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Quotes of Polish or German kings, generals

polskisoldier88  5 | 11
9 Jul 2010   #1
anyone know any good quotes of German or Polish kings or generals i need it for a history class pls ^_^
noreenb  7 | 548
9 Jul 2010   #2
Stefan Batory to one of bishops:
" - A bishop who can not speak Latin is strange."
The bishop to the king:
" - Even stranger is a king of Poland who can not speak Polish."
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
9 Jul 2010   #3
That site should help you:
Borrka  37 | 592
9 Jul 2010   #4
Otto von Bismarck:

"Bismarck, who himself spoke Polish, wrote about Poles: "One shoots the wolves if one can."[22] He also said: "Beat Poles until they lose faith in a sense of living. Personally, I pity the situation they're in. However, if we want to survive -we've got only one option - to exterminate them.[23]

Kinda prophetic vision ...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
9 Jul 2010   #5
Bismarck was neither king nor general..;)

PS: This translation:

He also said: "Beat Poles until they lose faith in a sense of living. Personally, I pity the situation they're in. However, if we want to survive -we've got only one option - to exterminate them. quite wrong!

The original says:

"Haut doch die Polen, daß sie am Leben verzagen, ich habe alles Mitgefühl der Welt für ihre Lage, aber wir können auch nichts dafür, daß der Wolf von Gott geschaffen ist, wie er ist, und man schießt ihn doch dafür tot, wenn man kann,"

Correct translation:

"Just beat the Poles that they give up hope on life. I have every compassion of the world for their situation be we can't help it that the wolf is created by god as he is and we still shoot him when we can."

...the wolf, not the Pole! ;)
enkidu  6 | 611
9 Jul 2010   #7
The last king of Poland, Stanisław August Poniatowski:

"Oh yeah? We'll see!"

The famous king Jan III Sobieski after saving the Vienna from the siege by the charge of the famous winged hussars:

"Was it so hard?"

Lech Wałęsa (not a king - I know) express his views on the proposition to preserve an old constitution of People's Republik of Poland for a few more years:

"Nah. It stinks."
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
9 Jul 2010   #8
I found that quite nice:

The Emperor of Germany is the king of kings, the King of Spain king of men, the King of France king of asses, the King of England king of devils.

French proverb
MareGaea  29 | 2751
9 Jul 2010   #9
"Haut doch die Polen, daß sie am Leben verzagen, ich habe alles Mitgefühl der Welt für ihre Lage, aber wir können auch nichts dafür, daß der Wolf von Gott geschaffen ist, wie er ist, und man schießt ihn doch dafür tot, wenn man kann,"

"Haut" can also mean poor or perplex. In that case, the translation would be:

"Poor Poles, giving all hope up on life; I have all the pity in the World for their situation, but we cannot help it that the wolf was created by God the way he is and that we kill him for being what he is, when we can."

But in this case it would indeed be:

"Just beat the Poles until they give up on life (...)"


M-G (haec hactenus)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
9 Jul 2010   #10
"Haut" can also mean poor or perplex.

Eh??? ...but your english is still way better than mine!
MareGaea  29 | 2751
9 Jul 2010   #11
"Ach du arme Haut"

"Dass haut mich glatt aus den Socken"


M-G (contextual)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
9 Jul 2010   #12
"Ach du arme Haut"

I never heard that before! I would translate that as: "Oh you poor skin!" ;)

"Dass haut mich glatt aus den Socken"

That I know :)

We can agree on your second translation for Bismarcks saying though...It's correct I would say!
Borrka  37 | 592
9 Jul 2010   #13
German commander-in-Chief of Army Group Vistula:

"All Poles will disappear from the world.... It is essential that the great German people should consider it as its major task to destroy all Poles."
MareGaea  29 | 2751
9 Jul 2010   #14
I would translate that as: "Oh you poor skin!"

No, it translates as "Oh you poor devil."

A quote of a well-know German politician:

Polen hat heute nacht zum erstenmal auf unserem eigenen Territorium auch mit bereits regulären Soldaten geschossen. Seit 5:45 Uhr wird jetzt zurückgeschossen! Und von jetzt ab wird Bombe mit Bombe vergolten!

This morning, Poland for the first time shot at us on our own territory with regular troops. As of 5:45 we shoot back! And from now on, every bomb will be retalliated with bombs.


M-G (nah - going to the pub in a little while, when the rain has eased down)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
9 Jul 2010   #15
No, it translates as "Oh you poor devil."

Nah..."Haut" never means way!

"Haut" is either the Skin or "haut/hauen", the adjective of "beat/beating".

German commander-in-Chief of Army Group Vistula:

"All Poles will disappear from the world.... It is essential that the great German people should consider it as its major task to destroy all Poles."

Do you have a source Borrke? I don't trust your understanding very much...

edit: Found it...was by Heinrich Himmler...he wasn't a general or king either!
MareGaea  29 | 2751
9 Jul 2010   #16
Nah..."Haut" never means way!

Check under section 3 Words - Others, second from above in that section.


M-G (halli hallo)
Borrka  37 | 592
9 Jul 2010   #17
"Poland’s existence is intolerable and incompatible with the essential conditions of Germany’s life. Poland must go and will go!"

Generalmajor Hans von Seeckt
enkidu  6 | 611
9 Jul 2010   #18
Check under section 3 Words - Others, second from above in that section.

Bratwurst - I think this is a disgrace that some foreigners are forced to teach you your own language. What kind of German do you think you are? :-)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
9 Jul 2010   #19
Check under section 3 Words - Others, second from above in that section.

You mean that: "haut ab"? It's common speech for: "Go away".."Leave already"....(adressing several people compared to "Hau ab")

What kind of German do you think you are? :-)

I'm wondering already!

"Poland's existence is intolerable and incompatible with the essential conditions of Germany's life. Poland must go and will go!" Generalmajor Hans von Seeckt

At the third try! :)

22 April 1866 - 27 December 1936

...couldn't find the quote though...
MareGaea  29 | 2751
9 Jul 2010   #20
You mean that: "haut ab"?



It's common speech for: "Go away".."Leave already

I know :) I was born and raised about 8 km from the German border :)


M-G (jezes krist)
Borrka  37 | 592
9 Jul 2010   #21
At the third try! :)

Alle guten Dinge sind drei.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
9 Jul 2010   #22
M-G (jezes krist) is a much better site telling you everything you ever wanted to know about "HAUT"

I never ever heard someone say Devil=Haut! (I'm not telling M-G how to speak dutschisch on the other hand)
MareGaea  29 | 2751
9 Jul 2010   #23
I think my knowledge of German is pretty good, but thanks :)

Did you find it now? Well, it doesn't matter anyway. Perhaps it's old-fashioned German?


M-G (it's not important anyway)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
9 Jul 2010   #24
Perhaps it's old-fashioned German?

I think your dictionary got it!

M-G (it's not important anyway)

If someone mangles my language it's important! ;)
Borrka  37 | 592
9 Jul 2010   #25
Frederick the Great spoke of the Poles as "slovenly Polish trash", "the Iroquois of Europe" and "a barbarous people sunk in ignorance and stupidity".
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
9 Jul 2010   #26
Since you don't wanna bring sources I do :)

My favourite:

"Religion is the idol of the mob; it adores everything it does not understand."

And some more from the great Friedrich:

My people and I have come to an agreement which satisfied us both. They are to say what they please, and I am to do what I please.

Men like this aren't born anymore!
David_18  65 | 966
10 Jul 2010   #27
“To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.”


“I'm lazy. But it's the lazy people who invented the wheel and the bicycle because they didn't like walking or carrying things.”

Lech Walesa

After the signing of the Targowica Confederation:"Each true Pole, not blinded by the Prussian and royalist cabal, is convinced, that our Fatherland can only be saved by Russia, otherwise our nation will be enslaved".

Stanisław Szczęsny Potocki

After Stanisław August Poniatowski's abdication and the destruction of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: "About past Poland and Poles [I don't want to talk anymore]. Gone is this country, and this name, as many others have perished in the world's history. I am now a Russian forever."

Stanisław Szczęsny Potocki

"The King reigns,
but does not govern."
Jan Zamoyski
sobieski  106 | 2111
10 Jul 2010   #28
"Veni, Vidi, Deus Vicit" or "I came, I saw, God conquered"
by Jan Sobieski III after his hussars routed the Turks before Vienna on 12 september 1683.
George8600  10 | 630
10 Jul 2010   #29
Yea he stole that from Julius Caesar and put God creative...
sobieski  106 | 2111
10 Jul 2010   #30
Still a great victory though

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