The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / Live: 0 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2692 / Live: 413 / Archived: 2279
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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14 Feb 2011
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

I guess Im coming from the "combat shooting" angle then. If I had to STOP something(body) at 100 foot Id pick my 7.62 over your .22 any day of the week. But thats kinda hypothetical seeing as Im no longer licensed and the only rifle I still own(legally,licence free "antique".) is from the 1820s and Im quite attached to my face and hands thanks v much :)
14 Feb 2011
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Ban knee jerk reactions to media hyped single events.
Our olympic pistol shooting team has to travel to mainland europe simply to practice .22 pistol shooting,range,about 15m......yet legaly I can own a 5 shot mosin nagant sniper rifle with PU scopes and hypotheticaly take out a target at 1km..........crazy UK gun laws.......
29 Jan 2011
Travel / Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]

ad hominem

sorry? I dropped Law after 6 months :) ad what now?
edit,oh yeah,...
Ad hominem abuse (also called personal abuse or personal attacks) usually involves insulting or belittling one's opponent in order to invalidate his or her argument, but can also involve pointing out factual but ostensible character flaws or actions which are irrelevant to the opponent's argument. This tactic is logically spot on because insults and even true negative facts about the opponent's personal character have everything to do with the logical merits of the opponent's arguments or assertions.

point taken ;)
29 Jan 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Elephant in the room!
A neighbour ,british but with 'ski at the end of his name tells how at his workplace if one of the "local"managers say anything to the Polish workers it is always questioned and debated,however,whenever it is one of the Polish born foremen(person)(speaking in english) no questions are asked,no grumbles,just on with the job.

Gender may not have anything to do with it. :)
My own workplace though,nothing like that,Pole,brit,male,female,we all do pretty much the same thing so its maybe just the background/nature of particular types of workmen :)
29 Jan 2011
Travel / Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]

because you walked with a European girl as a non-European guy?

He's BRITISH you fekwit......been in the EU a lot longer than you mate :)

Funny cos last time I heard something on the topic was they were discriminated against by the government and all treated like terrorists, that is why we have a few boatloads of them coming over to Australia, and unfortunately sometimes drowning at sea.

Being someone unlikely to raise alarm bells online in some spook station...Its not a good idea for someone with family to talk politics on an open forum. Thats why I asked Joe what was the point to his question. was he hoping for some pro or anti government/tamil seperatist tirade from Coffee?

He came asking about Poland,not to discuss a nasty war thats been raging for decades thousands of miles from his Home .....
28 Jan 2011
Travel / Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]

BTW, how are the Tamil Tigers doing?

Joe,considering he describes himself as British of SRI LANKAN descent and does not particularly apreciate being mistaken for an Indian (Tamils are of Indian descent in Sri Lanka,and 88% Hindu.) what do you hope to get from this question?

BTW Joe,hows Usama Bin Linner doing?
28 Jan 2011
Travel / Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]

What's is the difference anyway?

About the same as you and an some cases,in others,absoloutly zero,many in Sri Lanka came from India to work.

A bit hard to imagine that this is still the case in the 21st century.

Not really,I used to work with a black lad in a travling nightclub show here in the UK lets just say in parts of the West country he was stared at like he'd come from Mars,and turning up at a club in west Wales his sense of humour got the better when we discovered the venue was done out like a Mississipi river boat complete with Dixie flags everywhere.....

ps,lmao,got the weekest link on in the background right now,some english flump was asked whats the capitol of Sri Lanka; Colombo or Cluesaue....guess which he said.........
28 Jan 2011
Travel / Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]

Hot coffee
If you are a fake troll looking to poke a stick and see how many rascists pop out your onto a winner here.....
If your for real. Im "white" british,and I can tell you Poland is not the place of lynchings and racial assualts some paint it to be. But,on the other hand neither is it a happy smilling welcoming utopia.

Of course I havnt "walked in your shoes" as such in Poland,but I have walked alongside people in your shoes,this was back in o4 ish sotake what you will from that. The thing was the girl did recieve a LOT of stares but the simple fact was,look around,she was the only person in a headscarf that wasnt an old peasant woman :)

Id say its on the whole a less PC place,but as you will know from being a brit PC doesnt mean all the muppets have gone,it just means they dont say things openly anymore.

Add to that of course is the international male attitude diplayed by a proportion of every nations males of " your with one of OUR women" must have faced that in the UK? Must be awfull but Im betting you dont let it run your life.

In short I say go to Poland,expand your horizons but maybe treat nights out the way you would say in one of the less enlightened/mixed areas of the UK, ie ,normal folks are normal folks everywhere,footie fans,ditto.
27 Jan 2011
Life / Anybody else out there a folk dancing fan? [25]

Renfrew Ferry's Friday night ceilidh. Rollerball without the wheeels!

Couldnt resist it

Play this with the sound up...but watch the lower one with the sound down at the same time (cheap ,quick remix lol)..:)
27 Jan 2011
Life / Anybody else out there a folk dancing fan? [25]

Me? Only folk dancing Ive ever done was "Cossak" and hopefully there isnt any footage on you tube ;)
Its probably treason to say it,but Ive never been impressed with Scottish dancing TBH,Oh,Im sure there is an "art" to it but its a bit fluffy and twee for me.

Saw these guys live when I was a Kid, so @ 2.15 is my idea of "Sword Dancing" ! :)
27 Jan 2011
Life / Anybody else out there a folk dancing fan? [25]

Thats good to know beno,thanks for sharing.
suppose this is more Volks dancing but,still funny
26 Jan 2011
Life / Anybody else out there a folk dancing fan? [25]

"Zulu's Sah,10 of em!"
Trying to find clips without excesive boobage is a nightmare :)
16 Jan 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish and Irish people are related? [137]

Irish ancestors were Proto Slavs

Nah,that would make me a Slav,and you couldnt compute that could you crow :)

Guess this wouldnt go down to well then :)
warning,seriously,could offend some,if so,dont watch,turn the other cheek,whatever,peace.
13 Jan 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish and Irish people are related? [137]

i think both are slavic, and my last arguement for this is the way the english treat both.

Muppet,when did the english massacre any Polish towns,allow famine to spread etc in Poland? What a plum....

The Irish are not Slavic but Celtic.

Nope,there is no such thing as Celtic dna,the Celts were a lifestyle not a tribe....anyhoo,as someone else pointed out,there is as much Saxon,Viking,"english" DNA in ireland as there is traces of older types of irishmen.
12 Jan 2011
Life / Walking on other people's property in Poland - cultural difference? [51]

technicaly,sort of,she,the crown has the land directly under the house but you own from the foundation up!!! Weird but funny laws eh?

But as for just "land",no,the crown doesnt own most of it,large chunks yes,but not all of it.
This stuff comes in handy sometimes,it got me and my mates into a fair/festival that was held on local land,when I pointed out the land was officially commen land and no one can fence it off and charge for access the guys on the gate let us in....surprised the heck out of me,I half excpected a slap for being cheeky :)
11 Jan 2011
Life / Walking on other people's property in Poland - cultural difference? [51]

Your garden isn't fenced?

Why on earth should it be? Its just basic manners,dont take short cuts on bits of land you dont pay for,end of.
Seems more a Chav thing than a nationality thing as a friend of mine has english neighbours who constantly use his path and gate as their own gateway is getting overgrown with the hedge,ie,lazy feckers.
11 Jan 2011
Life / Walking on other people's property in Poland - cultural difference? [51]

Lost liberty to 3 countries, invaded and subjected?

eh,WTF,has babel fish broken down again???
Not sure if you noticed fella,but we brits have chopped the head off one monarch,shoved a red hot poker up the arse of another,deposed countles and swapped one lot for another lot,where as Poland has welcomed every tom, dick and harry from just about everywhere in europe as its kings.....oh,and the queen cant walk anywhere,id like to see here try entering parliement without prior permission,mumpty.
28 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

No judgement? No punishment for your sins? You just die and that's it?

Yep, seen much death mate?
Torq,seriously re the inquisition you are the David Irving of this subject,despite the mass of evidence against you you still cry out conspiricy and assure everyone of your supiriority.....very sad,very irelgious.

And for your "starving" palestinians, here's a list of restaurants in Ramallah they might want to try.

HHmm, nice try yehudi,but I take it as read that you know all about the fancy restaurants within the Warsaw Ghetto and are just choosing to forget rather conveniently that the rich and connected can always find a way where as the vast majority have a daily struggle.
27 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

Yes,of course,its a stupid comment,bound to be from someone in britain a hot bed of anti semitism after all....No wait,its only become that since you realised you'd wrung all the money you could out of us and didnt have a hold on us the way you have over other european countries,bit hard to soap story us ,a country with a PM in the 1900s who was jewish and many jews in high positions ,say,compared to er,other countries in europe isnt do realise most british jews are embaressed by the State of Israel and its hideous frankly germanic expansionism dont you....
27 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

He wouldn't find that very pleasant. The arab christian population is gradually leaving the palestinian controlled areas because they are bullied by the Muslims, especially in Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Well,keep people locked up in a Ghetto,bomb them,starve them and imprison them and they are kinda obviously gonna fall out arnt they Yehudi,witness Kapos ,sonnder kommandos etc etc...
27 Dec 2010
Life / Is/was Polish society patriarchal or matriarchal? [37]

The Polish families Ive known have been much the same as most families ive known around the world,ie,the man THINKS he's in charge ,the woman KNOWS she's in charge.