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Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #151
we see how small and insignificant Germany is in military terms.

Don't try to console me! :(
PennBoy  76 | 2429
25 Dec 2010   #152
Considering all the mixing of peoples (and people) throughout history,
they are at least 30-35% Slavic (and we are at least 30-35% Germanic). Common sense, really.

Yet the same thing could also be said about Poles and German blood in them. I myself know a dozen people with a mixed Polish/German background and this is mainly people from eastern Poland!!!! Now imagine Poles who live around Poznan, Wroclaw, Gdansk, in Silesia. Like my favorite newscaster Anita Werner from TVN :-)
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #153
Our Siberian anti-racist camps are very efficient. He will know all the Goethe's poems
and will say them with enthusiasm and love for German culture by the time we're finished
with him, the racist scum.

U'r going beyond limits or manners...

See my point of this thread have been hijacked by the real racist in PF ... and its unfortunate. But well ... this is what they do ... morons.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #154
I wonder how Lodz can have the heart to split those two people which so undeniable belong together...the Pans (Poles/Germans) !!! They are nearly as close as the Pungs (Poles/Hungarians)...
25 Dec 2010   #155
Yet the same thing could also be said about Poles and German blood in them. I myself know
a dozen people with a mixed Polish/German background and this is mainly people from eastern
Poland!!!! Now imagine Poles who live around Poznan, Wroclaw, Gdansk, in Silesia. Like my
favorite newscaster Anita Werner from TVN :-)

Exactly, Pennboy. I like your thinking. Would you be interested in a job for High Slavic
Anti-racist Court, as my deputy? I can't pay you much at the moment (actually, I can't
pay you anything, to be more precise), but there is a certain prestige with the job.

U'r going beyond limits or manners...

the real racist in PF [...] morons.

You're only making it worse for yourself, racist.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #156
I don't think a Slavic alliance would have too many problems in showing its efficacy to be higher than that of NATO. NATO sets out to combat 'noble' objectives but they have so many business people in their upper echelons that they lose sight of how to realistically tackle them.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #157
You're only making it worse for yourself, racist.

U are thinking in a pathetic manner ... my topic post clarifies it all ... live in ur dream world.
25 Dec 2010   #158
U are thinking in a pathetic manner ...

Nah. I'm just testing your wind-up resistance and you're not doing exceptionally well.

my topic post clarifies it all

Not really.

live in ur dream world.

Hey, you started this thread and you say that I live in a dream world? :D

Anyway, I know I mentioned that before, but you're such a racist it's unbelievable. *rolls eyes*
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #159
£ódź, how do you get round the fact that Russian just isn't that popular to learn here in Poland? English is by far the more popular option and language changes thinking :) :) It doesn't augur/bode well for a future Slavic alliance, does it? ;) ;)
MediaWatch  10 | 942
25 Dec 2010   #160
£ódź seriously if you mention something like Slavic Union or brotherhood to a Polish person he'll look at you like you've just got released from a mental institution ( sala numer 5) brotherhood with Russians, Ukrainians?? Saying something like we should all be together and we share the same blood sounds like some insane racist talk to a Pole.

The interesting thing is that outside of the Poland-Ukraine-Russia region, people of Polish, Ukrainian and Russian ancestry tend to get along well.

I see it here in America where Slavic Americans respect each other since they for some reason value the Slavic bond they have with each other here.
Crow  154 | 9541
25 Dec 2010   #161
Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation?

i am for Confederation. It is more then Alliance and less then Federation.

and, i would name it Slavic Confederation or Sarmatian Confederation

as for Poland. Well, leading role belong to Poland and, to Serbs of course. :) i mean, if we even could be able to speak of leading role in conditions of fully democratic Confederation.

Anyway, i am for Polish as official language of Slavic Confederation.

No slavic union without Russia and I can't see Russia being led by Poles or will be the dominating force and that will be always a NoNo with many other slavic peoples - so I give it not a real chance, sorry!

It would be like a germanic union without the Germans! :)

there can be Slavic Union (Confederation) with or without Russia. On the long run, i see Russia incorporated in Slavic Confederation.

But currently, while situation forcing Central, Northern, Eastern, South-Eastern European Slavs to hurry with formation of their unity, on the short run (in next 50-100 years), Russia would probably continue to exist as unique system- part of Slavic world indeed but, independent as `solo` super power.

BDW, you can`t compare Germanics to Slavs, even in this discussion. Slavs are ancient ethos, to say that way SAMORODNI, while many Germanics themselves derives from Slavs and may in their deepest roots found their Slavic (Proto Slavic) ancestors.

This is where Scots and Poles are very close indeed :)

i likes Scots, too. They are real (Oni su pravi) skotovi, as we Serbs likes to say ;)
guesswho  4 | 1272
25 Dec 2010   #162
you are so strongly against accepting Germany
in the Union - a country which, genetically, is probably 30-35% Slavic

BB du alter Slawe . LOL
25 Dec 2010   #163
Anyway, on a more serious note - to sum things up, let me quote our forum wise-man:

I'm sure there are countless numbers of friendly societies that people can subscribe to/join.
It comes from the peoples' will and not unscrupulous leaders.

Exactly. You can join Polish-French Friendship society...

...or a Polish-Hungarian one (my mother did once, and I will follow in her footsteps soon :-))...

..there are also Polish-Serbian, Polish-Turkish and countless other societies that allow you
to show your likings, sympathies and interest in other nations' languages, history and culture
and help with developping ties between Poland and a country of your choice.

If you want more than that, then I guess you should get into politics and build your unions,
alliances and federations in the real World.

Good people are good people wherever you are.

I couldn't have said it better myself ;)
sobieski  106 | 2111
25 Dec 2010   #164
..there are also Polish-Serbian, Polish-Turkish and countless other societies that allow you
to show your likings, sympathies and interest in other nations' languages, history and culture
and help with developing ties between Poland and a country of your choice.

Very well said.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
25 Dec 2010   #165
£ódź, how do you get round the fact that Russian just isn't that popular to learn here in Poland? English is by far the more popular

People like my parents who speak Russian will tell you it was a waste of time, Poles learned Russian, Russians learned English. Nowadays English and German are most popular in Poland.

  • 300pxKnowledge_of_E.png

  • 290pxKnowledge_of_G.png
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #166
Well, it isn't a waste of time as knowing language doesn't hurt. However, it was likely thrust upon them so they are hardly gonna be inclined to use it.

Still, as Crow continually points out, there has to be some sacrifice and he is willing to learn Polish to keep his hopes for the future alive. Who can really knock him for that? I have to test his current level with my flawed Polish ;0 ;)

He will try his best, I'm sure. We should check his current progress on a Polish language thread here.
Sasha  2 | 1083
25 Dec 2010   #167
I would love to see Russia let Chechnya go =)

It's half the trouble when the Chechens didn't want to live with the Russians in our country; the real trouble will start when the Russians seize be willing to live with the Chechens.

These words belong to Alfred Reyngoldovich Koch - the most cynical nemec Russia has given a birth to. In spite of his dubious past he has a point here. Do not really want to serve as eyeopener to you but Chechnya is to its fingertips on Russian payroll. With no money from Moscow they would be just another economically and socially retarded region. Once tasted this type of life most of sane, religiously moderated Chechens do not want to be ever deprived of it. The problem as of today is that the Russians do want to let them go.

I like Ruskies and I'm pretty sure under Polish boot they are able to develop some kind of culture and civilization.

That might be the root of the evil. One can't meddle in the natural flow of things, namely you can't build Poland in Russia same as we can't build Russia in Poland - neither geographically nor ethnically. The sooner one grasps it the better it would be for both parties. You can't "civilize" us your way for that we've simply got a different way.

Russia already have Polish contribution both in its history and its genepool, yet that didn't make Poles out of the people... and never will.
25 Dec 2010   #168
We should check his current progress on a Polish language thread here.

Very well. Let's start with pronounciation. Crow - record yourself reading the poem below
and post the result on some file server, so we can download it and mark your pronounciation.

Szczepan Szczygieł z Grzmiących Bystrzyc
Przed chrzcinami chciał się przystrzyc.
Sam się strzyc nie przywykł wszakże
Więc do szwagra wskoczył - Szwagrze,
Szwagrze, ostrzyż mnie choć krztynę,
Gdyż mam chrzciny za godzinę.
Nic prostszego szwagier na to:
Żono, brzytwę daj szczerbatą
W rżysko będzie strzechę Szczygła
Ta szczerbata brzytwa strzygła !!!
Usłyszawszy straszną wieść
Szczepan Szczygieł wrzasnął: Cześć !
I przez grządki poza szosą
Niestrzyżony czmychnął w proso.

PennBoy  76 | 2429
25 Dec 2010   #169
Let's start from the basics, Trzcina

  • trzcina.jpg
25 Dec 2010   #170
I think the last two lines should be

I przez grządki poza szosą
Niestrzyżony czmychnął w proso.

Let's start from the basics, Trzcina.

Then we can proceed with gwóźdź, chrząszcz and trzeszczeć. :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #171
I hope he looks at the diacritics too. For example, rż is quite uncommon to me (as in rżysko). He might want to explore rżnąć :) :)
sobieski  106 | 2111
25 Dec 2010   #172
Sarmatian Confederation

You mean the tribe which went extinct in the 4th century AD ?
Crow  154 | 9541
25 Dec 2010   #173
no. Its not about that

But, if you see things that way, we can focus ourselves on term- Slavic Confederation
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #174
Good people are good people wherever you are.

I couldn't have said it better myself ;)

Yes ... I believe that one myself.


But the reason of my joining PF was learning English ... I joined years ago for that purpose. To better brush my English ... it was a good thing.

And I am in accordance with all kinds of peace and harmony. So what are we fighting against? There is a misunderstanding prevailing here. Maybe surrounding Germany and the Ethnic nature of the Union I am talking about.

Slavic Union does sound ethnic I suppose ... I need to think now, we become stubborn with our ideals ... but yes, it does sound Ethnic. Maybe there is where the problem lays ... its less regional and more ethnic ...

As for Germany ... I dont think they are everything about Europe. Some people just try to make them look like as if they are all about Europe ... and we are just there... around them!

No ... its not like that. I would wish a land where Slavs live to take a prominent role. How am I wrong in wishing that?

Is it wrong to think of Slavs coming forward to aide other Slavs? ... Take a part in development?

If you guyz think the name 'Slavic Union' sounds wrong ... then go ahead give it another name. But the purpose is that the Slavs must come forward to help other Slavs. Its not US vs. THEM ... its like this, the brother helps another brother ... and its not wrong in any way!

Slavic Confederation

Maybe it sounds to ETHNIC ... lets think with a cool head. No use being stubborn here. It wont ring the string in Slavic hearts atleast in Poland Crow. I mean ... people with sound minds and good disposition hate the term of RACISM atleast I know I do! ...

There is perhaps an Ethnic element there which makes it all look unrealistic ...

I dont like to remain grumpy and stubborn even if I myself somewhere inside me feel that something is wrong perhaps ... this term is not very much fit for the Union I myself envision.

Maybe a regional confederation ... alliance ... something that is not describe in ethnic terms?

That sounds more sustainable too.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
25 Dec 2010   #175
Sarmatian Confederation

Like the Sarmatian Warrior Women ?
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
25 Dec 2010   #176
How about the Democratic Union of the same-minded Peoples. Joking aside, what do you think about the opinins expressed by Ben Barber here?
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #177
Crow, how about setting up your own 'askdragandabić.com' webpage to answer questions on a Slavic confederation? :) ;0
Borrka  37 | 592
25 Dec 2010   #178
That might be the root of the evil.

C'mon Sasha !
It was my joke.
Even if stupid, just a joke only !
Crow  154 | 9541
25 Dec 2010   #179
Maybe a regional confederation ... alliance ... something that is not describe in ethnic terms?

That sounds more sustainable too.

then again... we coming back to Sarmatian Confederation. It existed as ethnic and geographical designation

people... listen about Sarmatia and try not to `vulgarize` term

Sarmatia was/is considered to be:

* Sarmatia Europae- widely taken it was region from Baltic to the Black see
* Sarmatia Asiatica- geographical region in Eurasia, behind Black see
* Semi-legendary and unofficial name of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, popularized in the 17th century
* Sarmatism, lifestyle of the aristocracy of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
* by Slavic autohtonistic historical school what is supported by modern linguistics, archeological and genetic foundings, Sarmatians used to be considered for Proto Slavs. Sarmatian name was once universal name of all Slavs

* many Slavic nations connects its origin with Sarmatians

So >>>

1. legendary and historical Sarmatia is European and Eurasian geographical designation that completely covers modern day geographical position of Slavic world.

2. speaking of Europe, it is Danubian world, the very heart of continental Europe, it is region between Baltic and Black See

3. only in its early beginnings term was primarily ethnic designation, then it turn to be geographical designation and finally was culturally and legendary understand

4. what is most important term already has its background as political designation for state conglomerate that included Polish (purely Slavic ethos) and Lithuanians (simplistically speaking- non Slavic ethos)

5. in the mind of public term `Sarmatiasm` refers to the: high culture, power, freedom, democracy, respect, pride, deepest tradition, etc, etc

term `SARMATIA` is actually perfect for future Slavic Confederation. Think
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Dec 2010   #180
Would Kosovo be part of that confederation, Crow? Thaci doesn't strike me as being interested in the wellbeing of Slavs at all. What do you propose should be done with him?

Maybe we should consult askdragandabić.com?? ;)

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