The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by dolnoslask  

Joined: 19 Mar 2016 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 13 Jul 2024
Threads: Total: 5 / Live: 2 / Archived: 3
Posts: Total: 2805 / Live: 1222 / Archived: 1583
From: Lower Silesia
Speaks Polish?: Yarp
Interests: Poland,

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15 Jul 2020
USA, Canada / Shipping books / package to Poland from US [15]

sent from Philadelphia

That should be ok , it should clear in about 2 days , some other US states can take up to a week plus (I guess you know why).

The whole postal customs thing is intelligence led , so clearance times may vary state to state.
15 Jul 2020
Polonia / Marxist-lead BLM Revolutionaries' Assault on Polish Landmarks [11]

Jewry manages to make huge movements and achieve its far-reaching, all-encompassing goals.

Oh not the old it's the Jews fault story, I am bored bored bored to death with this incessant crap that rises on this forum to blame the jew blame the jew blame the jew...... for everything that is wrong, Deal with the Marxists..
15 Jul 2020
Polonia / Marxist-lead BLM Revolutionaries' Assault on Polish Landmarks [11]

??? hahaha

This is no laughing matter especially where statues commemorating Polish soldiers lives were lost in the defence of Europe against fascism, are defiled.

Quite frankly you disgust me.

Our Lady of Częstochowa

The irony being is that if you look at the monuments Mary and Jesus are portrayed as black ! go figure , well Christianity is a target for Marxists I guess.
14 Jul 2020
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

Have you seen what my commission is for brokerage fees yet ?

Ha HA you should have arranged 5% no prob's I would pay that happily for the result i got, gonna check my mail now.

Just read your post above yeah 750 all spent already life is good and very bright red and shiny .
14 Jul 2020
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

"I've done my homework, Johnny boy,

Sorry I have no interest in learning about stocks and shares to buy , don't do technical things to do with money I don'y even use the word portfolio.

But I kind of did because before I bought them I followed couple of JR's earlier tips , and I watched and yes they paid out , but I never invested anything at the time , then he mentioned tesla , i knew nothing really but at the same time i got dome spare cash , o i emailed the guy who looks after our money and told him to buy 500 , that's it that's the story.

Its only the second time I have ever personally bought stock .....

Thanks for not wanting my head hurt.
14 Jul 2020
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

Move the brain yourself first,

Why ? when I can take someones advice / opinion where they have more expertise in a subject than I have .

I have always stood by the mantra that I work to my strengths and employ to my weaknesses.

I never read market reports , someone does all that for me.

As for time on the forum just one tip from a member here hasemade me money, with no effort on my part.

I cant understand your comment about moving my brain? where do you suggest I move it to ?
14 Jul 2020
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

You are de man JR remember what you told me to buy was it 200 / 250 , I just dumped all my tesla shares 500 of them

Tesla stock rockets 14% to an all-time high

wot should i buy next ?
13 Jul 2020
UK, Ireland / Moving from Ireland to Poland. Some questions. [13]

Ha Ha its the main reason to move from $hit holes like the UK.

Sorry to hear Ireland is going down too.

Yeah you will be fine here no probs.
13 Jul 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1186]

there are no English passports

Yes there is logic everyone knows that this is all based on place of birth ... so

Born in wales = welsh
Born in England English
Born in Northern Ireland Irish.
Born in scutland scutter.

Born outside of Britain = migrant.

So there you have it , that's the way it works.
13 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Aaah, I got it, you played with the word Mortazapine,

Wow Pawian I am impressed , I do hope that you teach English here in Poland you are proof that the bar is now so high that there is no more need for native English teachers in Polish schools.

don`t you allow yourself to move to the light side of the Force??? hahaha

Not since I moved to the dark side Pawo Padawan.

Did you know that Pierogi is the only food ever mentioned in star wars.

may the Pierogi be with both of us.
13 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

What is this idiom about?

Ahhh this is a test , only the top 15% of native English speakers will make the connection , your English language skills and deduction of idioms is normally quite fantastic (better than native in many cases) , hence the test no worries I don't think anyone here will get it.

Hey good luck in three years time !!! hahahahahaha .
13 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

No, it's only a sign of mental breakdown

Many LLLLLOOOOOOSSSSSSEEEEERS are suffering today, now that they have to wait another THREE YEARS before they get another bite at the apple.

Yes some are going mad, the hospitals will be busy, lots of Pawo's will have to take marzipan (sic) to help them recover.

Ha ha ha, hee hee hee
"I'm a laughing gnome and you don't catch me"
Ha ha ha, hee hee hee
"I'm a laughing gnome and you can't catch me"
Said the laughing Pawian.

Many are singing the above tune , poor poor Pawian , pass him the marzipan.
13 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

That is why I am not a politician.

That is a very comprehensive list , I am glad you are not a politician, I am also glad that I am not a politician.

But your policies lost the election, your enemy has another 3 years to regroup make new laws to make it even harder for your candidates to prevail, what will you do ? , can you make it through the next 3 years ?
13 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]


Presidential elections 2020 - Losers thread, your opinions as to why you feel you lost the election.

I thought that this thread title would be more appropriate now that the election is over to allow members to discuss why our President Duda won and the others lost the presidential 2020 elections.
13 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

contributed to Duda`s victory.

How very sad , bla bla bla looooosssssseeerrrrrrrr. nothing more nothing less, Its time for you to shut up and respect democracy wait another 3 years where you will get your chance to vote again.

Till then Zip-a-dee Duda is the winnner !!!!! winner !!!!!!!! chicken dinner.
13 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

15 years, so it is Poland's turn now ...

Why should we kind to those murdered us and sold us to Stalin.

So you think it hasn't been radically corrupt when the EU paid to Poland's budget.

The money paid no where near pays compensation for the crimes of one EU state ( Germany) and the selling of Poland at Yalta by others.

So taking what the EU have paid us thus far is a mere drop in the ocean, and nothing that EU should get overly worried about if we wish not to pay it back.

Poland needs to work hard before the next Elections to educate and undo the works of Marxist evil doers here, We must strengthen our nation so that it would not become morally corrupt and crime infested like Germany, France or the UK .
13 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Only in accordance with European laws.

In 3 years Poland will be paying to the EU and fighting off more migrants, the next election might be all about hard polexit .

Ha Ha ha ha Llllllllooooosssser leftard libtard Marxist lllllooooooosers.

Time for action and legislation against radical corrupt elements.

Commies commies commies , out out out.
13 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Decent people will prevail one day.

Quite right a lesson needs to be learned here constitutional change is require to stop this stupid and expensive second round voting system, first past the post is enough.

The current government has 3 clear years now to put laws and education in place so that people can truly see the dangers of following the downward spiralling path of Germany UK and France.

Long live democracy , long live Poland , The people have chosen.

Loooooosssssseeeers should shut their gobs now