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What do Poles think about Turks?

Wroclaw  44 | 5359
5 Feb 2013   #691
Turkish integration is a time bomb waiting to explode in Germany

really ! ...... I remember the riots and disturbances way back in the late seventies and early eighties .... most weekends, Kreuzberg, Berlin.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
6 Feb 2013   #692
Come to Germany! We have a very, very big Turkish community down here!

This has got to be a p*sstake.
Trevek  25 | 1699
6 Feb 2013   #693
. It's a proven fact that Turkish in Germany are not integrated

Really? And how long did it take for Turks to be able to acquire full civil rights and nationality in Germany?
Until the 1990's children born to 2 non-German parents could not get citizenship and even now it is only possible for children born after 1990.
It doesn't encourage integration.

With regards to the OP, I live in north Poland (I'm not Turkish) and there has been a successful turkish coffee shop (run by a Turk) here for a few years. A former student of mine has just married a Turkish guy and he's moved here. there are also a couple of Egyptian kebab houses.
TheOther  6 | 3596
6 Feb 2013   #694
And how long did it take for Turks to be able to acquire full civil rights and nationality in Germany?

Legally they were not immigrants, but people on a temporary work visa. Citizenship in Germany (and other European countries) is largely based on a principle called jus sanguinis (, while citizenship in the USA for example is often based on jus soli (
wang  - | 19
7 Feb 2013   #695
Turkish student about Poland

Interview with Turkish student in Poland
Second interview with Turkish student in Poland

more you can find in this fun
alican8  - | 1
7 Jul 2013   #696
Merged: Racism against Turks in Lodz?

I am a Turkish student who might come to Lodz for university. I am wondering if there is any possible racism against Turks? I am a little bit dark-skinned, but not like Arabs. I am non-religious. I am not looking for a fight with anyone. I wouldn't mind some harassing words; but will there be any physical assault? I don't want to get beaten after leaving a bar/night club or even on a street. So, how bad is it?

Also, I read related threads, but they aren't satisfying.
jon357  72 | 23483
7 Jul 2013   #697
There are plenty of Turkish people in £ódź as well as a Vietnamese community.
KenC  - | 2
17 Dec 2013   #698
I would also like to get some information about this topic, I will be staying in Lodz for the next 4 months, I wonder if people would find me strange looking as I am a bit dark-skinned person.
pierogi2000  4 | 226
17 Dec 2013   #699
You'll be fine. Anything physical would be a random act of violence and wouldn't matter your skin color OR you are at a location (bar) where there is trouble
szczecinianin  4 | 317
17 Dec 2013   #700
I am a Turkish student who might come to Lodz for university. I am wondering if there is any possible racism against Turks?

There is a significant risk of racism towards you. Of course, not everyone is like this, but some are. Whether you experience any unpleasant incidents or not would depend on your luck.

Just trying to give an honest answer.
pierogi2000  4 | 226
18 Dec 2013   #701
Looks/stares = Yes
Verbal abuse = Probably not, would be in Polish
Physical abuse = Unlikely especially if you avoid known troubled areas (Poles fight each other)
jon357  72 | 23483
18 Dec 2013   #702
unpleasant incidents

As you say, luck comes into it, but like many places it's sensible to avoid bad areas at night.

Physical abuse = Unlikely especially if you avoid known troubled areas (Poles fight each other)

As I recall you left Poland as a very young child and have never been back, so how would you know what £ódź is like nowadays?
Ranger  1 | 23
3 Jan 2014   #703
The best way to avoid racism is stay away from Polish women. Stick to Turkish women in Lodz, and you shouldn't provoke any "bald guys" attacking you.
szczecinianin  4 | 317
3 Jan 2014   #704
What exactly is your problem with this? It's guys like you that give the impression to the rest of the world that Poles are primitive.
Ranger  1 | 23
3 Jan 2014   #705
I have a problem with this. So do many Muslim men if they would see their women cavorting with kafirs.
szczecinianin  4 | 317
3 Jan 2014   #706
In that case, both you and they are equally primitive.
Ranger  1 | 23
3 Jan 2014   #707
That's a personal attack. Why is this comment allowed, but mine is not?
szczecinianin  4 | 317
3 Jan 2014   #708
Because civilized and intelligent people have nothing against mixed-nationality relationships, and regard those who see things differently as 'primitive'.
Ranger  1 | 23
3 Jan 2014   #709
Sure. I left a good response for you but it was removed. It is degenerate to support these type of relationships.
Crow  154 | 9535
3 Jan 2014   #710
I wouldn't mind some harassing words; but will there be any physical assault?

no, i suppose, there won`t be `physical assault` as long as you don`t provoke.

But, tell me, what you expect from Poles? to be happy when they see you? Man, Poles are tolerant and plus that NATO obligations that Poles right now takes seriously. But, its not easy. Its not easy to them. Turkey still hold heads of the Polish nobles that were decapitated in the middle age. Its not nice you know. Turks should return those Polish heads and just then ask for respect. So, give heads back
crochetbitch88  2 | 83
3 Jan 2014   #711
I have a problem with this. So do many Muslim men if they would see their women cavorting with kafirs.

LOL Ranger, since when all women in Poland are "yours"? If you have a problem with your woman going out with a Turkish or other guy then first of all you should have a serious chat with your woman
31 Jan 2014   #712
i am from turkey, turkey turks are turkifizied anatolians because they accept islam. after they mixed. You can found people who are descend of hurrians,lydians or hitities.

we anatolians so called turk, we are original anatolian(pyrhgians,mitanni,hurrians,lydians etc) descenf. Ottoman is anatolian too. We just islamized ... i understand poles hate us because we want to convert them islam. its happened many years ago we aint same people...

kurdistan exist in ottoman empire and native anatolian beylik time. mosr kurds come anatolia the safawid ottoman war time. safawid killed kurds because they want to make them shia. DEAR POLISH PEOPLE IF YOUR NATIVE LAND INVADED BY FOREIGN PEOPLE HOW YOU FEEL?? WE ANATOLIANS BUILD EVERY CITY(ARTUQID BEYLIKS) OUR LAND HIDTORY IS STOLEN BY INVADERS. ITS OUR NATIVE LAND . sorry my poor english
16 Dec 2014   #713
Merged: About prejudice against Turks in Poland

Czesc, or hello everyone.I'm from Turkey and planning to live in Poland for some time. I have many Polish friends and also know Polish language and culture. People are generally don't have prejudice against Turkey in Poland(rare in Europe).

But as far as it goes, i know there are also many ignorant and racist people in Poland just like everywhere, and also in this forum unfortunately, secretly racist people.

one story i know, i talked a guy once in internet a Turk of chechen origin, a gentleman who also speaks Polish was attacked on subway. He said they make research about him before and just because his name different they found him.

After all i know Poland is civilized country, and i'm a polite, respectful person. Just wanted to be sure, how safe it's after all, as a local do you think such uncivilized behaviour happen? Am i generally safe:)

sorry if hesitating too much...Just want to be sure of things...Kocham cie ludzie
pigsy  7 | 304
16 Dec 2014   #714
I have been coming to Poland for 14/15 years now and never encountered any problems.I am sure if you show obvious reasons someone will get you then,just be noemal and polite and you will be ok.
Levi_BR  6 | 219
16 Dec 2014   #715
If you don't try or even THINK about implanting your sharia law in Poland, or try to convert people, then everything will be ok.

Behave and will be ok.
16 Dec 2014   #716
i have a problem with this(stupid ,brainless people like you). the guy already states he's non-religious, not going to change anything here and not going to enforce sharia/or that kind of stuff.

we turks are very mercilessly facing these stupid steretypes and generalizations for decades. not all turks are macho/or single minded.unfortunately some are.
ranger, ty tylko rozmawiasz bzdura i mowisz jak ty masz kobiety, jej sprawiedliwosc..jestes nonsens czlowiek

English language forum / no personal insults here
Crow  154 | 9535
24 Feb 2017   #717
My grandmother used to say: ``Turks are people of evil father and even worse mother.``
Wincig  2 | 225
24 Feb 2017   #719

Many weak nations who have been colonized in the past say similar things about those who colonized them
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Feb 2017   #720
My grandmother used to say: ``Turks are people of evil father and even worse mother.``

Understandable, given the domination of Turks over Serbia for centuries and the mess that they left behind.

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