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Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now?

Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 Jan 2021   #31
Would you believe

Do you believe as fact the writings of desert dwellers from thousands of years ago who said that their deity Yahweh can talk to a man through a burning shrub or hide behind a cloud and tell a man to simply raise a stick of wood and it will separate the Red Sea which has a surface area of 438,000 km 2 and is as much as 3,040 m deep?


Nope. You instinctively if not deliberately didn't say it until your omission was pointed out to you.

only Judaism doesn't try to turn me at all.

That's because it's a religion of exclusion. Which other religions would be allowed to get away with that in the West?

I don't discriminate in that regard!

That's because YOU wouldn't be allowed to.
OP Crow  154 | 9604
18 Jan 2021   #32
Tell me, what is wrong with Svetovid? Or Yarilo or Perun? Or Baba Yaga?

Why we here talk about guys from deserts?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11935
18 Jan 2021   #33
Nope. You instinctively if not deliberately didn't say it until your omission was pointed out to you.

I still don't understand why the mention of Judaism is so important to you? Because of its inherited elitism and its lack of proselytization (and in consequence its tiny numbers) it plays barely a role whatsoever for pagans...compared to the conquering nature of Christianity and Islam. It's an inner christian squabble anyhow I think...with Jesus having been a Jew first. Keep me out of it!

That's because YOU wouldn't be allowed to.

Who wouldn't allow me?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 Jan 2021   #34
I still don't understand why the mention of Judaism is so important to you?

Because there are three Abrahamic faiths and they are deeply intertwined with each other on many levels.

compared to the conquering nature of Christianity and Islam.

You compare Christianity with Islam while trying to treat Judaism as if it is as relevant to them as Buddhism. Read the Old Testament. There are plenty of joyful admissions from Jews in previous centuries savagely conquering their enemies.

Who wouldn't allow me?

Try it and you will quickly find out.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11935
18 Jan 2021   #35
....never met a Buddhist who tried to kill me for being an "Unbeliever" either.

Have to leave now, good night! :)
Vesko Vukovic  - | 209
18 Jan 2021   #36
Like Mohamed and Jesus.

Then they all started era of slavery on children of Svetovid.

You're a mentally ill, highly disturbed individual. To put our lord saviour Jesus Christ and Christianity in the same context and sentence with that of a religious cult which was founded by a pedophile says enough about you.

You're no different than an ustasha, balija or a shiptar. In fact you are the same as they are, if not even worse. You belong in the same category. Please do not pretend to be Serbian anymore. You have just unmasked yourself.
Novichok  4 | 8608
18 Jan 2021   #37
Do I sense that this thread didn't go as well as the OP has intended?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Jan 2021   #38
Why was it allowed in the first place as it has nothing to do with Poland.
jon357  72 | 23581
18 Jan 2021   #39
I wonder, do force of Svetovid shine for us?

No more or less than other Slavic deities (which all correspond to deities in the other pantheons). In Poland now, they seem to prefer the creator God (Prabog, or nowadays just Bóg), much higher up the pecking order than Svetovid the 4 headed god of war.
Lenka  5 | 3544
18 Jan 2021   #40
Crow, the histerical reaction of your opponents convinced me. I now don't believe that Jesus and Svetovid can coexist. I believe Svetovid is much superior !
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
18 Jan 2021   #41
I see that plenty of forum posters have walked in to the domain of a history thread, quite amusing to read it honestly. But still, let's clarify some things

"Tell me, what is wrong with Svetovid? Or Yarilo or Perun? Or Baba Yaga?

Why we here talk about guys from deserts?"

Crow, you are posting on a forum with members that are Christian (meaning somebody who believes that Jesus Christ is the God that Abraham spoke to in flesh, came down to earth so that we can rise up from not only the hell we were moving towards on this earth but, also from entering hell in the afterlife and be able to enter heaven),

so comparing Svetovid (which is seen as demonic or an attempt by satan to turn ANY human being away from the light which is Jesus Christ) in a religious context instead of a purely cultural one, which has more to do about: religion being used by pagans in the old times to collect and transfer knowledge and traditions to the next generation. (How to treat nature, relations, animals etc)

If you want to post about cultural heritage of Slavs etc, it is not an issue. Treading in to a theological debate is quite another.

I wouldn't say nothing, it had certain influence of the language (Polish), just like Norse mythology have on Scandinavian languages. One only needs to think of the name of the days in a week (Torsdag = Thursday meaning Thor's day)

To me it's symbolic in the way it shows it was used to give hommage to somebody who did a deed in the past (so much it was elevated to deity status before Christianity entered pagan realms) and now is being only used to organize your day. That surely is a great victory for Christianity, turning a lie in to a useful organizational tool instead.
Lenka  5 | 3544
18 Jan 2021   #42
If religious beliefs should be treated with respect why you guys try your hardest to offend believers in Svetovid or any other pagan god?
Being a member of Judaism, Christianity or Islam really doesn't give you any special rights.
OP Crow  154 | 9604
18 Jan 2021   #43

Lenka darling, see how Racow serve Poland. See why Mizkiewich and other great people of Poland loved and love Serbs? I expose hypocricy to the maximum. They will need time and time to comprehend all positive aspects of this thread. In the meanwhile I slowly sip rakija and read them.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
18 Jan 2021   #44
There many different variations of Christians and I am not talking about theological differences alone (Catholicism/Protestantism/Orthodoxy)
There are also professional differences and perspective/attitude differences: scholarly one/clergy, crusader/soldier/combatant, nursing/nun/motherly.

Different reactions, words and behavior depending on ones life and experiences. It ain't black and white: This: good for me, that bad for me.

There are variations of good, variations of bad, some things are mixed and others are so strongly good it's bad to call it bad, and some things are so strongly bad it's bad to call it good

I should call you a can opener from now on, the German part of me wish this thread to be purely about the thread topic but, alas it is what it is. A thread to discuss
OP Crow  154 | 9604
18 Jan 2021   #45
There many different variations of Christians and I am not talking about theological differences alone (Catholicism/Protestantism/Orthodoxy)

Speaking of it I spoke to some of my Serbian brethren. And we concluded that effort must be made in work with Russians and Poles so they are less deluded and so they can be reasoned for serious projects that awaits Central and Eastern Europe in this increasingly chaotic world. I mean, Vatican/Rome literally ride Poland like a donkey and imagine how Russians respond to that, they say they are Third Rome and offering their help to Poland. Abominable.

All in all, we Slavs need more suvereignism, not globalism. We need more Svetovid and other OUR OWN things within Christianity. In Serbian variation of Christianity we preserved SLAVA, ancient Slavic/native European family custom dedicated to ancestors and also we have day (Vidovdan) dedicated to Svetovid and all things our own. I do believe that other Slavs with a good reason needs Serbian influence.

the German part of me

Like Eugen Paulus, Otto von Bismarck, Catharine the Great and many others, you must deeply in yourself know who you are. A Serbian. What else?

We must reconnect and re-knit what Greeks and Romans destroyed. We must prevail. Our civilization is too old and too precious to be lost.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
18 Jan 2021   #46
Poland is quite stubborn so I agree to the donkey part, it's not being ridden however. More like... been given carrots for a long time and doesn't mind carrying a much larger cargo right now out of thankfulness.

So... don't take away our carrots or our memory of carrots.

German part of me is very small, like grandmother of my grandparent on fathers side. It would mean I could have like, what? Too little Serbianism to even consider it? I need to have my focus on Polish matters

Destroyed? Greeks or Romans haven't destroyed anything in Poland, only been giving ideas. What have they done to Serbia?
OP Crow  154 | 9604
8 May 2021   #47
Jesus was real. Svetovid is fiction.

Funny, really. Some say Jesus was real and they turned him into fiction. With Svetovid we are clear from start. He never abandoned land of dreams.

These years, Serbian peacekeeping mission in Lebanon, Serbian soldiers sing on the Christianize day dedicated to Svetovid >

Home / History / Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now?
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