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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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1 Dec 2016
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

In 10 years Serbia would be among strongest economies in Europe but neither would be asked, neither would desire to join in it.

My point is, what would Poland seek to found among, as you said: ``Germany, France, the Netherlands, Austria and Luxembourg, and maybe Denmark and Sweden``? Assimilation? Equality? Resources?
1 Dec 2016
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

Merged: What should Poland do in case that EU disintegrate ?

I was reading article by Noam Chomski from which we see that he losing confidence in EU`s competence and functioning. In any case, what crossed my mind, we talk about Polexit but what should Poland do if EU itself disintegrate while Poland is still part of EU.

article >

Source: Is European Integration Unraveling?

"EU governance has broken down almost completely

29 Nov 2016
Law / German/Polish Citizenship. Is my father German or Pole? [17]

Is my father German?

No. Listen. You can always come to Poland and claim that your father was Polish. If they ask you to prove, you just say that you clearly understand how neither you neither your father wouldn`t even exist if there were no your Polish ancestors who unfortunately were germanized. Now, you as sane, regret their germanziation and wants to correct things and re-become Polish. They would love you and grant you citizenship.
26 Nov 2016
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [118]

Honestly, Poloniuse3, I don`t know what you talking about. What Serbocentrism?

I wanted only to underline that Turkey didn`t give a sh** for liberation of Poland. Neither did Austrians, Hungarians, Russians, Brits, French, USA, Germany even less. Only Serbia, no matter itself deeply in sh**. Serbia had contacts with Prince Czartorisky over coordination of Serbian (from Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian rule) and Polish (from Austro-Hungarian and Russian rule) liberation. Then happened Gavrilo and rest is history.

So, what Serbocentrism? It was merely simple truth. Same way as it is fact that Poles were first to come in aid to Serbians when Ottoman Turks invaded in 14th century, while Russia was still weak and unable to help us and while western Europe didn`t give a sh** if Turks exterminate us, it is also great fact that only Serbians were interested in liberation of Poland prior to WWI. Facts.
26 Nov 2016
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [118]

Turks are sinister. They killed Slavs on one side and offered friendship on the other side.

Poloniuse3, tell me, when that Polish envoy finally arrived to meet sultan, did he apologized for Vienna?

And see, that independence what Poles regained in 1918, wasn`t thanks to Turks. They and Austro-Hungarians were for status-quo on Balkans. But, when Serbians escaped their domination, Poland got free.
25 Nov 2016
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [118]

Merged: Why Polish people tolerate alliance between Poland and Turkey ? Tell me, please

Let me openly ask my Polish sisters and brothers why Polish government, parliament and people tolerate alliance between Poland and Turkey? I understand NATO obligations but I can`t understand that there aren`t at least some politician or political organization in Poland that would demand end of Poland`s alliance with Turkey. What Poland have in common with Turkey? Turkey in past always acted against Slavs. This modern Turkey actually act even against all positive values of humanity. So, what kind of farce is alliance between Poland and Turkey? Is that weakness of Poland. Inability to have its own stance? Is that sign how is complete Polish society weak? Are all Polish Slavs ruled by bunch of corrupt weaklings?
20 Nov 2016
News / How serious is existence of Lithuania as independent state between Poland and Russia ? [65]

In fact, I agree with both of you. And Crow does keep us entertained.

Tell it to your wife.

I guess you are aware that Sarmats were originally people from Iran?

Now I have proof that you aren`t Polish. There is no Pole who would say something like that about Sarmatians. That about Sarmatians being Iranians is Anglo-Germanic mutilation of Slavic (ie Sarmaian) heritage. Still, no matter having their own opinion on Sarmats, Poles silently accepting Anglo-Germanic mutilation of their history .... Sure, well, its easy to them. Poles have us who are crazy in family- Serbians, to fight never-ending battles. But, its not nice, you see.

Crow wants all slavs to get along and make an empire.

Not exactly my mission here but, when we are at it, God knows that would things move in that direction if I gets ruling power somehow. In a blink of an eye I would penisize opposition. Democratically, of course. But of course. Svetovid publicly and Christian differences keep at home ili marš u pičku materinu (sorry, this rudity is just for artistic purposes).

Crow is just a delightful eccentric

Eccentric? Me? Please, stop to defend me here.
19 Nov 2016
News / How serious is existence of Lithuania as independent state between Poland and Russia ? [65]

Poles are not interested in being dominated by Russia no matter how much the idea may please Serbia....

No, no, state of eternal conflict between Poles and Russians isn`t in Serbian interest. No way, but you seams like to provoke people. I never suggested that Poles needs to be dominated by Russia. All who knows history of Polish-Serbian relations, knows that Serbians and Poles together resisted to attempts of Russia`s domination. There were periods when Serbians conflicted with Russians. Then, there were periods of cooperation. It is fact that Serbians differ from Russians but also, we share belonging to common Slavic civilization. We can`t denied that. So, despite our differences, we cooperate when hostile non-Slavs threaten either of us.

Anyway, that what Serbians want from Poles is that they start to be truly independent, from western Europe, from Russia, from anybody. Believe it or not, such a Poland we Serbians want. It suits us best. Its because only independent Poland can secure independent mentality of Poles and, exactly that they need if they wants to restore Sarmatia. They need to wants it passionately, desperately, like necessity for breathing. See, along that path I like to dream of future Poles and future Serbians. And we shall know no fear. Never again.
19 Nov 2016
News / How serious is existence of Lithuania as independent state between Poland and Russia ? [65]

So that is PRL. Thanks for explaining.

But, why would today`s Poland remind of PRL? USA have its interests, Russia have its interests, Britain, Serbia, France, China, Germany, Turkey, Japan, etc, etc. All have their interests. For sure Poland too have its interest.

Then, borders are changing, with amin from Poland or without amin from Poland. So, what is gonna be? Poland should be shy? Sado-mazohistic maybe? Or, Poland should be vigilant and open?

See, only Poland which is aware of its own interests and shows intent to fight for those interests, may deserve right to be one of global centers in world that globalize and now, as we all see, turning into the Multi-Polar world. Rule or be ruled, that`s in question now. Show muscles, backbone. Get erection.
19 Nov 2016
News / How serious is existence of Lithuania as independent state between Poland and Russia ? [65]

I think that Poland needs to start to talk to Russia. Nicely. Without humiliation but, nicely. We Serbians would do our part but, Poland should make a move. Nice one.

See, I don`t think how is Poland in danger and should talk with Russia about it. No, its not about that. Its just, regions (map/borders) around Poland changes. What would Poland gain there, depend more from Russia then on Germany. With USA-Russian understandings and with Pope`s blessings to Russia, I think that Poland can gain a lot of if just her politicians aren`t agents of Britain, France and Germany. If they are, well, not only that Poland won`t acquire new territories but, Poland may found itself in troubles.
19 Nov 2016
News / How serious is existence of Lithuania as independent state between Poland and Russia ? [65]

I think, if Russia label Lithuania as state that isn`t serious, changes would occur. What kind of changes, one can`t tell with certainty. For sure, Lithuania don`t helping here but pushing things exactly in that direction.

Now, Lithuania bordering with Russian enclave Kaliningrad. Who knows, Russia may decide to establish land connection with Kaliningrad. Who knows. It may then lure Russia to digest Estonia and Latvia, too. Just, in that case, it would jeopardize balance between Poland and Russia on Baltic and I don`t like it. I don`t know how could Russia compensate Poland, in that scenario.
18 Nov 2016
News / How serious is existence of Lithuania as independent state between Poland and Russia ? [65]

The Baltic States were under the Soviet heel for so very long that by the time the early '90's rolled around, they were already prepared, at least psychologically, for the freedom from Russian domination for which they had hungered for generations:-)

I agree. And how they using that freedom? Are they independent? In fact, they comprehend their independence as free choice not to be independent but subject of (Germanic) civilization that is in conflict with Slavic world. So what should they expect from Slavs?

Poland and Lithuania also share a common cultural heritage,

to some degree. Then, Lithuanians entirely decided not to exist as Slavs.

as Poland's foremost 19th century bard, namely Mickiewicz, considered his country as Lithuania,

you speak of Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855)? If so then he thought highly of Serbian epic poetry and chose it as a theme of his lectures at Collège de France. You say he is of old Lithuanian origin?

You do know that oldest Serbian ethno-epic poetry actually don`t differ ancient Lithuania and Poland? For ancient Serbians Poles and Lithuanians were Ledjani (Ledeni-Ljudi), meaning in Eng. `Ice people`, `People from the frozen land`. By some, these ethnic label for Poles/Lithuanians refers on ancient times when our common ancients (from North) and (from South) communicated and when southern population (from warmer climate) simple designated population (from colder climate) as `people from frozen land`. That could be linguistic insight into life of our common ancestors during Ice age. See, Goethe, Grimm brothers and J.R.R.Tolkien, all examined Serbian language for its ancient dimension. Many Europeans who grow up with fairy tales of Grimm brothers even don`t know that Grimm brothers were inspired by Serbian folklore and epic poetry that via Goethe come to them thanks to Serbian linguist and collector of old verbal traditional songs, Vuk Stefanovic.

Alright, that`s another story...

In any case, I contemplated a lot on Lithuania in past few years and had hope (rather naive dream) of restoration of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Its all sad how they fallen to the Germanization. And who knows what would now be. Is it even possible to come back from germanization? With Russian help? Or, with Polish help?

even though he wrote exclusively in and surely set the standard for Polish!

he did? Same Adam Mickiewicz? Great man he was then
18 Nov 2016
News / How serious is existence of Lithuania as independent state between Poland and Russia ? [65]

LATEST NEWS - situation possibly already escalate

Lithuanians fear Putin plans to "test NATO"

Source: B92, BBC Friday, November 18, 2016 | 12:49


Lithuanian officials have said that "the Russian threat is growing" - while fear of a possible "Russian invasion" is spreading.

"Russia insists it is not a threat, arguing that NATO is responsible for stoking regional tensions by expanding eastwards and moving its military hardware towards Russian borders," said the British broadcaster.

18 Nov 2016
News / How serious is existence of Lithuania as independent state between Poland and Russia ? [65]

Nobody gives a flying **** about that rubbish. Poland will rapidly commit to collective defense, because it has no choice - failure to do so will destroy Poland.

Poland do have choice, in situation when NATO mistaken and attacked Serbians, while Russia shows signals that act on the side of Serbs. Polish patriots should then choose to join in war against NATO. That`s only way for Poland to survive. Slavic Poland.

Actually, strategic mistake of leading NATO and EU powers was to attack Serbians. That way they turned Poland against themselves and forced Poland to sooner or later abandon NATO.
18 Nov 2016
News / How serious is existence of Lithuania as independent state between Poland and Russia ? [65]

Which one?

If Russia cross the borders of Poland and attack, then I am sure, Serbians would side with Poles.

So, Russia won`t attack Poland and, Poles would refrain themselves from attacking Russians because they know that this time Russia and Serbians sided to respond to attack of common Slavic foe. Same foe that attacked Yugoslavia, sponsoring Nazis in Croatia, sponsoring mujaheeines in Bosnia and Kosovo and sponsoring Nazi banderists in Ukraine. If that foe decide to spread front on Lithuania, so be it and Poland should then abandon NATO and side with Serbians and Russians.

And how, pray tell, could they prevent it?

That`s how it function. Serbians are point of balance and when final moment come, both- Poland and Russia will align themselves with Serbians because Serbian foes also regularly represent foes of Poles and Russians.

How act Serbia? Serbia don`t act but just stand. Stand. Its our foes who picking us and that lead to establishing of balance between Poles and Russians. Their internal patriotic elements care of it, carefully monitored by the rest of Slavic world- Czechs, Slovaks, Bulgarians.... while Serbians merely encouraging that process.
18 Nov 2016
News / How serious is existence of Lithuania as independent state between Poland and Russia ? [65]

Yes, you want to kill them all. Is genocide the Serbian national sport?

See, that was that anti-Serbian propaganda all about, all these years. To prepare ground for hate on Serbs, while Serbs were targeted and in case that Serbians manage to retaliate.

But, it doesn`t matter anymore. Winner would write history. We Serbs learned that lesson. So we shall win.

Let's play pretend: Russia invades Poland whose side are you on? Poland's or Russia's?

Russia won`t attack Poland and won`t expose itself to risk to lose alliance with Serbians. That`s how shall be.

And, you should stop involving Poland at a time when even Britain deflecting from EU, when even USA deflecting from its NATO obligations. They started and they now deflecting. How convenient. This with Lithuania, if crisis escalate, is part of same war that started with western European, USA and Islamic league`s attack on Yugoslavia. Plus, many other conflicts in which global powers engaged in last 20 years, which had aim to encircle Russia with NATO and, from Russian side, to repel that encirclement.

So, what Poland has with that? If not on same side with Yugoslavia and Serbians, Poland should at least refrain itself from any involvement in conflict. What I know, Poles are decent Slavs and they won`t betray Serbians. Poles won`t side with Germans, Turks and Saudis against us.