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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

Torq  8 | 1069
21 Jan 2024   #871
There are some good online tests to diagnose narcissism, psychopathy, sociopathy etc.

Kurwa, I almost forgot.

All this talk about mental disorders reminded me of the last session I had with my therapist. We have been working on some issues for quite a while now: personal interactions, empathy, anger management - that kinda f*cking useless sh*t (but my wife insists that I continue *rolls eyes*). To cut the long story short, this useless c*nt of a therapist claims that this board has a bad influence on me and that it effectively ruins her work (doesn't stop her from taking my money though!). So, I suppose I'll be taking a temporary break from PF but I'll definitely be back, b*tches.
mafketis  38 | 11184
21 Jan 2024   #872
russia though?

there are individual and collective traits.

I'm sure that there are many nice, decent russian individuals, but at the collective trait they suffer from a narcisistic wound (the world has rejected them and their way of life) which explains a lot of russian state tv rhetoric.

The country?

Canada? Those sobs get on my very last nerve with their "Did you know (random famous person) is Canadian?"....

Just keeding..... probably the US (Americans also tend toward narcissism at the collective level though a very different kind).
pawian  226 | 27617
21 Jan 2024   #873
Chopin Competition on Period Instruments listen to it coming back from work. two Russian pianists take part. assumed Chopin music should be above divisions and conflicts. commentary pianists is positive. decent Russians who don`t support Putin.

Decent Russians whose ranks are probably filled with another virtuoso pianist from Russia - Nikolay Khozyainov.
Yet, some Poles and Polesses feel offended by the fact. They forget that Russian pianists were allowed to take part in the Chopin Competition last year.

Russian pianist Nikolay Khozyainov will come to Warsaw to play a concert at the National Philharmonic. Listeners who want to hear the 32-year-old can buy tickets. The fact of the pianist's origins, as well as the date of this concert, outraged journalist Karolina Baca-Pogorzelska, who reports on the events of the war in Ukraine.

Nikolay Khozyainov, a 32-year-old Russian, called the "titan of the piano", will come to Warsaw to play his concert. He will perform at the National Philharmonic on February 22, 2024. Let us recall that on February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin's Russia attacked Ukraine.

The pianist's nationality and the date coinciding with the anniversary of Putin's aggression against Ukraine outraged the well-known journalist Karolina Baca-Pogorzelska , who has been staying in Ukraine continuously since March 2022, from where she reports on Russian aggression.

The journalist published a post from the "" advertisement with Khozyainov's photo on X (formerly Twitter). She wrote that for her, the organization of the Russian's concert was a scandal. She tagged the profile of the National Philharmonic and the Capital City of Warsaw and asked:

Incomprehensible to me. Don`t the Capital City of Warsaw and the National Philharmonic`s actions disturb you?

jon357  72 | 23528
21 Jan 2024   #874

Same language. Fewer mooses more kangaroos.

I know what you mean about some Canadians though.

They forget that Russian pianists were allowed to take part in the Chopin Competition last year

Some do well but the time's not right now for russians to come to PL.
pawian  226 | 27617
21 Jan 2024   #875
not right now for russians to come to PL

No. Decent Russians may come without fear.
And they do.
mafketis  38 | 11184
21 Jan 2024   #876
more kangaroos

I've always gotten along with them pretty well (mine is a very small sample enitrely made up of people not actually living there and often having..... not very positive attitudes about those back home).

I can imagine they might not be so okay at home..... (like Scandinavians -- I've always gotten along with them very well but I'm told they're not so fun in their own countries....).

What was the clue? I'm not crazy about the accent but not much actively bothers me (beyond the use of 'confronting' instead of 'emotional' or 'dramatic' and the use of 'own' instead of have "He owns 50,000 pounds in the bank" and 'squizz' sounds like it should have a very dirty meaning).

In media I've enjoyed Fisk and Bay of Fires (though the two best characters on the latter were played by New Zealanders).

Please like me was.... okay but it was hard to warm to the main character.
Bobko  27 | 2135
21 Jan 2024   #877
this useless c*nt of a therapist claims that this board has a bad influence on me and that it effectively ruins her work

Hahaha, I think she may be right. A powerful, dark, and chaotic thing, PF is.
pawian  226 | 27617
21 Jan 2024   #878
this useless c*nt of a therapist claims that this board has a bad influence on me and that it effectively ruins her work

I always claimed it that you needlessly engage in stupid conflicts with decent patriotic Poles. When you do, they naturally berate you as a pro Russian boot licker and then you feel like an outcast. It certainly badly influences your psyche coz people are social animals.

Do sth with it coz I certainly won`t change my attitude to bootlickers. :):):)
jon357  72 | 23528
21 Jan 2024   #879
What was the clue?

A popular entertainer's catchphrase.

I think I've been unlucky with the Aussies I've worked with. Plenty in the Middle East and several of them
we're downright scary. They all think or pretend they're exceptional stars. There's an Aussie word "bludger" which I think is about that.

I used to enjoy Prisoner Cell Block H which was a bit off for Brits; there were some obvious similarities in culture and language however they always behaved in different ways.

If you've not heard of the docusoap "Sylvania Waters" it's worth a look. YouTube have it I think.

New Zealanders

Scotland in the southern hemisphere.

About Canadians, Irving Welsh wrote that they were Scottish people who couldn't get on with people around them and left.
mafketis  38 | 11184
21 Jan 2024   #880
I used to enjoy Prisoner Cell Block H which was a bit off for Brits

I remember seeing some episodes decades ago... I thought it was British at first since I couldn't tell the difference in accents at that time... Women in prison shows are always more entertaining than men in prison....
jon357  72 | 23528
21 Jan 2024   #881
the difference in accents at that time

To be fair, a few of the cast were from the U.K. and one (who played Judy Bryant, the big lesbian prisoner with a kind heart) plus maybe a couple more were from America.

It used to be on just after pub closing time and was popular in its day. It died when Home and Away set in Sydney started (Aussie soaps need both the Melbourne and Sydney markets to be financially viable).

Women in prison shows are always more entertaining than men in prison....

Aren't they just. I used to love it when they fought or when Queen Bea used to shove a naughty inmate into the steam laundry press.
mowiciel prawdy
21 Jan 2024   #882
No. Decent Russians may come without fear.
And they do.

Pawian, what if I am secretly a Russian Ashkenazi Jew with a German passport who is planning an individual invasion of Poland from the west? I do sound like one, don't I? Would you then call me a decent Russian or rather that typical boot-licking Dreck which has no place in your country?

PS: I am sorry for calling you British, by the way, but you have to admit that you also behaved like one.
pawian  226 | 27617
21 Jan 2024   #883
I do sound like one, don't I?

No, you don`t. :):):)

I am sorry for calling you British

You did??? I missed that one. Even if you did, it doesn`t matter so no worries. :):):)
mowiciel prawdy
21 Jan 2024   #884
@pawian, then it is settled. I by no means wanted to offend a Pole, unless you voted for PO, but that would already be counted as offending a German and would therefore be fine.
pawian  226 | 27617
21 Jan 2024   #885
you voted for PO,

Yes, I proudly did! Ha!
mowiciel prawdy
21 Jan 2024   #886
Why did you decide to betray Poland? Me, I have been living in German M. long enough to understand the essence of the German culture, and now I cannot wait till I can finally go to Wrocław or Krakow, where I hope to find pleasant people and live together with them, at least if they will still be able to accept me after so many years of complete lack of practice in living next to pleasant people on my side. But what if I go there only to find out that Tusk has created a little parody of Berlin there, like, you know, Saruman did - you remember, building a tower just like in Mordor, only smaller - and only that Saruman wasn't paid from Mordor/Berlin for betraying humans and only did what he did to achieve maximum power in a minimum time? What a nightmarish thought.
mowiciel prawdy
21 Jan 2024   #887
By the way, do you have contacts of someone from PO? I have written an email to them before Christmas and they kind of ignored it. Maybe you can forward it for me? I can offer twenty per cent for your role as a middleman.

Here it is:

Bardzo zaszczycone Panie i Panowie!

Jestem Obywatelem Rosji mieszkającym w Niemczech, ale wkrótce otrzymam Obywatelstwo niemieckie. Ku mojemu Przerażeniu znajduję się w tej Chwili w finansowym Engpassie i nie mam Pieniędzy na zakup Choinki.

Czy możecie mi powiedzieć, Panowie, gdzie mam się zgłosić, żeby dostać od Tuska moją Część za sprzedaż Polski Niemcom?

Pozdrawiam Serdecznie,

G. G.
pawian  226 | 27617
21 Jan 2024   #888
Why did you decide

I decided to vote for pro-democracy parties to save Poland from the dirty hands of neo-bolsheviks aka PiS gangsters.

Czy możecie mi powiedzieć, Panowie, gdzie mam się zgłosić,

You should definitely apply for it at the nearest mental institution. hahahahaha
mowiciel prawdy
22 Jan 2024   #889
I decided to vote for pro-democracy parties to save Poland from the dirty hands of neo-bolsheviks aka PiS gangsters.

You know, I sometimes have a feeling that the communism the Bolsheviks were building was actually built, it is just that they have forgotten to mention that they are building communism in Europe where they supplied all these cheap resources to.

You should definitely apply for it at the nearest mental institution. hahahahaha

I don't have the papers, you know, certificates and diplomas and such, and it's hard to get a job like that here no matter how good you are at curing the soul, but thank you for your kind words.
mafketis  38 | 11184
22 Jan 2024   #890
russia: Duma deputy demands that about 20 emoji be blocked in Russia because they "propagandize non-traditional values".

also russia: film of (male) soldiers (trying to?) rape another (male) soldier.... (I couldn't find the one that's blurred until you click on it so.... click at your own risk....)

no wonder russians don't care if they end up deaded in Ukraine....
pawian  226 | 27617
17 Feb 2024   #891
Yet, some Poles and Polesses feel offended by the fact. They forget that Russian pianists were allowed to take part in the Chopin Competition last year. Russian pianist Nikolay Khozyainov will come to Warsaw

The storm of critical reactions proved so strong that finally his concert was cancelled. Huge inconsistence coz as I said - Chopin competition allowed Russian pianists and nobody complained.

So, it seems that when Polish Chopin is involved, Poles and Polesses completely close their eyes and become all ears even to pianists from Russia. But when the latter come with their own ideas for a performance, then it is frowned upon.
pawian  226 | 27617
17 Feb 2024   #892
Meanwhile.... where is Navalny's body?

Yes. They will keep the body even longer and then they will say it has been cremated due to advanced decomposition. All this to cover the injuries or poison which he died from in his prison.

This is Russia. Is it strange that most normal Poles and Polesses feel appalled by the practices there?
pawian  226 | 27617
16 Mar 2024   #893
They will keep the body even longer and then they will say it has been cremated due to advanced decomposition.

I was too pessimistic on imperial Russian practices with Navalny`s body. He was buried in a decent way. It is good that even imperial Russians can show some human side when it comes to interment. That is why I apologise for suspecting them of playing dirty tricks.
pawian  226 | 27617
16 Mar 2024   #894
Wise but also extremely sad words on current "elections" in Russia and imperial Russian mentality:

Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz , representative of Poland 2050, head of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, and former Polish ambassador to Russia , referred to the ongoing presidential "elections" in Russia, in which it is known that Vladimir Putin will win. - First of all, this is not an election . We must stop using these democratic words to describe what is happening in Russia, she emphasized.

As she said, with each repeated election ritual in Russia, "the control of the totalitarian, neo-cybertotalitarian state over society is becoming increasingly tighter." At the same time, she said that "Putin must fake to win, because if he didn't have to, he wouldn't fake."

- We don't really know what Russian society would be like. We don't know what these people think because no polls are reliable anymore, she pointed out. - When you have such a tyrant who pulls a society, obviously extremely experienced and distorted by a terrible history, towards war, then the society changes, it becomes a militarized society, brainwashed and thinking, and a completely distorted perception of the world - continued the former ambassador to Russia.

In her opinion, Russian society is increasingly under the influence of the "military regime". - Russia is becoming a country that lives by war, is nourished by war, is fueled by war and is constantly preparing for this war - she said.

Bobko  27 | 2135
16 Mar 2024   #895
It is good that even imperial Russians can show some human side when it comes to interment.

Even among thieves there can be honor.
pawian  226 | 27617
17 Mar 2024   #896
Even among thieves

Hmm, I just read an article that Russians refuse to return the gold that Romania sent to tsarist Russia about 100 years ago. Complete novelty to me. Amasing there are still such historical things which I had no idea of. :):):

Russian officials reacted to the vote in the European Parliament in support of returning Romania's national treasure, including 91.5 tons of gold, which Russia confiscated following World War I.

The spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that Romania's debt to Russia and the Soviet Union is 20-25 times greater than the value of the entire Romanian gold reserve sent to Russia during WWI. She also claimed that almost all of the Romanian gold and other valuables were returned.

Poland Expat  - | 7
21 Mar 2024   #897
They should be friends. They are related by blood.
Bobko  27 | 2135
21 Mar 2024   #898
Even though I disagree with what you wrote in other threads, for this post I will commend you.

I have been writing here about our blood ties for years, and my only supporters are romantic Poles and crazy Serbians.
Ironside  50 | 12967
21 Mar 2024   #899
They are related by blood.
@ Poland Expat

Who is? You can say that all people are.
Lenka  5 | 3542
21 Mar 2024   #900
I have been writing here about our blood ties

You mean the blood spilled in all the conflicts and occupations?

Home / History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

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