The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Vlad1234  

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1 Mar 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

And let's not forget that due to mass raping of German women during WWII, Russian (and Kalmuk/Mongolian) DNA is much more widespread in East Germany than in Poland.

Here is more info on that:
28 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

R1a haplogroup distribution:
27 Feb 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

I wonder if such method of protection from rapes could work as to cement everything in there. Some glue or concrete or tar could work? I think those who raped often lacked time for something too difficult (as cement removal)...
27 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

many Berliners I've known over the years, one hundred or more easily, do often have a slightly Slavic cast to their faces.

Berlin was founded by Slavs and named after the Ber or Berloga - the ancient Slavic names for the bear and bear's lair. Even so Wikipedia claims some nonsense about Slavic word for swamp (there is no such word in Slavic languages).
26 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Poles are Slavs but also much more "Central European" in so many ways,plus they mixed more,with Germans,Austrians and Hungarians especially.

In 13-th century Mongols crushingly defeated united German-Polish-Czech army of knights in the Battle of Legnica.
So, if you hope German admixtures are better, I wish you a good luck... (JOKE!).
And Finno-Hungarian blood, I suspect, helps to withstand a cold weather. What I believe is an asset.
26 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

I can see the difference in 90% of cases. When i see a pole or russian i can tell in a second that he or she is slavic. ...On the other hand dutch or danish look like we germans.

This is not a big deal. But can you spot the difference between a Pole and a Russian or some other Slavic people?
26 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Germanic machine of propaganda and disinformation never sleeps

I think Czech can be fully happy and proud of their 20% of Celto-Germanic blood. (If it makes them feel in this way.) There is no need for ultra-exaggeration... I've read that nowdays they are terribly crouch before any German tourists who visit them. They regard them as a heroes. While Russian-speaking tourists may remain unserved demonstratively.
26 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Czechs are a mixture of Slavs on one hand (about 51%) and Celto-German blood (major part of the rest) on the other or so does the Czech press say.

Their faces make me think they are at least 80% Slavs. 49% of Celto-Germanic blood is almost definitely exaggeration. But this is what I don't really know...
26 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

cubic head, usually high cheekbones, and often light, almost slightly Asiatic-looking eyes particularly when they smile, which appear most "typically" Polish.

Yes, we are Scythians - leafs of the Asian tree,
Our slanted eyes are bright aglow with greed.
Ages for you, for us the briefest space,
We raised the shield up as your humble lieges
To shelter you, the European race
From the Mongolians' savage raid and sieges.
25 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Ukrainians if you look from historic perspective are ,mostly descendants of Polish peasants escaping oppression

You are absolutely right... And it makes me wonder quite a lot why Polish govt. still didn't issue Polish passports to all the Ukrainians... Well, some exam for basic knowledge of Polish, Polish history and oath of allegiance to Poland may apply.
25 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Certainly there are many blond Ukrainians and light haired as well, but plenty have dark hair and eyes too. I would expect this is due to some Balkan admixtures (what includes Hungarians and Romanians), Turkic people and maybe even Iranian people (Scythian, Sarmatian). Greeks and Armenians were/are also common in Southern parts of Ukraine. According to some genetic research I2 haplogroup is common in Ukraine and origin of this haplogroup is on Balkans.
25 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

What difference? We are the same people

I think majority of Ukrainians would be thankful you for this. I would expect on average Ukrainians should be remarkably darker than Poles. But maybe this is not so visible in the case of Ukrainians from the Western regions of Ukraine.
25 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

It would be interesting to know for me if Poles can spot any visible difference between Polish and Ukrainian appearance. Now there should be plenty of Ukrainians in Poland...
25 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

The blond/blue eyed germanic/northern types come often with a narrow/rectangular head (horse face:)....

Sadly, but this one type is on the verge of extinction, probably.
According to this "average faces of the nations" compilations the average Russian does have lighter hair than an average German.
16 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Common Polish looks (if you are interested in anthropology) are most commonly Gorid or Baltid types

As well as in Ukraine. Pontid /Medeteranid and some Nordic features are also fairly common in Ukraine. However, Carpathid and Dinarid are more common in Poland and across border with Ukraine, I think.
11 Feb 2019
Life / Are Poles mentally more Eastern European or Western European? [170]

I'm not sure how Felix Koneczny theory is relevant nowdays. Official laws and official govt. structure is not much different in different countries. Presently, this is the low obedience and police efficiency which defines the difference.
10 Feb 2019
Life / Are Poles mentally more Eastern European or Western European? [170]

"Feliks Koneczny, a Polish pre-war historian and philosopher, has defined types of culture and civilisations as follows:

Latin civilization in which ethics are source of law. If some laws are not ethical, then they are changed. Individuality, self-rule and decentralization are highly valued. He considered it the highest type of civilisation.

Jewish civilization in which the law, which derives from Talmud, is the source of ethics. The law cannot be changed. However, the same law can be differently interpreted, which leads to ethical relativism.

Probably you will laugh, but Felix Koneczny believed that Poland is an example of ... TURANIAN civilization! Therefore you have to be careful with different amateurish theories.
9 Feb 2019
History / Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European? [120]

Purchasing power parity per capita is similar according to some sources. Russia sets the first place in the World by natural gas production, 1-2 place by oil production, 1-2 place by diamonds export, 2 place by weapons export, one of the first places by space ships launches, etc. However it lacks the famous Western European invention - the Socialism, and hence civilizational and cultural differences...
8 Feb 2019
History / Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European? [120]

Well, Polish GDP per capita (PPP) is still more similar to that of Russia than that of Germany, it seems. But due to a flatter income distribution life of an average citizen is more comfortable in Poland, of course.
8 Feb 2019
History / Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European? [120]

the morons who "think" that Poland is a part of Russia and there is no significant differences between those two countries/nations/cultures.

I think there are not too many morons who think Poland is part of Russia and there is no significant cultural differences between the two.
7 Feb 2019
History / Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European? [120]

There is no such thing as a continent of Eurasia.
It is two continents,Europe and Asia.

From what I studied in the school a continent suppose to be completely or almost completely surrounded by the oceans and sees. There exist a parallel and more archaic division of the World into the "parts of the World". According to this division both Americas (Northern and Southern) are united in the same part of the World - " A New World". And Eurasia is conditionally separated into Europe and Asia. So, Europe is not scientifically a continent. Rather traditionally ("a part of the World"),
7 Feb 2019
History / Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European? [120]

If we will draw a line from Lisbon to Ural mountains and divide this line into three equal parts which conditionally stand for the Western, Central and Eastern Europe, then Kiev and Minsk will be in the "Central Europe". And what is actually an utmost need to divide Europe into so many parts? Europe is not even a continent, but part of Eurasia and thus is a product of Eurasia conditional partition already. And such imaginable "territories" as "Western Europe", "Central Europe"... are miniscule by World scale. All this seem to be a result of political games mostly and especially the Cold War relic. Europe is Europe, it doesn't need any partitions. It is simply not huge enough. Even culturally, ethnically and religiously it is homogenous enough. No - to partitions!
7 Feb 2019
History / Why are Poles/Poland disliked by Germans? [140]

I don't exactly know what Germans dislike in Poles, but I inclined to think that both types of these nations belong to the category of "negativistic people". It doesn't mean that they are negative in moral sense of this word, of course, but means they are rather pessimistic, tend to remember evil for a quite a while, tend to concentrate on something negative and infect others with bed mood and bed aura. Fortunately not all of them, of course.