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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Female ♀
Warnings: 3 - AAA
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11 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

How about definition of gender equality

Brilliant idea....Gender equality should mean only one thing: equality under the law. For example, voting rights. Everywhere else genders are not equal because if there were equal, God would stop at Adam and Steve and watch his grand plan go to s**t.

Under the law should not mean in the courts of law. In custody cases, the only thing that should always matter is the welfare of the child and nothing else. To give the guy full custody of a 17-year-old adopted daughter would be just as insane as a 17-minute-old child of any gender.
11 Jan 2021
News / Why Poland has no problem with terrorism [64]

You are more than brainwashed or naive, so I ask.

Don't do this. For a question like this, you would be charged with contempt of court. Do it one more time, and you would be escorted out.

Other than that, the question reveals the idiocy of the asker since those are not the only possibilities.

Tell me, are you insane?

Tell me, Crow, are you really that stupid to resort to rhetorical questions as a debating tool? Next time, take a deep breath and check your spelling.

Back to the topic please
11 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Exactly the EU does not care that millions are being sent to camps

Why would Geurmany care about camps if there is a buck to be made?
11 Jan 2021
News / Poland - A True Bastion and Defender of Free Speech [250]

The EU will get a fit. They will claim it's homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, and just not progressive enough to allow free speech that can hurt feelings.

Poloniusz, are you a writer? Also, did you live in the US?
11 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

it is infested with nasty women-haters.

FYI, the worst women haters are women. Why do you think women invented gossip, 2-inch-long claws, and down to the waist cleavage?
11 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

While male women-haters perceive women as objects.

Quoting or guessing?
I was hoping you would ask me about that cleavage? I put a lot of effort into it. And I agree. Women should never treat themselves as objects.

Women and morality continued...99% of parents cringe because of their daughters looking the way common street sex workers refuse to look. Dental floss was never meant to serve as a bikini bottom. Today, you have to look straight up not to see a sea of bare butts on the beach.

Oscars and other shows like that are no longer PG-14 and not because of the men. They are still as they were 100 years ago. It's the women trying to stick it to other women - see bi**tch, I got it and you don't - not to excite the men. They probably would pay not to see these edgy freaks and especially if they are related to them.h

The dress code or rather the lack of it reveals the men-women inequality. There is no men's equivalent of down to the waist cleavage and butt flossing in public. Not yet anyway.
11 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

They did it because Western countries are run by Taituses and BB's - naive and suicidal "intellectuals" just wise enough to justify their stupidity to themselves.

They used the same brilliant technique to justify opening their borders to the hordes that will never leave and will out multiply them.
11 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Nothing noble about it, just realism.

And so was selling rope to the Soviets to help them hang their enemies. You know, they were going to die anyway, so why not make a couple of bucks selling rope, right?

That's who the spineless, amoral weasel's brain cells connect.
12 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

It is natural that women-haters hate

Men don't hate women. Men cringe when women men want to respect look like hookers.

Remember how the beaches looked 50 years ago? What has changed? The sand is the same. Guys look the same or better with shorts that replaced spandex. But to a leftist women lover like you, women flaunting their fat bodies that would violate decency laws of the past is, of course, progress.

I did notice how you smartly navigated around that rock of women turning themselves into objects. Uncoerced, on their own, with big bucks spent on big fake tits and even bigger Brazilian asses.

Yes, I know, it's our fault too.
12 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Why are you so obsessed with perfect tits and asses?

Please don't do that stupid thing about being obsessed. It's old and it can be applied to everything.
In fact, the opposite is true. I would really appreciate a day without Kim and other idiots like her that look part horse part female.

We are talking about women. The term T&A was created for a reason that had nothing to do with men's body parts. It's a multi-billion dollar industry with 99.99% of the clients being women who, of course, hate being objectified. That being the fact, women will still tell you with that note of joyful contempt that men think with their penises and get on the phone right after delivering this profound revelation to make another appointment to inflate some more.

Did you ever think about inflating any of your body parts? You didn't because you are not that shallow.
12 Jan 2021
News / Poland - A True Bastion and Defender of Free Speech [250]

Crowie, but you never do! You show 'em what free speech is about!

As soon as I see Vatican or pope, I ignore the rest. Freedom to post comes with the freedom to ignore.
12 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

What do you watch that you see Kim every day?
But for the broads, it is the only decent source available to us here. The other being
I still don't know what you think about dental floss as ass wear. Like, it's really cool - except for the women I love and respect.

Would that be correct?
12 Jan 2021
Love / Must go to confession before the wedding in Poland? [20]

Its talk about what is marriage.

Tell me it's a joke or you are just yanking my chain. A guy who molests boys for breakfast tells you about marriage?
If that's the case, I am going to counsel transgenders.
13 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Unfortunately, some men still believe that women should be treated like they're second-class citizens.

Because women allow it. But it gets a lot worse with men who are abusers. Women, like obedient dogs, will suffer for years even if the abuse is criminally prosecutable and the women have the means and the opportunity to run. Yet, they will stand by their man, as the saying goes.

Some will pop the sob and claim years of being "raped" as a justification. When asked why they didn't dump the pos after the first black eye, their stock answer is always because "I loved him".

In many cases - brace yourself now - that first black eye and the bruises came BEFORE she married the scum. All of this nonsense is happening because women want to nest with almost anybody as long as they get that phony "I love you so much" after she calls the cops. Weddings are planned at 15. The rest is just trying to fill the suit - preferably with a deep pocket.

One in four women will be sexually abused at least once in her lifetime. Men are luckier with one in six. Women are easy prey for too many reasons to cover in a short post. Yet, to you idiots, equality means who is does the dishes and who vacuums the floors. You are sick.
13 Jan 2021
Love / Must go to confession before the wedding in Poland? [20]

Confession is a Good way to lift your burdains,

I am OK with that. My problem is with who you confess to. God already knows all your sins, so no further action is required. Next should be the victims of your sins. Confess, apologize, and ask for forgiveness while mindful that a confession can end your marriage and destroy your family or get you fired, which would potentially produce the same result. If that's the case, keeping your mouth shut may actually be a better choice. A priest does not need to be involved since he is no better than your barber or car mechanic. That is why the best choice is to talk to God directly. He can hear just fine.
13 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

or simply making sure that they didn't receive things they were expecting, such as a university admission letter.

A person would have to do something to upset Stasi to deserve such an outcome.

Affirmative actions practiced by the Western leftists are worse. They are based on sex and race, things a person can't control and is stuck with forever. Yet, Stasi is bad, very bad, but Western leftists are proud, very proud. And so very "progressive".

I wonder if leftists like their pilots and cardiologists to be the products of affirmative action.
13 Jan 2021
Love / Must go to confession before the wedding in Poland? [20]

Why would we go global when we aren`t same as Ethiopians,

Confessions are about cheating, stealing, and abusing, and you drag "Ethiopians" and globalist policies into the discussion?
13 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

you sickly claimed that pregnant women should stay barefoot in the kitchen and have no voting rights.

Taking things literally leads to nowhere good. FYI, that barefoot in the kitchen is a short version of that empowering without preconditions is a stupid idea. How about kids' voting rights? After all, they are citizens and taxpayers when they buy LOL's.

Conveniently, you didn't notice a brilliant post next to his which contained this amazing bit of wisdom. Quoting:

Seriously, the right to vote should require minimum qualifications that would include a test. If one needs a license to clip toenails, know the rest.

Plato would be proud of the author...
13 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Trust me...I can go a lot lower. In the meantime, would you care to comment on the contents of my post?
No, I am not trying to be cute. In Poland, we had our version of your Stasi. Maybe not as brutal, but not boy scouts either. Yet, at no point did I or my family suffer any bad consequences. In fact, I left in 1966 or 23 years before Poland was free again.
13 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

No. IQ does not equal skill or knowledge.
I meant a test like the one even morons can and must pass if they want to drive. It is sheer idiocy that a pulse and age are the only requirements to decide the course of a nation. In the US, some vote without a pulse which leaves only age as the sole criterium.
13 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Yes 'democracy' isn't all that tbh

First, "democracy" is for the naive idiots who never want to see the Wizard and what's behind his curtain. Second, as I already posted, if elections mattered they would be illegal. If you insist on playing word games at the Civics 101 level, take it to pawian's kindergarten. There, you can even do it in English.

Back to equality...Women made themselves not equal by the choices they make. There is no male equivalent of Real Housewives, with the screaming and the embarrassingly stupid subjects being bi**tched about all day long. I was going to say "debated" but I caught myself in time.

In the last couple of years, I have seen about a hundred receptionists and nurses. All women. I also have about a dozen doctors - all men. And then I read how the evil men discriminate and pay women 75 cents for every dollar they pay men without explaining why those evil men are stupid and pay more rather than less for the same work. Duh!