The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Velund  

Joined: 10 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
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Posts: Total: 493 / Live: 302 / Archived: 191
From: Moscow, Russia
Speaks Polish?: Read but does not speak
Interests: Ham Radio

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22 Jun 2010
Life / Languages understandable by Poles? [38]

Some practice (to abstract of how it is writen and concentrate on how it sounds) and over 60% of Polish speech become understandable to Russian. If the one know Ukrainian or Belarussian somewhat - even more, there is still some roots in use that was out of use in Russian long time ago. From my own experience - if Pole and Russian speak not so fast, choose simple words, and always ready to rephrase with synonims - it is pretty easy to understand each other. But again, there is some words that sounds similar but may have opposite meaning.

Lithuanian - quite difficult to understand for Russian, I would say <5% of words.

Ukrainian (especially subset that is in use on East and so much hated by Bandera fans) - no real problems for Russian, some people think that it is just malorossian dialect, with a lot of archaisms still in use. ;)
22 Jun 2010
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Try to get permission for "naturals parade" somewhere. Most likely, this request will be declined "due to provocation and homophobic nature, to protect rights of minorities". As to gay parade - usually no problem (not in Moscow, though).
22 Jun 2010
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

there are over 6 billion people in our already over-populated world....

But I have more than enough fingers on one of my hands to count my descendants that I will protect by any means from influence of totalitarian religious sects and gays. The remaining 6 billions have much less interest to me.

Wide minded peoples may be interested in this product:
22 Jun 2010
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

with dumb, limited thoughts of this kind

Hm. If wide-minded YOU do not care about survival of your genes in future generations, others will be very glad to occupy freed space. ;) The ones who poke right hole have more chances to do so. ;) Your sisters will be a nice addition to collection of some arab guy.

And, of course, i'm already immune to words "rigid", "limited" and so on.

Feel free to do anything you like, poke any hole of any creature you like. But if this will have any relation to my descendants - beware.
22 Jun 2010
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

1. Extreme Homophobia

Hm. I still asking myself, WHY people should LOVE someone just because he poking a wrong hole? ;)

By the way, gays that actively promote their "life style" around and trying to recruit as many as possible still bisexual dumbasses to join them is a real threat for everyone - they lessen everyone's chances to ever see their grandsons. So, some reasonable level of homofobia is a healthy thing from evolutionary point of view, IMHO.
14 May 2010
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

...are you trying to colonize the West with the help of "your" women rather than kalshnikovs? LOL

Pretty, smart and loving woman is much more precious thing than a litle bit drunk guy with Kalashnikov. ;) So, this sort of weapon will be reserved for very special opponents. ;)

I welcome that kind of warfare!!! ;)

Hm... I think you still not realizing how powerful that weapon is... ;)
14 May 2010
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Americans are pretty tired of paying for others security (or occupation if you desire) and then getting nothing really in return.

Yeah... It is not known who really pay, it is pretty easy to print few truckloads of fresh&crunchy $100 bills and send them abroad... ;) To never see it again. ;)

It would be hillarious to see Russia rebuild the soviet union and finally gain all of western Europe this time.

Did you heard russian jokes about Russian Independency Day? ;) Something like "in this day Russia finally became independant from Turkmenbashi"... ;) I don't think we will take them back so easy. ;)

Western Euarabia... Do we need it, really?
9 May 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Smoke--from the burning wreckage.

1. It seems too uniformly distributed for a few flames that may be somewhere around.
2. Most flammable thing should be remaining fuel, but when I seen burning kerosene, it either burned with no smoke at all, either give blask smoke. Most plastics also give carbon-rich blask smoke when burning. On a video we see something white...

Your comments on this?
9 May 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Been in similar situation many times, when lived few km NW from Sheremetyevo airport and had to drive there from Moscow at evenings. Clear air, and, suddenly, visibility drops to 300-500m.

Once had so dense fog in a darkness, so I (was a passenger that time) was forced to lower window glass and watch for edge of road while driver watched for a taillights of a car that was in front of us (we all drive about 3-5 km/h). Due to headlights light diffused in a fog, driver was unable to see road in front of them, it looked like a milk with two faint red lights in them.
3 May 2010
News / Nuclear Power in Poland? Yes, please! Absolutely nobody disagrees! [73]

Well at least there are some reasonable alternatives.

Believe me, it cannot be considered reasonable alternative, at least in foreseeable future. Are you ready to pay, say, $12 per kw/h? Are you ready to live near semiconductor factory with some really not nice substances used in process (like arsine, phosphine)?

I think that subcritical reactors will be safe enough even for paranoids. ;) Especially underground variants with 100-150m of natural radiation shield above it. ;) 20-40 years of operation on a single fuel load, then 100-150 years of "cooling" to let highly active nucleides to decay, then spent fuel removal and reprocessing.

If we talking about thorium fuel cycle, we can even afford to use fresh thorium each time and just store spent fuel in a safe place (some orbit out of ecliptic plane may be such safe place - for millions of years if necessary, and relatively accessible if humans will ever need to extract something valuable from those spent fuel).
3 May 2010
News / Nuclear Power in Poland? Yes, please! Absolutely nobody disagrees! [73]

but I seem to remember reading somewhere that you even with a clouded sky can avail of solar energy...

Yeah. Even night sky deliver some energy. Starlight, sunlight dispersed on a cosmic dust.... But it is really tiny.

There is new generation of solar cells that can use much wider spectrum (wavelengths) compared to ordinary silicon solar cells. They may get some reasonable amount (not very big though) even during cloudy day. But it is EXPENSIVE.

I visited photovoltatic show in Taipei last October... Yes, there is lots of new things, but many of them is simply not suitable for use in a climate of Poland/Russia.

And, in addition - solar panels also occupy some space. Don't forget to include land lease to cost of energy.
3 May 2010
News / Nuclear Power in Poland? Yes, please! Absolutely nobody disagrees! [73]

Solar is indeed one of the best energy sources there is. And always available.

Now is 02:33 in Moscow. Please, show me where I can get some solar energy? I need it badly right now. ;)

Seriously - it may be good complement to conventional power plants in dry deserts relatively close to equator. And only during the day. Otherwise you need _LARGE_ banks of batteries (lots of lead to produce it, and you'll need to reprocess it every 4-5 years). Good quality solar panels will last 25-35 years, then you'll need to expand array to compensate for power loss or replace it at once.

Try to calculate energy balance. Complete balance, from sand as source of silicon and some lead ores to ready panels and batteries. It will be not so good. Then add processing costs. Calculate total cost of kw/h... Compare with your current bills...

Yes, there is a lots of places where it will be acceptable (distant areas with small populations and without energy-hungry factories in a climate with plenty of sunlight). Solar energy may significantly rise living standards there. Buit it is not a universal panacea, and never will be...
2 May 2010
News / Nuclear Power in Poland? Yes, please! Absolutely nobody disagrees! [73]

Yeah... But how much taxpayers money was spent to various grants, programs and donations?

Another thing to remember - blackouts in California. Local "green" lobby almost succeeded in destroying normal business activity there (as was told by friend of mine who lived there). Their employer was forced to install a number of industrial UPS systems (4 tons of lead acid batteries just at one location where he worked, lots of $ already spent and there will be problems in nearest 3 years to dispose replaced bateries) and few diesel-generators to protect sensitive processes from those blackouts.

But it all was for a good thing. To protect enviroinment. New coal power plants is prohibited - they is harmful. New nuclear power plants is prohibited - they is dangerous. Lion share of energy had to be imported from nearby states (looks like there is another environment and coal plant in Arizona is not harmful at all), so grid collapsed.

For the enthusiasts, a retail cost of a 80 Watt solar panel is about $700. An average house needs about 50 to 100 of those. Let's go solar!!!

Yeah. Actually a bit cheaper. I recently purchased good 70W solar panel to build solar-powered telemetry system, consisting of small VHF radio, special telemetry controller with modem and battery charge circuits (my old project that was put in small-scale production), solar panel, SLA battery. That panel with 10 years warranty (until 10% power drop) cost me about $520 after all taxes. In a climate of central Russia I plan to have average output about 22-25W during daylight hours (actually close to 50W in a summer sunny day and just a couple of watts in a cloudy day). I _hope_ that it will keep 26Ah SLA battery reasonably good charged to power my electronics, if someone will manage to remove snow from panel at winter. Will know for sure after a first year (controller will log and transmit their power system statistics as well).

So, close to $600 for solar panel and lead-acid battery to keep some relatively low-power equipment running on solar energy.
1 May 2010
News / Nuclear Power in Poland? Yes, please! Absolutely nobody disagrees! [73]

Oh, Poland could go for the tidal waves! What tidal waves? The Baltic sea tides are perhaps the same as the thickness of a hair. OK, a pubic hair, but that's still not enough to power the country.

There is common thing between "green" freaks - once they beleived in something, they not spending their time to research consequences, they starting their missionary job immediately. ;)

Well. Lead is poisonous. "Green" freaks was unable to pass by... Their RoHS initiative already passed into law. Now electronics manufacturers cannot use any lead-containing solders or components. But, unfortunately, pure tin is not usable as solder, it produces microscopis whiskers that cause short circuits on PCBs and at low temperatures slowly transforms to gray powderish substance. So, lead-free replacements of well proven 63Sn36Pb eutectic alloy now in use - and it is MORE TOXIC than original one due to added Sb, Cd, etc... In addition, higher melting temperatures and not so good adhesion of lead-free solders create a lots of problems to manufacturers and shorten average life of electronics (creating additional waste) - but who cares? They won their battle with lead, they really happy!

Another beloved toy of freaks is "carbon footprint".. Will not comment on this...

Now, when I heard that someone tries to say that "everyone should do at least something to protect environment", I always want to say that safest thing that he/she can do is to kill yourself. ;) This for sure will not create any additional harm to environment, will save a lot of resources, and specialists whose work is to determine safety of something will work under slightly lower pressure from crowds that didn't understand what they really want to do. ;)
1 May 2010
News / Nuclear Power in Poland? Yes, please! Absolutely nobody disagrees! [73]

I'm against nuclear power too. A smart mix of renewable energies could cover the whole demand in a few decades if beeing promoted by goverment

"Smart mix of renewable energies" for now sounds like a smart way to fill someone's pocket with taxpayers' money.

There is NO viable alternative to nuclear (and thermonuclear in future) power generation, at least I do not see it.

How much Uranium can be found worldwide? Barely enough for sixty to eighty years of energy production.

Wrong. According to some studies I seen in the past, there is enough of 235U already extracted (including that is in military arsenals now) for 100+ years if regular "thermal neutron" reactors will be used. But, there is a huge stockpiles of 238U ("depleted uranium" that remains after 235U extraction from natural isotope mix), mostly in highly corrosive UF6 form, which is just stored for now (Russia starting to slowly convert their depleted UF6 stocks to uranium oxide that is much safer in storage and commercial grade HF - process may be speed up somewhat, but problem is that industry simply not need in so much HF now and storage of excess HF is not too much less expensive than storage of UF6). If we move to a breeder reactors, curent 238U stocks is more than enough for all energy needs during next 1000+ years (based on current trend in energy consumption growth). All we need to do that - new technologies to deal with irradiated nuclear fuel, to extract fissile 239Pu from them without so much liquid radioactive waste and strict control over extracted plutonium (as it is fissile and theoretically can be used for nuclear bomb - though reactor grade Pu is not very suitable for low-tech bombs).

There is at least one alternative to uranium - it is Thorium 232. There is MUCH more thorium on Earth (3 to 4 times), compared to Uranium. And there is no need in expensive processes of isotope separation, as it consist almost entirely of usable 232Th. One more positive thing - thorium is not fissile by itself, and absolutely useless for military, so you can deal with it as with any slightly radioactive metal, until it is irradiated in reactor.

WIth breeder type reactors, we may have tens of thousands years until all already known thorium deposits will be used up. And it is expected than energy from thorium reactors will be approx 10 times cheaper, compared to uranium reactors (including all safety measures to cost).

And there is some very interesting projects of sub-critical electro-nuclear reactors, that cannot explode at all under any circumstances - they produce energy only with external source of neutrons (external proton accelerator used for this purpose). Once you turn accelerator off or something went wrong with accelerator - reaction stops instantly.

India have litle uranium deposits, but have LOTS of monazite sands, that contains thorium along with other rare earth metals. So, Indian nuclear program already oriented to thorium fuel. Norway also nave huge deposits of thorium-containing minerals and expressed interest in thorium energy, but "greens" killed national research program in field of safe subcritical thorium reactors.

In those wasted eight years, and for the same amount of money, you could've built many more water-turbines, solar panels and windmills, which all have an 100% effectiveness, without needing any other additional resources than the materials needed to produce them.

Wrong again.

For now, by producing solar cells, you actually WASTE some energy. Just because full cycle of manufacture (from minerals in their natural deposits to solar battery ready to install) will consume more energy than it will be produced by that solar batery during all their useful life (I mean typical european climate, not some african desert). To me, whole "solar energy" project looks like two processes of moving - first one is moving taxpayers money to pockets of solar panels producers, and second is moving related waste from EU to China. I have few really obscene words for "greens" who promote all this crap.

For hydroenegetics you'll have to flood lots of precious lands to keep enough water for a summer and winter seasons. I never tried to calculate, how much energy you can get (in typical European climate) from these lands if it will be used to grow some oil-rich crops to produce biodiesel, but suspect that result will be not so good to those who blindly believe in hydro... Russia widely uses hydroenergetics, but there is a lot of convenient places to do so - and I do not see something similar in modern Poland or Germany.

Windmills..... Well, it is good idea somewhere near Gibraltar, where winds are almost constant and relatively strong. Try to get some weather statistics for your own territory and figure out how much windy days you have. In a most places whole idea will be useless.
1 May 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

As I can hear, pilot's russian is not very perfect, and I do not hear other side here.

But anyway, "dymka" in a russian meteorology is term for a not very dense fog, with visibility over 1 km. When visibility is less than 1 km it would say "tuman".

Can anyone confirm that this recording fragment is from this particular flight, and figure out exact time of this record?
1 May 2010

Everyone knew ahead of the time what was cooking, there was plenty of time to figure out how to prevent it.

I will agree and not agree at same time.

Yes, it was known that provocations is possible at any time (and from any side, of course - there is a lot of hot heads with arms in the hands at both sides, and they, especially militia, not always wait for a order before pushing the trigger). Georgians and Ossetians really don't like each other after a number of armed conflicts and numerous civilian casualties from both sides. I cannot keep Ossetians guilty in this conflicts - when georgians demanded independence, they let everyone (who wanted to hear) to know that they want to remain united with their own people in North Ossetia. Georgian nationalists completely ignored that, declared that Ossetian autonomy doesn't exist anymore, and tried to take full power on that territory by armed force (by the way, on territory where Ossetians lived for centuries, on a Caucasus it is a _very_ important fact). Many civilians from georgian population of Ossetia participated in that attempt. Result was quite disappointing for georgians.

But, I think, nobody expected full scale attack on russian peacekeepers and ossetian civilians, with use of heavy weapons and tactical missiles. Most likely Saakashvili decided to make an atempt to solve both territorial problems and problems with their popularity at once.
1 May 2010

Yes, i agree but as for the reason let me just quote Jed.

By the way, I'm army officer in a reserve. Tank forces. And I was little bit surprised - what do you think we would need to do whole month instead of just fueling tanks, loading ammo and moving tanks and supporting vehicles from boxes? ;)
1 May 2010

to seize Georgia's northern territories.

By the way, it was recognized by foreign countries as georgian territories, but they really should become an independent states at the moment of decomposition of USSR (by laws that was active in that moment - autonomous republics within one of 15 republics that is planned to separate had the right to decide - should they remain as autonomy in that republic, or become new subject of USSR). For example, Abkhaz autonomous republic had referendum, that was willfully boycotted by ethnic Georgians so only Abkhaz people participated and they decided to keep Abkhazia as a subject of USSR. Almost at same time Georgian part of Abkhaz ASSR population participated in georgian referendum - that was about independency. That one, in turn, was boycotted by Abkhaz population.

So, real status of this two autonomies was not so clear from beginning. And once Kosovo precedent destroyed principle of invariance of borders, georgians had no way, except force like with now not existing Adjaria, to keep this de-facto independent autonomies.

What to South Ossetia - it was included to Georgian SSR purely by administrative reasons. Before tunnel was built, there was problem to get from southern part to northen part during winter. So, Ossetia was split to two autonomies separated by Caucasus mountains - one withhin RSFSR, another within Georgian SSR.

Just like Crimea that was handed to Ukrainian SSR from RSFSR by Khruschev due to complicated administration of area that was separated by water from RSFSR. By the way, also, that "movement" was in fact illegal according to laws that was in effect that time.
29 Apr 2010

Willingly collaborated with Nazi Germany in WW2.

Just to remember - Latviešu strēlnieki was widely used until 1920 by communistic regime to shot to civilians during suppression of uprisings (Yaroslavl, Murom, Rybinsk, Kaluga, Saratov, Novgorod, etc...). They was also more enthusiastic about killing civilians that times.

BTW, one of creators and first boss of Gulag was Fedor Eikhmans, also former "latvian riflemen". Directly responsible for mass repressions and countless deaths.
16 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

were ready with "davaj gnat" for any possible survivors.

Well... **** happens with TU-154M fuel dropping nozzles, but we had another toy - word "gnat" that is well known for everyone except russians. ;)

For your information - closest thing to your mystic "gnat" is verb " gnat' " (with soft sign at end - гнать).

" davaj gnat' " may be understood as shortest possible form of something like "let's force them to go out of here". Of course, pretty good idea for a place where accident happened and is not yet investigated by experts, but some unrelated people already come to scene.

If you are not happy with this meaning - it may be understood as "let's distill (probably alcohol)" or "let's drive very quickly" (but this form it is not used often).

In a slang, " gnat' " means - tell some nonsense, like being drunk or under heavy drugs.
16 Apr 2010
Life / Do Russians and Poles get along? [53]

It pretend to be Russian (see Kokoshnik on their head, though I cannot remember such style of decoration to being traditional for any region). ;)

The only time I seen such furious face (and very similar scene) is while being university student. ;) Ukrainian girl come back home to campus and found that their boyfriend (hot guy from Azerbaijan) almost completed to undress their roommate (looks like she was too quite enthusiastic about this). ;)

Fortunately, there was no sharp or heavy objects handy. ;) Little hair loss and roommates swap - all that happened. ;)
15 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]


Yeah. Maybe you will look at some last December video from Smolensk - there will be snow, and that will be one more Russian lie about weather conditions. ;)

In a video fragments taken shortly after crash (fragments of plane still burning) I can see fog, and visibility is comparable to those 400m that was stated.

And, in addition, there was whole bunch of polish reporters that land shortly before on a Yak... They been there and should know for sure what weather been there right after their own landing and in time of planned TU landing.

But I don't think you will take anything into account - looks like you live in some parallel world.
12 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Maybe just because Smolensk-South (ICAO: LNX) is a defunct small airport that was built for light planes for a regional flights. In 2008 it was planned to reconstruct this airport sometime in 2011 by lenhtening landing strip, building some additional facilities and installing modern navigation equipment.

To date, all flights to Smolensk is landed at Smolensk-North airstrip.
11 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

You need to broaden your vision and do some independent research into Illuminati, New World Order, Bildergerg Group, electromagnetic pulse weapons and HAARP weapons.

Why so narrow list? Let's add torsion fields, Planet X A.K.A. Nibiru, UFOs and the rest.....

Don't know where you got information that there was no fog, I read Smolensk forums just minutes after tragedy, and people told there that they cannot clearly see cars on ground from 9th floor window.
11 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

The only fact is Tu 154M was and is Russian flying *********

There are 29 crash records for the Tupolev TU-154 (all modifications) in database. And only 4 of them (as I can see) can be clearly attributed to aircraft problems. There is 19 crashes since 1990 and only 10 accidents with 154M during all time. Where you got your numbers, of course?

By the way, there are 84 crash records for the Boeing 737 for approximately the same period (6285 planes built vs 1015 TU-154)... Have no time to browse all B737 records to figure out how many crashes is due to technical problems and how mane due to people stupidity... But anyway, TU-154 records is looks not so bad, compared to others...