Looks like it.
Man. Genocide was committed on Orthodox, not on the Catholics. Before WWII there was the same number of Catholics and Orthodox in Croatia. Today is there 6% Orthodox. More than a million were killed in WWII. Converted to Catholicism 250.000, while all old Catholics forced to declare themselves as Croats. So, Orthodox Serbs suffered killing in genocide and Catholic Serbs suffered cultural genocide.
He hates the Vatican for one reason only............ Croats are Catholics.
Don't speak like that. It's not nice. Have responsibility for Polish-Serbian ties. I don't write from the anti-Catholic position. I bringing facts. Not my facts. Universal facts. There are bad people everywhere and, good, too.
Spot this >
This is Sarajevo (Capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Catholic Cathedral Church. You may notice the statue of Pope John Paul II in front of the church. He served there during his visit so the statue is erected in his honor.

Now spot this >
Mass was held in the same church for the Nazi Croat ustashe killed at the end of WWII. Church and memory to John Paul II are desecrated by Nazi ustashe.
Blajburška misa u Sarajevu: Kad fašisti postaju žrtve, a antifašisti zločinciyoutube.com/watch?v=cKQjoAv3wpc
Održana misa za žrtve Bleiburga u Sarajevu, protestovali antifašistislobodnaevropa.org/a/misa-za-bleiburg-protest-antifasista-sarajevo/30615373.html
Nazi Croat ustashe made Pope John Paul II looks like a Nazi supporter. He beatified Cardinal Stepinac, a Nazi monster, and now Croat Nazi ustashe using John Paul II as a symbol of their dedication.