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Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first

OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Jan 2024   #211
why are you still so

Empty words and infantile questions all the time. How about real arguments based on history? :):):)

I have been waiting for so long for plausible arguments and so far certain azholes only have said they disagree.
You disagree that my cats are black coz you think they are brown??? hahahaha

Think, for Goddess` sake!!!! And when at last you get the idea what intelligent things you can say, come back to me and we can talk.
Bobko  27 | 2215
3 Jan 2024   #212
Empty words and infantile questions all the time

Hello Pawian, it is your reflection speaking to you from the mirror.

Your entire argument re: the supposed "colonization" of Ukrainians is ahistorical dribble.

One thing Ironside always explains well, is the relative shades of historicity. You cannot analyze events in a vacuum. Context must always be taken into account.

I will also admit, I don't like your argument about Poles having to apologize, because it makes me feel you think we should apologize to the Ukrainians as well. For what?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Jan 2024   #213
I don't like your argument about Poles having to apologize,

It is obvious you don`t know what and why this thread and discussion is all about.

Check the very first post. To prevent you from missing the most vital part in it, I wil quote it with highlighted part:

Poles are demanding that Ukrainians should apologise for their genocidal crimes on the Polish nation during WW2. However, most Poles prefer to forget that it was Poland which attacked and oppressed western Ukraine, called Red Ruthenia or Red Rus, for centuries.

Now, did you finally get a grasp why it isn`t fully my argument? It is merely a counter argument.

There are hundreds of such articles in Polish net:Should Ukraine apologise for Vohlyn???
Bobko  27 | 2215
3 Jan 2024   #214

I am lost for words. You are simply some kind of Mother Theresa.

If people like you were in power then, it would be Ukrainians apologizing to Poles now.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Jan 2024   #215
You are simply.

Poles honour their own murderers who killed non-combatant people during WW2. And it was planned, not accidental.

Ukrainians do the same.

We have balance in nature. Fair and just, Simple.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
4 Jan 2024   #216
While Poles had been beasts for centuries.

So, you are a self hating Pole..... got you at last!
You feel guilt for what Poles did to others but seem to have no empathy with Poles harmed by others......... a virtue signalling Leftist wimp!
Ironside  51 | 13083
4 Jan 2024   #217
You are simply some kind of Mother Theresa.

No, he is a stupid MF! lol!

Poland which attacked and oppressed western Ukraine,

What are you talking about? If you talk about the old Polish land of Lwow, you must be a Bandera follower, and the mystery is solved.
Crow  155 | 9699
4 Jan 2024   #218
The cover for the strategic game Cossacks 3 : a Cossack on the left, Polish winged rider on he right

while both rode horses in Serbian fashion. Cossacks used Serbian loose light cavalry formation. Poles used the Serbian knee-to-knee light cavalry formation (bdw, same was used by USA Wild West army cavalry). By all military experts of the time and later was/is admitted that Serbians developed the best cavalry tactics in world history. In a split second, you could transform light cavalry into heavy cavalry simply by the fashion of riding, by moving from loose or close to tight knee-to-knee formation. That way even lightly armored riders form a wall of horses that besides the physical impact on the enemy also has an enormous mental/moral impact. The addition of wings to riders gave new special effects. In older times, our ancestors used dragon standards not just for moral purposes but also to be able to monitor the direction of the wind. It was essential for firing arrows.

Racowie, Sarmatian finest.

Role of Serbian medieval cavalry in the formation of Polish hussars >

Ironside  51 | 13083
4 Jan 2024   #219

What Cossacks? There are lots of different kinds of them. If you talk about our Cossacks they were renowned for being good shooters and excellent. infrantry. Cavalry not really. Polish Cavalry was superior in every way to them as well as Tatar Cavalry as well as Ottoman cavalry, I think that stood a chance with Moscow Cavalry but only just.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2024   #220
I the old Polish land of Lwow,

Stop lying. Lvov was established by Ruthenians, today Ukrainians. And it rightfully returned to Ukrainians. Justice of history. Of course, Polish nazio boyz have a different opinion but luckily they are in huge minority. Only 7%. :):):)
Lyzko  44 | 9723
4 Jan 2024   #221
Ruthenians were also known, at least in Lwow, as Huzulen", I believe.
Crow  155 | 9699
4 Jan 2024   #222
What Cossacks?

You men what sech? I really don`t know.
Ironside  51 | 13083
5 Jan 2024   #223
Stop lying. Lvov was established by Ruthenians

You stop lying dimwit! You don't even know you are lying. I established you are a lame pig and you should just quail in the pigsty.

First of all, where is that connection? Ruthenians, why should Ukrainians take it? They are the same. Secondly according to your logic, if I buy from you a shack and my family will build on it for generations, some pawian with unclear connection to you can claim my castle as his own?

what kind of F up logic is that?
Those are old Polish land that should belong to Poland, end of story.

You men what sech? I

I mean what period, what area, and what Cossacks, At one time the light cavalry Polish mercenaries that helped the Austrian Imperator in the 30-year war in Germany were called Cossacks. So, it is not that simple, then we have Moscow Cossacks that were doing policing for the Russian Empire and so on... You need to be specific.


Ruthenians were also known, at least in Lwow, as Huzulen", I believe.

You believe wrong - all the time - that is what makes me think you are an old troll. Huzulen were highlanders of the eastern Carpathian mountain range, distinct people from Ruthenians.
Crow  155 | 9699
5 Jan 2024   #224
You need to be specific.

You should google that. We live in an informative age.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2024   #225
They are the same.

Exactly. Ukrainians are former Ruthenians. They have lived in the area for centuries. Even a millenium.

Those are old Polish land that should belong to Poland

No, it is Ukrainian. There have always been more Ukrainians in the area than Polish colonizers. Poles didn`t manage to populate Western Ukraine with their own lot. Only a few cities had the majority of Polish citizens. But even there it wasn`t 100% Polish. Only about 64% in Lviv, for example.

You know now why it isn`t Polish old land. Too few Polish colonisers and too many locals.
Crow  155 | 9699
5 Jan 2024   #226
Exactly. Ukrainians are former Ruthenians. They have lived in the area for centuries. Even a millenium.

Millenium? We can easily say since the beginning of time. But what do you think about how Russians came to be? Do you think that Russians fly? Our Sarmatian (if you want, complete White race) civilization was spreading (just now speaking of Europe) in concentric circles from Balkan, around Lepenski Vir (around 11.000 BC) and Vinca culture (7.000 BC) along rivers, how glacial ice melted. So, with time, speaking of East Europe now, Yamnaya culture (around 3.000 BC) appeared as one among the offspring of Vinca culture. Later, the ancestors of Ruthenians came to be as an offspring of Yamnaya culture. More later, more offspring and Rus and Kievan Rus came to be. And, so on..
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2024   #227
But what do you think about how Russians came to be?

They came into being in Muscovy which is 1000 kilometres from Poland and 500 km from Kyiv. Why should I care about them? I am not Torq. I am focused on Ukrainians. Sorry if I disappointed you.
Crow  155 | 9699
5 Jan 2024   #228
I am focused on Ukrainians.

Poles and Russians are people. Ukrainians are or were a nation in formation, consisting of Russians, Poles, and Serbs. Of Ruthenians, too, but we can`t be sure how much they were unique Slavic ethos and how much product of AH social experiments so they themselves aren`t sure (I know, I had on in primary school, very good friend of mine). If you ask me, AH meddling destroyed Rythenianm potential (if they were unique Slavic people) or destroyed their chance to become unique Slavic people.

So, it's alright for you to focus on Ukrainians but you should know some historical facts and be aware that others around Ukraine have to say something because if someone creates (for its own intersts) a Ukrainian nation it attacking the history and interests of some unique existing Slavic people. In other words, if the process was spontaneous, without AH, without the Vatican, without western Europe, Ukraine wouldn`t even exist. Just, bigger Poland and bigger Russia. Or, we would also have, not Ukraine but Ruthenia. Smaller the what was Ukraine but, still. See?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2024   #229
Ukrainians are consisting of Russians,

Don`t be silly. It is Russians who consist of Ukrainians and Ruthenians. After all, Muscovy Russians trace their origin to Kyiv Rus which was populated by Ruthenians.

Don`t twist the facts. Remember, I read books not only on Polish history but on other nations too. You have no chance against me. Ha!!!

Ukraine wouldn`t even exist

It has always existed in the hearts of people who populated it. And they fought for it desperately. Grabbed the chance to create their own country after the demise of the USSR. And won`t relinquish.

Good luck, Ukrainians!
Crow  155 | 9699
5 Jan 2024   #230
It is Russians who consist of Ukrainians and Ruthenians.

Of Ruthenians probably, but not from Ukrainians. Term Ukraine in the region was introduced by Serbian refugees who came to the region when the Ottomans invaded. The original term is `Krajina`. Meaning, the bordering region, back then originally referred to Russia. Because Serbs settled and formed two states in what was the Russian Empire. So, Krajina was a bordering region of Russia. Later, Russified term became `U-Krajina - Ukrajina` and kept same meaning.

So, you can say Rus came to be from Ruth. Eventually, because for all we know the original term was maybe Rod, Ras, Ros or Rac and always followed with some form of Serb name. It`s that phenomenon of dualism. But it's irrelevant. Russians are people formed on their own, spontaneously. Non from outside sponsored or financed formation of Rus. The same is with Serbs, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, and Bulgarians. Those are Slavic peoples that today exist. They suffered outside influences but they are formed as people in a natural process.

Ukraine as the state is a direct product of the political and military pressure of outsiders onto the Slavic world.
Novichok  4 | 8677
5 Jan 2024   #231
Poles and Russians are people.

Not according to PF Russia haters.

Ukraine not welcome in NATO and EU - former Zelensky adviser
Kiev should "stop humiliating itself" and end the "illusion" that it will soon join the EU and NATO, Aleksey Arestovich has said.

This could be funny if not for the dead and the wounded. Also, that fact that we are coming full circle back to March 2022...

I wonder which Western moron will tell Ukraine how good it feels to fight to the last Ukrainian.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2024   #232
Term Ukraine in the region was introduced

Stop bickering about trifle names. Ukrainians or Ruthenians, doesn`t matter. Today`s Ukrainians are former Ruthenians. They developed their national indentity fighting against Poles and Russians. Today they fully qualify as an independent nation. All your and other putinists` bulshyt won`t change it. Sorry. You are wasting time.
Crow  155 | 9699
5 Jan 2024   #233

Russia was not only forced to intervene in Ukraine but obliged. If the process of forming artificial nations from Slavs, by outsiders, further escalated, it would destroy the Slavic world. Look Balkan. From Serbs, we get `Croats, `Bosniaks`, `Montenegreens` and `Northern Macedonians.` Why they doing that? To increase the level of control over Serbs and at the same time slowly annihilate Serbs. Later, this process of Serb's segmentation, as seen here in the region, always ends in germanization of these segments, where germanization represents the tool of the Vatican and Germanics sword of the Vatican. Fortunately, times changed, and the Serbs strenghten and reverse the process, influencing their separated segments.

BDW, among naturally formed Slavic peoples, together with Serbs, Poles, Russians, Czechs, Slovaks, and Bulgarians also goes Slovenians.
Crow  155 | 9699
5 Jan 2024   #234
Today`s Ukrainians are former Ruthenians.

They are NOT. Today`s Ukrainians do now exist as Ukrainians. Slavs of Ukraine are Ruthenians, Russians, Poles, and Serbs in origin.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2024   #235
Ruthenians, Russians, Poles, and Serbs.

You forgot cyclists and aliens. hahahahaha
Crow  155 | 9699
5 Jan 2024   #236
Ukrainians were in the process of artificial and sponsored formation of the nation. Russia ended the process. Rightfully, so. If were able, Poles and Serbs would themselves react. Do you think that USA or Germany or France or Britain or Vatican ... all have bigger right to have to say somethning, while Poles, Russians and Serbs don`t have that right.
Novichok  4 | 8677
5 Jan 2024   #237
Later, this process of Serb's segmentation,

That's exactly what the DC warmongers are planning for Russia: divide and plunder.
Other than that, the most shameful is the role Germany plays in this diabolical bs by supplying tanks to kill Russians. I thought that they killed enough of them not long ago...
Ironside  51 | 13083
6 Jan 2024   #238

I know your worthless opinion. You never had been able to back it up with a logical argument or trace of a possible truth.


Go back to your pigsty to cavort with 'banderities', you renegade.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #239

The truth is that you are a Russian puppet and do Putin`s bidding. Sobaka. Tfu!
Ironside  51 | 13083
6 Jan 2024   #240
The truth is that you are a Russian

Wow, what more proof does one need to discover the true Bandera follower, they use some words and accuse everyone of being on a Russian paycheck or doing Russian bidding.

Thanks for showing us your true colors.

Home / History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first
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