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Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first

OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #241
accuse everyone.

Not everyone. Right now only you. Sobaka! Tfu!
Ironside  51 | 13098
6 Jan 2024   #242
Not everyone. Right now only you.

Don't be modest, right now only me is talking to you and expressing views you don't like. All the rest just shun you and avoid you like a plague.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #243
expressing views you don't like

I have the right to dislike views of a Russian propagandist.

avoid you

Yes, because I am super learned, knowledgeable and intelligent. They prefer to learn from me in silence. While you have always been a lousy learner, that is why you are disrupting our lesson. But you won`t take over. I have dealt with bigger rascals than you. Ha!!!!
Ironside  51 | 13098
6 Jan 2024   #244
I have the right to dislike views

Bandera fanatic and sexual degenerate falsely claiming to be a Polish patriot has no rights!

Yes, because I am super learned, knowledgeable and intelligent.

Typical delusion of Banderites half-wits.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #245
Polish patriot has no rights!

Yes, we know, you Russian propagandist swine.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2024   #246
for the age-old oppression of our church,

Which culminated in destroying Orthodox churches during the brutal polonisation campaign in 1930s.

The destruction of Orthodox churches in eastern Poland from May to July 1938 was all the more outrageous because it was carried out by authorities presenting themselves as Christian and defending a civilization that in many European countries at the time seemed to be in retreat or, as in the neighboring USSR, was doomed to destruction.

The authorities developed and then consistently carried out the demolition and liquidation of 91 Orthodox churches, 10 chapels, 26 houses of prayer. Three churches were transferred to the Catholic Church, and four churches were left only as morgues (according to official data from the Voivodeship Office in Lublin). All this under the catchy slogan of "reclaiming everything that was once Polish and Catholic in the eastern lands of the Lublin Voivodeship in the pre-partition times"

  • CerkiewKopiowanie.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2024   #247
destroying Orthodox churches

"On July 14, the church in Międzylesie (Bialski district) was demolished. People had already suspected this the day before, when the church in nearby Zahorowo was dismantled. People gathered, carried out and buried some of the more valuable things. Taking down the bells, bought a few months earlier, they rang the big bell three times to say goodbye. Those gathered began to cry and did not leave their church all night.
In the morning, at 7 o'clock, policemen and Polish workers arrived in the village on eight trucks. The police began to disperse the people with rubber batons and tightly surrounded the church. The workers began to tear off the roof, break and throw out icons and the iconostasis from the church. At about noon, they overturned a large bell, then they began to cut the walls of the church from top to bottom with saws and stretched them with ropes. At about three o'clock in the morning, having finished their Cain work, the police and workers left" - this is how the heated atmosphere of those days is reflected in the memories of one of the faithful, Jan Korowicki.

GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Sep 2024   #248
OK... on one side some churches were destroyed; on the other side mothers were tortured and murdered in front of their children (who were later bestially murdered too).

And we are to understand that it is the side who destroyed churches that should apologise first?


You're a retard. But it doesn't even bother me anymore. The therapy worked! Money well spent :)
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Sep 2024   #249
delusion of Banderites

Yes. Nationalists of any sort are always both toxic and deluded.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
2 Sep 2024   #250
Nationalists of any sort are always both toxic and deluded.

Astounding are usually very british too....what about your own nationalism? ;)
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Sep 2024   #251
what about your own nationalism

Since so-called nationalism is an emotional refuge of the weak, I'm fortunately free of it.

Being "very" something (though personally I'm not) isn't 'nationalism'.

So much toxicity in this thread, and little positivity about creating a wholesome culture.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
2 Sep 2024   #252
Yes. Nationalists of any sort are always both toxic and deluded.

There is no better example of this than zionism, which has its origins in Central and Eastern Europe rather than being a grassroots movement in Palestine which it occupies today. Thanks for agreeing

what about your own nationalism?

He's a zionist like you.
Ironside  51 | 13098
2 Sep 2024   #253
Nationalists of any sort

So you waited for six months to comment on this. lol!
I disagree, first off There needs to be a definition of what nationalism is and how it differs from patriotism or a citizen's duty to uphold his country - that is accepted according to the board.
Secondly, even if there is one there are several degrees of nationalism.
Last but not least nationalism can be assessed only on a one-to-one basis as each nation has a different nationalism and everything that comes with it.
It is not communism or some other leftist ideology that is based on the same premise and originates from the same source.
The issue here is that commies confuse nationalism with fascism which is not the same.
Fascism is a cousin of communism.
German imperialism and nationalism were nasty but it wasn't near the level of Nazim i.e. their take on fascism. Which was different than Italian fascism to be sure.
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Sep 2024   #254
So you waited for six months

Or even just saw it.

The difference between 'nationalism' and a normal liking for one's culture is that the former is a euphemism for something very unpleasant, the politics of exclusion on arbitrary grounds.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2024   #255
on one side some churches were destroyed; on the other side mothers were

You conveniently skipped the time line of events. I wonder why??? Trying to be manipulative a little??? :):):)

Let me remind you that first the Polish nation oppressed the Ukrainian nation for centuries and only at the very end of our cohabitation furious Ukrainians retaliated in the most horrible way.

that should apologise first?

Yes! Kneel down together with Iron and beg for forgiveness. Only then you can demand anything from Ukrainians!

The therapy worked!

I am really glad coz we need you in good mental health. :):):)
Ironside  51 | 13098
2 Sep 2024   #256
The politics of exclusion on arbitrary grounds.

Isn't that what life is about? Choices, exclusions, and consequences.
retaliated in the most horrible way.

In other words, you are the most vile apologist for ethnic cleansing. Morally rotten vile scum that you are it doesn't surprise me at all.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Sep 2024   #257
You conveniently skipped the time line of events.

OK, the churches were destroyed first. So what?

Polish nation

What Polish nation? Polish peasants oppressed Ukrainian peasants? Because overwhelming majority of victims in Kresy were ordinary Poles, farmers and their families, slaughtered by their Ukrainian neighbours in the 20th century because of what? Wiśniowiecki and Chmielnicki?

oppressed the Ukrainian nation for centuries

You can't oppress something that doesn't exist. Ukrainians as a nation in modern sense are a 20th (OK, maybe 19th) century invention.

Ukrainians retaliated in the most horrible way

... and commited genocide that they deny. That's the difference, you see - Poles know about the destruction of orthodox churches and Piłsudski's betrayal of Petlura, nobody denies that. Ukrainians, on the other hand, refuse to acknowledge not only genocide but even the ethnic cleansing, and they do exactly what you do - justify horrible murderous atrocities with those vague "centuries of oppression".

Ireland was oppressed by England for 800 years - would it be OK for the Irish to mass murder English women and children in the middle of the 20th century for that? Finland was under Swedish occupation for 700 years, but somehow Finnish peasants didn't go on a rampage slaughtering their Swedish neighbours.

Kneel down together with Iron and beg for forgiveness.

What for? Ukrainians are not going to apologise for something they even refuse to acknowledge anyway. That's why your whole Let's-Apologise-First crusade is nonsensical.

In other words, you are the most vile apologist for ethnic cleansing.

Unfortunately, it looks like he is. Justifying Ukrainians commiting genocide on their neighbours with whom they lived and worked by something that Polish ruling authorities did.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2024   #258
So what?

And this is pure Polish nationalism which demands foreign nations like Germans, Russians, Ukrainians and others to apologise and compensate for their crimes against Poles and Polesses through history but at the same time such nationalists refuse to accept the responsibility for Polish crimes.
Isn`t it an amaSSing attitude???

Of course, I feel morally obliged to combat such attitudes. In the name of justice and decency!!!

You can't oppress something that doesn't exist

If this was true, you can`t blame Germans and Russians for oppressing Poles/Polesses during partitions when independent Poland didn`t exist. :):):)

Poles know about the destruction of orthodox churches

No, they don`t. And if a few do, they push it to the back of their minds. Ha!
Such righteous Poles like me are huge minority.
But I won`t stop educating you.
Novichok  4 | 8702
2 Sep 2024   #259
PF Poles should apologize to PF Russians for being rude azholes.

PF Russians have class and almost unlimited patience so they didn't go where Russia-hating Polaks congregate - including insults and idiotic spellings.

To be fair, there are exceptions to the above comment...Not all Poles are morons. Just enough to notice...
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Sep 2024   #260
Polish nationalism which demands (...) Ukrainians and others to apologise

You keep forgetting what I told you before: I no longer expect any apology from Ukrainians and, frankly, I don't give a sh*t about their apology either.

All I want is for murdered victims to be exhumated and given proper burial. A bare minimum that should be asked of any civilised country. Unfortunately, if the exhumations were allowed, the scale of atrocities would come to light and the horrible way in which the victims died would become evident for everyone to see. That's why I don't expect the barbarians to ever allow full exhumations.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2024   #261
Not all Poles

Yes, you are a nice exception together with Kania. :):):)

That's why I don't expect

Apologise to Ukrainians and let`s see what happens.

All I want is for murdered victims to be exhumated

That`s compensation which I already mentioned. You expect compensation from Ukrainians without apologising first??? You are really out of your mind, you abhorrent glorifier of Polish brutal colonialism!
Novichok  4 | 8702
2 Sep 2024   #262
and the horrible way in which the victims died would become evident for everyone to see

...and the Poland-Ukraine love affair come to an abrupt end?
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Sep 2024   #263
Apologise to Ukrainians

I certainly will. As soon as hell freezes and pigs start to fly.

...and the Poland-Ukraine love affair come to an abrupt end?

More importantly, what might happen is that the self-image of Ukrainians as a noble, never aggressive, only-defending-themselves, peaceful nation would burst like a baloon. After all, it wasn't only OUN-UPA to be blamed, it was also ordinary Ukrainians - neighbours of the murdered Poles - who commited the atrocities.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2024   #264
the self-image of ............. as a noble, only-defending-themselves, peaceful nation

Hey, that`s exactly how Poles like you prefer to see themselves!!! Can`t you understand your views are a laughing stock in Ukraine and other countries colonised by Poles in the past???

I have been fighting against such sick attitudes all my life.

it was also ordinary Ukrainians - neighbours of the murdered Poles - who commited the atrocities.

Exactly. Like ordinary Poles and Polesses who once took advantage of the Holocaust and murdered Jews for money or out of pure hate during WW2.
Novichok  4 | 8702
2 Sep 2024   #265
neighbours of the murdered Poles - who committed the atrocities.

...and then, suddenly, they morphed into peace-loving, "freedom and democracy" adoring cuddly, fluffy bears...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Sep 2024   #266
WTF cares!

Kania does. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba rejected Polish demands to examine the Volhyn massacre issue during his recent visit to Poland.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 Sep 2024   #267
This thread contains a lot of useless off topic posts, while my primary intention was to focus on the history of Polish Ukrainian relations in order to explain why Poland should apologise to Ukraine for centuries of colonisation and polonisation.
So far I have managed to discuss the following:

post 20, 29 - Polish King`s conquest of Rus territory, including the capture of Kyiv in 11th cent.

post 33,34,125 - Polish further expansion onto Rus territory through the agency of the Duchy of Lithuania - 12-13th cent.

post 128 - Polish King`s annexation of Western Rus with Lviv in 14th cent

post 176, 190 - the first attempt of the Ukrainian people led by Cossacks to gain freedom from Poland in 17th cent. The rebellion was suppressed.
Ironside  51 | 13098
7 Sep 2024   #268
you should apologize for being an ass and for gaslighting people with BS fake history.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 Sep 2024   #269
fake history.

That`s an attitude cherished not only by nationalist maniacs like Ironside but also by conservative Russophiles like Kania and millions of normal Poles/Polesses who suffer from Polish victim mentality syndrome. It means they only remember crimes and wrongdoing against the Polish nation by others, while at the same time they refuse to acknowledge the responsibility for Polish crimes. on others
Aren`t such Poles/ Polesses amaSSing???
gumishu  15 | 6228
7 Sep 2024   #270
Polish further expansion onto Rus territory through the agency of the Duchy of Lithuania

nonsense - Lithuania haven't conquered Rus principalities with a selfless idea to grant them to Poland - the fact that the territories became part of the Polish crown is much later history (Polish-Lithuanian Union of Lublin)

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