doubt ill find the place has changed much. But I also doubt ill be jogging in the park at night again.
4 May 2017
News / Berlin terrorist attack -- Poland's ethnic homogeneity a true blessing [436]

Well that's not what the Germans tell me. Germans rarely move: their society is well structured so the place you were born will probably be the place you die - good job, safe, good schools, good for family. Or at least that is how it was

So when you consider in comparison how rare it is to find a born and still live Berliner - it is noteworthy. I know most Germans despise Berlin because its a financial drain on the nation and contains so many snot nosed artists and foreigners in general but it's a benefit to Germany IMO to have all the debauchery in one single city.

Currently the Muslims and gays/druggies got along in Berlin because it was mostly Turks and they also understood the score: Berlin is for debauchery. But now we will see how this new crop of far more religious Muslims reacts. I think they will try and take over the culture and will have problems.
7 May 2017
News / Berlin terrorist attack -- Poland's ethnic homogeneity a true blessing [436]

So to reflect,

The liberalism of our Western society makes these cities the pinnacle of civilization. But IMO we are in a cultural negative now. Too much giving instead of projecting. This is the pinnacle of human race and should be treated as such. We reached this point for a reason - be proud of it!
9 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

however France has spoken

Big in Israel: Macron Captures 94 Percent of French-Israeli Vote

Western Europe is riddled with fifth columns and is currently importing more. A region on it's death bed
9 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

Great he's won, and great to see yet another nail in the whiffy coffin of nationalism.

"Hunt continues for 'three terror suspects' after heavily armed cops failed to find them during lockdown of Gare Du Nord train station"

Do you think France will ever return to being a 1st World nation?
10 May 2017
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

The UN is our enemy (based off their comments seeking replacement migration). Yesterday it was the Nazis, today its the UN and tomorrow another foreign entity seeking to wipe us out. But I am wagering on Poland surviving yet again!