The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Sokrates  

Joined: 19 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Oct 2011
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From: Poland
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3 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

It could also be that they were not given a chance.

Even in interwar Poland which is the only period when Poles were truly prejudiced (not without reasons) Jews were given equal opportunity.

If you werent busy spitting on all things polish and learning history you'd know that till XIX century most Jews pursued religious learning and screw secular matters, they occupied small time trades such as carpentry, shoemaking, stuff that didnt require education.

you could see that Jews before the 20th Century were effectively blocked from major parts of public life

In the West, your evil racist Poland did not block Jews from any part of public life, there was no social ostracism either, Jews were simply not interested as public duties often contradicted their religious practices, lack of incentive from the jewish side was the reason, the fact that some of them occupied such high offices is proof enough.

No Jew could even dream of becoming a major or a captain in say XVI century french army, we have (albeit a few) jewish officers as far back as XV century.

but before the 20th Century hatred of Jewish financial institutions was generally only present when it was time to pay back the loans the non-Jewish population had with them.

Jewish banking institutions in Poland became hated only in XIX and XX century when jewish bankers started playing with racial issues (putting Jews before Poles).
3 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Not quite true. Have a look at following list, I would say they were pretty prominent.

That list proves my point perfectly, a list of less then 200 people prominent on all fields throught history in a nation that has thousands of such people,also many of the people you listed contributed nothing to Poland but are present on the list as simply born in Poland or were in Poland but contributed nothing.

A few examples: Menachem Begin (1913-1992), Israeli prime minister, Nobel Laureate, 1978 (born in Poland) - no accomplishments in or for Poland.

Sala Burton (1925-1987), American politician[4] - no achievement for Poland.

At least a quarter of the list are Jews simply born in Poland without any achievements so it proves my point, a list of polish scientists in XX century alone is larger (much larger).

Jews fought in the Polish army, and were integrated in quite some segments of Polish every day, cultural and political life.

Some Jews were but very few if you consider their huge number in Poland, most Jews lived an insular life not contributing beyond paying taxes.

Any claims that Jews contributed anything serious to polish history are ridiculous in the light of even the list you provided.

M-G (Jews have contributed in every country they live(d) in)

Hardly, they've constituted the uneducated bottom of the polish society for ages with very few being actually educated, the infamous jewish bankers were a tiny fraction of an otherwise illiterate jewish masses.

They didnt contribute to the military or politics, economy or science, there have been few great achievers but given how many and how long the Jews were in Poland the number of accomplished Jews is pitifully small.

They were a docile illiterate mass that contributed very little to Poland as their host country.
3 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

"1000 years of the history of Polish Jews"

1000 years?! Thats a bit of a stretch isnt it? Last i checked there were no Jews in Poland 1000 years ago.

You said earlier that genetic science can prove this but how? You would need to test every Pole or at least a significant amount of Poles to determine that.

There were statistical surveys done, they were even brought up, they've proven that most european Jews are ethnically european (slavic, germanic etc) rather than semitic.

Of course recently jewish studies pop up left right and centre that prove Jews have semitic roots etc, make up your own mind Ogien:)

Now assuming the claim that Ashkenazic Jews do originate from the Middle East is true, they obviously had to do a lot of mixing with Europeans.

Not really, its more of Europeans becoming converts and then staying with the Jews, to put it simply Jews got a lot more european blood then Europe jewish blood.

There was some mixing but the word some is very adequate, as far as Poland is considered 70% of elites were ethnically polish or silesian, the remainder was primarily german or ruthenian (both groups partly or completely polonised), Jews were never prominent in cultural or political elites of Poland, mainly due to their insular way of life, though they had several very accomplished representatives, especially in literature.
3 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

*hugs Sok close*

And now i have your sympathy AND your car keys!:-)
3 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Why do you ask if you're not interested in the answer?:) Also already did, got a bit of a German and French in me, not an ounce of Jew, sadly :))))
3 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

You talk about Jews as a whole,

No i'm talking about a significant enough percentage that we can assume it was a majority.

instead of realizing how only a small minority did **** to Poland.

Actually it was a majority, especially in interwar period when Jews embraced starkly anti-Polish Zionism and in 1939 when Jews as a whole greeted and supported Soviet Russia which was the enemy of Poland and massively participated in genocide and repressions of the Poles.

It's like I said Poles in Britain are unthankful to Britain

Thats because we have little to be thankful for, Britain repeteadly betrayed and insulted Poland while Poland supported and protected the Jews, you're comparing a false and dishonest ally like Britain to a generous and kind host that Poland was for the Jews throught centuries, its a comparison completely out of place.

Anyhow, I know Poles that claim that not a few Polish people have Jewish ancestry/blood.

Jews and Poles didnt really mix much, while there might be some Poles with jewish ancestry you'd find far more Brits or even Germans with jewish blood.

What would be so bad about it?

Per se nothing but Jews are not liked, we're a nation that likes history and when discussing the Polish-Jewish history there's an inescapable fact of the enormous treason and backstab the vast majority of Jews in Poland commited upon her.

Add to that the fact that Jews always escaped any discussion about their treason and attrocities commited on Poles signing them off as polish anti-semitism and whatnot and you have the answer.

The rift that the Jews created between them and Poland by their behaviour is unhealable and permanent, we've got good relations with Israel and Jews are not persecuted in Poland since we're civilized people but by and large we dont like them for what they did to us and what they say today.

Of course Poles were not always saints and you can dig up examples of polish atrocities but they were neither the initiators of the conflict nor the more active side.
3 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Considering there were many Jews in Poland in the past, it's naiv to assume that millions of Jews will stay out of dubious deeds. It's logic to say that some of them will end up doing bad things. And no, it's not related to them being Jews.

Naturally but the fact that so many communists and tormentors of Poland were Jews and that jewish community at large repeteadly betrayed Poland from which it received so much cannot escape attention.

Sad enough is that Germans and Russians were contenders for european domination, they destroyed Poland because Poland while still an european power hindered them, Jews were polish guests and citizens, they received shelter when none in Europe would have them and built themselves a good life in Poland, in exchange they betrayed her and murdered her people.

In this context saying that Poland has roots with some of its butchers is... y'know.
3 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

This has nothing to do with the topic of the thread that deals with Jewish roots of PL

There's no such roots, what else is there to discuss on the subject?

Speaking of insulting other posters, I learned from the best, you miserable dwarf.

Oh fock you i'm entitled to insult people because thats me, you're not entitled to even look at people because thats you :)))))))))))

Yeah, it's easy to blame Jews for the sh1t that happened in your country. Scapegoating that is.

Oh far from it, the greatest perils of my country happened due to its neighbours, Jews never initiated any of the great atrocities against Poland, they "just" participated in all of them.
3 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Sure Jola, sure...You just so happened to find that nearly all bad things in PL happened because of the Jews. You are so predictable, it's nearly pathetic.

Quite a lot of them, Jola brings to the table a certain historic fact, plenty of top communists instrumental to the destruction of Poland were Jews, i like how you failed to adress that point and as always went on to insult the poster instead since throwing mud requires no historic knowledge from you and you know you wont be caught lying, again.
3 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

With that said, Poland was a much better place to live in for the Jews than most of Europe. Why else would most of the Jewish population live in Poland for centuries? At least Poland didn't expel the Jews like most European countries.

To be brutally honest, Poland was a paradise for the Jews untill Jews themselves messed it all up.

When Kościuszkos Insurrection broke out the few politically conscious Jews sided with Poland but already in the next insurrection they were pro-russian.

Financial and social gain pushed Jews to work against their polish hosts untill more than a century later most of jewish elites in Poland. were rampantly anti-polish and racist towards non-Jews in general.

By that point the Jews created an impassable, unhealable rift between them and the Poles, all the gossip and heresay about how "anti-semitic" Poland is or was is manufactured to conceal the harsh truth and extent of betrayal and shamefull conduct of Jews in Poland towards Poles and Poland.

At least Poland didn't expel the Jews like most European countries.

Seeing what great harm and little contribution the Jews brought to Poland i sometimes wonder whether accepting them in our country was the right thing to do...
3 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

So you're actually saying that 1930s Poland was a paradise for Jews.

No i'm saying that 1930 Poland was a society of equal opportunity for Jews, there was a negative backlash in Poland at the time towards jewish racist anti-polish practices as regarding their attempts to monopolize various trades as jewish only.

Older Poles readily recount unethical practices by the local jewish merchants aimed at rooting out polish trade in the region, not only did the polish Jews fail but they antagonized the Poles in the process.

That understandable negative backlash by the Poles did not however translate into Jews having less opportunities or being limited in any way.

Unless you have a pretty twisted definition of paradise...

Poland was a country that offered equal priveligies and opportunities, only when Jews embraced the racist ideals of Zionism and attempted to opress Poles in their own country did Poles turn against the Jews in self defence but even then Poland offered the protection that no other country in Europe did.

I have no idea what anti-Polish bias you're basing your opinion off but its clear there's prejudice there.
3 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

So you're saying it was a paradise, with Jews having equal access to state jobs?

For Jews? Yes it was, and yes they had access to equal jobs unless class stratification came to play, a noble jew could not be a banker since all Polish nobles werent supposed to work etc.

Otherwise a Jew had the same opportunities as a Pole or a German in his group.

Despite that Jews contributed suprisingly little to Poland and their primary heritage is the memory of their repeated betrayal of Poland, during the partitions, the 1920 and WW2 so i still find the name of the thread disturbing.

Saying Poland has jewish roots is like saying Ireland has chineese roots.
3 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

That's why I'm asking if antisemitic laws were indeed started by ethnic Poles.

To answer your question, no they werent and there were no anti-semitic laws in inter-war or previously Crown Poland.
3 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Meh given that Poland was a powerfull country over quarter of a millenium old before first significant jewish communities started this thread is rubbish.

Poland has polish roots with a bit of german and ruthenian influence, Jews are a late and rather small contributor.

Remember when you still had the image of being objective?

In the last few days you managed to tell 11 different people they're not objective just because they pointed out where you lied or made things up.

Sooner or later you have to learn that you cant base your point of view on Ad Hominem attacks and making stuff up to fit your own biased opinion, people do and will catch you by the hand as you keep lying.

I don't know much about Polish history

Yet you claim Poland to have anti-semitic laws, last i checked it had none, so are you that stupid or is there some ill will behind the nickname:)
3 May 2010
Love / Are the Polish the most suspicious people in Europe? [73]


Back on planet earth, not to generalise but your reaction is quite common among Latinos, a girl dumps you so to protect your p3nis from further shrinking you go around making up tall stories.

"She stole my money" sounds a lot better than "she told me to scram after 5 dates and doesnt answer my calls" doesnt it? Seriously grow some balls you pathetic little faggot, also dont rape the caps lock.

Oh, I think it's the same in many countries, frd. In Japan, not. They tend to agree regardless and sit on the fence most of the time.

Oh stfu and pick a side Sean :))))
3 May 2010
History / Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state? [105]

I have always thought there isn't a dumber human than a nazi Slav.

Why do you feed that little focker? He's just waiting for responces making these threads
2 May 2010
Love / Are the Polish the most suspicious people in Europe? [73]

I have a pitifull withered twig in my pants and dont like it one bit!!!

There, fixed it:)

Also its quite obvious the girl told you to GTFO and being a nutless specimen you can't deal with it.
30 Apr 2010
Genealogy / The last name is Krzywoszyja. Help? Am I Polish? [30]

The last name is Krzywoszyja.

Krzywoszyja is a 100% polish name, it originates from the region of Lesser Poland and is about 250 years old.

You might have Tartars or people from Balkans somewhere into your ancestry, also some ruthenian ethnicities were of darker complexion.
27 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

What I meant was that you can say that life of a pessant in the Commonwealth was relatively good or awful andboth statements may be right. It all depends on the time frame you are reffering to, as people in the 15th and 18th century had different living conditions.

I've been quite specific in my statements, between 12th and mid 17th centuries Poland had the highest living standards in all of Europe, the situation started to visibly degrade around 1600s but was still better than in Germany, only after the Deluge in 1650s did it plunge drastically to a point Poland did not recover.
24 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Well, better a few wars here and there than 50% of your entire population wiped out within a short period of time

Germany lost 30% of its population during the 30 years war.

Who was leading the catholic church in Poland (other than the pope, I mean)? The king? Would he be able to convert the whole clergy to the orthodox church?

The local archbishop, however the real power rested with the king and the magnates, the church was powerfull but it could not and did not get uppity without the consent of the great houses or the crown and untill late XVI century none of them agreed to any meddling, religion was to be a free choice and that was it.

David, you seem to have missed the point. The whole discussion was about whether Germany was a 'craphole' between 1300 and 1600, as Sok said, or not.

I'll be more specific, life in Germany for an average German subject of any country in the HRE was massively less attractive then the life of an average peasant or citizen in Poland.

Polish subjects had easier access to jobs, were far better protected by law, were not exploited by nobles, paid smaller taxes and didnt know what hunger was, no one abused you because of your race or religion and there was no inquisition.

In addition it was much easier to establish a business since Poland from 1333 to approximately 1600 was experiencing an explosive economic boom, education was also much cheaper and easy to access since before 1550 there existed no class restrictions.

Why do you think so many Germans, Jews, Tartars, Ruthenians, Scots, Irish, Hungarians and Czechs settled in Poland? In comparison to medieval-medium reinessance Poland every other country looked crap from the perspective of a common man, and Germany was particulary unpleasant to live in unless you were a rich noble, probably the only worse place would be medieval England.

The problem here is that the subject matter is to vague to discuss it properly

Its not vague at all, we know quite a lot about those times, including the prices of shoes or loaves of bread in specific polish and german cities.
23 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

How were they able to ignore the Vatican?

Typically by having church officials handle the matters, Vatican was fairly limited in what it could do and excomunicating a polish king could be a bad idea for a number of reasons including Poland turning to the orthodox church.


My bad, 60~ cities, the point still stands you've got several thousands towns and cities in Europe and only a part of them in Germany, how would they generate wealth that could carry an entire country?

I can agree that Germany starts building its wealth in XV century but it will take it over a hundred years to become even moderately wealthy, especially with the 30 years war up ahead.
23 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

It's hard to believe that the Polish nobility behaved differently than their counterparts in Europe.

For a long time they did, in the mid XVI century however they went feudal like everyone else and stayed that way far longer than the rest of Europe.

Most of the people outside the cities were not peasants, but living in bondage - destined to be exploited and treated like slaves.

What bondage? Untill XV century all peasants in Poland were free, even those in noble estates were employed via legal contract and had full citizen rights.

Sorry to break your bubble but untill mid XV Poland was the most modern country as far as legal approach to citizen liberties, a peasant could sue a local baron and win and the will of the court would be enfored too.

Handful? Not really:

36 cities, yes really, read up on a subject instead of dropping a bomb hoping to make an impression, Saxony in 1426 had 124 major cities and towns alone, the entire central-eastern region had hundreds and your argument is that 36 cities of Hanza which by the way were monopolistic contributed to Germanys' wealth significantly?

If that would have been the case, why didn't Poland conquer colonies outside of Europe like the other bigshots did? Just curious.

The entire colonisation effort was directed east, Ukraine, Belarus and parts of today Russia, think renessaince meets wild west.

France, UK and Portugal had only one way to expand and that was via the sea, Poland had only one pond aka the Baltic and eastwards it had resource rich underpopulated regions without state or national structures.

Seriously? I've never heard that one before. Do you have any English sources for that? I'm really interested, as I've lost several ancestors to the bubonic plague

No idea about english but i could find you a german source, another big difference, inquisition was practically not present in Poland (the position of an inquisitor existed and sometimes he even got to burn some witch but any attempts at independent rampages ended in quiet beheadings).

Sokrates, why do you constantly refer to wealth? It's borderline obsession and you lust after paper and metal? Where's your spirit?

Wealth is one of the pillars of a succesfull state, money without guts is worthless but so is guts without money.

In 1939 our soldiers fought with more skill and courage than anyone bar Germans and it still meant sh*t because we didnt have money to give them sharp enough sticks, money is one of the cogs that turns the wheels of success Sean.
23 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

what areas it incorporated. Some of them were the richest in Europe

Yep some were, especially in 17th century but most were not and then there was a problem of wealth accumulation that at the time did not exist in Poland to such an extent (a few rich people and loads of starving masses).

both from a cultural and financial perspective. You also failed to mention the Hanseatic League

The Hanseatic League was a handfull of cities, Germany had over 400 large cities that were not part nor did they benefit from Hanza, in Poland due to river trade virtually all regions of Crown and much of Lithuania made heaps of gold even while being a hundred or two hundred miles from nearest polish hanza member city.

Your claim that "In 1300s-1600s Germany was a pyss poor craphole" is simply incorrect.

Just google peasants' war, HRE was extremely poor, it suffered from plague, starvation and immense wealth concentration with lower classes being squeezed as hard as possible.

Poland was pretty much on the same level as the rest of Europe

Except wealthier, more tolerant and the most militarily advanced.

that Poland was also lucky, because it didn't get ravaged by the bubonic plague

Several reasons why, first of all polish people washed which is noted by several western chronicles as weird, second Poland had a network of state operated hospitals and effective governing system that quarantined the few small outbreaks effectively, that wasnt luck just good organisation.

Notice that all epidemies in Poland had the same characteristic of a local outbreak that never spread, another reason was that Poland incorporated natural medicine from its pagan times into its monastic medical practices, the herbs completely forgotten in the West were extremely effective as compared to medieval medicine practices in the west.
23 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Whats the point of this apart from you being a little pr*ck? Poland was on the same cultural level as the rest of central or western Europe, it was however significantly richer, safer and more tolerant.
22 Apr 2010

Originally the National Guard and US Coast Guard were volunteer.

're building a nation.

Buddy when your people were wiping with hands and New York was five log cabins we already had a nation for over six centuries.

Poland should start demanding more of its citizens.

Polish citizens throught history sacrificed more than any American, you should stop trying to teach history you moron, lots of offense meant :)
22 Apr 2010

So why didn't they?

They did win in 1939 last i checked.

So why did Hitler insist on his deal with Russia before invading Poland?

To make his job easier and complicate the western allies situation.

They would never enter mass production since the project was a failure and got cancelled, not to mention Poland did not have industrial capacity to produce any heavy equipment in amount that mattered.

The performance of the Polish army in any future conflict will depend on one thing only.
To what extent they are betrayed.

And what about equipment and training?:)

Who won the Vietnam War?
Who beat Russians in Afganistan?

Poland is not a jungle country nor a mountain-desert hell, its a flat moderately forested country with relatively good infrastructure, any army including WP can get across Poland in 72 hours in peace time.

construct Reserve National Guard Units in every province and county.

Money for all that comes from lobotomizing people like you and selling your organs?:)
21 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

protecting our Western territories, more cooperation with Germans and even accepting some mild kind of Germanization without losing our national identity.

Jasienica ignores a f*ckload of facts to suit his opinion, for over 450 years Poland in various forms (including the voivodship division) was an economic powerhouse.

There was military enough that even separate voivodships could effectively resist large scale invasions, there was never hunger, thats right medieval Poland did not know hunger, there were no plagues, food was cheap and abundant since it was produced by a wealthy peasant class.

Since Poland was fiercely catholic it had access to the works of medieval civilisation from plate armor and warhorses to universities and schools, by contrast Germany was filled with starving people, rife with diseases and social unrest.

Germans came to Poland on the same basis as Poles come today to America, today a prelavent historical lie among Germans is that they elevated Poland through their work ethic (whatever thats supposed to mean) when the truth is they came to Poland because it was so wealthy, safe and filled with opportunities.

In other words dark age/medieval Germany had nothing to offer Poland and Poland had everything a country could politically desire, the only thing it didnt have was land and in the east there were vast unorganized masses of people, politically and socially inferior, technologically backwards, any kingdom would have seized the opportunity.

Jasienica ignores these facts due to bias and forgets that his work is based on one important factor, hindsight.

In 1300s-1600s Germany was a pyss poor craphole from which sometimes came a usefull item or a talented person but otherwise it just wasnt attractive as a partner for Poland, it had nothing to contribute.
21 Apr 2010

General Guedarian said that if every Polish soldier was like this - we stand no chance.

You're a cretin.

As for Guderian the direct quote was more or less:

If Poles had equipment to match ours then despite the deficiencies of their command and communications i do not believe we could prosecute our war with Poland to a succesfull finish, the courage of these men alone could ensure their victory.

It was already partitioned by 2 great powers - because both great powers thought it necessary to "gang up" on Poland in order to win.

Either of them would win anyway.

The performance of the Polish army in any future conflict will depend on one thing only.
To what extent they are betrayed.

Because equipment, strategy and reserves play no role at all.

Works done off to sleep.