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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
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Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
29 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

13 % of Germans are imigrants 40% of kids in big cities are imigrants kids. Just think what will happen when this kids will start making kids...

Look at Polands you really think you will spared from this?

Why is Poland supporting Turkey? Do you have an idea what masses of immigrants will mean to you?
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

As I be true allies you have to give and to take...

it is not about shield NATO (French gov German gov UK gov) supports this idea

Well...the german and the russian gov's support Nord what?
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Merkel support this idea.

And??? Even she supports it only if it's working together with the NATO and bringing the Russians in so that they don't feel threatened if Poland still demands it to be build - that does not mean Germany likes it!

Be glad Merkel is so friendly with the US, the next chancellor may be more of a Schröder!

And about Nord Stream: What's your problem!
You have nothing to do with it anymore....

When Poland decides to go her way regardless what neighbours may think it's a bit of a hypocrisis to demand to be asked everytime they do something Poland doesn't's a give and take!

Poland gives a fyck either about the environment nor of the opinion of their neighbours - only if their interests are concerned! FACT!!!

Europeans opposed to US missile defence shield plan: poll

Saturday, March 29, 2008

PARIS: Europeans are heavily opposed to a US plan to site anti-missile defences in central Europe according to an opinion poll on Friday, ahead of next week's Nato summit in Bucharest.

The programme, which would see anti-missile installations in the Czech Republic and Poland, has already infuriated Russia but the survey found widespread civil opposition to the plan across all major EU countries. Concern about the scheme is strongest in Germany, with 71 per cent of people opposed, and 19 per cent in favour.

That is followed by Spain (61 per cent against, 19 per cent for), France (58 per cent against, 22 per cent for), Italy (49 per cent against, 35 per cent for) and Britain (44 per cent against, 30 per cent for).

Don't tell me Poland will be swayed in their decision even as most Europeans don't want that shield!
Be honest Lukasz....
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

but Germany our ally form EU ?

You are not very forthcoming yourself...only ever demanding!
Poland knows exactly the concerns of Russia and Germany about the US missile shield and there!
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

WHY German and Russia want to pay more ? Why you want to build project dangerous for enviroment. Why do you want to have more expenisve gas in Germany ?

They are firms who have to one point they must have come to the conclusions that all the invested work and money will pay off - they are capitalists, they wouldn't do it if it wouldn't be a plus deal in the end.

And the environmental issues well be tackled!

Bratwurst, do you think Putin may be doing this just to keep control over Poland?

That would be a question for Putin...
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

According to many experts, the cost of the building the Nord Stream pipeline under the Baltic Sea would be about three times more expensive than an overland pipeline like Ambe

Well Russia and Germany are what!
If we think it's worth it - what's it to you?
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Who is going to pay for it ? What kind of money ? If we realy need to build it throught balitc ?

We could take the money Russia and Germany save since they don't have to pay Poland anymore for using their territory for the over-land-pipeline!

(It's alot)


why was the overland route rejected?

Actually I think the nail in the coffin was the detoriated political and diplomatical relationships between Germany and Poland under the "terrible twins".

The scenario that Poland due a power struggle uses their position to manipulate and force Germany was not so unthinkable anymore...
We lost the trust in Poland to secure our energy!

There are other reasons for it though:



Infrastructure for secure gas supplies in Europe

European gas consumption is constantly rising, but domestic production is declining. Nord Stream will meet nearly a quarter of Europe's additional gas import needs, so that the long-term security of natural gas supplies to Europe will be improved.

Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

That's why it's time to clear up those WMD's...I trust Germans to be able to do that!

What do you prefer?

Quietly rusting poison - waiting to leak (it's just a matter of time after all)

Or lifting and securing them by professionals with high-tech?
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Excuse me but parts of the Baltic Coast belong to Germany - we have
an interest in that too.
Stop being pretending you are the only one concerned!
(Of course only when the topic is the "demonic" Nord Stream...)
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Bratwurst talking about Shield when Germany support this poroject.

So Germany is being nice to Poland - could Poland give something back please?
(Oh and please stop your hypocritical whining about the environment!)

Nord Stream plans to do more FOR the environment of the Baltic Sea than Poland ever did!
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

A considerable amount of nutrients and toxic substances are discharged to the Baltic Sea from Poland.

Don't give us crap! You don't care about the environment of the Baltic care only about the Nord Stream NOT being build!
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Maybe you are one of Iran supporters dening Holocaust ?


As I much for your true interest in the environment...yeah sure...I KNEW IT!

A considerable amount of nutrients and toxic substances are discharged to the Baltic Sea from Poland.

Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

And they are right with this...but don't you think Nord Stream has the same concerns???
Don' you think they research the way BEFORE and look for mines and such and clearing that up??? Do you think they are stupid or what???

Who knows...when the Nord Stream workers need a cleared path doesn't it mean that a big part of the Baltic get's cleared for the first time since the war of dangerous elements? That would be a good thing, wouldn't it?
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

I would think this would make you feel good that there's concern for the envirorment?

It isn't about the environment - it's about building obstacles to a closer co-operation between Russia and Germany!

Just imagine a similiar project between the US and Poland - can't you hear all the nice
and important arguments Poland would bring in FAVOUR?
If Poland could secure his energy and independence from Germany and Russia through a pipeline to the US - do you really think they would give a fyck about the environment of the Baltic Sea??? Puleeeeeeeze!
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

the problem is that europe don't trust for Germans.

Europe??? You mean Poland.

We have no problems with "Europe"!

We need to sit down and think what we should do in this case.

Why don't you be honest Lukasz?
You and your likes want to torpedo ANY cooperation between Russia and Germany - this time it's the Nord Stream, tomorrow? Who knows....
(But on the other hand demanding your right to make bilateral military deals with the US, even as your neighbours are concerned about that too...)

You are being paranoid! And if it helps you to scream "Environment" then you will!
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Problem is I don't trust you about your motives!

Fact Poland has not an image as being overly concerned about environmental issues - contrary to the Germans I might add!
I just don't believe you if you are starting crying so suddenly when suddenly the Nord Stream project is concerned!

And I really trust german high-tech more to preserve and secure our environment than someone else - they are subject to the highest standards and have to fulfill the most grizzly terms and conditions before they are allowed to lay a brick down here in Germany!

We have an influential environmental party in the government for fycks sake!

PS: Where is the polish "green" party?
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2008
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

I really doubt the Poles would care about environment if the problem would be a...say...american missile station....

It's the Nordstream project they object...for that they use all possible arguments!
They don't really give a fyck about the the environment!
Bratwurst Boy   
25 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

You know what French talk about Italians ? You know what some Italians talk about French

I doubt they sing about mass killing them...:)

And anyhow...why isn't Greece inviting all these turkish dregs from Germany if they so love them??? That way the greek would be happy and the Germans would be too! :) Deal?
Bratwurst Boy   
25 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

I don't believe you Socrates...I think you're an imposter!

This clip here shows more of the reality I think:

A video of greek special forces singing songs of committing genocide against The Turks and Albanians. Greek patriotic songs that are taught in Greek schools advocating genocide. Their slogans are on the recent graphite's that were written on the top of the highest building near the Ledra Street border gate in Nicosia in Cyprus. The graphite's stated, "Death to the Turks" and "Axe and fire to the Turkish dogs." ...

Bratwurst Boy   
25 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Kewl...they helped spreading the use of coffee and the fez which now everybody and his mother is wearing...whoa! True Europeans!!!

:) (May I borrow that joke?)
Bratwurst Boy   
25 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Don't think so...the inter-marrying quota between ethnic Germans and ethnic turks is the lowest of all immigrants in Germany.
Bratwurst Boy   
25 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761] showed that you know how a stopwatch works but that has to do with the topic exactly what?

Do you really think the intense dislike most Germans feel against immigrant turks is due little 'ol me???
Just compare the turks with the millions of polish immigrants in the last century...totally different. It's not the Germans who make the problems!

You don't like the message so you attack the messenger??? Great tactic - but won't work...
Bratwurst Boy   
25 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761] need for "spreading" by me...they have earned it through hard work all by themselves!
Bratwurst Boy   
24 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Scapegoating one or more groups in frustration and anger however, is hardly the solution.

"Scapegoating" as you call it is the first step in voicing that the rosy multikulti globalization is not that rosy nor the only way.

The end will not be a happy race mixing with resulting in some beige colored undifferentiated masses but rather the contrary is happening.

Many people won't accept to become strangers in their own land...and as long this question isn't adressed other than with: "Get used to it you racist" more violence is looming on the horizon.

(Maybe not tomorrow since most people are still living fairly well but maybe next week...)