The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by dolnoslask  

Joined: 19 Mar 2016 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 13 Jul 2024
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Posts: Total: 2805 / Live: 1222 / Archived: 1583
From: Lower Silesia
Speaks Polish?: Yarp
Interests: Poland,

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6 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

And if don't have to give back would pay with teritories.

Crow we are talking about the EU, they are a bunch of pussies, we just say no that is that.
6 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

Why doesn't Poland leave the EU

All in good time but the ego's in the EU will be well served letting them think the EU model is successful and thriving with the new polish states making up for the loss of Britain. Then later when we have mopped up all the spare EU cash and it suits us we could choose to leave and create this new centre state as you suggested.

Would you like to be my deputy when I am prime minister.
6 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

If Ukraine Joined Poland It would mean that the EU would recognise the Union and cash payments will be extended to fix Ukraines infrastructure.

Poland gets a great workforce the Ukraine economy will be raised to at least that of Poland, the new United States of Poland may one day challenge the place of some of the more wealthy states in the EU.

Next state ? any suggestions
6 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

Texas is an example go look it up. Western Ukraine and Poland would make a strong partnership, the eastern land is good for joint Polish Ukraine and US training and manoeuvres, also a good place to put Polish Nuclear reactors, Ukrainians have proved themselves and can deal with any nuclear emergencies.
6 Jul 2020
UK, Ireland / Why Poles will never belong in England [283]

It looks like that doesn't it , but we don't need to live in Britain anymore, I am looking forward to many British poles coming here to Poland to live in peace and safety, It is only going to get worse in the UK , Brexit, Covid , Terrorism and BLM, lefties will make sure of it.
5 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

Why these people just cannot return in Poland

Why don't they, Ukraine should become the first state of the united states of Poland . plenty of Ukraines here already , doing a mighty fine job.
5 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

ukraine is not the successor state of the USSR and can't be held liable for decisions made during that time...

So how do you explain that Poland is being held liable and is paying reparations , whilst you can defend Ukraine not paying reparations?
5 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

Sorry Didnt make myself clear my comments were more related to reparations for losses than border changes doh sorry , Why cant I go and live in my parents homes ? (Not that I want to ) why isn't the Ukraine making reparations in the same way that Poland is (not that I want it )

What gets me about the whole thing is how both the soviets and western allies found the whole subject of Lvov as a bit of an embarrassment that had to be hidden and down payed , numbers had to be hidden ....

Much of the above history had never been taught in Poland during communist rule , not surprising when some poles say they are not bothered , mainly because they know nothing about the subject.
5 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

who want Lviv back are complete fringes of Polish society

"fringes" Because those who lived there were mainly either killed or deported to soviet / later Nazi work camps not a surprise that there are not many people in Poland who came from the Lviv region , many survivors of Lviv such as my family are now scattered across the globe .

So its ok to ask for things back in Poland if you were a Jewish deportee from Poland, but not if You were a Polish deportee from Poland.
4 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Poland should stay white and blond

That's wrong and a road to ruin, the current Polish immigration laws are fine and allow migrants to come from a wide variety of nations regardless of colour .

I think the problem arises where you have forced mass migration of large numbers that are not prepared to take on the culture of their host nation, creating micro hovels that remind them of home.

There is always the situation where the second generation of migrants are unhappy with the host culture and yearn / dream of being part of where their parents came from.

Plus I don't want anyone to think that Poland was part of the racial and economic / invading crimes committed by the European imperialist slaving nations, Poland has non of these sins to atone to.
4 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

is that you don't like Muslims

I don't think it would be fair to pick on any particular culture or religion but after years of living in Britain and myself having been open and supportive of immigration and multiculturalism, I have now concluded that multiculturalism is a failed project that can destroy the host nation , both indigenous and incomers are harmed and damaged , look at the blm situation today , a year ago it was islamic terrorism.

Must admit I love being in Poland where the above is not a factor in day to day life, I guess in hindsight multiculturalism brings damage and terror to all , I hope Poland avoids this path , well at least until I am dead.
3 Jul 2020
Language / Polish opinions on foreign languages? [54]

As an expat, you will feel estranged among locals.

As you know there are plenty of expats in Poland and on this forum (mainly brits) Polish cities are full of foreign students , tourists , english teachers etc, not hard to find a place here where he could fit in. (Or are you worried about competition for your job?)
2 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

I'm saying what Polish people who lived in the PRL say...

Ok completely understand where you are coming from now, I find it amazing that two people who lived in Poland during PRL can have completely opposite opinions as to what went on , but yet it is something that I come across time and time again.

Looks like some Polish folk bought into the lefty marxist lifestyle and miss the security / privilege that it gave them , can anyone tell me which Polish party mostly represents the values of the old PRL ?,
2 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

PiS = neo-PRL

I don't see that at all , did you live in Poland during PRL, not being Poish yourself I cannot see how you could understand those times and make any kind of constructive criticism or comparisons, you have no first hand experience , hearsay and what they might of taught you in university is of no use at all.
1 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

advisors who excel at economic policymaking

So wot you guys are saying is that its better to employ some tit that came out of some university and never had a proper job or business, to run a countries economic policy ,compared to someone like bill gates for instance ....
1 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Dolno, wake up and start to think as an intelectully independent man! Are you a victim of the politician's propaganda, too?

I am not interested in Polish politics ( As long as they stay out of my way) I just stated peoples opinions as I have been told by THEM Not just Village people but from Wroclaw, Warsaw too.

People where I am are not worried about pay checks (this is what surprised me about the main list of gripes around here).

Pay check worry it's a joke I can't get anyone to do any work most of the time, and if locals want work they go to Germany or somewhere else in Europe.

They don't even have hand car washes here for ffs sake cant get a gardener for 20zl cash an hour

And for the last time I don't vote for any $anker politicians I just dislike leftard nazis.

So no more lectures about being politically brainwashed because I only rant about politics cos it winds you lot (who take politics seriously) up.

Focus on making money for you and your family and don't waste your time pissing around with politics and dreaming that you might make some difference if you march or tick a piece of paper, buy some of JR's share tips, do something useful with your lives
1 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Only in a warped mind

From my time here in Poland (7 years), I have found that 90% of the people around me have the following issues.

1. don't like 500 plus because they think the parents drink the money.

2. Don't like the idea of non slavic migrants (Concerns over terrorism and conflicting religion)

3. Gay LGBT Parades / Education at school.

4. Germans (Buying up Poland)

5. Soros

6. KaczyƄski

7. Tusk

So whom should they vote for given the above Issues.
29 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

I find Polish Politics interesting but predictable and not something that I will bother myself with , Poland will be ok whomever gets in.

I always thought British politics were a joke , and look at the state of the country now.

I will leave it to you experts to thrash things out and keep Poland on the right track.

hey look three sentences that start with I must be a record for me.

P.S your English is excellent , Poland has talent.
29 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

When Poland is fully Western

You have no idea of what you have in this country, Poland is more free with more opportunity today than the countries that you look up to as models.

Emigration is slowing up business is moving in but this takes time , there will be those (few) highly skilled that go abroad for a quick buck (as I did) , nothing wrong or new in that, thing is to make it easy for them to come home to Poland and spend their cash, low skilled majority should be left in the uk to help with crops old people and such like.

Yes we need to tempt more Skilled successful Poles back from GB , BUT we do not need anymore LLLLOOOOSSSER low paid English teacher type Brits fighting and competing with Poles for a few jobs in Poland , we need a points system for post Brexit UK migration to Poland.

Tell me Who should I vote for ??