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How much Poles trust to France?

Crow  155 | 9699
13 Mar 2011   #1
How strongly Poles believe in Polish-French friendship?
Stu  12 | 515
13 Mar 2011   #2
Will you start 25 other threads about all the other EU-countries as well ... ? God help us ...! :S
Malopolanin  3 | 132
13 Mar 2011   #3
Polish-French friendship

I don't think there are many Poles who believe in friendship with these cowards.
Sebastian  6 | 108
13 Mar 2011   #4
Wow, some of you guys are anti-everybody.
OP Crow  155 | 9699
13 Mar 2011   #5
tell me more. Please. Thanks in advance

Will you start 25 other threads about all the other EU-countries as well ... ?

Holland is next. If you disagree with topics please see to just f*** off nicely. Will you
isthatu2  4 | 2692
13 Mar 2011   #6
If you disagree with topics please see to just

How can someone disagree with an open question?
Yes Crow,the Poles hate the french...those damned french gave them a partial independence in 1812,basterds! gave shelter to Polish exiles,what froggy twats eh! nurtured the only 2 Polish people most of the rest of the world has ever heard of(apart from JPII) Chopin and marie wotsits currie, damnded perfideous snail eating gauls!! Poles must really hate em with a passion.....
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
14 Mar 2011   #7
Poles must really hate em with a passion.....

Those frog eaters sat in their trenches... Their airmen drinkign champagne as they hoped that it wouldn't be any war and their leaders praying for Mr. H to give up and sign a peace treaty! HOW ON EARTH WILL POLES EVER TRUST THEM AGAIN?! + Sarkozy was rude with the D-day celebration if I don't recall.

On the other hand De Gaulle... hmm
and that French anthem! :S

Some yes some no
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
14 Mar 2011   #8
the Poles hate the french...those damned french gave them a partial independence in 1812

One hundred and ninety nine years ago of which the poet wrote: "O spring! Happy is he who beheld thee then in our country! Memorable spring of war, spring of harvest! O spring, happy is he who beheld how thou didst bloom with corn and grass, but glittered with men; how thou wert rich in events and big with hope! I see thee still, fair phantom of my dream! Born in slavery and chained in my swaddling bands, I have had but one such spring in my whole life."
Ironside  51 | 13083
14 Mar 2011   #9
french me frays says wench to a French wrench
isthatu2  4 | 2692
14 Mar 2011   #10
+ Sarkozy was rude with the D-day celebration if I don't recall.

Well,he is French...

On the other hand De Gaulle... hmm

You mean the iluminati lizard man?

and that French anthem! :S

Pretty stirring stuff,even if they did start singing itthe same time they planned to invade us :)

"O spring! Happy is he who beheld thee then in our country!

Carefull, your going to make me go Bear hunting now...i'll be a while though as there aint been any round here in about a thousand years :)
Malopolanin  3 | 132
14 Mar 2011   #11
tell me more. Please. Thanks in advance

They were "okay" with Partitions, they supported Hitler during WW2, now they are anti-Polish(I remember "shut up" from Chirac) and pro Russian and German. And they created Grand Orient.
14 Mar 2011   #12
Chopin and marie wotsits currie, damnded perfideous snail eating gauls!! Poles must really hate em with a passion.....

hi, who ever you are, I do not understand why you are using french, mind a language! myself as a Pole I fell very much hurt by what you wrote .... Maria SKLODOWSKA - Curie was a first woman in the world to get the Noble price and actually in two disciplines - physics and chemistry - so please do not name her surname 'wotshit' this is really abusive.

2nd thing is that despite all things which were in the past - in general we like France and like french people not less or more than english, spanish or italian. It always is up to individual preferences.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
14 Mar 2011   #13
'wotshit' this is really abusive.

Marie Curie is Marie Curie. The Skłodowska bit is not in general use outside PL.

And they created Grand Orient.

Pretty popular in PL back in the day, and has a couple of hundred members now.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
14 Mar 2011   #14
You are superb...only the threads that you start are interesting and amusing to read!!!
I loved the one about Uther Pendragon...
You are wasted here on PF Crow.
Would you like to marry me?...:)

On topic,
nobody should trust France, or the French, they think they are descended from Jesus Christ himself. Plus they eat really dodgy food and hardly ever wash.
14 Mar 2011   #15
Poles don't believe in Polish-French friendship, Crow. All they believe in is the Polish-Serbian friendship. I feel I can confidently speak for the whole country in telling you that all 38,149,886 of us are ready to die for Serbia and whatever madcap scheme you come up with next.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
14 Mar 2011   #16

Bless, I'll take it something got lost in the translation,who ever you are.....

I do not understand why you are using french, mind a language!

francais j'adore...sorry,what "French" did I use in my post? Pardone moi,did you want me to make up a name that was never used like czopin or somesuch? Or was it calling Marie Curie, Marie Curie that you think is "French"?

Maria SKLODOWSKA - Curie

No one outside of Poland calls her this name,as far as I know she never called herself it either. Keep your knickers on love, she was Polish,no one is denying it,but as Johnny pointed out no one in the west uses the name sklod...skred..slodo...skra...wotsits anyway,so,relax.

first woman in the world to get the Noble price and actually in two disciplines - physics and chemistry

Good for her, and FYI,every school child over about 6 or 7 knows this in the UK......

do not name her surname 'wotshit' this is really abusive

and maybe if I had it might have been abusive,but, being as you are pulling that old Polish stereotype of making up sh!t to get upset about.....

marie wotsits currie

"Wotsits",like ,"thingamyjig" or "Who's er face" or" whojacallher"....nonsense words to denote the writters lack of knowladge,and usually the readers too,regarding the actual ,correct name.....or used when a name is "unpronouncable".....

2nd thing is that despite all things which were in the past

2nd thing is I dont think your English is good enough to detect irony or sarcasam,as,if you actually read what I wrote,instead of reading what you "THINK" I wrote you would see I was pointing out how close historically France and Poland have been.............

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
14 Mar 2011   #17
and FYI,every school child over about 6 or 7 knows this in the UK......

blimey you must have gone to a good school...:) THE only people modern British school kids learn about are Nelson Mandela and Anne Frank...oh and that British guy who robbed Tutankhamun's tomb....

I am afraid to report that from my school education, we were under the impression that she was French and some kind of "assistant" to her husband..;(

I hasten to add my info is far better these days!
isthatu2  4 | 2692
14 Mar 2011   #18
THE only people modern British school kids learn about are Nelson Mandela and Anne Frank

mmmm,sounds about right,by the time i got to high school the curriculem also gave the impression that britain went to war to rescue the jews....but only after us having been nasty imperialist murderers for the previous 200 years.....

But ,no,we did have a good primary education back then and some brilliant teachers. One even kept us abreast of the latest changes in the Kremlin(early 80s so quite a regular update :))

Im not claiming every kid knows she was Polish or French or japanese ,but they know who she was and what she did,petty nationalistic jingoisim can be drilled into them at a later stage.....
sledz  23 | 2247
14 Mar 2011   #19
Not many Americans care for the French either, they think theyre better than everyone else.
I wonder how long they will be able to control all those savage Muslims that have over populated their country?
Surley to be the first Islamic state in Europe, coming soon!

And hairy armpit women,Ewwwwww lol
isthatu2  4 | 2692
14 Mar 2011   #20
And hairy armpit women,Ewwwwww lol

Ive met my fair share of euro women,and,sorry to say,the only birds Ive known with hairy pits have been Polish :)
Ironside  51 | 13083
14 Mar 2011   #21

What that bless thingy is about are you minster of something? Maybe you overuse it to insult people ?
Its getting on my tits !
isthatu2  4 | 2692
14 Mar 2011   #22
It is,Im sorry, I didnt know you were so sensitive,bless.............;)
Teffle  22 | 1318
14 Mar 2011   #23
Ha ha - it's very English that 'bless' thing : )

And why are people talking about hairy armpits as if it was something bad ??

Yiz are all indoctrinated I tell ya!

Au naturel is intoxicating!

More on topic, I don't think I've heard any poles say anything negative about France.
Daisy  3 | 1211
14 Mar 2011   #24
Poles don't believe in Polish-French friendship, Crow. All they believe in is the Polish-Serbian friendship.

It's looking serious.........I think Crow may now have developed multiple personality disorder :(
OP Crow  155 | 9699
14 Mar 2011   #25
alright. i understand. But, why is then Polish state forced to alliance with France? Why? Was that just popular? Is this because of Russians? because Poles feel threatened by Russians and then accepting alliance with anyone who guaranties them safety from Russia? or maybe some forces generate fear from Russia and then direct Poland in desirable direction /on the other side Russian stance obviously didn`t help/?

i ask this, because as Serbian i want to know. We Serbs maybe can influence Russian stance on Poles. We can help, if Russians are problem. i am sure that we Serbs can help.

i learned a lot of about Russian stance on eventual expansion and strengthening of Polish state, just analyzing Russian stance on Serbs. We Serbians are Polish element on Balkan and we never had problem with Russians because we cared for Polish interests. Never. So, i concluded that Russia actually don`t have problem with strengthening of Polish state, even if means strong Poland`s influence on Balkan and especially on Serbs.

Then again, i think for myself, why then France (for example) attacking Balkan Serbs and supporting expansion of Islam on Balkan if Serbs are traditionally pro-Polish element? Why? It practically mean that weakening Serbs, France preventing eventual strengthening of Polish state. But, what is French interest here? Its complex matter, anyway.

i think then these days, more then ever in last 20 years, Poles could be able to see true face of France. France is just one of evil empires where is total lunatic elected president. Some say that country has president exactly as country deserve.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
22 Mar 2011   #26
After 1989 Poland was freshly out of the Warsaw pact and didn't "wake up" just yet.
I think you clearly know that a person which is asleep says no words

and while Poland didn't say any words how could the French know about Polish interessts in the balkans? I bet they even STILL don't know ;)

Nor care really
Napoleon's generation is gone and me like Frenchies no more
southern  73 | 7059
22 Mar 2011   #27
It is strange that russian attitude in Balkans has always been honorable unlike what they did to other neighbours.I guess sth stops them from attacking the Serbs or they view the whole area differently.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
22 Mar 2011   #28
But, what is French interest here? Its complex matter, anyway.

yep far too complex for you, but whatever you are on I want some!
chichimera  1 | 185
22 Mar 2011   #29
those damned french gave them a partial independence in 1812,basterds! gave shelter to Polish exiles,what froggy twats eh!

yeah, right. Do you think that because of that Poles today are obliged to trust Sarkozy?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 Mar 2011   #30
Crow, why, suddenly, you so disgusted with France? Did France just do something to **** you off? If so, what?

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