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What do Poles owe to Jews?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
18 May 2021   #361 would be only a weasel opinion....totally irrelevant! :)
Tacitus  2 | 1269
18 May 2021   #362
Please include your publicly stated opinions on how you are against foreign migrants of any kind

You expect him to share/create on a Polish forum a link in which he is against Polish migrants - the largest group of migrants we had in the last 20 years?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
18 May 2021   #363
Mother Poland claims all Slavs as her rightful children. ;)

Maybe yes, maybe not. You know about the fate of the Kashubian enclave of the village of Kluki near Leba? They all had gradually left for Germany in the 1960s as the newly arrived after 1945 Polish folk and the commie authorities were not very friendly towards them always regarding them as Germans.
Ironside  51 | 13083
18 May 2021   #364
Maybe yes, maybe not.

Dude, that was soviets for you not Poland. Anyway he was saying that kind of tongue in cheek way.

You expect him to share/create on a Polish forum a link in which he is against Polish migrants -

Why not?
Ironside  51 | 13083
18 May 2021   #366
What do you mean? Maybe in German that sentence makes a lot of sense but in English it doesn't. Could you be more specific BB?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
18 May 2021   #367
Rich asked me to "prove" my hostility against "foreign immigrants of any kind" from way back...he wants a link from me where I post about how much I hate them.

Clever Tacitus quipped that it should be impossible to find such a link where I detest the many Poles relocating and immigrating into Germany, heh:)

I can't help with that, there are no posts like that from me...hence no proof for poor bad...or not...
Ironside  51 | 13083
18 May 2021   #368
I can't help with that, there are no posts like that from me...

Well, all right. It is all clear now.
Tacitus made it sound as IF you were against them but you wouldn't want to post it on PF.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
18 May 2021   #370
that was soviets for you not Poland

Since you are a soviet yourself, you will never understand the intricacies of the national minorities problem in post-war Poland. And I am not going to enlighten you on that matter.
Novichok  4 | 8677
18 May 2021   #371
Rich asked me to "prove" my hostility against "foreign immigrants of any kind" from way back.

You are a liar. I never asked you to prove your hostility to anyone. I asked for this. Quoting:

Why don't you post a link to where you expressed this or any other negative opinion about how the German government runs Germany. Please include your publicly stated opinions on how you are against foreign migrants of any kind.

So, weasel, at least don't try weasel your lies into my posts. I know the word "hostility" and how to use it. So far, you are not even capable of saying that you disagree with your German ruling idiots.

BTW, skip the posts you wrote after Merkel admitted she is a moron. Those don't count.
Novichok  4 | 8677
18 May 2021   #373
After the fact...nobody.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 May 2021   #374
I have just opened a site with 7 outstanding Poles of Jewish origin. I had no idea that Jan Kiepura, a worldwide famous opera singer in pre-war times, had a Jewish mother. Wow.

Listen to Kiepura singing

his greatest hit about women and then an opera piece La donna e mobile
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 May 2021   #375
I have just opened a

What kind of BS is that?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
22 May 2021   #376
And who came up with the most Polish of tongue twisters...??Jan Brzechwa, son of a Jewish mother-:)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 May 2021   #377
What kind of BS is that?

What??? Show more respect for our glorious history. Do you doubt the fact that Kiepura was of Jewish background? Do you know that Jews consider sb Jewish if he/she has a Jewish mother?
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 May 2021   #378
Do you doubt the fact that Kiepura was of Jewish background?

What kind of racist BS is that? Why would you CHECK their DNA like some kind of Hitler's apprentice? What counts is his culture and self-identification and that was Polish, an open and Christian culture not some narrow and xenophobic club based on a racist discrimination.

Luckily Jews have their own country now due to a lot of nasty and unfair stuff that has been done. So from now on they either should move to Israel or stop yapping about being Jewish after three generation living in this or that country. It support paranoia and dystopia.

If you want to do something useful here why don't look for a Jews he was a Jews, self identified as a Jew and was proud of it and still done something for Poles or Poland just because he was a nice person or because he lived in Poland as a Polish citizen. Can you do that?

Stop bring up Poles and claim that somehow a specific DNA makes them Jewish.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 May 2021   #379
Why would you CHECK their DNA like some kind of Hitler's apprentice?

Please, calm down. :):) We are not checking anybody`s DNA. We only mention the historic facts which we weren`t aware of before. Historia magistra vitae, remember!

What counts is his culture

Of course! Did I ever say he didn `t contribute greatly to Polish culture? :)
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 May 2021   #380
Please, calm down. :):)

Please shut up! Don't act like a patronizing douchebag that you are!

t contribute greatly to Polish culture? :)

As a Polish person that he was, no need to go overboard..
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 May 2021   #381
Stop bring up Poles

It isn`t so easy. Due to antisemitic occurences at various stages of history, all Jewish Poles or Polish Jews presented here were fully aware of their Jewish origin. So was Kiepura. When Nazis blocked his bank accounts, he was really furious and allegedly screamed at Goring in blind fury.

Please shut up!

Come one, it is the weekend, you should relax and forget about usual stresses. :):)

patronizing douchebag that you are!

I was only trying to soothe your aroused emotions. :):)
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 May 2021   #382
Come one

You are an ill mannered patronizing clown not me. Behave!
Don't you know that such a talk is considered trashy?

It isn`t so easy.

Well it is a challenge for you. Let see if you are any good. links from onet I can do all day without missing a beat.

were fully aware of their Jewish origin.

Good for him. So what?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 May 2021   #383
So what?

So, if they were all aware of their Jewish background, they all deserve to be mentioned here.

You are an ill mannered patronizing clown not me

Yes, but I become one only in response to other ill mannered patronizing clowns. hahahaha it is action reaction ,you know.

Don't you know that such a talk is considered trashy?

????? No, nobody told me that.
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 May 2021   #384
So, if they were

IF If so many Ifs so little sense. Why? What is so special about it? Should I mention my Scottish, Austrian and Norther Italy background here? I'm nether I'm Polish and it has nothing to do with anything. So their Jewish background i.e. origin has nothing to do with anything useful.

ut I become one only in response

That is a very lame excuse and you should be aware that it won't fly

????? No, nobody told me that.

Well, that is the reason Soviet should not claim to be Polish and talk to people outside Poland. You give a bad name to all Polish people out there...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 May 2021   #385

hahaha I was waiting for that, wondering why it appeared so late, Mr Iron Fascist. :):)

What is so special about it?

I deem it special and that`s completely enough coz my fancy is the primary goal here. You can moan and whine but I always do what I want. Isn`t it simple??. :):):)

The next person on the list of Poles with Jewish background we haven`t mentioned here is Henryk Wieniawski, a famous violinist and composer. I read a funny anecdote about him - one day he spotted a poor musician unsuccessfully trying to earn some money in the street - Wieniawski asked for the instrument and played a few pieces, causing enthusiasm among the audience.

His father, Tobiasz Pietruszka (Wolf Helman), was the son of a Jewish barber named Herschel Meyer Helman, from the Jewish Lublin neighborhood of Wieniawa. Tobiasz Pietruszka changed his name to Tadeusz Wieniawski, taking on the name of his neighborhood to blend into his Polish environment better. Prior to obtaining his medical degree, he had converted to Catholicism. He married Regina Wolff, the daughter of a noted Jewish physician from Warsaw.

Listen to his energetic music based on folk traditions
Lyzko  44 | 9723
22 May 2021   #386
Aleksandr Ford, Roman Polanski, and Agnieszka Holland belong to some of Poland's greatest post-War directors! Henryk Szeryng was one of the most renowned modern Polísh violinists.
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 May 2021   #387
was one of the most renowned modern Polísh violinists.

Therefore what?
If he ever said "Poles and Jews" he is not Polish.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
22 May 2021   #388
Come again please, Rysku, what does that palaver mean in English??
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 May 2021   #389
outstanding Poles of Jewish origin.

Did you ever say, "Poles of Christian origin"?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
22 May 2021   #390
Understood already that most Poles are Chrístian, DUHH, hence Jews are the minority.

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