Unfortunately some 3 world countries support them because they don't like America.
No fraternisation with Mongols until they give up their RuSSist obsessions.
How would you know that they did, doctor?
3 world countries support them
Give us a list and the immigration from those trecherous countries to Poland will be blocked. :):):)
would you know that they did, doctor?
Simple, sister. By quitting military conquest and all aggressive propaganda against other peace loving countries.
all aggressive propaganda against other peace loving countries.
Do you include the US and other Western "democracies" that since 1945 caused 20 million deaths in the "peace-loving" category?
3 world countries support them because they don't like America.
Most of them have been bribed or threatened. A few that have good relations with r*ssia abstained from the UN vote so the threats didn't write work out how Vladolf Outlet wanted it.
and not allowing the outside context (which is admittedly terrible) to color their interaction?
People like you and their support for Putin and the invasion of Ukraine are creating that "terrible context". You're responsible for that "terrible context". You and others like you have blood on their hands.
And, Bobko, for me you're worse than some poor, uneducated simpleton living in some Russian province and having only contact with Russian state TV. You live in the West and have access to all the information. You're intelligent and educated. You have no excuse, unlike some hick in the Russian countryside.
And you have an Ukrainian girlfriend! What is wrong with her?? Or do you hide your views from her and her parents? I wonder about the same in case of Dirk diggler - that Nazi lover claims to have a Jewish girlfriend o_O What a mindf*ck.
I allowed hatred and aggression to get the better of me. I won't let that happen again.
Then don't. I usually try not to allow those two to get the better of me either. I see a difference, however, between not being hateful and aggressive and actively engaging in blissful exchanges of pleasantries with an imperialist Russian scum, like Bobko, who's supporting evil actions of his country, with full knowledge of what those actions entail ("flattening cities", etc.). You two are patting each other's backs while people are dying in Ukraine and the country is being wrecked. It's disgusting.
@ GK AND @ Bobko Bobkovich
You guys must realize that your civil discourse is uncivilized. You are two naziesque bastards with all of your willingness to rise above your marked differences to speak to each other as human beings.
Human beings, as if we could even call your behavior human. Entering into a rational exchange of perspectives, how disgustingly inhuman. You beasts!
Instead of following the noble and righteous path of self-righteous superiority and ostraciziation, you choose to...to...to....{excuse me 🤮🤮🤮}...treat each other as fellow humans. You freaking nazis!
Please, Paulina and Paw Patrol, carry on with your humane and decent discourse. We have a lot to learn from your humility about sowing the seeds of peace and fraternal correction.
You guys must realize that your civil discourse is uncivilized. You are two naziesque bastards with all of your willingness to rise above your marked differences to speak to each other as human beings.
Human beings, as if we could even call your behavior human. Entering into a rational exchange of perspectives, how disgustingly inhuman. You beasts!
Instead of following the noble and righteous path of self-righteous superiority and ostraciziation, you choose to...to...to....{excuse me 🤮🤮🤮}...treat each other as fellow humans. You freaking nazis!
Please, Paulina and Paw Patrol, carry on with your humane and decent discourse. We have a lot to learn from your humility about sowing the seeds of peace and fraternal correction.
@AntV, I entered into a rational exchange of perspectives with pro-Putin Russians seven years ago - I was more like GefreiterKania is now back then (just more balanced mentally and emotionally than him lol). And I kept going for those seven years. I was even one of the last Poles who gave up on those exchanges.
I'm all about discussing issues, but that's not all GefreiterKania is doing and I personally find his behaviour disgusting.
I honestly doubt that patting the back of Russians like Bobko will sow any seeds of peace. Germans were doing that for years and "understanding" them and look at the result. Bobko is able to return that pat on the back, because it costs him nothing. That's just empty talk. Later he will be able to put a knife in your back (that same back of yours that he patted) for the "good" of his country or level Warsaw to the ground. Judging by his stoic composure he probably won't even blink while doing so.
Btw, AntV, I've noticed a visible pro-appeasement (towards Russia) slant in many of your posts on the thread about the invasion, so, sorry, but you're not any authority for me as far as Polish-Russian relations are concerned.
GF isn't a Nazi or a facist, but I've noticed a touch of Polish imperialism in him on a few occasions. Maybe that's why he sees eye to eye with Bobko. Which just makes it worse.
I'm all about discussing issues, but that's not all GefreiterKania is doing and I personally find his behaviour disgusting.
sowing the seeds of peace
I honestly doubt that patting the back of Russians like Bobko will sow any seeds of peace. Germans were doing that for years and "understanding" them and look at the result. Bobko is able to return that pat on the back, because it costs him nothing. That's just empty talk. Later he will be able to put a knife in your back (that same back of yours that he patted) for the "good" of his country or level Warsaw to the ground. Judging by his stoic composure he probably won't even blink while doing so.
Btw, AntV, I've noticed a visible pro-appeasement (towards Russia) slant in many of your posts on the thread about the invasion, so, sorry, but you're not any authority for me as far as Polish-Russian relations are concerned.
You are two naziesque bastards
GF isn't a Nazi or a facist, but I've noticed a touch of Polish imperialism in him on a few occasions. Maybe that's why he sees eye to eye with Bobko. Which just makes it worse.
Kashub1410 6 | 580
25 Jun 2022 #369
You seem to be under the impression to expect Polish view/standing/morals from people of other cultures, ignoring difference in mentality, tradition, upbringing, political needs, experiences and goals.
If they weren't different, then Russians wouldn't be Russians but: Poles.
And that won't happen anytime soon cause they see us as demon spawns protected by demonic U.S.A lead by a demonicly infested Vatican being mind controlled by a Pope they do not acknowledge.
Wake up honey, they hate our guts. But risk is too high so they took it out on Ukraine out of fears and opportunism.
You seem to be under the impression to expect Polish view/standing/morals from people of other cultures, ignoring difference in mentality, tradition, upbringing, political needs, experiences and goals.
If they weren't different, then Russians wouldn't be Russians but: Poles.
And that won't happen anytime soon cause they see us as demon spawns protected by demonic U.S.A lead by a demonicly infested Vatican being mind controlled by a Pope they do not acknowledge.
Wake up honey, they hate our guts. But risk is too high so they took it out on Ukraine out of fears and opportunism.
I've noticed a visible pro-appeasement (towards Russia) slant in many of your posts on the thread about the invasion,
Really? Can you point to such pro-appeasement posts? I'm sure a simple clarification would illuminate you're misreading of said posts.
Just because I don't want to cut Russia off from the legion of man or deem all Russians irredeemable, doesn't mean I wish to appease Russian aggression.
Quite the contrary. My position is just more than kill the orcs and wag our righteous fingers in their face and tell them to be what we want them to be.
@pawian #369
A list. Everyday at breakfast table I seat with 2 Iranians, 1 Syrian, 1 pro russia Ukrainian, 1 Albanian from North Macedonia and one from Kamerun. It is my list. Thankfully I am a boss.
A list. Everyday at breakfast table I seat with 2 Iranians, 1 Syrian, 1 pro russia Ukrainian, 1 Albanian from North Macedonia and one from Kamerun. It is my list. Thankfully I am a boss.
You seem to be under the impression to expect Polish view/standing/morals from people of other cultures, ignoring difference in mentality, tradition, upbringing, political needs
That was indeed the case until 2014. Not anymore though.
Wake up honey
I did - in 2014. That was some rough wake up.
Can you point to such pro-appeasement posts?
No, sorry, but I have no time to look for those posts. I know you don't support the invasion, but that was my general impression from your comments.
Btw, when I started my discussions with Russians I was a bit of a Russophile. Would you believe it now?? :)))
so, sorry, but you're not any authority for me as far as Polish-Russian relations are concerned.
No need to be sorry. I never said I am. But, please notice that the unjust Russian invasion of Uke isn't simply about Polish-Russian relations. I'd go even as far as saying it's much more about US-Russian relations than Polish-Russian.
One thing I do find absolute lunacy is how all of a sudden NATO and the EU are entertaining bringing Uke into each. Uke has nothing to offer either , except headaches and problems.
@AntV, but this thread is about Polish-Russian relations :)
1 pro russia Ukrainian
You know what? It's very strange that there isn't even one publicly-Ukrainian poster on PF. There are three Russians at the moment. Yes, our population might be larger by 3X, but their relationship with Poland is also probably stronger than 3x of ours. Also millions of the men are sitting at home with fcuk all to do at the moment, why not give forums a try. Even more so for the millions of Ukrainians in Poland. You would think they would show up here sooner or later, but still no.
I suppose the answer is that the level of commonality and mutual facility in language, precludes them from having to enter the expat forum loop entirely.
They have however infested all Russian forum boards and news comment sections. Perhaps that's why they don't have time for PF. It would be amazing to have a Ukrainian here that could set people straight on the facts, doesn't have to be pro-Russian.
GefreiterKania 33 | 1480
25 Jun 2022 #376
I wonder why some people care that much about me being on friendly terms with Bobko.
As far as the war in Ukraine is concerned, I am firmly on the Ukrainian side, as can be clearly seen from my numerous posts. As for my friends, I shall reserve my right of choice in this regard without asking anyone for permission or approval. End of.
@AntV *high five*
As far as the war in Ukraine is concerned, I am firmly on the Ukrainian side, as can be clearly seen from my numerous posts. As for my friends, I shall reserve my right of choice in this regard without asking anyone for permission or approval. End of.
@AntV *high five*
@AntV, are you American? (just curious)
You can be friends with whomever you like, but if you were friends with a Nazi (not just any German, but a real Hitler supporter) I, as a fellow Pole, would make my feelings about it known to you. And I do that in case of Putinists too. Especially those who are so open about their imperialism. 🤮
As for my friends, I shall reserve my right of choice in this regard without asking anyone for permission or approval.
You can be friends with whomever you like, but if you were friends with a Nazi (not just any German, but a real Hitler supporter) I, as a fellow Pole, would make my feelings about it known to you. And I do that in case of Putinists too. Especially those who are so open about their imperialism. 🤮
Kashub1410 6 | 580
25 Jun 2022 #378
Because Ukraine is a prime example of wars reoccurring when states are outside EU/NATO. It wakes up member states drive and purpose. EU not having military capabilities, makes Sweden and Finland want to rush for NATO membership realising this very actual point.
They are hesitant to be left outside the good company on formal terms, seeing Ukraine being treated as it is. Putin gave NATO a real package deal
Some take relations very personally and value it more then others
Because Ukraine is a prime example of wars reoccurring when states are outside EU/NATO. It wakes up member states drive and purpose. EU not having military capabilities, makes Sweden and Finland want to rush for NATO membership realising this very actual point.
They are hesitant to be left outside the good company on formal terms, seeing Ukraine being treated as it is. Putin gave NATO a real package deal
Some take relations very personally and value it more then others
RussianAntiPutin 6 | 209
25 Jun 2022 #379
Putin is the aggressor. Why don't you write 'PuTin'?
Putin is the aggressor. Why don't you write 'PuTin'?
I am firmly on the Ukrainian side
Reminds me of Galleazo Ciano, Italian Foreign Minister in Mussolini`s government. He also pitied and praised Poles for their bravery during 1939 campaign, yet he still patted the backs of his Nazi colleagues.
RussianAntiPutin 6 | 209
25 Jun 2022 #381
I disagree. Whether or not they are Putin supporting, ordinary Russian people are not at fault. Obviously, non Putin supporters are less at fault, but the Russian people at large did not just wake up and tell Putin to start it.
Actually, it's more Russians than you'd think not supporting Putin. There's just one thing; it can't be said in public. Well, most old people are Putin supporters, then it goes down in age groups, until there aren't even that many. Putin's regime will end. Just not right know. I've seen people online saying that Russians should "just" go and kill him, without even realising it isn't that simple or easy.
I disagree. Whether or not they are Putin supporting, ordinary Russian people are not at fault. Obviously, non Putin supporters are less at fault, but the Russian people at large did not just wake up and tell Putin to start it.
Actually, it's more Russians than you'd think not supporting Putin. There's just one thing; it can't be said in public. Well, most old people are Putin supporters, then it goes down in age groups, until there aren't even that many. Putin's regime will end. Just not right know. I've seen people online saying that Russians should "just" go and kill him, without even realising it isn't that simple or easy.
Putin is the aggressor. Why don't you write 'PuTin'?
the obvious ways to mess with his name are
putain - french for kvrvva....
poutine - quebecois dish made from french fries, cheese curds and gravy
pootin - reminiscent of pootin' / pooting (aka making number 2)
I prefer Pootin
RussianAntiPutin 6 | 209
25 Jun 2022 #383
Putain is nice.
That's reminded me, there's a word in Spanish, "curva". I think they have it on signs on the roads.
Well, saying "put in" in English sounds like Putin, doesn't it?
Putain is nice.
That's reminded me, there's a word in Spanish, "curva". I think they have it on signs on the roads.
Well, saying "put in" in English sounds like Putin, doesn't it?
Actually, it's more Russians
Yes, we know there are some decent people in RuSSia who reject the RuSSist invasion of another slavic country. Yet,. 20 - 25% is still too little to talk about RuSSia as a normal country.
Exactly, you can be a normal citizen in an abnormal country. But as long as most RuSSians enjoy their imperial obsessions, your country will be considered Mongol barbaria by Europeans.
RussianAntiPutin 6 | 209
25 Jun 2022 #385
Most Russians live in Europe. The European part of Russia.
Most Russians live in Europe. The European part of Russia.
Most Russians live in Europe
Yes, geographically. Mentally they are Mongols who belong to Asia. They will become Europeans when they give up their sick dreams of Great RuSSia encompassing the fallen Soviet Union sphere of inluence.
Kashub1410 6 | 580
25 Jun 2022 #387
It's pretty complex, despite main parts of the Russian Federation (lands controlled by Dukes of Moscovy before creating a Russian Empire (Tsar title being practiced).
It was a fully eastern European country, but despite being overrun and controlled by Mongols then able to repel them. Moscovites copied a lot of mindset/rules/habits/way of life they deemed superior/useful since it was used by Mongols on eastern Slavs (when they succeeded in conquering and pillaging basically entire Eastern Europe).
A lot of copy-catted mentality was abhorant to Poles (the non-Slavic behaviour/tactics), in similar way Czechs and Poles adopted certain rules/way of life/organising/laws from Germans. To great misunderstanding to other Slavs.
While there was a period of westernisation (technologically speaking, similarily like Japan) Peter I drew inspiration from the west. While having a strongly anti-western elite that was basically alergically adamant about not becoming too western, to such degree to brutally fight every attempt and influence deemed negatively to show their power and not lose influence towards the more western minded factions within Russia
It's pretty complex, despite main parts of the Russian Federation (lands controlled by Dukes of Moscovy before creating a Russian Empire (Tsar title being practiced).
It was a fully eastern European country, but despite being overrun and controlled by Mongols then able to repel them. Moscovites copied a lot of mindset/rules/habits/way of life they deemed superior/useful since it was used by Mongols on eastern Slavs (when they succeeded in conquering and pillaging basically entire Eastern Europe).
A lot of copy-catted mentality was abhorant to Poles (the non-Slavic behaviour/tactics), in similar way Czechs and Poles adopted certain rules/way of life/organising/laws from Germans. To great misunderstanding to other Slavs.
While there was a period of westernisation (technologically speaking, similarily like Japan) Peter I drew inspiration from the west. While having a strongly anti-western elite that was basically alergically adamant about not becoming too western, to such degree to brutally fight every attempt and influence deemed negatively to show their power and not lose influence towards the more western minded factions within Russia
RussianAntiPutin 6 | 209
25 Jun 2022 #388
Not all Russians think like that. That is mainly an dream and attitude of old people, who are also mostly Putin supporters.
Not all Russians think like that. That is mainly an dream and attitude of old people, who are also mostly Putin supporters.
attitude of old people, who are also mostly Putin supporters.
But young Russians who don't support Putin are passive and still accept his misrule and many crimes against Russians and other peoples (or simply move away).
Russians still have no idea how to effect change through mass protest - they're obedient and passive (sheep).
RussianAntiPutin 6 | 209
25 Jun 2022 #390
It isn't easy to overthrow a leader. Especially when that lesser has support from other people.
It isn't easy to overthrow a leader. Especially when that lesser has support from other people.