Maybe a regional confederation ... alliance ... something that is not describe in ethnic terms?
That sounds more sustainable too.
then again... we coming back to Sarmatian Confederation. It existed as ethnic and geographical designation
people... listen about Sarmatia and try not to `vulgarize` term
Sarmatia was/is considered to be:
* Sarmatia Europae- widely taken it was region from Baltic to the Black see
* Sarmatia Asiatica- geographical region in Eurasia, behind Black see
* Semi-legendary and unofficial name of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, popularized in the 17th century
* Sarmatism, lifestyle of the aristocracy of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
* by Slavic autohtonistic historical school what is supported by modern linguistics, archeological and genetic foundings, Sarmatians used to be considered for Proto Slavs. Sarmatian name was once universal name of all Slavs
* many Slavic nations connects its origin with Sarmatians
So >>>
1. legendary and historical Sarmatia is European and Eurasian geographical designation that completely covers modern day geographical position of Slavic world.
2. speaking of Europe, it is Danubian world, the very heart of continental Europe, it is region between Baltic and Black See
3. only in its early beginnings term was primarily ethnic designation, then it turn to be geographical designation and finally was culturally and legendary understand
4. what is most important term already has its background as political designation for state conglomerate that included Polish (purely Slavic ethos) and Lithuanians (simplistically speaking- non Slavic ethos)
5. in the mind of public term `Sarmatiasm` refers to the: high culture, power, freedom, democracy, respect, pride, deepest tradition, etc, etc
term `SARMATIA` is actually perfect for future Slavic Confederation. Think