The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 11629 / Live: 3884 / Archived: 7745
From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
8 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Where do you see Poland and Germany, oh lets say, 10 years from now? You spoke of anti-Polish sentiment in Germany? Is this evident through the media too? Are civilians scared of Polish "barbarians" who come to Germany and cause trouble? What is causing so much hatred, in Ihrer gebildeten Meinung. Informieren Sie mich bitte, wie Sie fühle. Danke. *Salutes* An der Mühelosigkeit!

I actually envision a good relationship between us (once Poland let's go of old grudges).

Germany is a trader...we build and develop to sell things so we need peaceful, wealthy neighbours who have actually the money to buy our stuff.

That way everybody get's happy and nobody needs to invade anybody for that.

Must go girl is already tapping her dainty foot impatiently....sorry :(
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Yeah, I'm kind of surprised that BBoy never tries to "invade" his Eastern Germany brothers..why don't you direct your energy there? I heard on the radio, that west Germany is ashamed of their eastern brothers...start 'fixing' them. Will you? In the mean time they should be a perfect, border cushion. hehehehe.

Hmmm...Eurola...dishing out but can't take it?


Come back you German coward. I want to have a discussion with you about Polish-German relations

Jawohl! *salutes*

I would ride through the gates of hell to protect my motherland from your fatherland ( : Remember that, Bratwurst, there are many out there that feel the same..

Umm...I don't deny that...ride along...:)
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

sure, sure.. just like copenik and other people you want to call your own.. foking thieving nations..

Hmmm...just a question...which ethnicity Hitler belonged to if not german???

*waits eagerly for plk's wisdom*
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869] isn't me who can't stop talking about the war....*looks innocently*

It's always the war here...the war there...look I have a pimple, remember the war? The bananas haven't been fresh this morning, remember the war? new shoes hurt, remember the war???

And on, and on, and on, and on....*yawn*
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]


Who's got a problem with that?

Bratwurst, I hope to God that there will be a continued animosity of Germans toward Poles, for if there ever comes a need for war, I would not even hesitate a moment. . .

Hehe...reminds me about the polish loudmouths before '39..."In one week in Berlin!"
Polish always!


treaty is a treaty, no? Brits, French did break theirs too but at least they didn't try to kill us all like you folks did.

I would have thought a betrayal by a friend is much worse...
But then...nobody respects a honest enemy anymore...*shakes head sadly*

PS: Hitler was German born in Austria....these borders...always changing...but then you as a Pole know about that, don't you?
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Germany unilaterally broke the German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact, signed for a period of 10 years in 1934.

Umm...that was Hitler...wasn't it?
Well then we weren't that good with treaties...just ask the Russians...
What rather supports my point!

You surely won't compare a Hitler treaty with a GB treaty or a French treaty to come immediately to your help, won't you?

Not to mention that the US troops made it barely to the Elbe...totally disinterested in the fate of you Poles! Hugging Uncle Joe instead...

But love them!

now you're talking.. one needs to start with the krauts trying to convert us to Christianity, the tutons and so on and on and on .. and on...

What was so bad with this one? You are the most fervent Christians now in Europe! polish pope..without us "tutons"...:)
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]



Wait...why don't you direct your hate to the Brit's, the French and the US???
Germany was never Polands friend...we never broke a treaty or a promise to you...quite to the contrary to your "friends"....
And anyway...there is more than just the past.
In a recent Poll they asked the Germans whom of their neighbours they liked guess where Poland ended...yup...way down at the bottom!

It's more a dog/cat case here...just to different...if it weren't the war then it would be something else!

C'est la vie! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Dec 2007
Genealogy / Need help with family history/surnames: Netzel, Petke, Gruzlewski [24]

Wow...thank you Softsong...I've heard about the Dobriner Land.

And here is a mailinglist for the Dobriner Land:

(also in English)

RaymondPeter, the best way to start now is with a Suchmeldung...give the names, the towns and some dates as far as you can.

And here you have the adresses of some Churches and Standesämter...ask them.

Good Luck
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Dec 2007
Genealogy / Need help with family history/surnames: Netzel, Petke, Gruzlewski [24]

Erm....where is Lipno?

This is a list for Oberschlesien for example:

and Niederschlesien:

How is your German?

Here is a good start in English to find out about your german roots:

Bratwurst Boy   
18 Dec 2007
Genealogy / Need help with family history/surnames: Netzel, Petke, Gruzlewski [24]

Try to find out the confession of these people.
Then try to contact the church in this town...with luck the old "Kirchenbücher" are still existent. Every birth, marriage, and death of the members is there noted.

Later the Rathaus overtook much of that duties.

There are lists online where genealogists gather. Many are specialized
for several territories and towns. There you can find support and even help
for translation...

Good luck!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Jul 2007
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [228]

Born Samuel Wilder in Sucha Beskidzka, Austria-Hungary (now Poland) hes ours now dick head Kopernikus...doesn't matter if the family is german/austrian...if their native language is german...who cares....the borders changed (even much later) that means those are now full blooded Poles even if they don't speak one word polish or have any relation to Poland who gives a f*ck...yeah sure!

If you ask Billy Wilder do you reall think he would had seen himself as a Pole???

Do you have an idea how pathetic you sound...needing to resort to "people grabbing" because you lack your own???

Bratwurst Boy   
14 Jul 2007
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [228]

Billy Wilder polish??? are mad!

"... From music have come - beside the piano- and organ-makers, Steinway, Knabe, and Wurlitzer -- Leopold and Walter Damrosch, Bruno Walter, John Philip Sousa, Oscar Hammerstein, Paul Hindemith, Arnold Schoenberg, and Kurt Weill. And from the theatre a succession of gifted playwrights, directors and performers, among them Bertolt Brecht, Ernst Lubitsch, Eric von Stroheim, Fritz Lang, Otto Preminger, Billy Wilder, and the inimitable Marlene Dietrich...."

The source is the US themselves...and yours is???

Now for that....:)

The first armored car robbery was done by a polish man

But I thought people born in other countries don't count???
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jul 2007
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [228]

*waves to his girl* :)

Ahem...*puts on teachers hat*....

Also....a winemaker (vintner) named Johann Valentin Pressler came 1710 to New York from Niederhochstadt in the southern Palatine (till today there are living lot's of Presslers). This village is today called Hochstadt...the same like the village in Pennsylvania which the Pressler-Clan founded new.

A later Pressler, who took part in the battle at Gettysburg changed the name to "Presley"...

*throws away teachers hat and bows*
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jul 2007
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [228]

I really don't know if people born in other countries should count too...

If yes we Germans wouldn't even know where to start...alone in the US 1/4 of the people have german heritage (also the scientists, artists, musicians etc.)....and not only in the US.

"Fred Astaire, Lauren Bacall, William Boeing, Sandra Bullock, Walter P. Chrysler, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kirsten Dunst, Albert Einstein, Dwight D. Eisenhower, George Armstrong Custer, Babe Ruth, Clark Gable, Milton Hershey, Charles M. Schulz ("Peanuts"), Joseph Pulitzer, John Steinbeck, Chester W. Nimitz, F.W. von Steuben, Elvis Presley, Heinrich Steinway, John D. Rockefeller, Levi Strauss, John Studebaker, Herbert Hoover, Henry Kissinger, Jerry Springer, Ruth Westheimer, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Billy Wilder, Bruce Willis, Johnny Weissmuller and, and, and...."

We should therefore confine it to the fatherlands I think....
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Jul 2007
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [228]

Family Kopernigg belonged to the privileged citizenship of the Hansetown Thorn and lived there in the St. Annen alley.
The father was a rich government clerk (prussian)
His uncle was Lukas Watzenrode the younger, the prince-bishop from Ermland.

It's a german family from Prussia...and they spoke and wrote German!

Kopernikus not only was an astronomer but doctor too and he worked also for the government. He reformed together with the Hochmeister of the german Order Albrecht von Hohenzollern the prussian coinage.

Kopernikus penned his scientific works in latin and german but not polish!

His friends were the Bishop Tiedemann, Nikolaus Cardinal von Schönberg and Johannes Dantiscus von Höfen.

PS: Maybe you should read some more books?

PPS: Am I a Nazi prick because I have another opinion?

PPPS: Here is lot's of info about Kopernikus...oops it's not in english.....doesn't count?

You are not an advertising for canuck schools!
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Jul 2007
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [228]

They always say: Kopernikus!

Even as he was from a german family (his real name was: Nikolas Koppernigk), was born in Thorn which was till few years before still prussian, lived and worked in Frauenburg and spoke and wrote german...noooooooooo he is now polish (say Poles)....