The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by dolnoslask  

Joined: 19 Mar 2016 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 13 Jul 2024
Threads: Total: 5 / Live: 2 / Archived: 3
Posts: Total: 2805 / Live: 1222 / Archived: 1583
From: Lower Silesia
Speaks Polish?: Yarp
Interests: Poland,

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28 Sep 2020
Feedback / Polish forums members - please stop being agressive and dishonest. What a waste of potential. [48]

fixation about gay threads and gay men

That's Pawian.

Pick one of the biggest guys you can see. Let us know how you get on.

That's what concealed carry is all about, the other guy never knows what might happen next, that's why road rage is rare in the us , most people have a revolver in the glove box.

Yeah Americans do have freedom of speech, you just try saying anything that a lefty copper does not like in the UK and he will arrest you under section 5 law , which basically allows them to shut anything down.

I don't agree with allot that is said about gays, blacks, jews etc on this forum , but true freedom of speech has to allows this.

Threats of physical violence against others is another matter and there are laws to deal with this.
4 Sep 2020
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

I would never buy it in Poland.

Your right too much surcharge.

Not going to start moving gold across borders too much explaining at customs , but thanks for the dubai tip , I have bought cameras and watches there in the past all good value.

Thanks guys
4 Sep 2020
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

That's why I stopped playing the market after I sold Tesla, I am trading some assets for a bit of an experiment hence the watches bought and sold above.

Gold is interesting but for some reason investment gold in Poland is marked up above the gold standard price, does anyone know why this is the case?
3 Sep 2020
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

wot should i buy next ?

Hey JR I bought 6 hulks box and papers for 8k a piece , they just got discontinued on sept 1st , go check the price , i'm a happy bunny.
3 Sep 2020
Real Estate / Joint ownership of house in Poland by a Polish man and an American woman [4]

What are my rights concerning this property?

If it was done properly at a Polish notary and your name is on the Akt Notarialny as half owner (Which you should have a copy of)

All is well it cannot be sold without your direct involvement or written power of attorney.
2 Sep 2020
History / Poland and Britain started WW2 [307]

Germans living in Poland were brutally, and I mean brutally murdered

When and where was this ?
18 Aug 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

If you could, you would

Hey Im a Polish citizen same as you and am eligible to vote, but I choose not to vote , for the same reason I gave up voting in the UK. If everyone abstained from voting it would send a message that something new needs to happen.
18 Aug 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

That is why you are ready to close an eye

I told you and as a marxist you won't listen its part of your mantra, again , A.C.A.B , all commies are ba$tard$, eyes wide shut to your little tricks.
18 Aug 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

1944-89 as a "commie traitor"

You never lost your home, country or members of your family to this curse, damn them all to rot in hell.

As an outsider you will never understand.
18 Aug 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

other rightists who used to collaborate with communists,.

You cannot just choose one group to out as past commie traitors , you need to look across the board of public office, media etc.

I am 100% behind you producing a list and publicly shaming them here on the forum.
17 Aug 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

you become like

My father made me , he hated Nazis and commies and passed this absolute unquestioning hatred down to me , I have no complaints or concerns , am what I am and I am happy and content and will always call out and hate commies.
17 Aug 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

supported their politics

Yeah Yeah Yeah of course it sounds that way because PIS are middle of the road politics and left wing extremists don't like them .

I don't support anyone I just hate commies and Nazis, but it seems nowadays that Nazis and Commie Marxists have joined forces to create a new movement maybe we could call it PRL mkII
17 Aug 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

Dolno, tell us a few facts how you and your family supported

I have mentioned a few things that I was able to do back then , I am not prepared to repeat them to you, go look at the archives.

As for suffering , no I never suffered in the west I thrived , sadly my parents history was not so good, many never survived to make it to the west.

Never mind, I won't bore you kids with this crap , I know you commies want to erase this history as fast as you can.
17 Aug 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

That would deplete the ranks of PiS pretty significantly...

So be It , they all need to be removed from office , politicians , lecturers, police ,doctors, all need to go.
17 Aug 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime

Typical post from liberal libtards trying to gloss over their own lefty marxist commie
stalin , che kuwara supporting murdering past, and blame it all on someone else lol.

This must be the dumbest political whitewashing thread ever posted on the forum.
9 Aug 2020
Law / Is it possible to work with the same work permit on a different jobs in Poland? [24]

Yes you can work more than one job , I know polish people who spent the majority of their lives working in Germany for cash in hand unknown to authorities.

not sure of your legal status but i wish you well .

Haile Selassie was a great man that stood against the Italians during WWII, and of course the God incarnate Jah Rastafari
8 Aug 2020
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

Did ya get in yet dolno ?

No not taking more chances , buying up property instead , just got another house
7 Aug 2020
History / Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite? [252]

Back in the day it was probably hygene

What! you only need to dip the old todger in the local stream once a month , job done :)

Or maybe just rub it with sand if in the desert.
7 Aug 2020
Life / Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories [683]

long dark tunnel tightly covered with plants/trees

Yeah I dont know what it means but for the last seven years I have nurtured two 100 metre tunnels , full of horsefly and komari of course, perfect home for them , shaded , damp. but wonderful to walk through.