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11 Apr 2011
Love / Simon Mol - would he have been so "successful" in other countries than Poland? [121]

sluts; or, at least, they are much more likely to exhibit slutty behaviour than women from western Europe

This is certainly the truth.Not more sluts than russian or ukrianian women though.Much of the West is under strict protestant ethics so slavic looseness and fun strikes as extraordinary.The problem is that the western society with the protestant ethics punishes loosenes by extorting it from their neighbourhood that is polish women end up with Blacks and other colored and lose their color so the English can distinguish them as slaves.There is ruthless element in the western world and protestant punishment is a big thing.(unfortunately).
10 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

told me that she didn't see one "pair of good legs" during that period there.

Yes,when I notice the right shape I strongly suspect slavic origin.''Kochanie masz slowianske nogi.''
7 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

We can say that Mila posesses slavic soul a bit unspoilt by americanization.However she keeps sth serbian as well these dark secrets who knows.Anyway interslavic mixes give often amazing and exotic flowers.(especially in deserts like the western world).

Red hair. Higher cheeks, meaty, heavy legs (that is rare here), narrow shoulders....but kinkiness is also Ukrainian ;)

Slavic legs are long and very well shaped.Germanic legs are either very strong or fat or extremely slim in any case not especially attractive due to lack of shaped design.Mediteranean legs suffer from shortness and deviation from vertical position.

kinkiness is also Ukrainian ;)

Ukrainky are always excited and horny.Long live the slavic chick!
5 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

The Ukrainians call them Lvyiv,Kyiv,Kharkiv etc but I use the common english names.

but the iris are more gayish in Polish, I would say.

No,I don't think Poles look more gay.
Generally Ukrainians in Lvov look very much like Poles in Krakow.
5 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

it is Germanic people that are racists !

Germanics are racist for a reason.The point is to do better than them and establish your superiority.See all germanic nations have average GDP/person double or triple than slavic nations,let's not refer how many scientists they have produced and how many innovations they have made.
5 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

We are just, probably, taller on average and not so many men wear moustache as in Poland. Polish have rounder faces and wavy lips. Poles are more blonde on average and have less rounded lids' openning for eyes. Fuller cheeks. These are my personal observations.

Actually Poles are taller than Ukrainians except Ukrainians in Lvov and Donetsk region.(in Donetsk they look a bit like monsters).
Polish look considerably more germanic than Ukrainians in the sense of the jaw and eyes look but Ukrainians vary a lot far more than Poles.(they look different in Odessa,different in Donbass,different in western Ukraine,different in Kharkov and different in Kiev,in fact you can guess their city of origin just by their looks).
5 Apr 2011
Love / Is rape so common in Poland? [95]

It is game with words.What is more dangerous?A penetration by an english punk or an english woman elephant dildo?
5 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

and not so many men wear moustache as in Poland.

I noticed very few men wearing moustache in Poland.Most of them had moustaches.
4 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Not a Slavic thing, empire.

They inherited the concept of the Byzantine Empire.Slavic states always had very fluid borders.
4 Apr 2011
Love / Is rape so common in Poland? [95]

Another annoying thing common in UK and Scandinavia are women grabbing your buttocks in club unexpectedly.I guess we will soon need iron underwear.
4 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

In my opinion Russians are the most hardcore Slavs the Slavs of the Slavs the only ones who created an Empire worth mentioning.
4 Apr 2011
Love / Is rape so common in Poland? [95]

In Ireland too.Damn that's what happens when they get left out of vibrators.
4 Apr 2011
Love / Is rape so common in Poland? [95]

These Scandinavians are rather naughty.

''the 32-year-old allegedly attacked the other woman in April at the Redbergsplatsen square, located in the city's Olskroken district.

Having pulled the victim to the ground by her hair, the 32-year-old straddled the other woman and inserted several fingers into her vagina.''

''The roles were then reversed, as the victim was ordered under threat of violence to perform oral sex on the 32-year-old woman.''
4 Apr 2011
Love / Is rape so common in Poland? [95]

Woman charged for raping man.

"The man told city police Sgt. David Bradley that Harvey came into his bedroom as he was getting ready for bed. Harvey told him that she would cut open his penis and watch him bleed to death unless he had sex with her.''
4 Apr 2011
Love / Is rape so common in Poland? [95]

no woman was ever sentenced for rape

It seems that feminists in Scandinavia are rather dangerous.Imagine being forced to accommodate your pen1s into a mouth.
1 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Romanians are quite different.They are Balkan maybe sharing some similarites with southern Slavs but definitely not slavic.Not mediteranean either.They are like an island inside a sea of Slavs.
1 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

I also noticed that Poles like to vaccate in the same places with Czechs,Russians,Slovaks and Serbs.They want exactly the same things in infrastructure.(for example english youth just prefer roads full of bars and clubs next to the beach but this is not the case with Slavs who often vaccate next to families).
1 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

The stereotypes about Slavs here are:
2.Often nagging
5.Morally unstable
6.Generally passive lacking spine

From my experience Slavs are friendly and have some human quality which has largely eclipsed among us(some claim this is remnant from communist times) that is they are not so largely dehumanized.They also like to drink to party and have loose morals.In most sense the Slav is the opposite of the Germanic.They are very spontaneous and not calculated.They also show open their likes and desires.On the other hand they can keep secrets for years.Slavic soul has also a certain depth there is a disguise to superficiality(aka italian style etc).
23 Mar 2011
History / How much Poles trust to France? [93]

Serbian head is bare back.Anyway French are traditional turkophiles.The french king was the first in Europe to sign commerce treaty with the Sultan in 1500.

Here the letter of Suleiman the magnificent to French king.

"I, sultan of sultans, king of kings, the shadow of God who bestows the crown to the monarchs on earth, the supreme ruler of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, the Balkans and Anatolia, Azerbaijan, Damascus and Halep, Egypt, Mecca and Medina, Jerusalem, and all of the Arab dominions, and Yemen, and the sultan and the supreme king of many nations,

I am the son of Sultan Selim Khan and grandson of Sultan Bayezid Khan, and you, King Francis, are the governor of the French province.