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Posts by Lyzko  

Joined: 12 Jul 2013 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 2 days ago
Threads: Total: 41 / Live: 27 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 9621 / Live: 5503 / Archived: 4118
From: New York, USA
Speaks Polish?: tak
Interests: podrozy, rozrywki, sport

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4 Sep 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Sounds like a rationalization to me. Kinda reminds me of Ayn Rand meeting William F. Buckley on a TV interview,
at which point she turned to Buckley and asked him point blank, "How can such an intelligent man such as you
believe in G-d?"

It's not a matter of belief, but a simple act of faith.
4 Sep 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

I know no such thing, Rich! Einstein wrote that he believed in a higher diety.
The enemy of science isn't religion or vice versa, but ignorance pure and simple:-)
4 Sep 2019
Off-Topic / The "Anglicization" of Europe [132]

Nonetheless, your prior post has nothing to do with the linguistic Anglicization of Europe, attempting
to weave British superiority in soccer as part of the discussion thread:-)
4 Sep 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

If religion is the "enemy" of intelligence, how then do you explain the enlightened writings of many a prominent theologians and philosophers
such as Reinhold Niebuhr, Martin Buber, Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas along with many others too numerous to list here?

If you've heard of, much less read, any of the above, I'll eat my hat!
4 Sep 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Without spirituality, there can be no religion, merely idol worship or the worshipping of tin gods such as Hitler:-)

On the contrary, Rich, religion discussed intelligently doesn't end conversations, it begins them!
4 Sep 2019
Life / Poland vs Hungary for an expat? [34]

Yes, I've been told the same thing.

Regarding the ease as opposed to the difficulty in learning either Polish or Hungarian, I'd have to say that being an Indo-European language, Polish is somewhat more lexically "transparent' with numerous related root words and Latinate productive verbal prefixes than Hungarian, with its heavily Uralic word stock as well its frequent S + O + V structure.
3 Sep 2019
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [451]

Poland owed or owes NOTHING to Germany, and to assert the contrary is as farcical as it is criminal!
3 Sep 2019
Life / Poland vs Hungary for an expat? [34]

Compared with Poland, Hungary fared far better under their brand of "gulyas-communism" than most of Europe, this I will say!
Kadar and Nagy proved themselves far less authoritarian than either Gomulka in Poland, certainly than Rakosi, the head of Hungary's Communist Party immediately after the War. Economically of course, Hungary surpassed Poland considerably, even if the forint and the zloty were more or less on a parLOL

It's interesting to compare how these two countries approached the entire party line from Moscow, in contrast with the former East Germany. Although every Communist society had some form of State Police, Hungary's was more there for show than for shackles:-)
3 Sep 2019
Off-Topic / The "Anglicization" of Europe [132]

Rubaszny Rumcajs,

Yes, it IS in fact "pre"-scriptive, since I was recommending aka "prescribing" rather than prohibiting" or "proscribing", quite right, my hat's off to you! In addition, kudos to someone whose first language isn't English catching a native English speaker on a point of use. Good show indeed, old chap.

Language though very much is a thing, a living organism with a life all its own, I constantly tell my students:-) As you wouldn't consciously or with malice of forethought, presumably, damage a flower, willfully harm a blossom, kick a sick puppy or take the life of an animal (save for shooing away bugs and the like), except for a disease-carrying rodent, or in self-defense etc., why should you apply a double standard to the life of a word??

In the beginning was the Word, according to the Bible, and about that, there can be no dispute! Verbal language is that which separates us from the four-legged species of animal. By using language with the care and precision which it no less deserves, we are all reaffirming our humanity every day of our life. Language is sacred, and so too its users. Devalue language and we devalue one another.
2 Sep 2019
Off-Topic / The "Anglicization" of Europe [132]

You want to believe in American English, since you know no other language but English,
and are therefore ignorant.
30 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / The "Anglicization" of Europe [132]

The American accent IS "British" pronunciation, only not RP, but instead an amalgam of Southwest Dorsetshire with their flat a's and voiced frontal r's, combined probably with Scots-Irish along with certain influences from the Scandinavian immigrants from Sweden who populated much of the current Midwest:-)


Firstly, I think you meant prOscriptive, secondly, the degree of "penetration" into the world markets is only due to the presence internationally
of mostly US-companies, in addition to the attraction of rock music, namely Elvis and the Beatles and the rest is history, no mystery!

Regarding the admitted importance of English as passport to the globe, I ask for the zillionth time, would you keep your passport in as orderly, clean and presentable condition as possible, or rather all dog-eared and dirty?

Only you can answer that...yet somehow, I already know unfortunately what the answer will be.
30 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / The "Anglicization" of Europe [132]

Heck, when I was a boy, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I can still remember corrective re-casts of people's speech, right on the air live:-) This was for rank-and-file Americans, Rich, not NYC college types!!
29 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / The "Anglicization" of Europe [132]

First time for everything, Rich!

Thing is, what was once everyday vocab when yours truly was coming up, has become high-level and less frequent nowadays:-)
29 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Good point, Crow. Is it only my imagination here, or is Crow actually starting to make bother grammatical and logical sense?
29 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / The "Anglicization" of Europe [132]

I wasn't accusing anyone in particular of being a buffoon, really, truly!
In my idealistic zeal and determination, I can come across somewhat truculent on occasion, this is surely true.

Not on purpose though, I can assure you.
29 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / The "Anglicization" of Europe [132]

But if the precise nature of an idea, any idea, is in fact MIScommunicated because nobody's listening to the answer since their brains are sleeping at the switch, so to speak, we're not really communicating, we're approximating, aren't we.

Could be too that one of many reasons for the rampant rate of divorce throughout the world, particularly since the advent of digitalization, is that couples are too busy fighting over what something is "like" (that maddening filler word of the empty-headed) rather than what it "is"!

Not too long ago, a youngish woman at a party my wife and I attended, who it turns out was from Turkey, was chatting with us at our table amid a sumptuous buffet supper, and happened to ask me what I do for a living. I replied that I'm a college professor, at which point she chimed in, "Oh, you're like a teacher?" I answered her in what I thought was a witty rejoinder, "As a matter of fact, I really am a teacher, no foolin'!" Her English sounded as though she just arrived from California, and so not hearing any interference, I figured she understood American-style sarcastic humor.

Well, I was wrong. She got the tip of the iceberg as though she were an American, yet missed the subtlety of the joke by a country mile.
29 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / The "Anglicization" of Europe [132]

No thanks necessary, as it wasn't entirely meant as a compliment!

I grew up during the Sputnik Era, mid-to-late '60's, when foreign language learning in this country was at a level higher than it's ever been. The differences between the way I was raised and now are so frightening, it's almost as though I were a stranger, both in my own country, more to the point, in my own language.

You can accept things as "normal" since you doubtless never knew just how great, how mind-blowingly wonderful, the good times were. I only attribute this to latent naivete. As the offspring of slightly older parents, not two teens or twenty-some-things who shacked up on some commune and started making babies, I was born with a whiff of the FRD-Era in my nostils, as part of my pores practically, and the aroma of prosperity and discover has not diminished.

Therefore, when I see the wanton indifference with which human language is being trampled upon twenty-four-seven, guess I go a bit bonkers every now and then.