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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
23 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Polish Gypsy Roots & Roma ancestors in their families [205]

But what can I do. When I hear 'Germany' I remember many things, many stories, a certain dear and beloved person in my family had a great grudge against Germans for very credible reasons.

Who cares...but it would be more honest to stop your inanely blahblah about "love" and be honest to yourself and the others...

Makes you look like an idiot, a hypocritical idiot!
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Polish Gypsy Roots & Roma ancestors in their families [205]

The simplest thing in the world is love. The toughest thing is to love. The rarest thing is love. The most abundant can only be love.

Yeah...I can feel your love for me Lodz!

If there is a really sick thing it's someone pretending and preaching love and harboring hate and racist grudges against one other country anyhow.

You are worse than Crow or any other nutter on this board. They are at leat honest about themselves and their views, you instead are a hypocrite of the highest fool nobody

Take your "love" and shove it!
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Polish Gypsy Roots & Roma ancestors in their families [205]

In Berlin the gypsy women and children get quite annoying...they harass people, beg for money, dirty, always a little one on the arm, outstretched hand thrust into the face of some unsuspecting passersby, always some abstruse story barely understandably, getting quite agressive and abusive when not satisfied etc.

And you just KNOW that the men wait and observe behind some bushes collecting the money!
They have knifes...

A plague...
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Aug 2009

Where did he (his family) get the name "Berlin" from if he is 100 percent polish???

This is a famous German and sometimes Ashkenasic surname. It is usually locational and describes a former inhabitant of Berlin who had moved somewhere else. However in the 18th century Berlin was also used as an abstract or ornamental surname for immigrants from Southern and Central Europe, who flooded into Germany, then regarded as the most liberal area in Europe...

The first recording that we have been able to prove positively is that of Hans Bernhard Berlin, given as being the Burger of Heilbron in the year 1407. He may be the same person who is recorded as Hans Berlin in 1414, also in Heilbron.
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Aug 2009
Travel / Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures) [155]

German past is German past not our past,

I fully agree!
That's why calling something german with a polish name still doesn't make it polish....
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Aug 2009
Travel / Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures) [155]

Not the was build by the Order as "Marienburg".

The Poles can't stand any reminders of their german past and renamed it to "Malbork".
They did alot of renaming after '18 and '45.

Now I am confused...who built it?

Founded in the 13th century by the Teutonic Knights, the town is noted for the Gothic Marienburg Castle, one of the most striking in Europe.

yes, after the tutons occupied Malbork they renamed it


...he town was built in Prussia around the fortress Ordensburg Marienburg which was founded in 1274 on the east bank of the river Nogat by the Teutonic Knights....

Sometimes I get the impression that when one takes out the polish things which are in core german there would be not much left...

...The town of Marienburg grew in the vicinity of the castle. The river Nogat and flat terrain allowed easy access for barges a hundred kilometers from the sea. During Prussia's government by the Teutonic Knights, they collected tolls on river traffic and imposed a monopoly of the amber trade.
The town later became a member of the Hanseatic League, and many Hanseatic meetings were held there...

The Hanse...another german thing...
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Aug 2009
Travel / Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures) [155]

And a world heritage site

Build in Prussia by the Teutonic order...should be a german world heritage site! :)

(But then, the other world heritage site, the city of Thorn, is from the Teutonic Order too...not so bad for a warrior order...)
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jul 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Yeah...I have huge hopes!
It will take some years but all great things started with a vision, didn't they! And now that the german gov and the big guns from the industry got behind it it MUST work!
Bratwurst Boy   
9 Jul 2009
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

The Africans, except for Egyptians and similar civilizations, if there were any, weren't as ambitious.

Those Africans who left to conquer the world absolutely were! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Jun 2009

Bergman is obviosuly of German or Yiddish origin

"Bergmann" is German and stems from the profession of a miner, a man who works in the Berg (mountain).
"Bergman" is the anglicized version.

Often a german name ending of -mann became a -man outside of Germany, that doesn't mean it's jewish!

could anyone tell me what the meaning of the surname von Czapiewski
means and where it come from

The "von" suggests german/prussian nobility.
The "Czapiewski" suggests the home of your family the moment they became nobility.
Bratwurst Boy   
5 May 2009
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

Nations in one form or another existed for as long as recorded history, before that there were tribes

Of course, but I mean nation states as we know them and are used to.

personally i believe that EU as an idea will be dropped soon for decades, maybe even a century and picked up by a different generation with much more success.

Why dropping in the first place and not changing now what's wrong?
Bratwurst Boy   
4 May 2009
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

No its not, we're wearing pants that are too big for us, we're all still very much in love with nations, middle Germany is your example.

Nations are very new...our ancestors roamed Europe freely, no need for borders. THAT is the old european way, not nation states!
Most of the problems/wars/all around b*itching and hate stem from borders...just read around's often all about borders...

one way or the other the idea of unified Europe of regions is a sound one but its a few generations ahead of our monkey mentality right now.

I never said it will happen will take generations, I agree.
Bratwurst Boy   
4 May 2009
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

Interesting attitude Sokrates! :)

But it's the natural way of things. It's nothing new actually but rather going back to normalcy for the Europeans.
Nationstates are relatively new and just a blip on the radar of history and time and will slowly go out of fashion again (much to slow for our generation though....)

But it WILL happen! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
4 May 2009
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

I don't believe Kashubians are ethnic Germans....just another slavic tribe like the Sorbs in Germany.
Some of them became germanized during the centuries (as ethnic Poles too) and some became polonized.
The usual history of many people in this region....
Should they have their own nation? Such a thing would not be viable (as with the Sorbs).
But in a future Europe of Regions the Kashubians surely have their place...
Bratwurst Boy   
4 May 2009
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

Not the eastern Germans per se but often those Germans who had to leave what became Poland and had to resettle across the new smaller Germany between foreign towns and communities as they spoke other dialects, had other customs, other dishes etc.

It took awhile for them to grow new roots...but most of them never forgot about the "alte Heimat".
(Actually now with the third generation the interest is as big as never before...the what is now often called eastern Germany is called by them "middle" Germany!)
Bratwurst Boy   
4 May 2009
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

Some Kashubs had different opinions :

Of course they wasn't Kashubians (mostly) who killed Poles later!
They weren't the ones you should have tried to clear things up with before...
Bratwurst Boy   
4 May 2009
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

They wouldn't if the borders had stayed as they were!

Orphans Of Versailles: The Germans in Western Poland
Bratwurst Boy   
4 May 2009
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

Yeah well...Danzigers greeted the german Wehrmacht with flowers too as Hitler brought them back into the Reich! :)

National pride here too!