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Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation?

southern  73 | 7059
29 Dec 2010   #301
WWII couldn't be forgotten.

It was revenge all over.
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Dec 2010   #302
He just fell into the murky waters of ethno-politics. It was the peak of that tension and he was always going to be treading on eggshells. Even in 2009, I saw tension. Two Croatian women were sitting next to me and a group of Serbian businessmen came along. The Serbian guys wanted some extra chairs but the Croat women just scowled at them and they left.

Another aspect of that sitting episode in Sarajevo was to do with Slavic language. Having been in the Czech Republic 3 times, I know that it's ućet (my writing may be wrong) for bill/check. We didn't know as the Bosnian waiter didn't understand English. We gestured to him and he didn't get it at first. Then he said raćun and we understood that as it is close to rachunek like in Polish. It's rakhunok in Ukrainian so near enough. Very similar.

On the death rate note, Milo applied to the Russians for help as he sensed he was going to be poisoned but he had to eat. The Russian doctors saw sth fishy going on but very few press outlets ran that story. It is clear why not!

It was Milo who inadvertently taught me 'mir' and rat was often used in the videos I watched. Serbs are forever referring to the year, Croats too. Always godine godine godine ;)
Crow  154 | 9547
29 Dec 2010   #303
i can imagine parliament of Slavic Confederation, i can tell you that. Constant party
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Dec 2010   #304
Have a look at the threads involving Kresy, Lviv and Wilno, Crow. The Sikorski doctrine too. Many think like Nathan and Ironside. They come from 2 very different places and the national curriculum of their respective countries tells them 2 very different versions of events. Me? I'd like to see Poles and Ukrainians get closer but I may be disingenuous to people who have lost distant family. This is the same in the Balkans too where many haven't and can't move on. I don't want to sound pessimistic, far from it, but I just feel that too much work needs to be done to build and solidify the relevant bridges. That doesn't mean people shouldn't try but realism must set in.

Ah tam, na zdrowie/na zdrawie anyway :) :) Here's to hope that common ground can be found and to the realisation that we live in a different century now.
Nathan  18 | 1349
29 Dec 2010   #305
I'd like to see Poles and Ukrainians get closer but I may be disingenuous to people who have lost distant family.

Let's give those families guns and send them on a killing spree because they lost someone 70 years ago. Let them kill and then everything will be settled.

Here's to hope that common ground can be found

*Nathan takes a bomb and blows any common grounds. Waits for a wuss Ironside*.

Many think like Nathan and Ironside.

Nobody thinks like these two morons.
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Dec 2010   #306
I was simply alluding to the tendency to paint things matter of factly. Sok does the same. Now, I'm out of my depth in such discussions but I can see that you can't both be right. What I notice when I discuss things with non-Slavic people is that there tends to be more consensus or compromise and seeing where the other side is coming from.

What I say now may be prophetic in a sense but it needs to be said. It is that that Slavs must get back to the value of one life. What has struck me when reading or watching inter-Slavic conflicts is the sheer numbers of deaths involved and how they are treated as merely statistics. Whether it be Balkans history or Russo-Ukrainian-Polish history, the numbers are staggering! Start treating life in a more sacred way and see the needlessness of deaths.
Crow  154 | 9547
30 Dec 2010   #307
This is the same in the Balkans too where many haven't and can't move on. I don't want to sound pessimistic, far from it, but I just feel that too much work needs to be done to build and solidify the relevant bridges. That doesn't mean people shouldn't try but realism must set in.

in any case, Slavs would found scent, i am sure. All we need is evolution and cold blood Seanus
Seanus  15 | 19666
30 Dec 2010   #308
I would imagine so were enough people to support it :)
Crow  154 | 9547
30 Dec 2010   #309
silence please now.


Rota (Polish anthem - English subtitles)

MediaWatch  10 | 942
31 Dec 2010   #310
I like that Crow.

He seems like he sincerely cares about all Slavic people :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
31 Dec 2010   #311
Well, he should care to preach the importance of moving on given murderous practices. He has his work cut out there but it's worth trying to stress the commonalities. Change can be a long long process.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
31 Dec 2010   #312

A Slavic Union can start on simple terms. Like first with interested Slavs from Slavic countries sharing their Slavic foods with one another at a Slavic festival. It should be a lighthearted thing to begin with. No heavy politics. Nothing against anyone Just all positive stuff :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
31 Dec 2010   #313
That has already started, MW. Like discovering music, there is so much we don't know. To formalise a union needs a lot of impetus and coordination. Whip out the stronger alcohol, encourage moderation and all will be well.
Crow  154 | 9547
31 Dec 2010   #314
Slavic diaspora from many Slavic countries regularly coordinate when it comes to festivals >>>

Annual Slavic Festival this Sunday; you can count on hearty food and good beer....

The festival should be a lot of fun with very enjoyable and typically calorie- and fat-resplendent home-cooked food. If the springtime Polish Festival is any indicator, there will be plenty of fresh-tasting and refreshing Pilsner Urquell, the original Pilsner from Pilsen, Czech Republic. The Czechs are one of the four sponsoring Slavic groups represented on the festival website, so there has to be some good Czech beer. Has to be. Food and beer are just two of the attractions. There will be funny costumes, accordions playing, and white people dancing, among other things.
milky  13 | 1656
31 Dec 2010   #315
This whole over-identifying with ethnicity is to do with the ruptured development of a historically, wounded and battered people. Unfortunately Gods playground has created a generation of childlike reactionaries lost in the wilderness of regression; who find hope in a false sense of unity through raw hate in the pretense of having a common culture. As if ultra nationalist care anything for actual culture. They may preach about culture, publicly in the lowest common denominator manner but their true love is male bonding, pumping weights,arm wrestling and harboring ignorance.

What has struck me when reading or watching inter-Slavic conflicts is the sheer numbers of deaths involved and how they are treated as merely statistics.

If you look with perspective, you will become aware of the obvious, and no longer see the world as an ant does. The problem with the fanatic is that he has the wrong end of the telescope stuck to his eyeball,he has what Milosz called a 'captive mind'.
Crow  154 | 9547
1 Jan 2011   #316
happy new year to all Slavs!

i wish you peace (not at all costs) and prosperity (at all costs)
milky  13 | 1656
2 Jan 2011   #317
Come on man,develop a perspective,it only hurts at the start.
Crow  154 | 9547
8 Apr 2011   #318
Poland in Slavic Union

words are the same, Crow? Woda, ziemia, szczęścia, światło, chwała, miężczyzna, kobieta, trzymać?

let me see that

Woda- voda (in Srb.) - water
ziemia- zemlja (in Srb.) - land, country
światło- svetlo (in Srb.) - light
chwała- hvala (in Srb.) - thanks

szczęścia, miężczyzna, kobieta, trzymać- i need translation for this. On a first look i have an idea but can`t be sure
12 Oct 2014   #319
While I am proud and I love my Slavic heritage I am first a pole. My identity is Polish first. Of course I support peace between all Slavic peoples, who are our ethnic kin, our brothers and sisters, but do not forget that alot of the Polish blood that was spilled during the centuries were spilled at the hands of other Slavs. I don't live in the past, but think realistically, Poland and Ukraine or any other Slavic country could not be united peacefully without bowing before Russia. Russia believes that it is the father of the Slavic nation and believes all Slavs owe allegiance to it. Thus, if Slavs want to unite and live together and equals, they will have to stand together against Russia. I am a pole, and Poland is Poland. As a pole I have a great respect towards countries like the Ukraine, even though we have fought them many times, but I now that Poles will never unite with a monster such as Russia. I have nothing against Russians but their government is evil, and all Slavs should remember the suffering we experienced under Russia.
6 Apr 2015   #320
When is annual slavic festival
Crow  154 | 9547
1 Nov 2015   #321
In an environment of quite urinated Europe and increasingly hostile world, we Slavs have to start to think of other options. So, let me just rise this thread as a reminder that, if all other options fails (Intermarium or Eurasian Union), we Slavs have where to retreat- in Slavic Union, no matter be it confederation or federation.
Crow  154 | 9547
28 Nov 2017   #322
Polish-Serbian historical relationship is ultimate proof that Slavic (ie Sarmatian) civilization exist, that despite all odds never stooped to exist, no matter every effort in that direction, no matter all forcible borders across our realm, no matter every false divisions imposed by strangers, no matter internal Slavic (ie Sarmatian) divisions. Many things happened to Poles and to Serbians. We got more or less similar and also different foreign influences on us but, we remained us, ourselves, and we remained loyal to each others. Others, to whomever we trusted, believed in and obeyed to those different foreign influences, at the end, those foreigners always betrayed us, used us and we, Poles and Serbs, remained to each others.

And we shall make it, my sisters and brothers. We shall make our civilization prosperous and united once more. We shall prevail.
Crow  154 | 9547
28 Nov 2017   #323

Photo from today`s meeting between Hungarian PM Orban and Serbian PM Brnanic, in Budapest, during China-Central and Eastern Europe summit

What is ignored by media spin doctors of western Europe is one major fact, one crucial and qualitative change that happened in international relations. That is, world isn`t Uni-Polar but became Multi-Polar. In Europe, that means that main antagonism that western Europeans used against Slavs (ie Sarmats) was internal Christian divisions. See, in Multi-Polar world Vatican won`t desire to belong solely to Catholics. No, Vatican would itself like to become global religion, accepted by all global powers. So, not one in Multi-Polar club but rather glue that bind relations among players of Multi-Polar world, a mediator. There is the money, glory and power. Only there.

See, Hungary and Serbia recognized that fact. In the region, we are asked. What Hungarians and Serbians mutually agree, becoming standard for all. True powers walked behind us. And we lead. And Belgrade as Belgrade is already there where Brussels never will be. It is only matter of time when would western Europeans admit their defeat and, how to deal with it. I am only curious what would Serbians take as reward.
28 Nov 2017   #324
I agree completely crow. Poland should gomesst. russia and serbia allegiance. fuk west and usa.
Crow  154 | 9547
28 Nov 2017   #325
Poland still have chance that elegantly escape (literally) on winning side. Even still have chance not to humiliate itself in front of Russia in the process. What Poland need is to stop to follow those politicians that isolate Poland from Hungary and Serbia. So, Poland should just stand with us, with Hungary and Serbians. In it, no humiliation. We are old partners. We were and are always there for each others. With us, Poland is right in the middle of the game. And lead, together with us, as a winner.

And all that with blessings from Pope, Putin and Trump. And China, of course.

No fear.

If Slavic Unity ever become reality, in some distant future, if one day come to merging of Eurasian Union and Intermarium, it would be primarily by doings of the Serbs. Only Serbians have capacity to show the way, to bring to unity of diverse Slavic (ie Sarmatian) interests.
pawian  226 | 27535
26 Apr 2019   #326
No union without Russia .Russia will be dominating, will be always No with many slavic peoples

Yes, especially, after the seizure of Crimea and hybrid war against Ukraine, Forget it - no Slavic Union is possible for many decades now. There has been none for centuries (except the short time in 15th century), there will be none for next centuries, either.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
26 Apr 2019   #327
As a pole I have a great respect towards countries like the Ukraine, even though we have fought them many times

The last time it happened more than 100 years ago, so you may get relaxed about that.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
20 May 2019   #328
Woda, ziemia, szczęścia, światło, chwała, miężczyzna, kobieta, trzymać?

I would need translation for "kobieta" only, if I wouldn't know what does it mean already.
Crow  154 | 9547
6 Jun 2019   #329
Funny thing that I have most confidence in Hungarian Orban to achieve sort of Slavic Alliance.
Spike31  3 | 1485
6 Jun 2019   #330
No offence, but so called "Slavic Alliance" or "Panslavism" is just another name for Russian political domination in this part of Europe. We already have a Three Seas Innitiative formed by V4, some Balkan states and Romania/Bulagaria, which is more than suitable.

And it's growing.

Three Seas Initiative Gets Investment Fund

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