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Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation?

southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #31
Infact one Slavic girl is enough to make a Muslim turn to a lover of Slavs and work for them

In fact I see the opposite.One ugly worthless muslim man is enough to make a slavic girl convert and fulfill the wishes of the Prophet.Hijabs and kaftans are your future.

Only pure solutions can work.Serbs tried to keep Yugoslavia united with their teeth and nails.You need a brutal force to consolidate slavic nations into a major power.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #32
Slavic Union besides the obvious that they all be Slavic?

Progressive, looking forward ... peaceful, happy, cooperating ... flourishing group of states with a common identity!

In other words what DO these Slavic nations have to do to be in the Slavic Union?

Swore allegiance! They must realize that our defence and economic interests are in being a complete block together. Cultural Centers will work for a united cultural body too.

The leaders of our states will sit under one roof and work together for the benefit of the whole group =).

My brate, it will be a full functional union =)

Do participating Slavic nations give some kind of economic breaks or advantages to other Slavic nations? Do they create a joint Slavic military?

Ofcourse =) ...

Slavic nations have not been too united.

There are reasons and schemes and conspiracies for it ... its a long history my friend.

Slavic nations should work with non-Slavic nations like Germany, Mongolia, China ect.

HEY ofcourse ... as I said ... we are progressive.


To tell you the truth, you cannot evaluate a Slav with examples from other European nations. They are not us, simply.

Apart from the neo nazis or the skin heads (all foreign imported ideologies) ... we are a peaceful people. Actually very diverse ... we have our own muslim population as Tatars who are known as the most peaceful ones of their kinds in the world! Speaks volumes of the Polish heart.

See my friend, we are tolerant. NEVER RACISTS ... we love diversity! We have men and women from other cultures as far as you can think, in love relationships with Polish or other slavic men and women ... we respect our impulses. WE ARE THE PEOPLE OF THIS PLANETS FUTURE.

Our heart is what we have the strongest ... and we will prevail.

There are many ideas working ... and ofcourse we have space for more good ideas from our brates and true friends =) ... for the benefit of all, we Slavs have alot to give =)

Only pure solutions can work.Serbs tried to keep Yugoslavia united with their teeth and nails.You need a brutal force to consolidate slavic nations into a major power.

What is not innate Slavic dont work ... even whoever tries it. We must understand the Slavic mind to be able to rise with it. This is what some handful of leaders keep mistaking and we Slavs dont attain peace even among ourselves.

One ugly worthless muslim man is enough to make a slavic girl

First of all no one is ugly.

Secondly, your description is nothing but fallacy. I've known better examples. You know a worst one and then keep on blabbing.

Our men and women are smart and know how to handle their lives very well.

The muslim who is not ready to be a part of Europe and our civilization, is not a part of Slavic union and the Polish woman must make sure he (with his dignity) learns to be a part of Poland/Slavs ... Their Children are OUR CHILDREN for sure... we need them.

No way we can attain success by suppressing the feelings of our men and women in matters are delicate as love. We are not looking for a German style or other suppressive style of union.

Thats why its a Slavic thing to understand by a Slavic mind ... not any other mind. Thats why Slavic union must have Slavic states only.
southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #33
Economically it is very difficult for a slavic union to survive.You have to develop a slave basis in countries of Asia where you will compete hard with Anglosaxons and Americans.You also have to behead the germanic hegemony in Europe sth which can be accomplished in short term.Otherwise you will just rely on sales of russian resources as the only thing worth selling.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
25 Dec 2010   #34
What language will be the most widespread in the Union? English?

Apart form Slavic mysticism, what ideology will bond together the diverse lands?

The idea of the Slavic union is not even a part of lunatic fringe projects. I don't see how this ever gonna change.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #35
Economically it is very difficult for a slavic union to survive.

Absolutely not. We are very strategically placed with great minds. A united Slavic Union is capable to survive without the hideous ideas you mentioned Southern for heavens sake ... you think we are some loonies?

We are a peaceful people, and Slavic union will reflect that diverse and beautiful, promising, rich peace of which people will look upon and see with a smile ... even pray for our success because we are always supporting for everyone!

We would celebrate love in its purest form. INFACT ENCOURAGE IT! .. The world is to be closer to us NOT BY GUNS but by love ... unity ... economy and security =). The future holds here.
southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #36
If you add the GDPs of all slavic nations you hardly get the GDP of Germany.You really have to find a way to get out of poverty.A slave basis is a viable idea.How can you make the Germans work for you?
Borrka  37 | 592
25 Dec 2010   #37
At the very beginning it would be good to use German resources as a starter of Slavic economic domination.
PIGS countries and France are useless in sense of economy but Germans are still able to take some smart decisions:
Slavization or Turkization and I'm pretty sure, soon we hear from Angela:
Go Slavic, Alemania !
Go, go, go !
She exactly the smart lady to do it.
Moreover, Ossies are 90% Slavic tribes.
BB is Obodrite.
southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #38
beginning it would be good to use German resources

Problem is Germany completely lacks resources.You need the german craft ability,the german management,innovations,industrial base etc.
Borrka  37 | 592
25 Dec 2010   #39
german management,

Best joke ever LOL.
southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #40
The Germans have managerial and ruler abilities which are among the best in the world.They really know how to get the best out of the people.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #41
widespread in the Union? English?

English can be second language, 1st language can be Polish =) ... I think the Slavic lands would agree... besides Polish and English they can learn their own state languages too ...

Apart form Slavic mysticism, what ideology will bond together the diverse lands?

There are many ...

The idea of the Slavic union is not even a part of lunatic fringe projects.

What do you mean?

Its part of many projects and its in everyones heart!

Its in the heart of a man like me who is very much in a relationship with a the heart of the woman who is the mother of a Kashmir-Slavic child and happy with a non-Slav man ... in the heart of a woman married with an American .... APART FROM ALL THE SLAVS who are in Poland and other Slavic states aswell.

Yes, it is that strong...

Slavic sentiments are not same as the sentiments usually known by the racist ideologies of racist people and states.

Even Russians are mixed ... highly! I think the most in all the Slavic lands ever! ... But they are our Brates, even with the bitter history ... I believe that their sons and daughters are ours and can contribute towards a progressive Slavic union!

The feeling is strong ... and we understand what our union is to be like ... which is not the usual as you guyz have come to know. So as long as you think from the point of view of some of our neighbors, you cannot get even an inch of the concept.

Best joke ever LOL.


We dont need German anything. We can work together, and we can be of mutual benefit. There is nothing more the German can give us than what we keep giving them!

We are a group of people who are much more fit for the world's future icons ... much more fit even from USA I feel!
Borrka  37 | 592
25 Dec 2010   #42
The Germans had managerial and ruler abilities which were among the best in the world.

Bundesmanagers of today are all but German LOL
southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #43
A slavic Imperium should get the teachings from the former Imperiums in order to succeed.We Greeks failed in this regard because we never managed to impose a set of rules of the same power as the roman law.Our union based on civilization export failed.The Romans managed to keep their grip for 700 years till they collapsed due to internal dissolvement and the empowerment of the free barbarians.Slavs never really ruled anything although russian expansion through colonization provides some example of control.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #44
Oh leave them "Super-slavs" their fantasies, they don't want will be fun to watch for the world! :)
Borrka  37 | 592
25 Dec 2010   #45
.Slavs never really ruled anything

Quite new to me.
Soviets used to rule about 500 000 000 people, directly and per proxies.
And they were Slavic as a hell.
southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #46
Soviets were not based on slavic nationalistic ideology,it is another thing that they exploited it.Tsarist Russia is a better example.But for sure Slavs today lack the potential to build a viable union.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #47
Yeah...and the Slavs had been so happy in this union, weren't they, what a great example for a slavic union!

But as long as the most ardent supporters are air heads and idiots like Borrka, Crow and Lodz..we will all have a good laugh :)
Borrka  37 | 592
25 Dec 2010   #48
and the Slavs had been so happy in this union

We are discussing facts not feelings.
Aren't we ?
southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #49
All the slavic unions like Yugoslavia,Chechoslovakia were dissolved.We have to search the reasons why.If two very similar slavic nations with common language and history cannot form a sustainable union how is it possible for slavic states with very different levels of social and economic development?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #50
We are discussing facts not feelings.
Aren't we ?

That's what I doubt very much! Your main arguments seem to be some mystic slavic soul, shared and felt strongly even by half-slavs...and heart and such. ;)

Your union should be incredible successfull alone because it's made up by...well...Slavs...
That's actually your main argument to any and every possible question!


Germanics did build the nearly 1000 year old first holy roman empire of the german nation (inclusive Slavs), Charlemagnes Empire spanned half of Europe,
Then we build the economical immensely successful Hanseatic League (inclusive Slavs) we have the EU (also inclusive Slavs).

You Slavs had what actually? The Soviet Empire...and most Slavs (and non-Slavs) couldn't wait to get away from that one! have proven your abilities all right... ;)
Borrka  37 | 592
25 Dec 2010   #51
slavic states with very different levels of social and economic development

Rather quite similar level - you'll find some differences but not very serious, black versus white type.

That's what I doubt very much!

I'm joking from the very beginning.
Slavic cooperation would be okey to me, like the nordic, Scandinavian one.
But no more unions except the European one.
Let Germans have at least their chance to do something good for Yurop.
Once in Millenium LOL.
southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #52
Rather quite similar level

I don't think Czech Republic is at the same level of development as Ukraine.

Germanics did build the nearly 1000 year old first holy roman empire of the german nation

And we built the byzantine Empire the most powerful economically empire in Europe for 1000 years.However the solutions used to consolidate this empire(copied afterwards by Russians) led to its gradual dissolution when the external pressure became impossible to handle.

The only successful empire containing Slavs was Austrohungary which had a germanic ruling class.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #53
PS: What about the richer slavic countries like Poland having to support the weaker slavic countries as in a true union?

Millions of Zloties going out to their slavic brothers, nothing coming in...I wonder how strong the slavic brotherhood will be then if lofty words are no longer enough...

I'm joking from the very beginning.
Slavic cooperation would be okey to me, like the nordic, Scandinavian one.
But no more unions except the European one.
Let Germans have at least their chance to do something good for Yurop.
Once in Millenium LOL.

It's the best we ever had and worth preserving...not only for us Germans!

PS: The Hanse was also good for all concerned, it spawned wealth in their wake.
You can see their traces even today!
southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #54
PS: What about the richer slavic countries like Poland having to support the weaker slavic countries as in a true union?

Russians do it all the time.They just ask for some political exchanges in advance.
sobieski  106 | 2111
25 Dec 2010   #55
?I imagine slavic union as a black free,gay free community

It means on Okęcie there would be a screening for black and gays? A kind of KKK area, but including the catholics :)
Borrka  37 | 592
25 Dec 2010   #56
he Hanse was also good for all concerned

Have to agree but I prefer Klaus Störtebeker and Vitalienbrüder !
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #57
...they had for sure some unruly slavic streak in them! ;)
Babinich  1 | 453
25 Dec 2010   #58
I don't think Czech Republic is at the same level of development as Ukraine.

Please define development.

What about the richer slavic countries like Poland having to support the weaker slavic countries as in a true union?

Please... Has nothing been learned from the EU experience?
25 Dec 2010   #59
No slavic union without Russia [...] Russia will be the dominating force

You are overestimating Russia. Let's look at the matter realistically: Russia's population
is 140 million, out of which only 79% are Russians, so they have about 110 million Slavs
(and the Slavic population of Russia is dying out rapidly, as opposed to their muslim
population, currently at 15%, but steadily growing each year.)
The Slavic Union without Russia (Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Czech Republic, Slovakia,
Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Montenegro) would have roughly about 135 million,
overwhelmingly white, Christian, Slavic population. Of course, for geopolitical reasons, we
would have to include Hungary and Romania in the Union, acquiring additional 32 million

Having said that - I would be for including Russia in the Union, because they share our
common Slavic ancestry, and with the natural resources and huge lebensraum (I have to
invent a nice slavonic equivalent to this ugly germanic word ;)) it would be a pillar of the
well-being of the future Slavic Empire (it wouldn't be an Evil Empire, like in the past, but
a kind-hearted and benign empire - respecting its subjects and the planet it would rule.)

From Lusatia in the West to the Kuril Islands (rightfully claimed from militaristic Japanese
regime) in the Far East - a Slavic Empire under the Sun, where the Slavic spirit and soul
would be able to fully realise their potential! Count me in!

P.S. Of course, we would graciously accept the EU as our dear friends and vassals ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #60
You are overestimating Russia. Let's look at the matter realistically: Russia's population
is 140 million, out of which only 79% are Russians, so they have about 110 million Slavs
(and the Slavic population of Russia is dying out rapidly, as opposed to their muslim
population, currently at 15%, but steadily growing each year.)

What is this with you people talking about the dying out of Germans and Russians!!! ;)

P.S. Of course, we would graciously accept the EU as our dear friends and vassals ;)

Well...if it helps to keep the peace...*groan*

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