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What do Poles think about Turks?

jonni  16 | 2475
10 Nov 2010   #661

The website has everything except how to get there by public transport. If I make it there I'll post some photos.
pgtx  29 | 3094
10 Nov 2010   #662
If I make it there I'll post some photos.

yes, please... i'm curious! :)
George8600  10 | 630
10 Nov 2010   #663
It's a nice place. I am a greek pole and have been there many times and have been well welcomed. The people are nice, but due to emigration most people there are turks and Poles are under 100 I believe.
mephias  10 | 296
10 Nov 2010   #664
The website has everything except how to get there by public transport.

No public transport from Istanbul. You can only go by your car or may try to contact with travel agencies (sometimes there are weekend tours but I think november is not a good season for that).
jonni  16 | 2475
10 Nov 2010   #665
You can only go by your car or may try to contact with travel gencies

mephias  10 | 296
10 Nov 2010   #666
You are welcome. I had lived in Istanbul for 12 years, If you need any other info or help do not hesitate to PM me.
Sandman  2 | 25
11 Nov 2010   #667

German TV report on Polonezkoy (in German)

rock  - | 428
11 Nov 2010   #668
yes, please... i'm curious! :)

Come to Turkey and take your own photos.

I live in İstanbul and ready to help you if you need.

You are welcome :))
pgtx  29 | 3094
11 Nov 2010   #669
thank you rock! :)

i was actually planning on going to Turkey next year, to Istanbul and Adana, but i'll see how the things go...
A J  4 | 1075
11 Nov 2010   #670
What do you think about Turks?

I think Turkish guys could be more relaxed about a number of things. (Including some of their ideas about honour.)

Do you know about Ottoman Empire?

Yes, I'm aware of history.

Do you like us, or why don't you?

I dislike the dominant attitude some Turkish guys display. (It's arrogant!) I understand it's pretty normal in your culture, but that doesn't mean I have to take sh*t from Turkish guys in my country. No hard feelings to you personally, but some of the Turkish guys out there really need to understand that they're a guest elsewhere, and not the f*cking manager.
rock  - | 428
12 Nov 2010   #671
i was actually planning on going to Turkey next year, to Istanbul and Adana, but i'll see how the things go...

I am happy to hear that. İstanbul ok but Adana might have a special importance for you I guess :))
maicoss  - | 8
12 Nov 2010   #672
wherever you are there is nice and bad , there is not perfect national and perfect poeple thats life going .
CRIST  - | 1
12 Nov 2010   #673
Also it have advantages its really very good.
30 Dec 2011   #674
U dont know what u r talkin about...In Turkey they can have sex without marriage... If its as u say, how have I done that so far :/ ?
Crow  154 | 9541
25 Feb 2012   #675
question says `think about Turks`. So, let me tell you

Polish brothers and sisters /braćo Poljaci i sestre Poljskinje

there goes one old true story from the time when Ottoman Turks occupied Serbia- lands of Racowie. Chroniclers wrote that it was cold winter, 17 century. Story say that in that particular occasion (there was many similar) Turks encircles few Serbian large villages. Turks then captured entire population, about 66.000 Serbian peasants (man, woman and children). People was tied, helpless. Turks formed caravan then and final destination of caravan was Arabian slave market in Baghdad and some few more Arabic slave markets. From those 66.000 Serbian peasants only some 5.000 of them reached final destination and was sold as slaves. Others perished due to winter and hunger.

Chroniclers also wrote that back then Serbian Monks formed desperate delegations that were sent to the rich Russian and Polish magnates and also to the Cossack leaders. Serbian monks, on their knees, desperately bagged Poles and Russians to help, to save at least some of those Slavic and Serbian souls that were sent to those markets....and, Poles and Russians helped. Gold vaults were opened and gold was given to be sent to Arabian merchants, for the lives of those Serbian captives. Some Serbs were saved and some of them settled in Poland, some in Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia. There was many similar stories from the time of Ottoman occupation

What i want to tell you Poles.... time may pass but too many, too many Serbian curses was sent to the Turks. Too many Serbian blood on Turkish hands.... blood that seek for the revenge... revenge that is behind time, out of time, above time, revenge that is inevitable.

Its not about anti-multiculturalism or something. Its not that. Revenge is simple thing, Blind. Certain and destined. Metaphysical.

and, and... and now that EU and NATO helping to Turks that allied themselves with Germanics, to overrun our lands, to subjugate us again. Its the crucial mistake of the EU (Germany, Britain, France) and NATO (Germany, Britain, France, USA) . Austro-Hungaria tried same in alliance with Turks,... to split our lands between them... but, we endured. We would endure, again.

What i want to tell you Poles, SERBIANS ARE COMING BACK!
teflcat  5 | 1024
25 Feb 2012   #676
You are either drunk or completely fkcink crazy. I hope it's the former.
Crow  154 | 9541
25 Feb 2012   #677
man, you must be speaking of elites of leading EU and NATO countries, mostly elites of Britain, Germany, France and USA. there are many drank and crazy politicians there? Is that so? We Serbians just resist to their dictate and we won`t forget how are Turks, Germans, Brits, French politicians actually one and same face when it comes the moment to deal with Slavs. They are all united against us Slavs. Those are all same monstrous faces. Beasts
rock  - | 428
26 Feb 2012   #678
Are you aware of the potantial of Turkey ?

Just watch.
EM_Wave  9 | 310
26 Feb 2012   #679
Some of my Turkish friends have Polish wives/girlfriends.
Crow  154 | 9541
26 Feb 2012   #680
Are you aware of the potantial of Turkey ?

i`m not fascinate. Tell me, did you ever contemplate about, back in time, potentials of Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Turkish Empires and compared their combined powers with back then Serbia? Then, same as today`s Turkey, back in past Turkey had support of Britain and France. To say Britain and France (and USA behind them) desired and supported prolonged Turkish rule over Balkan Slavs.

All in all, all of them were forced to recognize Serbian independence in 19 century.

and, who was historically on our side in our straggle for independence? Poland and Russia, of course.

See? Turks didn`t learn. You think that you have powerful friends? You maybe count on inter-Slavic divisions? You think that you now hold Poland thanks to NATO an that Poland abandoned her own interests? You think how is Russia weak? You think how are Serbians already scattered? If you think so, you mistaking, again. Just, i would say, this time, this would be your last mistake

Then, free Constantinople, free Kurdistan, free Cyprus, etc, etc

potentials of Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Turkish Empires and compared their combined powers with back then Serbia? Then, same as today`s Turkey, back in past Turkey had support of Britain and France. To say Britain and France (and USA behind them) desired and supported prolonged Turkish rule over Balkan Slavs.

add Germany here, among those who were against Serbians back then same way as it is now.
Funky Samoan  2 | 181
29 Feb 2012   #681
Do you have an idea how many Serbs live in Germany? It's almost 500.000 - more than 6% of all your countrymen chose to live their lives in an "Non-Slavic" country - and it's getting even more day by day.

Crow, you really need to arrive in the 21st century! This means Kosovo is lost for Serbia. The only way to get it back would be war and ethnic cleansing. And don't forget: Serbia is just like a Nokia mobile phone. It is getting smaller after every war it was fighting recently!

All in all, all of them were forced to recognize Serbian independence in 19 century.

You are getting it wrong, too. It wasn't the Serbs themselves that gained independence from the Ottoman Empire but a Congress in Berlin where all European major powers of that time bargained about the future of the Balkan:
Crow  154 | 9541
29 Feb 2012   #682
Do you have an idea how many Serbs live in Germany? It's almost 500.000 - more than 6% of all your countrymen chose to live their lives in an "Non-Slavic" country - and it's getting even more day by day.

yes, until Germany fall down. It already begins to crumble

Crow, you really need to arrive in the 21st century! This means Kosovo is lost for Serbia. The only way to get it back would be war and ethnic cleansing. And don't forget: Serbia is just like a Nokia mobile phone. It is getting smaller after every war it was fighting recently!

War was and is imposed to Serbians and Serbians are greatest victims of ethnic cleansing in past 20 years. Mark my words- Serbians would strike back, one day

Ottoman Turks tried and got penis
Austro-Hungaria tried and got penis
Nazi Germany tried and got penis
Soviet Union tried and got penis

See? Why USA and EU wouldn`t get penis, too? They would get

You are getting it wrong, too.

Exactly. They were forced to recognize reality and they would learn what is reality, again. Where is Serbian state there is Slavija. When events forces Serbians to retreat, its actually Poland and Russia who retreat. Poland and Russia would support us, again. Ukraine and other Slavs would follow. Slavic world needs strong Serbia
apollo123  - | 2
5 Feb 2013   #683
Merged: Turk student in Poland. Any nationalism against the Turks?

I m thinking come to Poland.
Some turk students saying ok(Beacause for them,people are friendly there).Some of them dislike poland(No reason).I want to ask polish people.

Anyone have a nationalism against the Turks?
Is it easy to live there?
APF  4 | 106
5 Feb 2013   #684

Come to Germany! We have a very, very big Turkish community down here! Turks are a part of Germany! You helped us to rebuild our country .. we are a very multicultural place! You will not be happy in Poland .. Turks only go there to get Polish women .. First they are mostly not worth and Second: .. there are a lot in Germany too .

If you really plan to have a uni graduation, which is something worth and if you want to live rather safety, then come to Germany. ;)

Some Poles here will say, Germany is a racist country and stuff like that .. but 5 Million Turks down here proof that it is ********, what they write here =)

lorito  - | 17
5 Feb 2013   #685
Turkish integration is a time bomb waiting to explode in Germany. It's a proven fact that Turkish in Germany are not integrated. A good word for the Germans is that not only their fault.

so yes, there are a lot of turks in Germany, but Germans consider u a threat.
apollo123  - | 2
5 Feb 2013   #686
Thank you :)
But,some turks(Mostly kurts) being problem there.If i will go there people can see me with the same way.I really dont want it.

I would like to say this is my new country!It s hard to be say in germany :/ I cant stay in turkey to.It s hard to stay for studying sector.Maybe you saw on tv.When people say something about their mind they are dying or going to jail.It s like Sharia country.My best friend can t say i m orthodox easily.He s turk.Turks killing turks.I want to start from zero.Want to improve my new i said,it can't be happen in germany. :(
APF  4 | 106
5 Feb 2013   #687
Where is the problem?? I lived for several years in a neighbourhood with a lot of foreigners, I bought in the Turkish supermarket vegetables and fruit, I grew up together with many Turks, Döner Kebab is the most famous German fast food .. my Turkish neighbours invited me often for lunch, when the older women were outside and making BBQ next to the playground, they told me to stay .. and I lived in two relationships with Turkish girls. I dont have any problems with Turks and most Germans down here too!

Turks are a problem for Germans from the estate of terraced houses .. Peopel who dont know nothin g about their country and culture .. Germany was multicultural back then, when you research about Classic music, autohors and writers, artists, developers etc. .. and it is still today multicultural .. those Germans I mentioned have problems with every different nation, even with the Polish girls their sons married cause they couldnt find one in their own country ..

Abi, come to Germany and you will not regret it. ;D
lorito  - | 17
5 Feb 2013   #688

I am glad you r a normal person. I also have several german friends married with turkish girls. that doesn't mean a thing. you r a minority. The media and the german government are aware that multikulti is a total failure in germany. 40 years haven't been enough for the turks to integrate. But well, germany still needs to integrate Eastern Germany, it's hard to expect more from them.

As the OP says is a fact among turks what's going on in germany so well it seems they are still not convinced of that.

Don't you think is sad how "german born turkish" are rejected by their country (Germany) and once they go back to turkey they are rejected as well because they are not turkish?
TheOther  6 | 3596
5 Feb 2013   #689
You helped us to rebuild our country

This is an urban myth which is quite popular amongst ultra-nationalistic Turks. Turkish workers came to Germany in larger numbers only after 1961, so years after the so-called Wirtschaftswunder. They have nothing to do with the rebuilding of Germany after the war. Those that actually helped were mostly Italians and to a smaller extent Greeks.

"The first Gastarbeiter were recruited from European nations. Turkey however pressured the Federal republic to allow their countrymen to become guest workers.[4] Theodor Blank, Secretary of State for Employment, was opposed to such agreements. He held the opinion that the cultural gap between Germany and Turkey would be too big..."

Ironic, if you think about it...

Don't you think is sad how "german born turkish" are rejected by their country (Germany)

It is sad, but it's a two-way street. Many of them (even second or third generation kids) have chosen to be Turkish first, and then ... nothing ... and then German ... maybe. The Turkish prime minister Erdogan even gave a speech in Germany a few years ago in which he demanded from the Germans of Turkish descent not to integrate. Says it all.
lorito  - | 17
5 Feb 2013   #690

Totally agree with u. Not only germans are to blame about immigrants failing to integrate to their society.

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