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Poland and World War 2 -- Many history books prior to the wars end

republic0  1 | 3
29 Jun 2023   #1
Listed below is an assortment of books pertaining to Poland and World War II.

All the books are in English, and are free to download.

A few of these were published by the Polish Ministry of Information during WW2, and quite a lot of these were published prior to the end of the war.

The Black Book of Poland

The Black Book of Polish Jewry (1943)

The Destruction of The Polish Elite: Operation AB - Katyn

Spring Held No Hope: The Facts of the German Occupation of Poland

Hans Frank's Diary

The Nazi Kultur In Poland

Murder of a Nation: German Destruction of Polish Culture

German Failures in Poland: Natural Obstacles to Nazi Population Policy

The Quest for German Blood: Policy of Germanization in Poland

Poland Under Nazi Occupation

The New Order in Poland

Where the Storm Broke: Poland from Yesterday to Tomorrow

Quotes reduced/removed.
OP republic0  1 | 3
29 Jun 2023   #2
Have you ever had the misfortune of seeing Neo-Nazis on YouTube or other media sharing sites spouting BS about Poland being to blame for World War 2?

The following book was was published in 1940, by the Polish Ministry of Information, to counter Nazi propaganda about the so-called Bromberg massacres (Bydgoszcz) wherein supposedly 58,000 ethnic Germans were killed.

The German Fifth Column In Poland (1940)
OP republic0  1 | 3
29 Jun 2023   #3
Another book that counters the 58,000 killed narrative.

Irredentism and Provocation: A Contribution to the History of German Minority in Poland
29 Jun 2023   #4
Here, do some reading:

The author was frequently nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
OP republic0  1 | 3
30 Jun 2023   #5
Hello Pawloff,

According to that author, the Poles were going to disappear from the world, just like the Jews.

Democide: Nazi Genocide and Mass Murder by R. J. Rummel

Chapter 3: The Slavs
30 Jun 2023   #6
What I'm saying is that you shouldn't try to whitewash Polish history. The massacres in Bromberg and surrounding rural areas happened in 1939, just not on the scale the Nazis claimed. There was a Polish-German commission about 10 years ago which worked on that subject, and even they came to the conclusion that a few thousand Germans were killed simply because of their ethnicity. No 5th column or such BS.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
30 Jun 2023   #7
a few thousand Germans were killed simply because of their ethnicity.

Nope. The estimated number of losses on German side is 350-500, including those who died fighting Polish troops.

No 5th column or such BS.

Wrong again. Wehrmacht weapons (exactly the same made and models) were found with those who were firing at withdrawing Polish units. Typical 5th column. Of course, in the war chaos and in the absence of police some mob rule and lynching happened but the scale of it was wildly exaggerated by the nazis to justify the atrocities they commited.

There was a Polish-German commission about 10 years ago

Kashub1410  6 | 580
30 Jun 2023   #8
Yupp, notorious sleeper agents and contacts with Nazi-Germany. Same and even worse in Danzig free state at the time.

Which created a very hostile and negative view of minorities in Poland over time, especially during the war
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
30 Jun 2023   #9
Serious question....imagine the situation reversed, would you blame Poles too and call the civilians sleeper agents?
Ironside  51 | 13109
30 Jun 2023   #10
Cut the ... systematic organised planed whitewashing is a German state forte
German not Poland. They had it coming given context. You are just dumb fat yankee that knows nothing.
amiga500  5 | 1545
30 Jun 2023   #11
Understanding modern Poland: 10 essential reads
Kashub1410  6 | 580
30 Jun 2023   #12
@Bratwurst Boy
First I would like you to show us, where have Polish sleeper agents been used to target enemy military units from behind the frontlines, aiding an Imperial Polish army moving forward on the false premise of enemy military crossing it's borders, killing nearby radio station workers and then said sleeper agents excecuted for treason due to having citizenship of that country.

Go on, ill wait a very long time
1 Jul 2023   #13
The estimated number of losses on German side is 350-500, including those who died fighting Polish troops.

Examine the Lutheran church books of that era and you will see immediately that the numbers are much, much higher for Bromberg and the surrounding rural areas. Germans and Poles both have to accept the dark spots of their history.

Give me a few days to find the report of the Polish-German commission I was talking about. It's on my computer, but the file name isn't obvious so it's hard to find. I downloaded it from

Cut the ... systematic organised planed whitewashing is a German state forte

Let's talk about a few of those Polish concentration camps after WW2 that also didn't exist according to you Polish nationalists.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
1 Jul 2023   #14
you Polish nationalists

Polish nationalists? Here? Do you know of any Polish nationalists, Iron? Perhaps they exist. I've never met any though.

Let's talk about

Not much to talk about. The subject of those camps, run by NKVD and communist authorities after WW2 is a well known topic. Countless articles and books have been written about it (Polish patriotic moms used Salomon Morel as a bogey man to scare their kids with when they were nasty). What's there to talk about?

Polish concentration camps

See... that's the problem, Pawi. That's the f*cking problem right there. Nobody ever speaks of Austrian or Czech concentration camps, German ones have magically turned into Nazi concentration camps, and we are left with Polish concentration camps only. Is that fair? No, Pawi, I don't think that's fair at all.

the file name isn't obvious so it's hard to find

Yes, not obvious file names are a nightmare. Happens to me all the time. Oh, well... let us know when you find it. And let us know when you find some Polish nationalists - I would like to ask them a couple of questions.
Ironside  51 | 13109
2 Jul 2023   #15
Let's talk

What about? Your hate? ID yourself first, a ghost troll spreading lies on the internet is not that interesting. Use your time better, drop few pounds and at least one ounce of your hate.
Ironside  51 | 13109
2 Jul 2023   #16
Serious question

If you are trying to say that those circumstances were complex and German side had some valid arguments, yes that right. However so called agents, still are agents. Your point being?
Alien  26 | 6551
2 Jul 2023   #17
Polish concentration camps

I haven't heard that term for a long time. However, just a few days ago I saw a program about the expulsion of Germans from the Czech Republic after WW2, i.e. about Czech "concentration camps".
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Jul 2023   #18
Czech "concentration camps".

Which were also run by communists (even Stalinists at that time). We don't, however, hear about "Stalinist camps", "NKVD camps" or "communist camps" - they are always Polish or - apparently in Germany (that's where you are, right?) - also Czech camps. German camps, on the other hand, are no longer German but "Nazi". Interesting development, isn't it?

Of course, it's only a part of a larger picture of historical revisionism. Nothing can ruin Polish-German relations better than what the EU is currently doing by stopping funds for Poland, constantly lecturing us about "democracy" and forcing us to accept suicidal immigrant policies, but historical revisionism doesn't help either. Poles and Germans are able to go along quite well with each other, as long as politicians on both sides don't try to stir sh*t. PiS is doing too much anti-German scaremongering and Germany/EU still treat Poland as a schoolboy who needs to be lectured. Nothing good will come out of it.
Alien  26 | 6551
2 Jul 2023   #19
Nothing good will come out of it.

That's exactly what I'm afraid of and that's why I always fight for common sense on PF. Unfortunately, I'm still just an alien on this forum.
Ironside  51 | 13109
2 Jul 2023   #20
also Czech camps.

Czech camps were Chech camps, that country was independent at least till 1947. Moscow took over after that date. They kicked Germans out on their own accord.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Jul 2023   #21
that's why I always fight for common sense on PF

...and let's not forget about your wine recommendations!

As for centrist parties' supporters and common-sense defenders - it looks like we are in minority. Why can't we go back to proper Christian Democracy similar to West German 1960s-1970s ordoliberalism? It worked so well; why did Europe have to switch to political correctness and leftist retardity? My disappointment with PiS stems exactly from the fact that they started well, with something that looked like Polish version of the good old German ordoliberalism but it evolved ever more towards authoritarian Orbanism (albeit with Catholic undertones).

Czech camps were Chech camps, that country was independent at least till 1947. Moscow took over after that date.

Correct. My mistake.
Ironside  51 | 13109
2 Jul 2023   #22
evolved ever more towards authoritarian

nitpicking much :) where is your common sense?
amiga500  5 | 1545
2 Jul 2023   #23
It's right here, where it has always been. They even offered me a job in Sèvres

Who?, PiS, PO or PSL?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
2 Jul 2023   #24


You are surprised that Poland's enemies try to increase number of it's enemies how much it possibly can? By using linguistical acrobatics, people's lack of knowledge and trying to switch the narrative to their own favour?

You see, most of the world is fairly convinced that Poland is responsible, organised and did everything on behalf of Germans and Soviets during ww2. You know why? Cause that's what happened in occupied countries in rest of Europe, they learn about collaborating states and systems there and assume it also happened in Poland, and when finding exceptions to the Polish narrative they are fairly convinced that Poles lie and try to build a better image for themselves. Why is that? Cause that's what was done by majority of small tiny victors after ww2.

Problem is that it applies to the Soviets in Poland more then anything else, which they don't seem to grasp. Nor understand Poland's beef with communism
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Jul 2023   #25
PiS, PO or PSL?

PiS - the level of milking of Poland achieved by PiS has reached an unprecedented level recently, and the way they bought the Catholic Church's hierarchy is nothing short of disgusting; besides, someone has to stop the money printing machines ASAP. NO

PSL - if only they hadn't entered into alliance with this weirdo Hołownia. NO

Lewica - we don't really have proper Lewica in Poland, who would fight for workers' rights and pay conditions and equal chances for everyone, and not for gay children adoption and abortion. NO

KonfedeRosja - I would rather emigrate than have people like Mentzen (remember the famous "piątka"?), Bosak (my dog would manage to get an MA these days, too bad Mr Bosak wasn't able to do it, despite repeated attempts), and Korwin-Mikke (it's not really a good time to replace Brussels with Moscow) ruling Poland. NO

PO - with them in power any sort of Polish resistance against islamisation of Europe, neo-marxist cultural revolution and green fascism would stop. NO

All the others are plankton, so I might as well stay at home or go to a polling station just to write: "you are all a bunch of sorry c*nts" on the ballot paper as a sign of powerless anger. :-(
2 Jul 2023   #26
let us know when you find it. And let us know when you find some Polish nationalists

It had to do with Prof. Wlodzimierz Jastrzebski from the Akademia Bydgoska. He published an article which triggered a scientific cooperation of Polish and German historians to further examine the topic. If I remember correctly, they ended up with much higher numbers than Jastrzebski.

Polish nationalists? Look no further than Kaczyński and the PiS. I'm sure many Polish members of PF will call them patriots instead of nationalists.

Polish concentration camps only. Is that fair?

Relax. There is a slight difference between a concentration camp and an extermination camp, although both were/ are inhumane. Concentration camps are a British invention. They were used by many countries. Poland is one of them.

The subject of those camps, run by NKVD and communist authorities after WW2 is a well known topic.

Communist authorities or not, most of the perpetrators were still Polish nationals who were responsible for the atrocities that happened in these camps. That's a fact. No need for cheap excuses.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
2 Jul 2023   #27
PiS are socialists, they consider themselves the continuation of PPS.

They have a lot of right-wing steered rhetoric which you seem to gobble up just like most western media aswell.

Most Polish right wingers would just roll eye balls at your comment due to it being so far fetched!

Besides you should know the difference of Nacjonalista //=// Narodowiec at first.

Nationalists, especially European type are mostly territorial and focused on sovereignty at the cost of religious theology even and aim to create national centered religion (due to focus of cultural/national superiority/control/hegemony)

Catholic "nationalists" (see to Italy, Spain, France and Poland)

Tend to not be as toxic, fanatical or totally overboard due to leaving space to the Vatican regarding religious theology and dogma.

While other countries (Russia, England etc) prefer their head of state to be the decision maker with regard to religious matters.

Polish Narodowiec on the other hand is much more strongly connected to rationalism, taking the positive aspects of the west and not focusing too much on the romantic/feeling aspect in Polish politics due to Polish romantics Ian and more feelings based politics are used by centre-right, centre, centre left and left.

This is where most westerners, and especially Germans get a Narodowiec wrong and also WRONGLY consider PiS to be right wing or "nationalist"

It can give out a certain "nationalistic" vibe, but that's only electoral food to combat any strong right wing force to emerge like Konfederacja that has been growing.

So yeah please tell us, how PiS is "nationalist" I am eager to read what kind of nonsense you can come up with
2 Jul 2023   #28
They have a lot of right-wing steered rhetoric

Let's use the Oxford Dictionary definition of a nationalist:

"a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations."

Now listen to PiS' verbal attacks directed at Germany for example. Nationalist is an understatement here.

I am eager to read what kind of nonsense you can come up with

Respond to the rest of my post instead of trying to insult me. How about that?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
2 Jul 2023   #29
Then according to that dictionary, any citizen or politician of a nation-state is basically a nationalist...

regarding Polish nationals driving camps post-ww2

That's like blaming Jews for the creation of the Jewish Police during ww2. Fairly far fetched, one thing was joining them, but creation of it does is fully the responsibility of the German leadership in ww2...

If you think I was insulting you then I can give you an example if I tried to insult you if you are so soft:

"You are a silly excuse of a critic of Poland, even Austrian princesses at the French court would be a better advisor to the improvements of Poland! Eating cake sounds a lot better then what you have written here so far. Numb nut!"
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Jul 2023   #30

The article you linked gives the number of 358 German victims. Also, it confirms the existence of the 5th column (from German sources)...

Ale w 1966 roku ten sam Dwinger przyznał, że przyczyną "krwawej niedzieli" i polskiego odwetu byli dywersanci przerzuceni z kontrwywiadu SS do Polski

I'm not saying Poles are angels who don't have, as you said, "dark spots in our history", but compared to both our dear Western and Eastern neighbours, I'd say we are not that bad.

Please, forgive Kashub - he's only a young fellow and a bit emotional, hence the hilarious attempts at insulting you. You both are partly right about PiS: they are, by and large, a socialist party who plays on primitive fears and instincts of the uneducated part of Polish society (hence the anti-German scaremongering) but they are not "nationalists" in the Western European meaning of the word (deeply ingrained Catholicism of Poles is a firewall against that).

Poland can be authoritarian at times, but she cannot be totalitarian. Poles can be patriotic but they are very rarely nationalistic (I am yet to meet a Pole whom I could call a "nationalist").

Home / History / Poland and World War 2 -- Many history books prior to the wars end

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