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Posts by Foreigner4  

Joined: 18 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 12 / Live: 1 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 1768 / Live: 384 / Archived: 1384
From: tychy
Speaks Polish?: yes and no
Interests: sports, politics, the economy, history, writing, yadayadayada

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4 Jan 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

although i usually don't side with grzegorz on most discussions, i can't help but think what sound advice it is that if someone expects to have a problem somewhere then it is their responsibility to stay away from that place.

However blazilla may be speaking about his experiences in U.K. only.
2 Jan 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Britain is a great country and the British are tolerant fair minded people which is something that most east europeans will never understand. They are homophobic and racist and have a lot to learn from us Brits.

nobody is saying every single person is racist in poland, they are saying that GENERALLY poles are more racist than their eu counter parts. There is a big differance.


i stand by my comments.

"[EU] counterparts[?]" I suggest you follow your own advice there chief. I won't deny there is a different view on a lot of things here in Poland and by Poles themselves. But don't make things out to be anything more than what they are. The points I went after are specifically those that overstate the situation.
2 Jan 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

well yeah but i could go and point out that some people in former zaire were killing eachother with great gusto (as was reported, i have no first hand accounts backing this up). Does that mean anyone central africa is a butcher?
2 Jan 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Britain is a great country and the British are tolerant fair minded people which is something that most east europeans will never understand. They are homophobic and racist and have a lot to learn from us Brits.

Did someone press an irony button? How can you make sweeping generalizations about eastern europeans and then include yourself in the mix of tolerant fair minded people?

I'm not saying you're right or wrong, but if one reads what you've written then they'd be hard pressed to take what you've written as anything more than lazy reactionary thinking.
24 Dec 2007
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

well thank you for pointing out something i wasn't referring to, no just kidding.

predictable history

hey you should start up a lil promotion, you could predict the past for people, you'd be all but guaranteed a perfect score, lol.

in any case it was only an observation how people wrongly attribute things to their own experience, it's like knowing vs hearing something.

if the word only has one meaning, it cant be another's dishonest abuse of the term if its the only word to describe it.

How many meanings of "we" can exist in a given context? Check your medication or stop eating crayons, one or the other:)

it's lazy thinking to not be specific, but people are prone to substituting themselves as players in events they never experienced, so yeah that's a lil dishonest, and it was that and only that i had meant. now let's continue to beat a dead horse and you can reclarify something that i made no comment on anyhow ok?
23 Dec 2007
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

ok let's take it that step further, even to say "we were attacked by that dog" is still fallacious use of language. the object need not be identified explicitly when the two people discussing it are both clear on what the object (in this case our example dog) is.

other than that i still agree with some of your assesment but i still stand by my observation.
23 Dec 2007
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

every moment in time cannot be re-created or forseen so its up to the imagination
to bring forth these so called experiences from the past given the information
presented by those whom have explored these avenues of our past lives...

That's when logic must stop the imagination from substituting reality for fantasy and acknowledge others' pasts while admitting we have no past lives to readily call upon ourselves.

we,us,they, them -pleural forms meaning more then one.. history involves many..

No. "We" is a first person subject pronoun that means the speaker or writer speaks for a subject group as a representative. "Us" is first person object pronoun that accomplishes the same only as a object group representative. History involves many, but if a person was not a participant then as sanity dictates, they are not qualified to present themselves as one outside of acting or literature.

-We had to go through a lot during the period of partition.

In the above example, unless the person (albeit an example) had gone through this experience themself, then the term "we" is incredibly inaccurate.

not necessarily so, IMHO it can repeat itself thru others and in certain instances..

No, I'm sorry but you wrote yourself "in other instances," in my example the reasoning still stands unblemished and unaffected.

For example: someone can be attacked by a pitbull. it might not be the same one that attacks again.

Excellent point! I completely agree with you on some levels of this arguement. If i get
you right, a viable conclusion could be "we should be careful of this dog" or "this dog may attack us." Is that what you meant?

However, I've read the equivalent of people making statements like "We were attacked" or "This dog attacked us."

Semantically so close, yet so different in logic and in reality. Unfortunately people seem to look down on semantic specificity as it limits the play on emotions and doesn't allow for lazy thinking.

how we learn about animals, plants and humans because history can be predictable
in some instances

I completely agree with you again, and wouldn't dream of presenting anything against that. But, simply because this kind of thinking applies to laws of nature and the people act doesn't give us (yes "us") license to present ourselves as realtime players in things we (yes "we") haven't been apart of. Yes, in a thought exercise, of course you're right, (and then some). Yet there is a line of logic and reason people cross when given to imagination and it's in crossing that line people fall down the slippery slope into backward and childish rants that though full of base emotion, are void of anything beyond that. And outside the bedroom is seldom to positive effect.
22 Dec 2007
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

snt that what the imagination is supposed to do, put yourself in history so that you
can try to understand what they did, went thru, to get to where we are today?

I feel you have a point there, and I agree with you, but only to an extent. I.E, imagining isn't the same as being.

I agree with you that we must endeavor to empathize in order to sympathize. But we must keep ourselves in check when we speak about realities. If it has not been our direct experience then it is, in my opinion, a form of dishonesty to use a term which attributes an event to our experience.

The following example is simply only that and a simplification of something i've seen and read many times, the basics have been kept true to form:

-We had to go through a lot during the period of partition.

In the above example, unless the person (albeit an example) had gone through this experience themself, then the term "we" is incredibly inaccurate.

These kinds of words lead to an "us vs them" kind of debate imo.
6 Dec 2007
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

I know of one unfortunate expat who's Polish business partner gave him a large pile of papers that he had to sign, as he didn't speak Polish he didn't notice that one of the papers slipped in was to relinquish his half of the business for nothing. He signed it not realising and when he came to work the next day he was barred from the building.

seriously mate, that's a foreigner4 goes to jail for killing situation for me, how did he not end the other guy's life. I can't get it, the situation you just spelled out is a green light to end another man's days from my perspective.


That says a lot. I've been dealing with a lady from Warsaw for the past 2 weeks and the thing that struck me about her was how full of crap she is. I can only say that i get the distinct impression she is lying or acting each and every time we talk, and she is completely fluent in english (i mean completely)- maybe it's a warsaw thing?

The folks i'm close to are all dimes, and i'm glad i know them.

That's what I think. He makes bad business decisions.

yeah that was my hunch but unless he gives any more info then we can't know for sure. Ahhh but that's when i should stop, we're on the intraweb, can we ever know for sure?
6 Dec 2007
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

but having lived and worked elsewhere and then moved to Poland I've found the level of dishonesty and lying here quite phenomenal, mainly when you have to deal with a stranger.

well i guess i really can't argue with your experiences now can i. I am curious though and i hope you won't mind my asking where you stayed. hmmm, maybe i've just come to accept things, maybe i'm the one with blinders on, hmmmm.
6 Dec 2007
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Puzzler posted some very good points, i am waiting for the reply.

Having lived here for 5 years i have to agree with Wroclaw Boy, seems to me that in Poland it is seen as a weakness to admit you were wrong or say sorry and so people just lie to cover up.

i don't know about that one being only specific to poles. There's been some forum debates where i've been tenacious with my points. Now although I am right (of course right?), those people i was debating points with kept up their futile arguements. My point being that if i had been more diplomatic then my counterparts may have been less defensive. your experiences are largely your doing.
6 Dec 2007
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

i'm wondering what cross section of polish people wroclaw boy is frequenting among and in which areas of the country. Maybe it's just the kind of people he does business with, or maybe there's something about him that inspires people to lie, perhaps. Let's all lie to wroclaw boy whether we are polish or not, perhaps he'll change his tune. Hey wroclaw boy, i'm a 3 time olympian bobsled champion!

I know It would be great to buy land when there is 11% unemployment and earnings are still much lower than in other EU countries, so maybe I understand your flustration ... but we are really sory ;))) this busineess is for Poles, we negociated it with EU so it is OK your gov agreed ...

great point!
2 Dec 2007
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

the arm was 3-4 years ago. aren't you embellishing the situation a lil bit though? I met a lot of poles who were really doing well with fairly decent (better than mine) jobs in London, at least one wonderful lady went from being a nurse in Poland to Ireland.

..engineers and doctors cleaning tesco floors.....hmmm, i know no facts but this seems a lil far fetched.

But yeah the avg salary is low in Poland

*edited "the arm"*
1 Dec 2007
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

there's nothing wrong with blowing off some steam but yeah it could have been a lil more diplomatic.

Too bad i've 1st hand experience with at least one of those things... Ahh if only i'd known to bribe that doctor though, my arm would've actually been put in a cast (plaster) instead of the "try not to move it" treatment.
30 Nov 2007
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

wow, i've been living here on and off for 6 years, and a nation of liars is not the description i'd have come up with. The red tape is crap, but have you considered hiring a secretary or personal assistant when it comes to these matters?

But about "waiting in line with the rest of the scum" hey bruv, you don't know who's paid what dues to whom. I admit that thoughts like that can creep into my head too, but yah gotta keep yourself in check. Read the poem "the red wheel barrow" sums it all up for me.

Whoa, Miranda's got slick cornered, I'm on the edge of my seat!
29 Nov 2007
Life / Poles are not racist [873]


I guess i should thank every american i meet for the lightbulb. If it wasn't for the american guy I used to know I wouldn't be using the internet, and if it wasn't for that american girl i used to work with, why, i'd be speaking german, blah blah blah, why are present day americans so often, so quick to take credit for something some other INDIVIDUALS accomplished?

Leads me to believe they have done jack and **** but haven't figured that out yet.

*Scratches head and realizes almost everyone does that crap*
*Chooses not to edit post anyhow*
29 Nov 2007
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

wow complete degeneration of anything constructive in less than 4 posts.
*hangs head in shame for human race*
29 Nov 2007
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

In fact it is fear of slavic superiority.

you may be on to something there, i think racism definitely has a "fear" aspect to it. Now fear of what is debatable, but you did make a good point (wittingly or not).
29 Nov 2007
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Dear puzzler

Just a touch defensive aren't you? It seems your screen name pops up when someone discusses something even remotely negative and Poland in the same sentence, not all people are perfect Poles included-get over it.

What a nice difference in terminology - when it comes to UK, you call it 'the anti-immigration movement,;' when it comes to Poland, you call it 'many Poles ...who are racist.'

Well anti-immigration deals with not wanting immigration due to any number of factors, one of them being over-population.

Racism deals with attitudes towards others that depends solely on what race they are.

Spot the difference?

Now for your next lesson, work on your reading comprehension-i.e. i did not write all Poles are racist, I wrote that I've met many. It was a RESPONSE to the THREAD TITLE.

But I'll soften it for you so you don't feel defensive ok? I've met many people who have some attitudes that could be described as racist-that in itself did not make them bad people as i think everyone has attitudes in some way shape or form that could be described as "racist."

Ok feel better now? Need a cookie too?
29 Nov 2007
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

I really can't get my head around the nonesense i just read^^^^

The Brits are very nice people.... ****** up when they drink and while on holidays abroad

And who isn't in that scenario?

I think the anti-immigration movement in UK is due to the fact there are over 60 million people on that lil island-seems a bit full doesn't it? C'mon that's a ridiculous number of people to be in that lil island.

In regards to the thread title, I've met many Poles in Poland and the UK who are racist, why would we even be debating that there is some magical race or culture out there that holds no racist beliefs. We're all equal, but we're also different. Accept that all people instinctively pick up on this.
20 Nov 2007
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

this thread by its title alone is racist or at least stereotyping.