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Warsaw Rising 1944 - National Disaster or Triumph of Spirit ?

OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jul 2024   #481
Only from today's point of view. In those days it was liberating not illogical..

Think logically and tell us: when are we living? Today or 70 years ago??? :):):)

What a moron.

Kto się przezywa ten się sam tak nazywa! Ha!!! Ale Ci powiedziałem. Należało się za obrażanie Aliena.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2024   #482
Last 1 August was the 80th anniversary of the Rising. Normally, at 17 hours, Warsaw stands to attention and pays respect. It also happened during Taylor Swift`s concert.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2024   #483
Certain female insurgent was immortalised in a peculiar way. 70 years ago, on the second day of the Warsaw Rising, Krystyna Krahelska was killed - a scout, poet, Home Army soldier, author of one of the most popular songs of Fighting Poland "Hey boys, put your bayonet on your guns!". Her face was used for the Warsaw Mermaid monument standing by the Vistula River.

Krystyna was tall, and she joked about her rather powerful figure. In one of her memoirs, she was described as a "statuesque blonde". Her hair was golden and her eyes were green. The sculptor Ludwika Nitschowa was a friend of her aunt and made a sculpture of Krystyna's head, which was seen in the artist's studio by the mayor of Warsaw, Stefan Starzyński. He was delighted with the girl's charm and "typically Polish beauty". He suggested that she should pose for Nitschowa for the Warsaw Mermaid monument she was currently creating. Krystyna was a bit ashamed of this distinction and did not admit it to her friends. The monument was erected on the Vistula in August 1939.

  • FREE_840.jfif
Alien  26 | 6567
3 Aug 2024   #484
, at 17 hours

Sirens were howling in Katowice.
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Aug 2024   #485
"Hey boys, put your bayonet on your guns!"
What a stupid woman...Guns use ammo, not bayonets...Also, Germans were never scared of bayonets. A thousand Soviet tanks, but not bayonets, forks, and knives...Duh!

I am beginning to feel sorry for the Germans in Warsaw. They knew the war would be over any day...So all they wanted was to surrender to the US and live...

That plan went out the window because some morons, against all data and odds, decided to play war. Again... Oh, fvck...Sure enough, Mr. H orders them to stand their ground, kill Poles, destroy the city...only to be killed by my beloved Red Army.

Sorry, guys,...I apologize to you for the brainless idiots with too many High Moral Ground hills...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2024   #486
Germans were never scared of bayonets.

BS. They were scared shytless of face to face combat because they didn`t train it before the WW2. .

High Moral

That was such a wonderful attitude....

"Hey boys, put your bayonet on your guns!"

I already posted it years ago but such songs are never boring.

With Polish and English subtitles and coloured archive films from the Rising :

Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Aug 2024   #487
High Moral Ground ... where the air is rare and brains rarer...
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Aug 2024   #488
Poland has its share of holy cows.

The reason why I don't play along is that the condition of admission into the barn is a suspension of the logical side of the brain.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2024   #489
The reason why I don't play along

It is your choice. However, be consistent and never complain that you are treated as shyt by decent Poles and Polesses.
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Aug 2024   #490
There is plenty of that in the Holy Cow barn...Go have fun...

That smell, BTW, is from the decomposing bodies of 200,000 Poles who died for nothing.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2024   #491
Poles who died

They died for free Poland. And we have it today. Their sacrifice wasn`t in vain.
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Aug 2024   #492
They died in 1944. Poland was free in 1990 because the USSR fell apart.
Dear God...They really are this stupid...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2024   #493
Poland was free in 1990

Yes, darling, coz the memory of their heroic fight was still retained by Poles and Polesses as well as Soviets who realised that we are ready for huge sacrifice to live in a free country.
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Aug 2024   #494
I would rather be alive than a souvenir in your head.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2024   #495
I would rather be alive

Yes, we know, alive on your knees as a Soviet traitor.
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Aug 2024   #496
1990 had nothing to do with 1944 beyond that both were in the 20th century.

If 1944 never happened, 1990 still would do because 1990 was the result of mega-events Poland was just a me-too to...

1944 was a ripple in a small lake called Poland the two elephants in the room found amusing but of zero significance. Monte Casino is the other Holy Cow...

WW2 would end just as it did if Poles never took part in it once the US and the USSR did.

Don't feel bad...The French were just as irrelevant...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2024   #497
1990 still would do because

Not quite. If Soviets hadn`t stopped at Warsaw and continued their march over Poland to defeat Germans to the end, they would have conquered not 1/3 but 2/3 of Germany by May 1945. West Germany would have become a little unimportant country the size of Belgium or Denmark. Soviets would be much stronger in result.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2024   #498
If Soviets hadn`t stopped at Warsaw

The Rising broke out on 1 Aug 1944. Soviets stopped on the banks of the Vistula River and waited until Jan 1945 with their next offensive. In result, by 1 January, Western allies had had enough time to liberate France and reach the German western border. While Soviets were still in Eastern Poland.
Check it out, historical loser:

  • 19450101GerWW2Batt.jpg
Miloslaw  22 | 5269
3 Aug 2024   #499
Also, Germans were never scared of bayonets.

What an incredibly stupid post!
Who isn't afraid of bayonets?

BS. They were scared shytless of face to face combat because they didn`t train it before the WW2. .


They died for free Poland. And we have it today. Their sacrifice wasn`t in vain.

Agreed again, that inspired Solidarnosc and many others..... the link is there, even if Rich refuses to acknowledge it.

Rich, your "Glorious Red Army" were no better than the savages that invaded Ukraine.
Russians may change fairly soon, I see an uprising coming, but for the moment, Russians behave as they always have, like savage beasts.....
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Aug 2024   #500
Who isn't afraid of bayonets?

Those in tanks and with flame throwers...
Russians behave as they always have, like savage beasts.....

I agree ...just look at these barbarians...

Memo to Russia: Kill as many NATO morons as you can...Next time they will apply for a visa to visit Russia.
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Aug 2024   #501

In my next life, I want to be there and sing along...The best national anthem ever composed...
Novichok  4 | 8827
3 Aug 2024   #502
they would have conquered not 1/3 but 2/3 of Germany by May 1945.

What a moron...

Sure...200,000 Poles died out of concern for how the Allies would cut up Germany - the country that killed millions of Poles...

Now I know for sure that being Polish is a mental disorder and why Russia will never, ever invade Poland. They have their own idiots...They don't need more...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Aug 2024   #503
200,000 Poles died out of

Darling, it was you who claimed they died for nothing. So I proved to you they didn`t. Why can`t you accept a defeat like a man should? Stop acting as c....
Novichok  4 | 8827
4 Aug 2024   #504
So I proved to you they didn`t.

OK. What did the 200,000 dead Poles get?
Miloslaw  22 | 5269
4 Aug 2024   #506
OK. What did the 200,000 dead Poles get?

Freedom from your beloved Russians...... it took many years but I am certain that they inspired that fighting spirit that drove Poles to regain their freedom from Russia and will continue if Russians are ever stupid enough to invade Poland.Polish Spirit!( That was a very good book, I recommend that you all read it).
Novichok  4 | 8827
5 Aug 2024   #507
Freedom from your beloved Russians...... it took many years

The USSR fell apart and Russia simply left Poland alone. No special achievement on the part of Poland.

In 1966, I was free to leave Poland so what "freedom" are you talking about?

I was never homeless, hungry, unemployed, in jail. or without health care. My education was 100% free - from K to MSEE.

So what the fvck are you all bubbling about?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Aug 2024   #508
Poland's 'Cursed Soldiers' Turned Their Attention To Fighting Against the Soviets After World War II
Novichok  4 | 8827
6 Aug 2024   #509
Quoting from

When examining Poland's role in the Second World War, it's nearly impossible not to talk about the Polish Underground State. Originating as a resistance movement against German occupation, it evolved into an anti-Communist group, with a mission to remove the Soviet regime from the nation as the war unfolded. Those who opposed the Red Army and the NKVD have become known as the "Cursed Soldiers," reflecting their overwhelming numerical disadvantage.

",,,to remove the Soviet regime..." hahahahahahahaha...that was funny...300,000 Soviet soldiers and as many Polish Soviet problem...

Their next step, before they were all killed, was to make Mississippi flow South to North to prove that every village has its idiot.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Aug 2024   #510
I guess you didn't read on did you.
How many of those 300,000 are now left in Poland today ?
Zero is the correct answer
Good job Polish Underground.

Home / History / Warsaw Rising 1944 - National Disaster or Triumph of Spirit ?

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