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What do Poles owe to Jews?

17 May 2021   #331
Your post 326 is better then Ironside and lyzkos posts. You are the winner of this night.

You have forgotten in 321 "Polacy wyznania mojzeszowego". This is the most neutral description for jews in Poland
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
17 May 2021   #332
You're an unrepenetant anti-Semite.

Rick repeatedly stated that he likes Hitler, Lyzko....what do you expect?

He seems to belong to those people who don't care what Hitler did with the Jews, they are only pouting that he tried to do the same with they see themselves part of the Herrenrasse too!
Novichok  4 | 8677
17 May 2021   #333
Your post 326 is better then Ironside and lyzkos posts. You are the winner of this night.

It isn't mine. It was written by

I think you should tell of what do Jews owe to Poles.

I just reposted it with some minor corrections.

Rick repeatedly stated that he likes Hitler,

No, I don't like Hitler. I also don't like robots and weasels like you and the other one who is afraid of the neo-Stasi police but will deny it. You are so scared, a feeling foreign to the Americans, that you will deny even the most self-evident of things like that Hitler was not always wrong and that he loved Germany. Even as a test of how "free" to express yourself are. Bottom line: you, Germans, make me sick.
17 May 2021   #334
Hitler was not always wrong and that he loved Germany.

If you tell something like that in Germany you are instantly neonazi. Germans afraid Hitler like fire. There is only white or black and no grey.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
17 May 2021   #335
If you tell something like that in Germany you are instantly neonazi

Nonsense, any thinking person knows Hitler wasn't wrong with every decision he made, at least in the way it paid off for himself, or he would not have risen from a failed artist to (briefly) the most powerful man in Europe. Hitler was however completely wrong in his world outlook and the trajectory he put Germany on could only lead to disaster.

If you claimed that he "loved" Germany, you would probably be seen as either completely deluded or clueless since it is very clear that Hitler at best "loved" his vision of Germany and not the existing one. Otherwise he wouldn't have destroyed so much even when everything went his way, and later wouldn't have tried to destroy it when he failed.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
17 May 2021   #336
If you tell something like that in Germany you are instantly neonazi.

Well...what else would you be?

A Hitler-sympathizer? A Hitler-Versteher? A Hitler-apologizer? What?

Bottom line: you, Germans, make me sick.

And you are nuts!

Germans who don't "like" Hitler make you sick = but you want Germans burn and Germany destroyed for what they did under Hitlers rule! = nuts!

I probably would only lose "weasel" status if I would wholeheartedly agree with Hitler and love what he did to Germany...and Poland....and Russia...and France....and them Jews...and them Slavs...and them "undesirables", thanks! Better be a weasel than nuts!

Something about you is definitely not right, Rich. And you should seek help before it gets any worse....
Novichok  4 | 8677
17 May 2021   #337
There is only white or black and no grey.

My point exactly. Plus, like well-trained animals, they are incapable of criticizing their governments - only the US. Like in that Soviet-era joke about Russians being free to criticize the US president, too.

Today, Poland faces the problem of being invaded by foreign and incompatible surplus people and knows that the only way to survive is to declare that Poland is for the Poles - a copy of what Nazis wanted for Germany. In that sense, Nazis were not always wrong. Killing is and nobody sane will defend that. But controlling who lives in Poland is defensible just as who lives in your house and mine. No difference.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
17 May 2021   #338
Be prepared for Poland to burn too afterwards, after all your ideal of a clean Poland can only work in a world of fantasy and nightmares...(abit like communism!)

You know the saying: Who isn't willing to learn from history is doomed to repeat it!

What makes you think Polands Hitler and with him Polands Nazis will fare better?
Tacitus  2 | 1269
17 May 2021   #339
and Poland....and Russia...and France.

I am fairly certain that, given his past posts, he wholly agreed to what Hitler did to gay people as well.

faces the problem of being invaded by foreign

Polands problem is not the imaginary invasion by foreigners, but rather losing so many of its' people to foreign countries.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
17 May 2021   #340
...yeah...they are repopulating big chunks of eastern Germany as we speak! :)
Tacitus  2 | 1269
17 May 2021   #341
I have read that some kindergartens near Szczecin are only open thanks to the many Polish children visiting them.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
17 May 2021   #342
eastern Germany

A.k.a western Poland (Chociebuż, Budziszyn, Żytawa). ;)
amiga500  5 | 1539
17 May 2021   #343
They have a lot more in common with Poles than the Hun. Why not put the question to a referendum?
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
17 May 2021   #344
Sorbs are not Poles

Mother Poland claims all Slavs as her rightful children. ;)
Tacitus  2 | 1269
17 May 2021   #345
They have a lot more in common with Poles than the Hun

They are still culturally neither. The Sorb I recently met insisted that she was Sorbian first and foremost. She viewed Poles as fellow Slavs, just as she viewed the Czech or Slovaks. But she would have rejected the idea of being Polish.
17 May 2021   #346
Of course she would. Paradoxally she can be Sorbian only in Germany. In Poland would she be Polish ( at least her Kids ).
Crow  155 | 9699
17 May 2021   #347
Mother Poland claims all Slavs as her rightful children. ;)

When Mother Poland claimed her children she was founded on Sarmatism. Meaning, it was Serbian state.

I nicely says that Poland needs to change its format and return to the right path. To the Sarmatism.

The Sorb I recently met insisted that she was Sorbian first and foremost.

Of course. But if Poland deflect from papacy and return to Sarmatic principle, all Sorbs would gladly join Poland, I assure you, now when Germany sink and when Poland demonstrate, as good Mother, care for the Balkan Serbs.
Novichok  4 | 8677
17 May 2021   #348
What makes you think Polands Hitler and with him Polands Nazis will fare better?

You are your own Hitler at home since you control who lives with you and so far you didn't allow any foreign scum to move in. You should be ashamed of your Nazi attitude.

so many of its' people to foreign countries.

That's the freedom Poles have. Poland signed up to join the EU, not Africa and Asia. If that was not a breach of contract, nothing ever is. If Germans want to repent and allow the hordes in, do it on your own, a-holes. Poland didn't do anything wrong to participate in your suicidal acts.
Crow  155 | 9699
17 May 2021   #349
Poland didn't do anything wrong to participate in your suicidal acts.

How true. To put cross on myself, if they are morons, Poland isn`t.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
17 May 2021   #350
Poland didn't do anything wrong to participate in your suicidal acts.

You should tell them....they need to learn from your wisdom! Aren't there any polish forums where you could enlighten them? :)
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
17 May 2021   #351
founded on Sarmatism. Meaning, it was Serbian state.

What??? Sarmatism is a purely Polish idea and concept. What has Serbia to do with it?

if Poland deflect from papacy

That's what we should do. I agree with the words of Polish pre-WW2 foreign minister Józef Beck, who said:

"Vatican is one of the most responsible parties for the tragedy of my country. Too late had I realised that we conducted foreign policies serving the egoistic agenda of the Catholic Church."

Roman-catholic Church has been one of the most destructive forces in Polish history. Thwarting Polish spirit, freedom struggles and uprisings - one could write books on the topic. Poland would be in a completely different place if the counter-reformation had failed and we had followed either the Lutheran or Reformed path.
Novichok  4 | 8677
17 May 2021   #352
Aren't there any polish forums where you could enlighten them? :)

The only sheep that need to be enlightened are Germans. You knew that your ruling morons with that pos Merkel in the lead were pouring poison into Germany and, thus, the EU, but you were too scared to object. I guess that "freedom of expression" was not enough for you to express yourself freely.

Now, if you have any evidence that you did object, I will apologize immediately.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
17 May 2021   #353
The Enlightenment all but failed to take hold in Germany when it was most desparately needed, that is, during the rise of the Third Reich. Irrational Romanticism instead held sway.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
17 May 2021   #354
The only sheep that need to be enlightened are Germans

Well...if thats what you are trying, you are a total failure! You make Merkel sound like a sane person...
mafketis  38 | 11260
17 May 2021   #355
You make Merkel sound like a sane person...

....a feat!

Is Germany any closer to a ready for the job new Chancellor or has she successfully knee-capped everyone?

I really don't believe she wants to step down (and she really, really, really, really, really, really (repeat a few more times) needs to. It's not healthy for one person to lead a country so long.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
17 May 2021   #356
Absolutely agree!

But I think she has lost interest in the job...she will step down.
Novichok  4 | 8677
17 May 2021   #357
Absolutely agree!

Can you quote yourself from the past, or was that revelation that the idiot should step down baked just now?

But I think she has lost interest in the job...she will step down.

I didn't expect any better from the obedient Germans who wouldn't mind if she stayed on. She will step down not because Germans hate that idiot, but because she got bored.

Let me guess...If the Russians decided that Wisla was as far as they wanted to go, Hitler would be reelected. Zero doubt.
Miloslaw  22 | 5203
17 May 2021   #358
..she will step down.

I hope so, she has gone beyond useless now.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
17 May 2021   #359
With Kohl before it was similiar, the whole country and the chancellor becoming tired of each other after such a long rule....the discussions to get a time limited chancellorship like the US has with its presidents gets louder and louder!
Novichok  4 | 8677
17 May 2021   #360
Why don't you post a link to where you expressed this or any other negative opinion about how the German government runs Germany. Please include your publicly stated opinions on how you are against foreign migrants of any kind.

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