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20 years of Poland in the EU.

OP Alien  23 | 5539
19 Jul 2024   #211
there is no EU without Serbia.

So far it was
Crow  154 | 9260
19 Jul 2024   #212
Yes we see
Novichok  4 | 7809
19 Jul 2024   #213
The critical difference between immigrants and migrants is that the former are vetted and allowed in to benefit the host country.

I was one of them.

Migrates come as a mob to suck on the tits of the host country. See "parasites".
mafketis  38 | 10911
19 Jul 2024   #214
immigrant and and economic migrant. Don't see a reason to separate

An economic migrant is almost never planning a permanent move, their time frame is a few months or maybe a few years in order to build up capital to take home. They often don't need to learn very much of the local language and accept temporary living conditions that could be too rough for locals.Often live without close family nearby because... again they want to build up cash for their real lives back home.

An immigrant is thinking long term and wants to integrate/assimilate as much as possible and accepts that their children born in the new country will be more like local children rather than children back home (among other things). They are not eager to live in crowded conditions with strangers except as a temporary measure before they can become more independent in their new country.

Again some people begin as one and move to another category but the basic goals and time frames of the two groups remain distinct.
OP Alien  23 | 5539
2 Aug 2024   #215
accepts that their children born in the new country will be more like local children rather than children back home (among other things).

I don't think that's what white emigrants to Africa or Asia think about.
mafketis  38 | 10911
2 Aug 2024   #216
emigrants= leaving

immigrants = arriving

the people you're talking about are not immigrants, they are ex-pats (who live in another place for professional or personal reasons but have no desire to integrate beyond the most superficial level).
OP Alien  23 | 5539
2 Aug 2024   #217
Does this apply to Western foreigners in Poland?
mafketis  38 | 10911
2 Aug 2024   #218
It depends on a lot of factors - home country, employer, length of stay (especially projected length of stay) and whether there are local family connections among others.
OP Alien  23 | 5539
2 Aug 2024   #219
It depends

Yes, for example, when children start going to Polish schools, they become Poles. Some expats, however, send their children to English-speaking schools in Poland so that the children can continue their education in another country.
mafketis  38 | 10911
2 Aug 2024   #220
when children start going to Polish schools, they become Poles

Parental attitudes toward schools (in general and in the new country) do play a very important role in how well children adapt to new countries.

Not all cultures value education equally well and some parents want their children to maintain their traditions to the exclusion of local traditions.

In short.. adults who migrate almost never really assimilate, that's the job of the children born in the new country and parents can either help or be neutral about or hinder that process.
OP Alien  23 | 5539
2 Aug 2024   #221
In short.. adults who migrate almost never really assimilate

This is particularly visible among the Turks in Germany and the Russians in Germany.
mafketis  38 | 10911
2 Aug 2024   #222
But do they prevent their kids from assimilating? AFAICT russians are more relaxed about that while Turks (muslims in general) do what they can to prevent their kids from fitting in....
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
2 Aug 2024   #223
That is true in all western states where Muslims have settled.Of all the races and religions, Muslims are the least likely to properly assimilate.

This is a major problem that the west are not prepared to confront.

But confront it, they have to.
OP Alien  23 | 5539
3 Aug 2024   #224
This is a major problem that the west are not prepared to confront

A sure method is the secularization of society, for example, in my state only about 3% of Catholics live. But there are no mosques being built, let alone synagogues (in which only russians sit). That's why my secretary can ask our paki, who is bending (in prayer) under the table, if he is looking for a mouse?. Perhaps the best method is to secularize society. However, I will personally stick to my good old Catholic church.
mafketis  38 | 10911
3 Aug 2024   #225
Perhaps the best method is to secularize society.

That only works if there are rigorous secular ethical systems that are available to the population.... muslim majority societies typically don't have any of those.... and there's the well-known phenomenon of migrants becoming more religiously active in their new country than they were in the old. I had a Polish friend who maybe went to church on big holidays in Poland but went every week when they immigrated to the US.
It's been often said that it's easier for muslims to live as atheists in their home countries (for example) than in Western Europe.

But the neoliberal mindset cannot comprehend attachment to other belief systems and insists on treating humans as interchangeable widgets who are infinitely pliable....

Almost no western European politicians are free of the neoliberal mindset....
Korvinus  2 | 567
22 Aug 2024   #226

Another genius EU regulation. Whoever came up with those new bottle caps should be shot, together with everyone who supported that regulation. It costs more to produce. It annoys customers. It doesn't solve any real problem.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
22 Aug 2024   #227

The EU becomes a joke...a bad takes so much time to end the green/woke insanity....from election to election to election they are losing, but still it needs patience!
OP Alien  23 | 5539
22 Aug 2024   #228
genius EU regulation

Tethered caps function quite well when handled properly. Watch videos of how to 'use' these new bottles. It leaves much less plastic waste and also discourages buying single-use bottles. Reusable bottles have regular caps.
jon357  72 | 22979
22 Aug 2024   #229
The EU becomes a joke

Some key figures actually want it o become a superstate with an army. A bad idea.

green/woke insanity


from election to election

The important thing is to keep the far right out of office and in the gutter where they belong.
Lazarus  2 | 364
22 Aug 2024   #230
Tethered caps function quite well when handled properly.

I find them an improvement on the old style. No need to find somewhere to put the unscrewed top and no need to find an unscrewed top that has been put down. And now easier to seal crushed empty bottles, as nobody else in the house has thrown away or lost the top from a bottle.

And of course the additional benefit is that the new ones annoy the gammon.
Lenka  5 | 3484
22 Aug 2024   #231
It annoys customers

I don't see why people have a problem with that.
jon357  72 | 22979
22 Aug 2024   #232
I find them an improvement on the old style

Me too. You don't lose them and they don't end up littering the streets.

I don't see why people have a problem

Me neither. Some people just don't like change.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
22 Aug 2024   #233
Some key figures actually want it o become a superstate with an army. A bad idea.

That's actually something I could support, a continent able and willing to defend itself....compared to "open-borders for everybody and their grandmom" or useless bottle-caps inventions the world doesn't need!

Actually I guess at least half of the Brussels-regulations fall under that....needless and useless. If they are all vanish tomorrow only the fat arses in Brussels are gonna miss them!
jon357  72 | 22979
22 Aug 2024   #234
open-borders for everybody and their grandmom

We don't have that
useless bottle-caps inventions

They're a good idea
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
22 Aug 2024   #235
We don't have that

They are still coming to your coasts what world are you living, Jon?

They're a good idea

If so many people are **** off by this, that can't be a good idea for winning hearts and minds for protection of the environment....quite the contrary!

PS: Where have you been for so long, welcome back! :)
jon357  72 | 22979
22 Aug 2024   #236


coming to your coasts

That's not 'open borders' and we shouldn't hate people for doing it.

Europe has a low birth rate anyway and colour/ethnicity hardly matters much in the scheme of things since it's never static. The only answer is having bigger families. People will still come though.

I'd personally be happier if fewer came and they came more slowly however I don't see an easy answer that can be called humane.

Where have you been for so long, welcome back

Istanbul. Berlin, Warsaw, London, Yorkshire. Back at work now.

Berlin was nice. We stayed at a vey arty looking hotel near U Bahn Oranienburgerstrasse and they upgraded us to a suite. There for shopping on the Ku'damm and just relaxation
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
22 Aug 2024   #237
That's not 'open borders' and we shouldn't hate people for doing it.

True.....It's useless to hate these people....but it takes two to tango....the ones wanting to come in, and the other keeping the door wide open. That is something that will be changed. There is no majority anymore in any country for the old rules. Times have changed.

I don't see an easy answer that can be called humane.

Oh there is....people come from everywhere to look at a map....they are wandering through many totally safe countries, where they could settle down, but they still want to come to Germany, and that not because of our nice weather or our famous prefer Germany because it has become known that they can here expect the most money, the most state support, alot more than in other countries which "only" have to offer safety....and that is something our gov needs to adapt. If our current leftist gov doesn't want to, a more rightist gov definitely will do it!

It's easy and humane and will be super effective!
jon357  72 | 22979
22 Aug 2024   #238
It's useless to hate these people....but it takes two to tango..

They're just availing themselves of something we made available. One issue is that he UN has decreased infant mortality and increased life expectancy in the developing world but didn't think about how people would support themselves.

The door's not open as such given the horrendous journeys etc.

Worth mentioning that the ones we get are all relatively middle class. Poor people in the Arab world and in Africa don't make it any further than their own capital.

BTW, what's happening in Alexanderplatz? There used to be sausage and beer places but now there's a huge building site.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
22 Aug 2024   #239
Poor people in the Arab world and in Africa don't make it any further than their own capital

Who knows...maybe you really get the better immigrants....most we get are illegals anyhow who can barely read/write their own language, not to mention learning a new language and adapting to a highly developed, modern, industrialized society!

What we get are alot more knife murders on our streets and open executions in our train stations....not to mention peopler rallying and demanding the Kalifat in Germany....
jon357  72 | 22979
22 Aug 2024   #240
We've not had that as much fortunately; crime rates in the U.K. are actually dropping at the moment.

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