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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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27 Mar 2017
Language / How well do Polish people understand Slovak? [88]

Cyrillic or Latin in the region, no matter dialogue, is Serbian language, by most prominent linguistic experts and by knowledge of people there. Poles should be careful with this (if you are even Polish). Poles for sure wouldn`t like that one day Orthodox or Protestant Poles, declare themselves (under foreign influence/pressure, no matter which) that they aren`t Poles but some other people and plus, in the process steal Polish language. I think that Poles wouldn`t like that.

Its one thing for Poland to accept or not accept current (!) political reality and borders in the region and develop as better as possible relations with Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina but, Poland always have to have in mind that happened forcible dissolution of Serbian ethnic space. So, what once was split, cold be once again united (just, this time with real Croatia excluded- three regions: Zagreb, Krizevci and Varazdin).

There are already turmoils among Catholics in Croatia. Many Catholics there are Catholic Serbs, no matter all pressure that they suffered from Croatian elite and no matter betrayal of rest of worldwide Catholic community (Vatican included) in the world that ignore them, thanks to meddling of Germanic factor that even in this way tries to reduce Serbians.
21 Mar 2017
News / Poles call for EU reforms. [67]

Oh, au contraire. It's barely started:-)

sure. If you believe in undead horses
20 Mar 2017
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [118]

I see that Erdogan still has neo-ottoman aims especially after saying that turks in Europe should have 5 children

Its the problem for western Europe. See, God knows what He doing. After all, western Europeans collaborated with Turks when ottomans invaded and its ok now that they ``merge`` with Turks.

But, Slavs still have two major problems with Turks. Two old issues. First. Many stolen Serbian children by the Turks during Turkish yoke and then there is that issue with missing decapitated Polish heads. Turks have to give back heads of Polish King Wladislaw Warnenchyk and nobleman hero Zawish Czarny. I don`t see how Turkey can repay these debts other then to simple drop dead.
18 Mar 2017
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [118]

New winds on the horizon, as we see that Turks worsening their relations with western Europe and wants better relations with Slavs.

Take Kosovo as example, which is constitutionally part of Serbia, while UN protectorate and while effectively under NATO occupation, after all, while under Shquiptar occupation. Anyway, Russian-Turkish agreements include removal of Turkish army from Kosovo and that way Turkey avoiding deeper confrontation with Serbia and Russia, once when these two moved to liberate Kosovo. Turks finally recognize what is Slavic realm and giving up from manipulating with Muslims in the region for neo-Ottoman aims.

Good. Good.
16 Mar 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

'Vran' (bird) is black, but what's the relation of being black to 'defend' or 'being protected'?

It could have connection with `black` and underworld, in fact with MOTHER EARTH. It was possible that in animistic times bird Vrana stayed closely related to the symbols of soil, fertility, land, underworld as world of ancestors. In that sense, `Vrana` was maybe even animistic/animal protector of land, personification of ancestors. So, there could be `vrana` and then `brana`/`odbrana`- defense. After that, one little step was needed to invent personal name `Branko` (one who defend/protector). Among Serbians, you even today have female name `Vranka`. See, as name, it survived test of time in form of female name- so again that female principle of MOTHER EARTH.

Logic of ancients differed from our today`s understandings. It is so very interesting.
11 Mar 2017
News / Polish MEP Korwin-Mikke's latest outrage, insulting women [216]

What one can be sure for certain is that Tusk isn't a woman (look at the thread title, Crow).

Paulina, my lady. For now. For now. But, when you look at him, who knows. Would you be so kind to open yourself? Would you?
11 Mar 2017
News / Polish MEP Korwin-Mikke's latest outrage, insulting women [216]

Korwin-Mikke: Tusk to nie jest polski polityk!

some of comments > on the same link, below the video > go see more


tusk to kolaborant i zdrajca a takich zabijali strzalem w leb na ulicy egzekutorzy POLSKIEGO PANSTWA POLSKIEGO wczasie wojny!!!!!

10 Mar 2017
News / Polish MEP Korwin-Mikke's latest outrage, insulting women [216]

brat Miklke bravely in parliament of EU. Only truth. This is why I like Poles. They are brave to tell truth.

Janusz Korwin-Mikke on Committee on Foreign Affairs - the situation in Kosovo

JKM: Amerykańskie samoloty BOMBARDOWAŁY MIASTA CYWILNE odrywając KOSOWO!

Velika je Poljska
9 Mar 2017
News / Polish MEP Korwin-Mikke's latest outrage, insulting women [216]

tweet of brat Mikke >>>

Yes Mikke! F*** them!

Prez. Kosowa oznajmił: "Serbia chce zaanektować część naszego kraju". Jakby CAŁE Kosowo nie zaanektowało części Serbii!

Eh, brat Mikke reminds me on time when Poland was proud and free country and that Poland again can be free.
7 Mar 2017
News / Polish MEP Korwin-Mikke's latest outrage, insulting women [216]

As I said Serbians likes brat Mikke and he loves Serbians

Janusz Korwin Mikke - Uznanie niepodległości Kosowa to wielki błąd

Janusz Korwin Mikke o paradoksie Kosowa
2 Mar 2017
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Then also, we see that western Europeans support all who works against Slavs. So how can one love Turks or some others. That would also lead in one great Europe-and world scale conflict and people would learn that what is right and what is wrong.
2 Mar 2017
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

We Serbians have direct interest that Poles and Russians have at least minimum of mutual understanding. They don`t need to be united, just to tolerate each others. Turks? We Serbians wants them to pay for the crimes committed on Slavic civilization. To give back everything.

Now, don`t blame me for insisting. Problem is that Turks especially focused on our children. See, even in a 10.000 years we won`t forgive them children.
2 Mar 2017
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Main problem in reconciliation among humans in general is that those who perpetrated crime escaping the justice and with time profit from their crime.

We see that on example of antic Romans. They committed crime, escaped with that and those nations who were born thanks to Roman crime profit, while victims going down.

Its like when Lech Kaczyński said to Germans how would Poles have more rights within EU if there wasn`t that many Poles killed by Germans.

We see that on example of native Americans. There is no going back. Nothing can`t correct injustice. Invaders still profit and developing in any sense, profiting from committed crime.

Or, we see that in number of Turks and Serbs. We see that number of Turks increased and Serbs were reduced in number. We now see that Turkey demonstrate some power on the base of that number of population. So, we learning that Turkey profited from its crime on Serbs (and not only on Serbs). By the God, they imposed `tax in blood` on the Serbians, so that Serbs had to give one child from the family in slavery, so that is child taken to Anatolia. These crimes Turkey can repay only if die.
1 Mar 2017
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

you are all crazy.

I am still amazed that people can hate a whole nation for something someone did centuries ago.

Yes? Well, tell it to the head of noble and most dear Zawisha Czarny or to the head of our venerable King Wladislaw Warnenczyk. If your own head was severed would you like that future generations forget you and side with your killers in order to more harm its own Slavic civilization? For that is what is Turkish-Polish alliance. Sado-mazo politics of official Poland. Somebody wants to convince Poles that they can with Turks but not with Russians. Please, spare me of utter idiotism. I virtually urinate on all idiots here- take it.

Give heads back!
25 Feb 2017
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Now I got you. When my grandmother said: ``Turks are people of evil father and even worse mother``, we were talking about Polish defense of Vienna and later discussion moved on memory of venerable Zawisha Czarny who died fighting for us Serbians, while Turks beheaded him and mutilated his dead body. That`s how my grandmother concluded her story. Mutilation of Zawisha`s dead body she considered as utter example of Turkish cowardice and expression of deep evil. See, my grandmother was devoted believer in healing, sacred and all divine nature of water that came from spring near the Zawisha`s grave near Golubac fortress. She went there several times in her life. She was so proud that Serbians managed to save at least Zawisha`s body, while as you know his noble head finished humiliated under the legs of Turkish sultan.
20 Feb 2017
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Pan brat Witold Waszczykowski and gospodin brat Vitold Vaščikovski is one and same person. Heh, we Serbians translating his venerable name into our version, just for the linguistic purposes.

Brat is popular in our media. This with EU and Witold`s suggestion got full attention in Serbia. Eurosceptics and pro-Polish fanatics (most of Serbia) immediately pointed out.. ``see how Witold talk to vermin. That`s the spirit.``