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Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond

nott  3 | 592
6 Jun 2010   #211
But that's what I also said:

Um, right. I referred to 'one reason is clear'. Which it is not. This blinded me to the rest of the post.

So you suggest it was a result of bad treatment by the Poles before the war, right? Only it goes beyond the scope '1939-1944', which we are discussing here, by your decree :)

Couldn't it be a result of simply pro-soviet sympathies among those Jews, what do you think?
MediaWatch  10 | 942
6 Jun 2010   #212
As polish people are probably the one of the most racist nations in all of Europe. so haha to sum it up im acting really polish right now, by complaining about something. sorry for that.

Yeah you're a Pole alright. LOL And I'm the tooth Fairy.

Yes yes according to you most Poles are racists and negative blah blah blah. You sound like a jerk to generalize about Poles in a negative way. Isn't that what bigot do?? So there is barely anthing good about Polish people according to you? What a Jerk you sound like.

There is good and bad in all people. Oh but wait according to you most Poles are bad. So according to you most Poles complain and are negative? That's your own stupid opinion. In my dealings with Poles I don't get that opinion so EXCUUUUUSE ME.

If you want to bash most Poles to pander to Polish-Haters so that you can be more accepted by them that's your problem. But don't try to speak for most Poles or generalize negative things about Polish people because of your own self-Hatred of being Polish. But frankly I don't think you're a Pole. This forum is filled with people who claim to be Polish and trash Polish people.
Ironside  50 | 12999
6 Jun 2010   #213
sorry for that.

Don't believe you

Through out history they have been whiners, it is probable because of that history they became that way, which is OK, but I mean after, now what 60+ years after the war, people are still crying about something.

why are you whining here sucker !?

I realized that I too dont like Polish people myself. Now I am generally ashamed to be Polish,

Why don't you **** off ***** ?
MareGaea  29 | 2751
6 Jun 2010   #214
Why don't you **** off ***** ?

Well, Ironside strikes again with furious anger :) Ruslan puts it a bit blunt, but fact is that I have met also Polish ppl that didn't like other Polish ppl, just like I've met Dutch ppl that didn't like other Dutch ppl (seems to be a common Dutch trait though as I generally don't like Dutch ppl abroad either; only a handful). So, what's it to you that he doesn't like Polish ppl? Question you should ask yourself is: do I get less pay if he doesn't like Polish ppl? If the answer is no, then just shrug your shoulders and continue with your life. If the answer is yes, well, that's a different thing then :)


M-G (ppl are all the same, basically)
Ironside  50 | 12999
6 Jun 2010   #215
M-G (ppl are all the same, basically)

I'm not contesting it !

but fact is that I have met also Polish ppl that didn't like other Polish ppl,

That is not the point, he said he is ashamed ! I don't like some polish people, so what!

Well, Ironside strikes again with furious anger :)

don;t like suckers
MareGaea  29 | 2751
6 Jun 2010   #216
he said he is ashamed

That's why I said he put it a bit blunt. He shouldn't have said that. Even though I don't like most Dutch abroad, I am still not ashamed of being Dutch. I do sometimes feel ashamed by association when I see my fellow countrymen misbehave while being abroad, but that's a different thing.


M-G (tiens)
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jun 2010   #217
There may be Jews to suffer in weeks to come. America is very close to Turkey so I wonder what would happen if Turkey attacked Israel. Turkey has a mighty army. Ironically, business will keep things together. Turkey and Israel have business ties and America, well, need I say?
ruslan71  - | 6
7 Jun 2010   #218
To ironside and media watch: Yes I am polish, both my parents, myself, and my entire family dating back i think is polish( and i mean by polish by being born and living there), sorry for putting it blunt as the other poster said. This is my own personal opinion on the Majority of polish people, and when did i mention anything about polish people abroad, that is your own perception, i was talking about polish people in Poland. to say that i found no good things, you are wrong, I like the fact that polish people are very hospitable, and many of them caring. This is also the case in all Eastern European cultures. But to get so angry at my opionion is kind of stupid dont you think. when people BOOOO someones opinion its always great:) Im not racist but I dont have to like or dislike anyone, its my choice, my experience, and my view, if you dont like it well thats your problem. If you read my post fully, you would have seen that i said that polish people are very well educated in school, but maybe not in life, this too was my own perception. I will not change my opinion and many people would agree with it but i guess there are people like you who dont agree. and dont give any comeback like yes nazis would agree with you, NO normal people polish or not polish would agree. so stop acting like a 13 year old and pissing your pants over some internet post..and instead tell me what is so good about polish people. and i have known and met thousands upon thousands upon thousands of them throughout my whole life, so from these people and just a view from the outside of other polish people i have formed my opinion.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
7 Jun 2010   #219
if Turkey attacked Israel

This will not happen. I can assure you that.

Edit: if they do, let them wait until after the World Cup. There are more important things right now :))))

But to get so angry at my opionion is kind of stupid dont you think.

They get angry at anybody who disagrees with them or who has a different opinion :)


M-G (tiens)
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jun 2010   #220
I know what kind of Pole Ruslan is talking about. There are many hard-nosed and backwards sorts that accomplish little and only whine. However, Ruslan also acknowledged the other side. Such is life!

Yeah, Turkey will be told not to take action. A NATO member cannot initiate action against Israel so easily. What a mistake, though, riling Turkey.
Ironside  50 | 12999
7 Jun 2010   #221
Now I am generally ashamed to be Polish, the only good thing about being polish is having a EU passport. The more time i spent around polish people, I realized that they are by far the most negative and backward thinking group of people I have ever met.

That what made me kind of angry at you if you are Polish as you claim.
Don't like being Polish move on and don't come back!

They get angry at anybody who disagrees with them or who has a different opinion :)

that a very unfair generalisation, shame on you M-G


same to you
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jun 2010   #222
It might be hard for him to move on from what he is, Ironside ;) ;)

He does have freedom of speech and I don't think he was being inflammatory. The accuracy of his statements is up to others to verify.

But it's a generalisation that has much practical evidence to support it, Ironside. Poles can be very touchy and that's just an observation, not a criticism.
Ironside  50 | 12999
7 Jun 2010   #223
He does have freedom of speech and I don't think he was being inflammatory. The accuracy of his statements is up to others to verify.

Same goes for me as I have the very same right to voice my opinion.
I my opinion if someone is ashamed of what or who he/she is should change it!

But it's a generalisation that has much practical evidence to support it, Ironside. Poles can be very touchy and that's just an observation, not a criticism.

Well, they can but I think that goes for many people. I think that is about respect if you can convey a healthy dose of respect then you can make an critical observation without being offensive to anyone.
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jun 2010   #224
He can't change the fact that he is Polish :) He can just forego a Polish way of life! Yes, you have your right to comment too, of course.

True enough. It just seems to be a common observation but people are people.
Ironside  50 | 12999
7 Jun 2010   #225
He can't change the fact that he is Polish :)

should do his best:)
Rogalski  5 | 94
7 Jun 2010   #226
SeanusThreads: 18
Posts: 19775
Joined: Dec 25, 07
Gender: Male Today, 00:00 / #227
There may be Jews to suffer in weeks to come.

And Palestinians. Did you see that the cargo destined for humanitarian aid in Gaza was refused entry by the Palestinian Authorities?
MareGaea  29 | 2751
7 Jun 2010   #227
that a very unfair generalisation, shame on you M-G

M-G was just joking, Iron. That's all. Hence the smiley, remember?

But if you want me to, I will feel ashamed now.

<ashamed mode>


M-G (nuff said)
1jola  14 | 1875
7 Jun 2010   #228
Yes I am polish, both my parents, myself, and my entire family dating back i think is polish

Sweetheart, you think you are Polish or you know you are. Pick one.

This is my own personal opinion on the Majority of polish people, and when did i mention anything about polish people abroad, that is your own perception, i was talking about polish people in Poland.

I am 100% polish, i speak polish fluently, and I have lived half of my life in the states and the other half in other countries.

So, since you have not lived in Poland and then you have this miraculous power to know what Poles in Poland are like(believe me, you don't differ from 95% of foreign posters here) tell us more of your neurosis. Will you join us in discussion Polish history topics, or are you ashamed?

I forgot to say welome to PF, southern, the Other, or whoever you are.
ruslan71  - | 6
7 Jun 2010   #229
Ironside you should consider changing your name to softside, I am not the only one who thinks so about the passport and nationality situation. I cannot do anything about my blood, i cant change that...and on the subject of nationality, its a man made creation and idea, why should i be bound to one nation, i am my own individual and am free to chose my residence and what i want to be proud of correct, or no is that against your rules as well. if i were to follow your logic many other people including myself would be hiding in the closet on the subject of national pride, and we would keep it a life long secret. Just because I was born in one place and had parents from this place does not mean i am forced to look at myself as a Pole for the rest of my life and go on the streets screaming Polska Polska Polska!! or trying to fight anyone who says something bad about Poland. And if you are such a proud man of your nation, then explain to me this, why is it that many polish people go abroad, and when they return to poland they pretend to have forgotten how to speak polish, act in a different way, or if they get to the point to accept a citizenship from their new nation lets say the US, UK whenever somebody asks where they are from they will respond, Im British, Im American. so please just stop your argument because you really have none. race, nationality, culture are all man made ideas and everyone is equal and has the equal right to chose who they are and represent as an individual.

TO JOLA:I have lived in poland by the way for quite some time, I can chose to be whom I want. and affraid of polish history topics, first of all i said nothing about polands rich history, and if you have a question just ask, dont ever assume anything, because people may suprise you ;) just some future advice
MareGaea  29 | 2751
7 Jun 2010   #230
So, since you have not lived in Poland and then you have this miraculous power to know what Poles in Poland are like(believe me, you don't differ from 95% of foreign posters here) tell us more of your neurosis. Will you join us in discussion Polish history topics, or are you ashamed?

Sounds pretty strange coming from somebody who lived a very big part of his life in the US talking about "us Poles".

TO JOLA:I have lived in poland by the way for quite some time, I can chose to be whom I want. and affraid of polish history topics, first of all i said nothing about polands rich history, and if you have a question just ask, dont ever assume anything, because people may suprise you ;) just some future advice

Assumption is 1jola's raison d'être :))


M-G (cum tacent, clamant)
Ironside  50 | 12999
7 Jun 2010   #231
And if you are such a proud man of your nation

You didn't understand my point. I'll explain it to you.
You claim to be Polish, yet you said that you are ashamed of being Pole, correct?
So, my advice to you become citizen of other country and claim to be .....whoever!
Move on!
Why you are on PF whining about whining Poles?!
I have no time for a such wet-blanket or troll.

I-S (tiens)
MareGaea  29 | 2751
7 Jun 2010   #232
I-S (tiens)

I see I am very inspiring.


M-G (titty!)
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jun 2010   #233
Rogalski, I saw that, yeah. The IDF soldiers should be punished only with a view to their breaking of international law norms. However, the people on that ship were very aggressive and the soldiers likely feared for their lives. I might have fired myself in such circumstances, you just don't know til you are in that situation.

Both sides blundered IMHO. As Finkelstein said, Israel had other options and has opened a can of worms. However, that ship undermined the aid effort's credibility given that they had weapons.
ruslan71  - | 6
7 Jun 2010   #234
TO M-G: You think that other countries dont have Polish people in them, and how does it sound strange, yeah as a little kid living in the US very strange that part of my life has nothing to do with where my opinion stands today, in that time all i did was run around like a kid so you have nothing to say to that. and to SoftSide, if you dont have time to answer such comments why did you spend so much time getting angry and responding to my comments, sounds like you have a lot of time, but just gave up, get over it not everyone has to like polish people, you probably dont like other people from other countries to so just give up because you will make a fool of yourself if you keep speaking, because i believe i wrote nice things i dont write anything like F*** polish people or I hate them or anything like, i simply voiced an opinion, and all you have been able to do is attack in an immature way, like i asked you before if you have such a strong opinion against me than tell me what is so great about the polish people. I believe they have many positive traits as a nation and people but there is not enough positivity to combat the negativity and thats where my view and i stand today. I have three passports so i definately have moved on and am very happy in doing so.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
7 Jun 2010   #235
Good boy. Apologies accepted.


M-G (nuff said)
1jola  14 | 1875
7 Jun 2010   #236
TO JOLA:I have lived in poland by the way for quite some time, I can chose to be whom I want. and affraid of polish history topics, first of all i said nothing about polands rich history, and if you have a question just ask, dont ever assume anything, because people may suprise you ;) just some future advice

What is sometime? A few years?
And if you're ashamed of being Polish and affraid of Polish history topics, what are you doing on Polish Forums in the section tittled History of Poland?

Sounds pretty strange coming from somebody who lived a very big part of his life in the US talking about "us Poles".

When have you stopped being Dutch?

and if you have a question just ask, dont ever assume anything, because people may suprise you ;) just some future advice

I usually don't have children giving me silly advice, but I do give advice to children. Here is mine to you: a person can be ashamed of his deeds, cowardice, lack of morality, and even thoughts, but not of his physical appearance, or certainly not of his country of birth. Another words, your actions which are controlable by you. At the moment, you are a fake, an actor, and I'll spare you more pleasantries. A shamful position to be in, unfortunately for you.
ruslan71  - | 6
7 Jun 2010   #237
Jola: really haha you must do some more study of politics and the theory of politics, because i can see you have no idea what you are talking about. we can talk someother time im going now.
1jola  14 | 1875
7 Jun 2010   #238
we can talk someother time im going now.

Don't count on it. I don't want to talk to you, but I might ride you for fun. You will enjoy it.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
7 Jun 2010   #239
but I might ride you for fun

Don't overestimate yourself. That's a bad habit you should learn to lose.


M-G (and I didn't leave NL because I was too afraid)
Rogalski  5 | 94
8 Jun 2010   #240
Both sides blundered IMHO

Exactly. I think the IDF were heavy handed to say the least and should be called to account for the deaths of the nine people aboard. There needs to be an investigation of that and also the aid agency which obviously had ulterior motives other than bringing aid to the Palestinians.

The trouble is, such heavy handiness on the part of the Israelis alienates the majority of Palestinians who otherwise might be disposed to dialoguing with their neighbours in the pursuit of peace. That's why they elected Hamas in Gaza.

Little mentioned, but equally relevant is the EGYPTIAN blockade of the Gaza strip to the south. They are putting steel sheets into the ground (with American finance) to prevent tunnels being dug from Gaza to Egypt. If the Israeli blockade is so unreasonable (and in some ways it is), why is the Egyptian one not questioned and opposed in the same way?

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