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rychlik  41 | 372
14 Nov 2010   #1
Serious question. Historically have there always been more Russians and Germans then Poles? It wouldn't be fair to blame wars and such on the population differences because along with Poland, Germany also lost a few million of it's men and women and so has Russia. We can't blame immigration because historically more Germans have been accepted to North America then Poles- not to mention Russians. I'm beginning to think Poles are not too keen on reproducing. Poles like to think themselves as more family oriented than Germans but at the end of the day there is only 38.5 million Poles and around 82 million Germans. Russia stands at 140 million people.

Will the Poles die out eventually?
Wroclaw Boy
14 Nov 2010   #2
Best get breeding son. "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country".
PennBoy  76 | 2429
14 Nov 2010   #3
Historically have there always been more Russians and Germans then Poles?

Bred more early on, and absorbed more of other peoples, especially Russians. During the 19th century the number of Poles increased drastically, Bismark wrote of Poles breeding like rabbits lol. After WWII Poland population was down to less than 24 million, ten years later was up to 30 million.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 Nov 2010   #4
Will the Poles die out eventually?

Seeing as Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians and plenty of other small countries do just fine, I doubt there's much harm of that happening.
Bolle  1 | 144
14 Nov 2010   #5
Maybe the partitions had an affect on demographics - i'm sure a lot of poles were germanified/russified during this time, maybe they even had less kids...

I read an article once about a rather large number of poles (in the 100000's) packing up and leaving poland for the ruhr region of germany in the early 1800s.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
14 Nov 2010   #6
I do not know the answer to your question about why but this might be of interest to you : - Demographic history of Poland

Will the Poles die out eventually?

With the rest of the human race.
henryson  - | 17
14 Nov 2010   #7
We can't blame immigration because historically more Germans have been accepted to North America then Poles- not to mention Russians.

Historically but between what period of time? We are talking 1880!
How about the influx of emigrants into Germany between 1950 and 1990? Now, that's recent. It accounts for about 20% of the German population today. Russia is another story and to compare the population of the country that's 60% larger than Canada to population of Poland or Germany is quite misguided.
southern  73 | 7059
14 Nov 2010   #8

Because they were in a conspiracy to outgrow Poles.
Sokrates  8 | 3335
14 Nov 2010   #9
Serious question. Historically have there always been more Russians and Germans then Poles?

Yes, the tribes that made up Russians and Germans have been far more numerous, in fact the difference is smaller now than it was in early dark ages.

It wouldn't be fair to blame wars and such on the population differences because along with Poland, Germany also lost a few million of it's men and women and so has Russia.

Not even remotely close to what Poland lost though.

Will the Poles die out eventually?

If the current trend keeps that way yes, but Germans will get there a solid century before us!
convex  20 | 3928
14 Nov 2010   #10
It's not a bad thing. Smaller population means better use of resources...
Marynka11  3 | 639
14 Nov 2010   #11

It's not a bad thing. Smaller population means better use of resources...

If the age groups are balanced. What Europe is heading into is a huge amount of retired people and less and less workforce. That means the workers will be taxed more and more.

I actually read something recently (don't remember where) that it might take as little as 200-300 years for the European nations with low demographic growth to die out. I think the most endangered species were Italians and Germans.
Wroclaw Boy
14 Nov 2010   #12
Smaller population means better use of resources...

Only if its well managed and under the international radar. Dont forget money drives everybody.
convex  20 | 3928
14 Nov 2010   #13
If the age groups are balanced. What Europe is heading into is a huge amount of retired people and less and less workforce. That means the workers will be taxed more and more.

Ahhh, the welfare state :( The great Ponzi scheme...

Only if its well managed and under the international radar. Dont forget money drives everybody.

If it's not well managed, the people will revolt.
Wroclaw Boy
14 Nov 2010   #14
If it's not well managed, the people will revolt.

What the smaller populations that dont even know what the next village is doing, thats what were talking about here.

Smaller population means better use of resources...

Or are you talking about something else?
convex  20 | 3928
14 Nov 2010   #15
What the smaller populations that dont even know what the next village is doing, thats what were talking about here.

The Swiss definitely know what is going on in the next village. Here too, smaller doesn't somehow equal ignorant of your surroundings.

Or are you talking about something else?

What I mean is 20m people sitting on top of 24b tons of coal is much better than 40m people.

Classroom sizes of 30 to a teacher are worse than 15 to a teacher...
A J  4 | 1075
14 Nov 2010   #16
I think the most endangered species were Italians and Germans.

What about the Dutch and the Norwegians? Should we feel special too? (As endangered species I mean!)

southern  73 | 7059
14 Nov 2010   #17
In Greece they solved the problem by nominating Albos as Greeks!WTF!You will get the same solution sooner or later.I wait for an expansion of Slavic genes by the charity works of Polki and Russkaye.Sometimes I feel anxious about the future of my Greek genes in a grecoslavic combination.We will all become Serbs one way or another.
Natasa  1 | 572
14 Nov 2010   #18
Sometimes I feel anxious about the future of my Greek genes in a grecoslavic combination.We will all become Serbs one way or another.

You are talking about it like that is a bad thing to be today.
Why would you be anxious, euphoria is the only adequate feeling.
I forgot, anxiety will disappear.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
14 Nov 2010   #19
Historically have there always been more Russians and Germans then Poles?

More Russians because the country is bigger?

Are there really more Germans though?
enkidu  6 | 611
15 Nov 2010   #20
Being Polish is not a matter of nationality or blood.
It's a choice. It's a way of life.

The Poles will never die out.
Marynka11  3 | 639
15 Nov 2010   #21
What about the Dutch and the Norwegians? Should we feel special too?

Well, there are not that many Dutch to start with. But I think they are "ijverig" and doing what they can. I don't know about Norwegians.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
15 Nov 2010   #22
Being Polish is not a matter of nationality or blood.
It's a choice. It's a way of life.

The Poles will never die out

Good point! Why detract from a country when you can increase your numbers? We should do the same thing in the US.
Marynka11  3 | 639
15 Nov 2010   #23
I got curious about the statistics.

Rychlik, no worries when it comes to Germany on the long run. But Russia is a threat.
A J  4 | 1075
15 Nov 2010   #24

Damn right!

OP rychlik  41 | 372
15 Nov 2010   #25
I read an article once about a rather large number of poles (in the 100000's) packing up and leaving poland for the ruhr region of germany in the early 1800s.

Do you think Germany is more Slavic than we think?
MediaWatch  10 | 942
15 Nov 2010   #26
I heard there can be as many as 3 to 4 million Germans in Germany who are of Polish ancestry. Most of them have integrated well into Germany and speak good German.

Bratwurst Boy has already confirmed that there are at least 3 million German citizens who are of Polish ancestry. Who really knows how many people of Polish ancestry live in Germany?
Marek11111  9 | 807
15 Nov 2010   #27
Germany assimilated Slavic lands and people so naturally all Germans are part of Slavic.
DariuszTelka  5 | 193
15 Nov 2010   #28
What about the Dutch and the Norwegians? Should we feel special too? (As endangered species I mean!)

Yes, actually. In Oslo the most popular name in the maternity wards is now Mohammed. Oslo, as a city, will have a minority ethnic Norwegian population in less than 20 years. There are already dozens of school with less than 1% Norewegian children attending in Oslo and the surrounding areas.

All this has happened in just over 30 years. The next 30 will be disasterous if nothing changes or stops.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
15 Nov 2010   #29
Germany assimilated Slavic lands and people so naturally all Germans are part of Slavic.

That works both ways! :)
Alot of Poles have at least partly german heritage. As I said before, this part of Europe is heavily mixed for millennia.

And there are about the same number of Germans living outside of Germany as inside...a steady immigration over the centuries made sure of that. (Alone 25 Million in the US)

I just recently watched pics about villages of german immigrants in southern Brazil...they kept to a traditional lifestyle as even the modern Germany-Germans don't do anymore. It was nice to see little blond girls and boys speaking and writing german in their german schools and running around with lederhosen under palm trees! ;)

So I'm not concerned about Germans "dying out".

With Poles it is similiar...they too wander around alot...

Germans in Brazil:

Germans Poles
David_18  65 | 966
15 Nov 2010   #30
Germans in Brazil:

The number of Polish descendants in Brazil is estimated at 1.8 million. And over 5 million of German decendants.

But still the Poles produce the hot ones!!!

Alessandra Ambrosio polish pride in Brazil!

German ehm... Pride!



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