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Slovakia - Poland's neglected neighbour?

jon357  72 | 23654
16 May 2024   #31
wait for it....



No surprises there however it's clear that r*SSia regarded Fico as expendable and of course the b!tch Simonyan was very quick to weigh in on tthe matter.

The assassin is an intriquing figure; I've come across people in PL that he reminds me of; eldely people in crappy jobs writing morbid poetry and holding extreme paleo-conservative and moralistic views.

Hopefully Premier Fico will recover well however it does seem that his injuries are serious.
mafketis  38 | 11263
16 May 2024   #32
Hopefully Premier Fico will recover

I hope so.... not for his sake (he's a real pos) but for the sake of the rules based order.
Torq  10 | 1237
16 May 2024   #33
Isn't "democracy" an idealistic construct by itself

for the sake of the rules based order

Dzieci, dzieci...
jon357  72 | 23654
16 May 2024   #34
not for his sake (he's a real pos) but for the sake of the rules based order

That's how I feel.

I like it that he's theoretically on the left, though I suspect that's more populism rather than any commitment to fair economic practices.

And yes, he's not one of the good guys.

I smell r*SSia behind it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
16 May 2024   #35
I smell r*SSia behind it.

Sadly, doesn't have to be!

Just reading the comments in left leaning news outlets shows that the "shock and awe" is limited and the understanding for the attack is barely concealed, after all Fico is kind of "AfD". In some circles even such murders are now kind of acceptable for the "defense of democracy" or to avoid a "fourth Reich".....

The whipped up leftist hate is no less on the self declared "good" side, surely not less long the victims are the "others", the rightist enemy.

I fear there is more coming! The 70's had the RAF, we will have the Antifa and Co.....
jon357  72 | 23654
16 May 2024   #36
In some circles even such murders are now kind of acceptable

I've not seen anything like that.

leftist hate

The hatred tends to be on the right-wing side.

For example, I have concerns at large scale immigration and criticise governmental policy on this. Right-wingers however (and we see this here) are filled with hatred for the actual migrants who are only availing themselves of something that is available.


Opposing fascism is the duty of any decent human.
Torq  10 | 1237
16 May 2024   #37
Right-wingers however (...) are filled with hatred for the actual migrants

No, we're not!

As long as migrants behave, work, pay taxes and respect their new home, we're OK with them. Here in Gdańsk every fourth person is Ukrainian (140 thousand in a half-a-million city) and there's hardly any tensions (quite the contrary - some Ukrainian women are rather good at releasing tensions).

Maybe in the West, where camel sh*ggers and Africans reign supreme, it's different but in Poland things are all right in the migrant department.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
16 May 2024   #38
The hatred tends to be on the right-wing side.

Really? Leftists don't hate rightists? Maybe where you in Germany both sides hate each other freely!

Opposing fascism is the duty of any decent human.

See what I mean?

With that explanation every attack on a not-left-politician becomes acceptable....every one.

After all if someone had killed Hitler in time.....

Here in Gdańsk every fourth person is Ukrainian

It's not the Ukrainians which are disputed....rather non-Europeans....people from far away places, with strange cultures and foreign religions...those who find it the hardest, often are just unable to integrate, to adapt to european standards.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 May 2024   #39
don't hate rightists

Every decent person hates the far right. The far right hate almost everyone and everything.

With that explanation every attack on a not-left-politician becomes acceptable....every one.

Cobblers; it's possible to be neither a decent leftwing politician nor on the far right. Centrists, centre-left, centre-right etc. I doubt anyone would describe Rishi Sunak or Volodymyr Zelenskiy as either left wing or far right.

As long as migrants behave

It isn't as if there aren't plenty of Poles who don't 'behave'...
Torq  10 | 1237
16 May 2024   #40
Poles who don't 'behave'

Guilty as charged :D But, hey, we're at home.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
16 May 2024   #41
it's possible to be neither a decent leftwing politician nor on the far right.

In Germany you become a rightist extremist radical already easily when you just oppose the leftist open border policy.

So much of your political standing is defined by your political adversary! And not where you see yourself.

It doesn't need much for a confused person to take this propaganda for truth and do the "upstanding" thing and go attacking the "future Hitler"....that's the danger. And yes, I fear there is much more of that coming....people already don't take care at all anymore to denigrate and dehumanize a political opponent with words. Deeds are only following that!
jon357  72 | 23654
16 May 2024   #42
In Germany you become a rightist extremist radical already easily when you just oppose

Sometimes I think there should be a mandatory IQ test before voting or even mentioning politics.

.people already don't take care at all anymore to denigrate and dehumanize a political opponent with words

The worry is when people dehumanise whole groups of people (I'm thinking migrants) who after all are just doing what governments let them.
Torq  10 | 1237
16 May 2024   #43
The worry is when people dehumanise whole groups of people

Yeah, calling them 'orcs' for example. I agree, it's deplorable.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 May 2024   #44
'orcs' f

It's what those 'soldiers' are.

They should get out of Ukraine and stay at home.

This is about Slovakia though, unless orcs are responsible.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
16 May 2024   #45
Opposing fascism is the duty of any decent human.

Did you mean supporting? That is why british government supports nazi in the Ukraine, right?
jon357  72 | 23654
16 May 2024   #46
nazi in the Ukraine

You mean r*SSian invaders? No, very few people support them.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
16 May 2024   #47
We both perfectly know whom i mean. Those with clear SS runes on their chevrons.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 May 2024   #48
We both perfectly know whom i mean

Yes, r*SSians.


Runes are a beautiful thing. r*SSian fascism is as ugly as their attempted takeover of Ukraine. r*SSia is riddled with fascists including in public life (Dugin etc). In Ukraine, none have ever entered parliament.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 May 2024   #50
Very eloquent. I notice the media's gone quiet a bit about Premier Fico. Hopefully he is doing well in hospital.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
16 May 2024   #51
I doubt. He has zero chance for survival in the hospital named after Roosevelt.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 May 2024   #52
He has zero chance for survival in the hospital named after Roosevelt.

Why not?

And, BTW, they've announced that he's out of danger and doing well.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
16 May 2024   #53
And, BTW, they've announced that he's out of danger and doing well.

Then crisis and death.

Why not?

Never trust Brits and Americans!
jon357  72 | 23654
16 May 2024   #54
Then crisis and death

Hopefully not.

It will be very interesting to follow the trial of the would be assassin. He seems to have some very interesting connections.

Never trust Brits and Americans!

Yet so many r*SSians would rather pay for treatment in London or Mew York than catch sepsis at home.

Hard to know why you're trying to deflect from the issue at hand.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
16 May 2024   #55
Hopefully not.

I bet he will be dead long before any procedure started. CIA's normal practice.

Yet so many r*SSians would rather pay for treatment in London or Mew York than catch sepsis at home.

Are you kidding? Health care in Russia is far better than in any western country and for sure better and cheaper than in the UK an US. You are like living on another plant. All knowledgeable people from the west travel to Russia for any health treatments. Take care boy. Take it as my advice.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 May 2024   #56
CIA's normal practice.

You're confusing it with your own wretched country.

far better than in any western country

Far worse than all western countries. No 41 in the rankings, behind Brazil

cheaper than in the UK

A sure sign you know nothing.

However you're just trying to deflect from the issue.

As I say, the trial will be interesting...
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
16 May 2024   #57
Far worse than all western countries. No 41 in the rankings, behind Brazil

Whose rankings? Composed by the West? Come on you are really dumb as champagne cork. Health care in the US :)))
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
16 May 2024   #58
Whose rankings?

Where do you get your rankings? Any link?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
16 May 2024   #59
Russia does not need all these BS western rates. It us a metter of fact that health care in Russia is better than in the west.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
16 May 2024   #60
...any link! Don't have to be western rates....

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