The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 6 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 27 / Live: 23 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2074 / Live: 1998 / Archived: 76
From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

Displayed posts: 2021 / page 12 of 68
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1 Jul 2024
News / Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland [363]

Having sex without consent is rape

Not if you gain a democratic mandate, first. That is, it can be sufficient to gain the consent of the "socium".

If 10 people gather - one woman amongst them - and the other 9 men vote to rape the one woman... that's democracy.

It's not enough just to go through the motions of the democratic process, it's actually even more important to respect the results.

This is what sets apart real democracies like those in America, from the Potemkin democracies of places like Russia.
28 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Terms of Ukrainian Surrender [67]

Just want to reiterate that the collective West are nothing but common thieves for stealing Russia's $300B.

Thieving rats - the lot of you.
28 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Terms of Ukrainian Surrender [67]

Russia giving some remuneration without Russian concerns being awarded any contracts.

I don't understand why we have to pay for anything we do not control?

Ok... you have already under your control $300B that you stole from us. If that's what you're gonna do with them, I can live with that. Not the worst use of this money, to be completely honest.

But if you expect us to willingly handover even a single cent to repair something in Lviv or Ivano-Frakovsk - then you are hallucinating on some powerful narcotics.
28 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Terms of Ukrainian Surrender [67]

include Russian remuneration without Russian contracts to help rebuild Uke.

Dearest AntV...

We will never, not during the geologic lifetime of this planet, expect to earn any money from you - rebuilding what we know is ours.


You go, and talk to your Polish and other vassals, about what they can collect from the lord's table. We don't need your handouts.

We will fix what is within our domain of control, for everything else - you are responsible. Don't write us, don't invite us to any aid conferences, don't dangle development funds before us.

It's unhygienic to accept money from you.
28 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Terms of Ukrainian Surrender [67]

All r*SSians can do is make veiled threads

Where did you read a veiled threat?

I am in Mahatma Gandhi mode today!
28 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Terms of Ukrainian Surrender [67]

Well, for the moment - at least - we have managed to gain the respect of Ukraine's military men.

Read any of their interviews recorded recently. They all speak about the forces opposite them with deep respect. As do, Russian commanders, speak well about their Ukrainian counterparts.

The populace at large has been fed a diet of falsehoods and misrepresentations. Whatever they think, is not so important now.

Tomorrow, we will sing them a new song, and they will learn to love this too.
28 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Terms of Ukrainian Surrender [67]

Still unwanted probably though

In the words of some old mafioso - "I don't require love, respect is enough".
28 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Terms of Ukrainian Surrender [67]

Don't worry

I don't worry, Jon.

Even if this war ends tomorrow, it's already an unqualified disaster.

Unlike you, we'll be there to clean up the mess, however.
28 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Terms of Ukrainian Surrender [67]

Trump promised to settle the war in Ukraine, even BEFORE he enters office.

The general outline of his proposal, has been discussed in the press:

1) Suspension of aid to Ukraine unless it commences negotiations.

2) Increased aid to Ukraine if Russia refuses to engage.

Given that everyone understands that:

1) Ukraine cannot hope to keep fighting without aid

2) There is little left in the West's stockpiles, that they haven't already transferred or committed to transferring in the near future....

I think this means an effective surrender of Ukraine, unless Europe can somehow shake itself awake within the next six months.

Question - for what did Zelensky kill half a million people, and for what did he destroy his country - if the end result is the same, or even worse than what was offered in March of 2022?
27 Jun 2024
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

so black they almost have a dark bluish shade

I know what you mean, and I find that skin color to be quite beautiful. Attaching two photos below of what I think you mean.

And yet still, there are people darker.

For example... People from Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu (Tamils in general) in southern India. Some of them can be so black, it's like anthracite coal.

Then the indigenous Papuans.

I already mentioned Aboriginals.

Basically - when it's hot as f*ck, over thousands of years your skin turns black - counter intuitive as it may sound.

If I was the great god architect I would make people whose skin turns chrome. Reflect all that light right back at the troposphere.

  • IMG_2177.jpeg

  • IMG_2178.jpeg
27 Jun 2024

look like chicken coops on the roofs

If you don't understand something, best not to comment on it.
27 Jun 2024

I finish the topic of the howitzer with this video in Engish

See - this is an argument. There is some meat on the bone. Something for us to discuss.

Not just hysteria.

Busy now, but will respond soon.
27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [383]

[login to read]
27 Jun 2024
Law / US Citizen has somewhat complicated travel problem. [6]

Ah alright then, good luck to you.

But just fyi, it doesn't matter if you kept exiting Poland, if you managed to accumulate more than 90 days within a 180 days period. You can go to Ukraine every other day, but your 90 day counter will still be ticking for every day spent in Poland within that 6 month window.
27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [383]

[login to read]
27 Jun 2024
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

What's amazing is that this epic level of corruption was still not enough to kill Illinois.

America didn't collapse when Jack Kennedy was President, his brother the Attorney General, and another brother was the Senate Majority Whip.

America didn't collapse when Trump started bringing his daughter to the G20, and sending his son-in-law to negotiate peace between the Israelis and the Saudis. It didn't collapse when the Saudis invested $2B into Jared's new investment fund, for seemingly no reason whatsoever.

It's just annoying when America comes into your house, and starts reading lectures about corruption and nepotism.
27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [383]

[login to read]
26 Jun 2024
News / Does Polish hotel have right to turn down Americans and Israelis? [79]

Israelis need to be boycotted like Russians.

Please, even if you are angry... do not place us in the same category as those genocidal maniacs.

America is owned by them, so its behavior can be excused.

Russia owes Israel nothing. In fact, it is Israel that owes us.
25 Jun 2024
Travel / Poles as tourists in foreign countries [93]

you see a woman being raped...Who do you call

Nobody? I try to make brain pudding from rapist's cranium?

I know you love cops, just understand the love is not widely shared.

So many among them, are strange people with a hero complex. But as mentioned, firemen and ambulance workers for some reason do not act as if they are gods walking among mortal men - even though their profession is much more noble.

Recently, a cop told me - "If a cop tells you to do something, you do it!". I complied of course (don't wanna get deported on account of this troll), but was a little bewildered at how this guy manage to graduate the academy.

I don't like interacting with people with low IQ, high testosterone, and a child's conception of self.
24 Jun 2024
Travel / Poles as tourists in foreign countries [93]

You're a football fan! :)

Кони жрут мясо.

**** Spartak. Buncha homosexuals.

You drifted away from the topic.

The topic was relationship of "small man" and power.

You tried to draw some caricature of Russia straight from Dostoyevsky and Chekhov.

I'm telling you it is the same everywhere.

24 Jun 2024
Travel / Poles as tourists in foreign countries [93]

I do

I hate cops.

Only a loser becomes a cop.

You have to have a strange family to be a cop.

You have to have a strange moral/ethical coordinate system to be a cop.

Instead - be a fireman. Be an ambulance driver. Anything... just don't be a cop - because then you are not my brother anymore.
24 Jun 2024
Travel / Poles as tourists in foreign countries [93]

he is often the master and master of our fate, it has always been like that here, but on the other hand he can break the rules when he deems it necessary.

Is it not the same everywhere?

In my 20s, living in America and driving around a lot, I would get stopped by police quite often because I was an idiot. However, I probably only paid 2 tickets in my whole life. I used the skills developed with Russian traffic police, to similarly avoid problems with American cops.

Here are my tips:

1) It really goes a long way, to spend a little bit of time memorizing military (state troopers) and police ranks. When you address someone as "trooper", "sergeant", "lieutenant", rather than just "officer" or even worse... "hey" - the treatment is immediately different.

2) Don't interrupt them, even if what they are laying out is orthogonal to the truth.

3) Apologize for causing extra work (because that's what they really hate)

4) Be absolutely honest about why you f*cked up (because more than anything they hate lies, since everybody is lying to them 24/7)

Nobody likes law enforcement, nobody likes the taxman, nobody likes bureacrats - and they are all perfectly aware of this. They pay "the people" back with the same kindness. So if you treat them at least a little bit like a figure of authority with a minimum modicum of respect, then the results are usually magical. If you talk to them, as if you are talking to an animated pig - then the results are predictable.

So yes, talk to humans as "humans", and not as pigs.
22 Jun 2024

There are many, many, many genuine patriots of Russia in Russia.

Not as many as the the turbo-patriots - but enough to still give this ship some adequate sense of direction.
22 Jun 2024

You tried to sell us a manipulative article

If an actual combat veteran describing his experience of employing various machines is "manipulative" and "propaganda"... then I don't know how to help you.

This is a thread about the "reality" of the Polish armed forces.

You should thank me, but instead you go into patriotic psychosis like my own compatriots that think it's some kind of betrayal to admit that the West does some things better.

You cannot hope to become stronger, or even more - overcome, if you insist on maintaining this blinkered approach. The only way to improve, is to stare the unpleasant facts in the face. At least for Russia, that is the prescription/cure. Maybe you can afford to hide the EU and NATO, and never have to admit a single flaw...
22 Jun 2024

It seems you are at a loss what tall stories to invent

I'm the biggest specialist on Ukraine here.

I have family in Ukraine.

I dated a Ukrainian girl for seven years.

I read/watch probably 1-2 hrs of Ukrainian media per day.

Finally, I speak Ukrainian.

What you have is some GW and Onet articles that are 200 words long - and from which you form your opinions.
21 Jun 2024

Poland is worried about its future share in the reconstruction of Ukraine

It may be cynical for Poles to muse out loud about this subject... but my question is who the hell is going to pay for this corruption bonanza?

Will it be Russia's frozen $300B?

Different organizations, such as the World Bank, have already estimated the reconstruction bill to be in the $700B to $1T range. Where's the rest of the money gonna come from?

Maybe kind Papa Biden will come, and shower everybody with freshly printed dollars? What's another trillion to him, when he's regularly minting US budgets with deficits in excess of a trillion dollars?

If you expect Russia to pay a single cent towards reconstruction of anything which is not under our control, then you should see a psychiatrist.
21 Jun 2024

the opinion about Poland went down in Ukraine after farmers` protests.

Ukrainians never had a high opinion of Poland.

Don't show me any polls/surveys - it's simply a fact.

There was a moment where it seemed there was a chance for friendship, but then it reverted back to the historic norm.

Ukrainian hate ranking:

1) Russians/Poles
2) Jews
3) Gypsies
4) Magyars
5) Turks

Depending if they come from the Left Bank of the Dniepr, or the Right Bank, they will hate either Poles or Russians more.

Russia is hated because it is the "butcher", the "invader".

Poles are hated in part due to history, but also due to envy. Ukraine's national idea between 1991 and 2014 was catch up to, and overtake Poland. They want Poland to once again be smaller economically and in population than them.