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Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first

OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Jul 2023   #121
they have been glorifying UPA/SS-Galizien for over 30 years now,

All Ukrainians???

Besides, have Poles been able to change it for 30 years? No.

It made me see so many things much clearer.

Clear enough for you to realise that Ukrainians are sticking their asses for us in a deadly fight against a mortal enemy ie imperialist Russians??? You love Russians regardless of their political and ideological preferences. Let it be. But I am not like you. I have the right to consider Ukrainians our good allies despite troubled history.

Have a nice summer, people! :)

We do, thanks. :):) Same to you. Get some relaxation from your life stresses at last..
Bobko  27 | 2215
25 Jul 2023   #122
I meant it doesn't excist as monolitic block or a nation state. In other words it is more complex issue that meet the eye.

You are smarter than it seems at first glance :)

I'm joking - actually very much like your analysis.
Bobko  27 | 2215
25 Jul 2023   #123
Of course you do, all his political views come from a party that is funded by the russian state

Here - one has to say, proof. We have been hearing for years about Kremlin funded Marine Le Pen, Orban, Berlusconi, etc. All the opposition managed to present was loan agreements (which were repaid). If French, Hungarian, Italian banks are so afraid of their American masters that they will not lend funds to a leading contender in an election - I say I cannot blame those candidates. For Russians this is not charity as well obviously, but you have to be joking if you think a few million euros to Le Pen can move the needle in any way. She gets votes because there is a demand for her opinions.

By the way, in the previous election all the Russian money was on Fillon. Unfortunately he exploded himself with stupid suit scandal, and hiring his wife and kids. F*cking idiot.

In America this would not even be a question, since it's a free for all when it comes to money - foreign or domestic.
Ironside  51 | 13087
25 Jul 2023   #124
Kremlin funded Marine Le Pen,

Sure, because Macron and France are sooo anti-Russian. Where those idiots come from, they are the ruling class and they do not want a real competition, so they made up that Russian issue.

How many time Macron was licking Putin's boots? What French bussenses were doing in Russia untill few days ago and so on...
French gov is ok making deals with Pution and at the same time it is a sin for French oppostion do do the same. Talking about Hypocrisy.....
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Jul 2023   #125
allowed both Poland and Lithuania to prosper as the Polish Lithuanian Commonweatlh for the next two centuries.

Or even three.....
Let`s continue. Why did I eleborate on the Duchy of Lithuania in posts 33 and 34 so much? It was important coz after stamping the alliance, Lithuanian and Rus elites in conquered territories started adopting Polish culture and language coz it was

1 essential to make a career in the Polish Lithuanian state
2 it was trendy in the East at the time.

What did it all lead to? Poland didn`t have to strive extensively to capture its colonies - it acquired conquered territories of Rus through the agency of Lithuanian warriors, sort of. It was the time when first Polish settlers started colonising the East.
Ironside  51 | 13087
29 Jul 2023   #126
If anything there were some settlers oft invited by the GD of L rulers, By the way speaking English doesn't make one an Englishman, there Yankees, Scots and so on with their own distict indentity all of them using the same language.

Only a ingorant fool with a bias would say otherwise.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Jul 2023   #127
By the way speaking English doesn't make one an Englishman, there Yankees, Scots

Yes. exactly, and they all belong to the Western world and think and act like Westerners. Partly through the language.

Poland, occupying the crossroads of Europe, was such Western world for those Easterners. Through using the :Polish language and adopting Polish culture, among others RC religion, , Rus and Lithuanian elites slowly became Polish.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2023   #128
Poland didn`t have to strive extensively to capture its colonies -

In the 14th century Poland made a little effort under Casimir the Great - one of the greatest Polish kings. Colluding with the Ruthenian ruler, Jarosław, the Pollsh king annexed western Rus territories including Lviv as their capital. The territory remained Polish till 1772, the first partition of Poland.

Here is the map which shows today`s Poland and old Red Ruthenia. You can see these borders intertwine.

  • 13.jpg
Ironside  51 | 13087
31 Jul 2023   #129
I don't want to waste my time on scum like you. Why you post it..? those are old polish territories I often talked about. Should belong to poland today. Musings about something from 700 years ago to put spin on it just because you are stupid troll and whole chur filthy...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2023   #130
Musings about something from 700 years ago

Yes, it must be unnerving for you to learn that not all Polish lands were Polish from the very beginning. Sorry, fascist, this is history. Live with it. Ha!!!

those are old polish territories I often talked about.

Yes, and you demanded that Lviv and neighbourhoods must return to Poland. Be gone, fascist, with this thinking.

Why you post it..?

For the love of history of Poland. Ha! And I won`t stop even if all Polish fascists gang up on me.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2023   #131
those are old polish territories I often talked about.

Yes, Polish formally, but practically - not.

Check the population nationality division in Ruthenian Province in pre-war Poland. The green colour means Ukrainians. Can you see those yellow spots in the green? Those are Poles concentrated in and around biggest cities and in Wołyń. .

  • 14.jpg
Ironside  51 | 13087
31 Jul 2023   #132
to learn

It annoying me that you are a stupid troll, assuming or pretending you know something I don't or better about Polish history. You full of it!

Polish culture and language coz it was

1 essential to make a career in the Polish Lithuanian state

IF the noble from GDof L wanted to make a career in Poland proper i.e. the Crown. All path of Career were legally baned for nobles from the Polish Kingdom IF they wanted to make it on a territory of GD of L.

2.(Rus and Lithuanian elites slowly became Polish)
So What? Is your English that bad or you trying to be slick. Say what you mean not some slimmy nosense.
3.(the Pollsh king annexed western Rus territories including Lviv as their capital.)
Inherited. Why don't you go back 700 years in Europe and see what is what and who is who. In short if you have to go back that far it means have no real arguments you are only making stuff up! you coward.


he population nationality division

So what? I see 14% of the population, why would they claim that land? They shouldn't be greedy simple.
In other world should be Poland claim Chicago? (in 60, at least) or Peterborough in the uk? Get real, shortie.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2023   #133
I see 14% of the population,

For whole Poland, darling. That is over 4 million Ukrainians in 35 million state. While in Rus province it was over 60% Ukrainian minority, in the countryside even 80%. Ha! Educate yourself at last about past.

why would they claim that land?

I have just explained above, darling. :):):)

In other world should be Poland claim Chicago?

Stop twisting. Poles can`t claim Chicago coz they didn`t establish it. While Red Ruthenians had already lived in their lands when Poles came.

As for you other arguments, they are so senseless and far from any meaning I wonder why you are using them at all. To mess up the whole comnversation so that nobody knows anything. That is your typical trick, darling.
Ironside  51 | 13087
31 Jul 2023   #134
For whole Poland, darling.

Do you think it is some kind of argument? Think again!fail!

I have just explained above,

not very well, scum!

Chicago coz they didn`t establish it

Say Warsaw in NM, they established it, should Poland claim it or dozen other places?
(While Red Ruthenians)
Who lived there and who they were 700 years ago nobody knows. It certain it wasn't ukrainians. Whovere claim otherwise is a delusional fool. Anyway if you are going to waffle in your ususal trolling way, count me out. I'm not going to play with scum that disgust me on so many levels. bye
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2023   #135
Who lived there and who they were 700 years ago nobody knows

Probably aliens.... hahahaha


Bye. At last. :):):)
Bobko  27 | 2215
1 Aug 2023   #136
Zelensky's office further reacted, yesterday, to the accusations from Poland that Ukraine has shown insufficient gratitude.

Responding to statements issued by some guy in Duda's office (Marcin Przydacz), the deputy head of Zelensky's presidential administration (Andrey Sibiga) replied:

"We categorically reject the attempts of individual Polish politicians to impose on the Polish society the unfounded opinion that allegedly Ukraine does not appreciate the help from Poland. This is obviously a game for its own opportunistic interests, which has nothing to do with reality. Manipulation. And reality is a friendly and an open dialogue between the Presidents of Ukraine and Poland, between whom there is a high level of understanding and mutual trust.

"Polish weapons in the hands of the Ukrainian military effectively deter the Russian aggressor. And supporting us with weapons is not charity, but an investment in Poland's own security. It is the Ukrainians who today protect the values ​​and security of our region and do this also in the interests of Poland and the entire free world," - Sibiga noted, adding that this is the "highest level of gratitude", which is strange not to notice.

Translated from Russian with Google Translate.


In other news, the Ukrainian MFA has called the Polish ambassador in Kiev to arrive for "consultations".
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Aug 2023   #137
but an investment in Poland's own security.

The biggest fu*cking lie ever...

Pouring gas on the fire next door is the best way to keep your house from going up in flames. Moron is too mild...

How about signing a piece of paper that says Ukraine will never be a member of NATO and avoid all of that...Duh!
Bobko  27 | 2215
1 Aug 2023   #138

Eh... I guess. It's you who made this thread about ancient Ruthenian history.

I could just as easily argue that the current drama between the Polish and Ukrainian governments, directly affects the dynamics within the discussion about historic apologies. No?

Ukraine butchered Poles as recently as the 1940s - not in ancient Rus. Now Poles in 2023 (the present), are amongst the leading allies of Ukraine. A reasonable person may conclude that this should put some pressure on the Ukrainians to respond symmetrically - within their means - by addressing an issue close to Polish hearts.

Instead - Ukraine is saying effectively: "Thankful for what? Protecting your asses?". This should tell you how they will approach the apology question as well.
Bobko  27 | 2215
1 Aug 2023   #139
*popcorn... I need more popcorn... :)*

Very satisfying to read how you are preparing popcorn for what every Russian observer would have called the "inevitable" meeting of perceptions and reality, for Poles and Ukrainians. However, it also pisses me off - extremely.

Why do you not listen to us? I have been writing here, for years, that I feel very bad for Poland that it has acquired such a friend as Ukraine. Ukraine thinks of nobody but Ukraine. The whole world owes Ukraine. Ukraine is the center of the known universe.
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Aug 2023   #140
that I feel very bad for Poland that it has acquired such a friend as Ukraine.

I can help...Poles are sentimental girlie men and often act like women: Five minutes of feeling good outweighs everything else.
That moment came when they opened the doors but never thought what this will do to the war and how to get rid of the guests later.

Here, you are seeing what I call post-fact rationalizations. We need labor...they are good for the economy...and crap like this...
In politics, one 10-year-old crying girl is worth 1 million votes.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2023   #141
Ukraine thinks of nobody but Ukraine.

That`s a fully justified emotion. They are fighting against a mortal enemy who desires to destroy their young country. Poles are stupid to take offence. First they do their best to aid Ukraine and all of a sudden block Ukrainian food transports, one of the few means of Ukrainians to collect some funds which they desperately need.

It seems that PiS losers are also going to destroy the good relations between two countries.

*popcorn... I need more popcorn... :)*

Kania, stop fooling around. :):):) You should be enjoying your holiday instead. But it is raining and you can`t and don`t know what to do with time.
Bobko  27 | 2215
1 Aug 2023   #142
It seems that PiS losers are also going to destroy the good relations between two countries

Strange thing to say, when PiS is the party that made Poland the number one ally of Ukraine, outside the sole superpower.

Poland is even ahead of great powers like Germany, France and the UK when it comes to help. What do you want more from PiS?
tnuc a si naiwaP
1 Aug 2023   #143
Let's hear if fromt the one-and-only Prime Minster Mateusz Morawiecki...

"Calling of Polish ambassador - the only one who stayed in Kiev in the first days of invasion - to Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, should never have taken place.

In the international politics, in the face of ongoing war, taking into account the huge Polish support for Ukraine, such a mistake should never happen.

We will always defend the good name of Poland, her safety, and the interest of any other country will never be above the interest of Rzeczpospolita."

*pour some more honey on my ears Mr Prime Minister :D*
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Aug 2023   #144
They are fighting against a mortal enemy who desires to destroy their young country.

You are lying. Russia wants assurances that U will never be in NATO. Had the US and the UK not vetoed this in March 2022, there would be no war.
Bobko  27 | 2215
1 Aug 2023   #145
We will always defend the good name of Poland, her safety, and the interest of any other country will never be above the interest of Rzeczpospolita

Amen. This is all we need.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2023   #146
and the interest of any other country will never be above the interest of Rzeczpospolita."

It is sad to see how those PiS gangsters are changing their attitude. Pity.
I predict PIS is even able to unleash a nasty xenophobic campaign against Ukraine and Ukrainian.
Kania, apart from moral issues, think what effect it will have on the reputation of Poland in the world.
It seems that`s what you are waiting for., Tfu, kanalia!

This is all we need.

Yes, Putin and his gang are jumping with joy at these developments. :(:(:( So sad. Those PiS losers don`t respect any values. Tfu!
Bobko  27 | 2215
1 Aug 2023   #147
Kania, think what effect it will have on the reputation of Poland in the world

Everybody will understand Poland, after the trainload of sh!t Ukraine dumped on you.

Yes, Putin and his gang are jumping with joy at these developments.

Perhaps... but in this case we did not even lay a finger to creating the current mess. It's our enemies, eyes wide shut, stepping onto these land mines.

Nobody had a gun to Poland's head, when it decided to run in front of the entire train - without understanding what exactly was happening in Ukraine. In your thirst to poke the bear in the eye, you ended up embracing your nemesis.

That's on you, not us.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2023   #148
there would be no war.

No, you are lying now. Putin admitted it a few times they want to conquer whole Ukraine.

but in this case we did not even lay a finger to creating the current mess.

Yes, it is PiS moronic losers who did. And reckless Ukrainians, too.
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Aug 2023   #149
Putin admitted it a few times they want to conquer whole Ukraine.

After the Western warmongers bsed some more about U joining NATO. That left Putin with no option of partial annexation.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2023   #150
That left Putin with no option of partial annexation.

Stop lying. What partial annexation? They planned to take Kyiv first.

Home / History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first

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