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Posts by Sokrates  

Joined: 19 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Oct 2011
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From: Poland
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5 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

This proves you wrong. Many individual battles were lost in the first 48 hours. Caught in a lie again!

I'm sorry Mława and Jordanów and its not a lie dont make me research every reply you dont research any of them.

It had its strengths as the Battle of Mokra near Częstochowa showed but the threats are easily repelled with some adjustment.

You call Bzura or Tomaszów Lubelski easy victories?

Are you testing me out or bluffing? Have you ever heard of Operation Wasserkante?

Strategic bombing? You know what it did to Stalingrad?:)
5 Apr 2010

How effective could Poland defend herself in the case of an insulated local conflict of small degree? Like a brawl against Czech Republic about a few squaremiles of mountains?

Thats been done, Poland can easily squash anything east of its border thats not Russia.

Maybe any British/US soldiers here who can tell some experiences about the work with nowadays Polish troups on maneuvers or in Afghanistan/Iraq?

The opinions are glowing but the troops in Afghanistan are a world level elite and the best WP has to offer they're not average professional soldiers.
5 Apr 2010

I think battlefield control wise, absolutely. Quite a bit of the hardware is dated though. Have the PT-91s ever been deployed in combat? How are they against the Leopards?

Our PT-91s? Much less protection, no modern ammo and have to stop to shoot, also inferior optics.

Russian C&C was apparently severely lacking, but they still got the job done relatively quickly. Apparently the kit was the least of their problems.

Only because Georgians bailed out fearing annexation.
5 Apr 2010

Sokrates, based on your last post in the other thread, how can I take anything you say seriously? Russia waltzed into Georgia very easily indeed and sorted the matter out. The morality of it is another question.

Russia entered Georgia without a fight, it also got its columns clogged on the roads for nearly 12 hours which in any real war would mean a slaughterhouse, another point is the complete mess in which Russians entered, for example logistic columns arriving a full two hours before tanks without any recon, by comparison Polish army by standard procedure sends commando troops on ATVs or UAVs, same for Germany.

Oh, we see just how effective Germany, plus 41 other countries, are faring in Afghanistan. There are Poles there too. Didn't Jagielski teach you anything at all???

We're talking about a symmetric conflict not counter insurgency.
5 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

So in this respect Poland was similar to South Africa? Plenty of natural resources and minerals but nobody with the savvy of how to help the community, just themselves?

Polish GDP grew 310% in 20 years, thats pretty savvy.

Let me explain to you how economy of a 100% agricultural Poland worked, you need to buy machines, train specialists and build factories, you also need to build infrastructure, secure resources to have that economy going and to make all those investments you needed money.

Now if you're a poor country like Poland and your two immidiate neighbours embargo you, you cant purchase machines, train specialists and build up infastructure and building base all at once which is why polish economy while growing fast could not reach a level of an industrialised country in 20 years.

Successes everywhere? You really are a deluded man, you know that?

Aka Polish armies did not lose a single battle in the first 48 hours untill the 5th division collapsed (due to polish high command mess up by the way) so yes the border battle was a complete success everywhere for the first 2 days.

You know what, Sok, you are a classic Polish romantic. You cite all these technologies and hype up all those cavalry raids

I dont hype anything, cavalry was inferior to mechanized units if only by principle of suffering more then 10x losses in most engagements, i'm saying however that it was an effective fighting unit and its weakness as portrayed in the western media is a myth.

Germans didn't use Blitzkrieg in Poland? ROTFL! You are senile, dude. I believe that historians distorted its true extent (Hart, for example) and that enveloping did indeed take place but, nonetheless, it was employed.

"Rauss' memoirs "Memoirs of the Soldier" by Guderian and more, i dont care about what some historian chooses to make up, Germans themseves admitted it was not Blitzkrieg, everyone on the topic agrees it was no Blitzkrieg.

German tanks did not race to meet deep objectives, they broke through and supported the infantry, thats not to say Germans didnt use new tactics like organic air support or motorised kampfgruppen but it had nothing to do with actuall Blitzkrieg that got used in France.

Sorry, I don't know of that guy and I can't be expected to. You lost a lot of the key battles in the first week, never mind 2 months.

Given that the german army failed to reach any strategic objectives by 14th September and every assault against Warsaw was ending in a bloodbath for the attackers i'd say 1-2 months (without the russian invasion) was pretty realistic.

Ah, good old Polish deflection techniques. If in doubt, go and have a pop at someone else. Look, Poland fell in 1 month. Britain and the allies won over a few years, true??

Last i checked Brits and French got their arse handed to them with only one brigade level battle (lost by the way) in a grand total of about a month of conflict, at the same time Poland had fought multiple army level battles and won a grand total of 12 major battles 2 of the division level and 10 regiment or brigade level.

The losses incurred by the Polish army constituted more then 70% of the total german losses fighting Belgium, Holland, France and UK in 1941 so i'll still stick to my point that the polish army performed better than any allied force 1942.
5 Apr 2010

I'm a bit skeptical. C'mon, this is not 1939. "Massively more powerful"?

Much more modern hardware and a much larger airforce.

That's quite a statement. I know Poland has decent military equipment now

No we have some modern military equipment, german military is 100% state of the art quality, thats a difference.

Since the end of WWII Russia has been the unpredictable beast.

Russian army doesnt have any modern equipment, their training is a joke and whenever they procure something relatively modern like a T-90 tank it turns out they dont have the money to field enough of this.

I think you underestimate the Russians...maybe even overestimate the Germans.

Germans have a small modern well organised force with a massive pile of reserve hardware, they can organise an efficient war machine very quickly, Russians on the other hands had problems even marching into Georgia in an orderly manner.

The difference in quality of an individual soldier on every level (between Poland and Russia) is huge, there's no visible difference in quality of German and Polish troops with the only difference being Germans have more modern sticks, and more of them.
5 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Well, I remember this differently...I learned that Silesia was a rich and developed region compared to others..

By when? It had null factories thats for certain and coal wont build you a tank.

Ps. many of the regions including Breslau were in Germany.
5 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Sok, a recurring theme that I see time and again is the removal of internal trade barriers and tariffs, coupled with improved infrastructure YET a cutting off of foreign trade relations. Why was that the case? You can't blame a lack of foreign investment if you sever the chord

Poland cut trade relations? Thats some new history for me.

Aha, lacking in effective management techniques? The region had vast riches dating back to Bismarck :)

The region was so poor because it had poor management under Bismarck.

You lied about the effectiveness of his plans.

He never planned the border battle just the mobilisation.

The Battle of the Border went horribly wrong.

The Battle of the Border went very well untill the collapse of the 5th infantry division, all across the front the army was holding the line however with severing the line in Pomerania it was effectively over regardless of other successes everywhere.

You underestimated their blitzkrieg strategy

Germans didnt use Blitzkrieg in Poland, they used traditional breakthrough and envelopment tactics.

and overestimated your military capabilities.

We did? Funny so why did Kutrzeba say outright that Poland is incapable of defence longer then 1-2 months?

In other words you dont know sh*t Sean and to cover it up you fall on your rubbish conspiracy theories.

How can it have been a success when you lost in just over a month?

The war was an obvious failure however multiple major battles were won and thats more that can be said for UK and France in 1940 or Russia in 1941.
5 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Poland had just won its independence and there were some industrial bases to build on. Heavy motor vehicles and mining, for example.

And electricity and metal works and special materials and everything.

Poverty stricken? Hardly. Three Uprisings would suggest that the area was worth fighting for. There was abundant mineral wealth there, just not distributed well at that time.

Yes there was abundant mineral wealth but the region was till pyss poor.

All of them successful? So why do so many historians point to him as being responsible for the fall of Poland in WWII? Do you know better than them? Are you a historian?

Stachiewicz?! One historian please!

Yes, to be targetted by ready tanks that saw them coming.

ATs outranged all German tanks.

His idea is that Poland should have concentrated its efforts on the Western politics scene and not got involved into any Eastern-Slavonic issue.

He ignores the fact that while polonising Germany was possible it was so much easier to dominate the east.
5 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Had no industry?

Nope, none at all.

What utter crap!]h
Educate yourself Sean.

You got most of the mining areas after WWI,

Not even close.

Are you aware of how rich those people were? Come to Silesia and learn.

There were no motor factories, no tire factories, no engine factories, no anything factories, Silesia was a poverty stricken region where miners were being paid a minimum wage.

OK, let's talk specifics. I'm sure you know who Wacław Stachiewicz was

Mobilisation plan Z, purchase of 1200 37mm AT guns, creating armored-motorised brigades, responsible for mobilising troops when UK and France did, halted by Śmigły who in turn was pressured by the West.

Specific enough for you?

I don't believe that he should cop the whack for Poland's losing of the war but he still didn't clearly show how his plans were to be implemented and there was too much internal wrangling with Smigly-Rydz. NOT a theory, just fact!

All of his plans except mobilisation were implemented and all of them were succesfull, your point is?

Ask Crow, Sok. Cavalry was fine back in the 14th century but against German panzers? Come on!

Maybe its because you're completely clueless as to how the cavalry fought?

Horses were the means of getting onto the battlefield, when they did get there soldiers dismounted, uncoupled artillery and proceeded to fight as regular infantry (with a larger amount of artillery and mgs).
5 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Maybe Poland was too honest in its business dealings?

Jezu Chryste... No Sean Poland was destroyed post WW1 and had no industry, everything had to be built using domestic capital and there wasnt much of it either.

Polish army had modern weapons and Poland was spending 30% of its GDP on arms but our GDP was so tiny that there could not be anything resembling a western army.

My point is that Piłsudki's incumbent didn't share in his fear.

Piłusdskis words "siedzimy na dwóch stołkach, pytanie z które spadniemy najpierw" - we're sitting on two stools, question is which we will fall from first.

Poland prepared its army to a degree which its small economy permitted and this underequipped army performed better then the combined French and British forces a year later.

Poland secured the alliance of two most powerfull European states, UK and France.

Poland did everything both militarily and politically to prepare itself, nothing more could be done, i have no idea where do you come from with your silly theories atm.

Also, Hitler was already saying some vile things about the Jews. The British foreign minister was on top of collating data, why wasn't his Polish counterpart?

Collecting data on what? 2/3rds of all early intel the West had on Germany came from Polish intelligence so whats your point?

One battle is just that, Sok, one battle.

No, there was also Bzura, Krojanty and a f*ckton of other battles where cavalry performed admirably and was forced to cave in only in the face of combined arms and superior numbers.

Of course cavalry was inferior to mechanized units but when staffed by skilled and determined troops it could and did repeteadly shoulder its mechanized counterparts, the myth of the Polish uhlans bending over to the mighty panzers is just that, a myth.
5 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

They did almost nothing to modernise Poland's army.

Pzl £oś, UR-AT, TP-7, CP series, Marioszka automatic rifles, Wolf project, 47mm AT gun, 150mm long range arty, 90mm towed mortar, infantry grenade launcher, modern uniforms, BAR automatic rifles, SMGs, Renault halftracks, PzInż 222 halftrucks, Wist pistol, modern tank periscope, new series of long range radios, new helmets...

All in all more then 900 pieces of new equipment between 1936 and 39, i can dig out a complete list, just because we didnt have money to shape up our army doesnt mean no efforts were made, there were gargantuan efforts just not enough $ to make good on them.

What, did they think that horses would destroy panzers? LOL

Actually they did think that cavalry generously equipped with light and medium artillery would, the Battle of Mokra proved them right.
5 Apr 2010

Germany would roll over Poland quite fast they're massively more powerfull, short conflict with Russia could be doable, Belarus and Ukraine would get crushed in a month, the difference between our army and theirs is as big as between us and Germany.

2- Why the hell doesn't Poland have mandatory conscription anymore?!

Because our politicians are idiots.

Are there actual benefits to having a professional army?

Superior quality.
5 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

One of the great mistakes of your history? Truthfully, it was not listening to Piłsudski's very real warnings before his death.

Actually they were heeded and all that could be done was done.
5 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Siding with Germans (Teutonic Order) against pagan Lithuanian and Orthodox Russins would have been by far more profitable than any aliance with Lithuanians,

The problem was that the Teutonic Order was not interested in a long term alliance with Poland and they were bound to use Hungary to make Poland wage a two front unwinnable war sooner then later.

than any aliance with Lithuanians, Ukrainians or Belorussia (whatever it meant 600 years ago).


Actually if Poland burned Malborg to the ground no World Wars would happen since there would be no Prussia, Poland even without Germany was the richest country in Europe untill 17th century and Russia alone never posed a serious threat to the Commonwealth untill XVIII century and the serious decline of the state.
3 Apr 2010
History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians) [144]

Sorry Sean but interwar Poland was not in any shape to become a major power without vast external investment, US and UK were pumping cash into Germany and France was in crisis (even if it wasnt France was and still is notoriously cheap and unreliable as an ally).

Interwar Polish economy was probably the fastest growing in the world but only with local investment, without outside money there was just too little time.
29 Mar 2010
History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians) [144]

Seanus: The 'invasion' was to quash disturbances

Except for the part where they invaded Georgia itself.

Seanus: Georgia interfered in internal Abkhazian and South Ossetian matters

Which are related to Russia how? Ukraine interferes in Belarusian matters -> Poland invades Ukraine, makes about as much logic ie none at all.

Seanus: it was deliberate provocation.

Again, these countries were not russian protectorates and their govts did not ask Russia to help untill the Red Army was already in them then suddenly they were all too eager to ask.

Seanus: Iraq and Afghanistan, now they were invasions and Poland was a part of that.

Waste of money and resources, dont give a sh*t about the moral aspect, sorry.

Seanus: Russia has been modernising its tanks but it found that even its old ones serve its interests well.

Yeah when invading midget countries.

Seanus: France has almost always been that way.

Yes it was but its not going to arm Russia for free and money is thin in Moscow.

Seanus: No-one except Poland wants them in? I think America would play their card when the right time came around.

Yes it would but no it wont, US is NATO and they want Ukraine as a regional loudmouth since Poland is smarting up but that doesnt mean they want to invest in a country thats so weak and unstable and a potential hotbed for war.
29 Mar 2010
History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians) [144]

Seanus: You can find just as many reports that Saakashvili set it up and overreacted.

Set up invasion of his own country? You know Sean sometimes you make sense but sometimes you're heading downstream on the river of f*cking crazy.

Seanus: 3 weeks ago there was a 'misunderstanding' which could have flared up, Sok.


Seanus: Well, I don't see much rushing going on at all. The best hope lay with the last PM, Yushenko. The new PM is an unknown quantity to me.

Thats mainly because they got burned in their unofficial attempts in the 90s, Ukraine can only officially aspire to NATO if they're certain they're in, no one except Poland wants them in so they cant come to the table openly.

Seanus: My mistake, I assumed it was a done deal. The reports I read said so.

Thats the press for you, "Russia is building 11 subs" "Russia is buying 4 assault ships" the only thing Russia bought in the last 10 years was a bunch of T-90 tanks.

Seanus: The point is the French willingness to arm them through that worm of a man, Sarkozy. He brokered the ceasefire in Russia but only because he licked bal*s!

French are a notoriously unreliable political partner Sarkozy or not, the problem with French is that they're not sure what their business is and is not so they keep shooting mouths at random.
29 Mar 2010
History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians) [144]

Seanus: without knowing the full truth of it.

And whats the full truth of it that our president doesnt know but a school teacher does?

Seanus: However, your politicians have hardly been rushing towards it

Actually they have for quite some time now, its just that NATO isnt rushing towards them.

Seanus: Maybe you should be talking to the French who have been supplying them with fairly advanced weaponry.

They havent, Russia wanted to buy some assault ships but couldnt afford it.
29 Mar 2010
History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians) [144]

Hell no i'm with Torque, they're a historical part of Rzeczpospolita and need to find a way back, we should totally help them find their way back Żeligowski style, and then we could help Ukraine find their way back as well :)))
22 Mar 2010
History / Future of Kaliningrad Oblast - is it possible to annex by Poland or will it become an independent country? [137]

As for 'Stormfront', why the hub-bub?...

Because they're a bunch of neo-nazi c*nts.

It is just another Internet 'char room'

F*ck yeah so is axis history forums, so are other covertly neo-nazi and symphatetic shyteholes.

You will also read intelligent posts there.

Yeah if you look for hours, otherwise its still a craphole populated by lobotomized monkeys who couldnt get a decent life so they blame it on everything but themselves.
31 Jan 2010
History / 'Battle of Britain' won thanks to Polish aces !! [158]

it has to be said that the Battle was "lost" by Hitler pulling the main forces back in preperation for Barbarossa.

What forces did he pull back? Last i checked none.
30 Jan 2010
History / remember, forget, forgive, blame ... Holocaust Memorial Day in Poland [229]

Nathan are you jealous because Ukraine has no friends or allies and nobody wants it as anything more then a tool? At no point in history was your country equal to Poland or treated as equal, today we're trying to make up for it but still there's little monkeys like you that make our job difficult:)
29 Jan 2010
History / remember, forget, forgive, blame ... Holocaust Memorial Day in Poland [229]

And whats so bad about us? When we were power we let Germans from then much poorer Germany in, you came to a wealthy country that since its beginnings never knew hunger or poverty, you've been treated with respect, no one ever tried to forbid you your way of life etc.

In the end even when the Turks came and you were helpless Poland was there to help you, when you were fighting the 30 years war Poland though a regional power did not invade, we've been the most benevolent European power in our continents history (if you dont count exploiting Nathans grandparents:) ) especially in regards to Germany.
29 Jan 2010
History / remember, forget, forgive, blame ... Holocaust Memorial Day in Poland [229]

Well they didnt try to exterminate us and resettle survivors to Siberia, what conflicts we had were purely political and even then no one tried to annex anyone etc.

Both the Tuetonic Knights and Nazis tried to wipe Poland out completely its only natural that people celebrate Polands survival.