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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Jan 2024   #811
for long enough for the French and the British to have time to prepare their offensive in the West,

Four points...

1. When I say "Poland" I mean Poland, not France and the Brits.

2. How did that France and the Brits plan work out for Poland?

3. If you were a French guy, happily banging a pretty French thing - I am including the possibility that you are a faggot - would you one day say I am going to stop banging her and kill me some Germans in Poland - as soon as I find it on the map...

4. How would the French and the Brits get over to Poland? Ask Germans for visas?
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jan 2024   #812
would you one day say I am going to stop banging her and kill me some Germans in Poland - as soon as I find it on the map...

This is utter imbecility on your part. :):):)
Torq  10 | 1236
13 Jan 2024   #813
Four points...

1. Poland was allied to France and Britain, so those countries had to be taken into account.

2. It would have worked much better without the Soviet invasion.

3. - 4. There was no need for the French and the Brits to come to Poland. Only to Germany. Majority of German forces were tied in the East, so the offensive in the West would have been met with very little resistance. The war would have ended in late 1939 / early 1940.

utter imbecility

Yes, I sometimes wonder if Novi isn't just trolling us.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Jan 2024   #814
Yes, I sometimes wonder if Novi isn't just trolling us.

No, I am just looking for stupid.

Sure, France, a country that folded like a broken beach umbrella to save museums in Paris, attacking Germany for Poland...hahahahahahahaha...That's a good one...
Ironside  51 | 13083
14 Jan 2024   #815
No, I am just looking for stupid.

Look no further than the nearest mirror.

I sometimes wonder if Novi isn't just trolling us.

If he is not then it is sad, we should observe a one-minute silence to honor the passing of Novi's brain, its death.
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Jan 2024   #816
Look no further than the nearest mirror.

I did and saw a genius who formed that Z-P=0 about two years ago and was ridiculed by PF Russia-hating morons as "a surrender boy".

Now, after 500,000 dead Ukrainians, you, morons. are still talking sh*it how Russia will lose...What a bunch of idiots...
mafketis  38 | 11260
14 Jan 2024   #817
Z-P=0 about two years ago

Turn it around and sell it to the russians..... russia will not achieve anything in Ukraine through war that it could not have achieved in peace....

How many wasted russian lives are gone now for..... what? A pro-russian Ukraine is now impossible (short of killing tens of millions of Ukrainians).

But still idiotic russians support the war and even stupider westerners support russia.
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Jan 2024   #818
russia will not achieve anything in Ukraine through war that it could not have achieved in peace....

Russia already did. CDL and what is there - underground and on top. Like 90% of the industrial base that used to belong to Ukraine.

I wonder when it will finally occur to you, Russia-hating morons, that signing on Putin's proposal of U neutrality and more autonomy for the Russian-speaking minorities was a very good deal in 2022.
mafketis  38 | 11260
14 Jan 2024   #819
CDL and what is there

russia doesnt' control all of D or L (and has withdrawn its navy from C).

What about X and 3 I ask again? If you don't understand then you're pig ignorant of the region and should be ignored.....
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Jan 2024   #820
Russia doesn't control all of D or L

Ukraine is the aggressor and kills Russians in Russia aka D and L.
mafketis  38 | 11260
14 Jan 2024   #821
in Russia aka D and L.

I ask again.... what about 3 and X?
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Jan 2024   #822
Ask somebody who gives a sh*it.
Bobko  27 | 2215
15 Jan 2024   #823

Most epic Pole the Soviet Union ever produced - Marshall Rokossovski. Apologies to Iron Felix.

Your Marshal is small peanuts compared to this Marshal.
Torq  10 | 1236
15 Jan 2024   #824
Your Marshal is small peanuts compared to this Marshal.

Well, he certainly had more medals. ;)
Novichok  4 | 8677
15 Jan 2024   #825
...almost as many as those stupid Euro kings for cutting ribbons and hugging black babies...
Bobko  27 | 2215
15 Jan 2024   #826
Well, he certainly had more medals. ;)

With all due respect, not only.

Rokossovsky (before becoming head of the Polish Armed Forces, and a Marshal of Poland himself), was head of the 1st and then 2nd Belarusian Front. It is often said, that the battles fought in Belarus as part of Operation Bagration, were the most decisive battles of all of World War 2.

Here is an enumeration, from Soviet sources, of the resources at Rokossovsky's command:

"В состав группировки войск входило 20 общевойсковых, 2 танковые и 5 воздушных армий. Всего группировка насчитывала 178 стрелковых дивизий, 12 танковых и механизированных корпусов и 21 бригаду. Поддержку и прикрытие войск фронтов с воздуха осуществляли 5 воздушных армий. Общее количество войск составляло 2 500 000 человек, более 6000 танков и самоходно-артиллерийский установок, более 45 000 артиллерийских орудий и миномётов, около 7000 боевых самолёт"


"The group of troops included 20 combined arms armies, 2 tank and 5 air armies. In total, the group consisted of 178 rifle divisions, 12 tank and mechanized corps and 21 brigades. 5 air armies supported and covered the front troops from the air. The total number of troops was 2,500 000 people, more than 6,000 tanks and self-propelled artillery units, more than 45,000 artillery pieces and mortars, about 7,000 combat aircraft"

How many divisions did Pilsudski have again? How many tank armies? How many air armies?

Were there even 2.5M soldiers in the Polish army during Pilsudski's time?

  • _.jpg
Torq  10 | 1236
15 Jan 2024   #827
How many divisions did Pilsudski have again? How many tank armies? How many air armies?

You are arguing against your point, Bobi.

Which marshal is better - the one who floods his overwhelmed enemy with tons of steel and millions of soldiers, or the one who with skilful command defeats a more numerous enemy?
Ironside  51 | 13083
15 Jan 2024   #828
Were there even 2.5M soldiers in the Polish army during Pilsudski's time?

I don't remember but given the fact that at one time Poland had one million soldiers in line I guess that would be about 2 million in total if you count all the support and logistic personnel,
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jan 2024   #829
Spot on.

r*SSia (and to a very great extent Germany too) have never quite grasped that skill, unpredictability, passion and ingenuity are often better than r*SSia throwing orc meat at the battlefield or Germany overanalysing.
Torq  10 | 1236
15 Jan 2024   #830
throwing orc meat at the battlefield

Couldn't we possibly dispense with this hateful nonsense, Jon? It's unbecoming of you.

There are people dying. On both sides.
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jan 2024   #831

No, we can't. Nothing hateful. r*SSia are doing what they do in every war. Throwing orc meat at the front line without a care for human life.

They deserve to be called out for every young life they waste.
mafketis  38 | 11260
15 Jan 2024   #832
They deserve to be called out for every young life they waste.

no russian or russial ally cares about young russians being killed for no reason.... it's a repulsive culture that places no value on human life

people dying. On both sides.

russia invaded.... _all_ the deaths are on russia
Crnogorac3  3 | 665
16 Jan 2024   #833
Do they take orders (or suggestions) from Washington or Brussels?

Keep in mind that when they say "Washington", they're talking about these people:


jon357  72 | 23654
16 Jan 2024   #834

Washington is a town in north east England. The lord of the manor's younger son emigrated to the colonies and one of his descendants became a general and in the finest tradition of British radicalism established a republic where he lived. It's been going now since 1776, still exists and is mostly a nice place (I've been there).

It's a shame about some of their cheesy TV shows, their lack of a health system and all the gun crime however on the whole they're decent people.

They're not quite as diffident and reserved as we Europeans, sometimes like to boast a lot and have a less developed sense of humour, however most of them are honest, kind and are generally good company.


For reasons I don't fullly understand, they really dislike people using the word "cvnt" so I'll refrain from calling you one, even though that's precisely what you are.
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jan 2024   #835
Those imperialist Russians are really cheeky. Can you imagine this??

- Today, at the cemetery in memory of Soviet soldiers in Warsaw, a wreath-laying ceremony took place on the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the liberation of Warsaw from the Nazi invaders - said the Russian ambassador, quoted by the Russian agency RIA Novosti.

Reports indicate that not only Sergei Andreev laid the wreath, but also other Russian diplomats, including the head of the representative office for war memorials and a trade representative. On January 17, the chargé d'affaires of Belarus also arrived at the Cemetery of the Mausoleum of Soviet Soldiers in Warsaw.

First, Soviet madafakers did nothing when Germans were suppressing the Warsaw Rising and destroying 90% of the city and today Russian madafakers are celebrating the liberation of Warsaw???

Fekk you, Russian barbaric svoloche!!
DFY and your stalinist grandpas, too!!!
Novichok  4 | 8677
17 Jan 2024   #836
their lack of a health system and all the gun crime however on the whole they're decent people.

The US healthcare system is the best.
No system can effectively cope with suicide idiots who snort, smoke, drink, overeat, and then expect miracles.

The US white murder rate is 2 per 100,000. In the exceptionally white states, it's 1 per 100,000 and lower than in France.

I am not going to take responsibility for African thugs and Latino gangs.

There is zero causation between guns in white hands and murder rates. If guns cause crime, police stations should be the killing zones in the US. They are not. That's where we are the safest.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
17 Jan 2024   #837
The US healthcare system is the best.

That is probably true but it is very poor value for money.

For value for money I would say that the French system is better.
Novichok  4 | 8677
18 Jan 2024   #838
Let me define "the best"...

The US system is the best because doctors make big bucks here.

The result: the world's very best doctors immigrate here and end up working at the top hospitals in big cities like Chicago.
Torq  10 | 1236
18 Jan 2024   #839
did nothing when Germans were suppressing the Warsaw Rising and destroying 90% of the city

Destroying 90% of the city wasn't the worst thing about it - cities can be rebuilt; the worst was murdering 200,000 of civilians by the German army, as well as Russian (Waffen-Sturm-Brigade der SS RONA), Belarussian (Schutzmannschafts-Bataillon der Sicherheitspolizei 13) and Ukrainian (Schützmannschaft Bataillon der Sipo 31) units.

By the way, this one thing makes me proud: there were Russian, Slovak, Belarussian, Croatian or Ukrainian SS units, but not Polish. There might have been some individual Polish citizens who served in SS but there was never a Polish SS unit.

Germans and their Russian, Ukrainian and Belarussian collaborationists slaughtered civilians in an organised and regular manner all over Warsaw. The Soviet army stood an watched, on purpose. Of course, from the political point of view, it made sense - Stalin waited for Polish patriotic youth, who would most likely cause him all sorts of trouble in the future, to be slaughtered. From the purely human point of view though, it was pure and undeniable kurewstwo.

So, yes, surprisingly enough I find myself agreeing with Pawian on this one. Warsaw is one city in which Russians should refrain themselves from celebrating "liberation". There are tens, if not hundreds, of other cities which liberation Russians can genuinely celebrate; from Warsaw, however, they should rather discretely f*ck off.

It is a good thing that there were no incidents during the wreath laying ceremony by the Russian ambassador. Civilised standards should be kept. However, said ambassador should be called and have it explained to him that should the provocative actions of celebrating the "liberation" of Warsaw ever be repeated, his presence in Poland will be put into serious consideration.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
18 Jan 2024   #840
Can you imagine this??

They have no shame

Home / History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?
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