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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

mafketis  38 | 11260
19 Aug 2023   #541
Integration and assimilation hardly ever works in Europe because

Depends on who.... traditionally in the US adults didn't integrate/assimilate but they didn't block their children from doing so.... and the same happens when Europeans move from one country to the other or when some non-Europeans move to Europe... Vietnamese that move to Europe generally accept that their children will be more like the people from the new country than them...

But muslims have a hard time with that... socialized to think they are better than others the parents often actively sabotage efforts of their children to integrate/assimilate and instead do their best to pass on their own culture shock trauma.... (see.... any European country with a large muslim population...)

Many muslims are lovely people (I've genuinely liked most muslims I've known) but large scale muslim migration to Europe has failed in bascially every country that's tried it.... the experiment's done... we know how it ends (failure) maybe we should stop trying to replicate a non-existent success and move on....

Back to the topic of the thread please
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
19 Aug 2023   #542
Poland's politicians always have such a big mouth and in the end they always need someone else to fight their wars.

Not the news boy.
19 Aug 2023   #543
I read the news. Did Poland fight a war all by herself recently that I haven't heard of?
Polish politicians are actively provoking the Russians, and should the proverbial really hit the fan because of that they certainly expect others to protect them from Russia and Belarus. It's the same game Israel plays.
Novichok  4 | 8677
20 Aug 2023   #544
Polish politicians are actively provoking the Russians,

...with no upside!

The only reasonable explanation: Poland was assigned the role of the bad cop, and thus joined the ranks of useful idiots.
Paulina  19 | 4556
20 Aug 2023   #545
Polish politicians are actively provoking the Russians

Would you mind telling us how? 🤔
20 Aug 2023   #546
By begging to get more American troops into Poland. By delivering certain weapon systems to Ukraine. By asking for nukes. By expanding their military to unsustainable levels. For example.
20 Aug 2023   #547
Poland was assigned the role of the bad cop, and thus joined the ranks of useful idiots.

Their handlers being the usual suspects: U.S. and the Brits. Nothing new for the past 100+ years.
Novichok  4 | 8677
20 Aug 2023   #548
Hey, Pailina, did you read Post 546? A single-paragraph marvel...

I know what your Civics 101 mind is thinking:

A free and independent country has a right to do all that and Russia is obligated to ignore it because Poland is very good and Russia is very, very bad.

I like simple, too...
Paulina  19 | 4556
21 Aug 2023   #549
By begging to get more American troops into Poland. By delivering certain weapon systems to Ukraine. By asking for nukes. By expanding their military to unsustainable levels.

You may as well add "by existing" to that list... LMAO

Maybe we shouldn't have an army at all - then we won't "provoke" RuSSia at all... LOL

I just can't with these people... 😂

My poor diaphragm today...

21 Aug 2023   #550
My poor diaphragm today.

Glad I made you laugh. Now, if you would stop for a second and try to use your brain.

The first provocation was that Poland was admitted to NATO, but that's history. Begging the Americans for nukes was plain stupid, and announcing plans to expand your military beyond what a country the size of Poland actually needs was a slap in the face of Putin. I'm not a fan of the guy, but I understand why the Russians are so aggressive towards Poland. You are starting to pose a threat to them, and they will not allow that. NATO or not.

A free and independent country has a right to do all that and Russia is obligated to ignore it because Poland is very good and Russia is very, very bad.

Yep, that's the default modus operandi of Poland. LOL!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
21 Aug 2023   #551
You are starting to pose a threat to them, and they will not allow that. NATO or not.

It sounds as if you're trying to scare us. :) You don't know very much about Poles, do you?

The size and equipment of Polish army are only for Poland to decide. If Russia wants to expand their army in response, very well. However, they rather "reduced" their army personnel and equipment in the recent 18 months.
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Aug 2023   #552
that Poland was admitted to NATO,

Don`t be stupid. If Poland wasn`t in NATO, then the Baltics wouldn`t, either. Ukraine would be a part of Russia, like Belarus now. I can easily imagine Russia attacking us or the Baltics around this time.

By delivering certain weapon systems to Ukraine

o ho ho, boy, you demand too much. :):):) Free Ukraine is closely connected with independent Poland. Helping them is the Polish vital national interest.

By expanding their military to unsustainable levels

Don`t you worry, if some weapons become unsustainable, we shall move them to Ukraine. hahaha
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Aug 2023   #553
Putin. I'm not a fan of the guy,

Really?? Because he isn`t tough enough??? hahaha

All your recent posts suggest clearly you are playing in the Kremlin Orchestra.. :):):):
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 Aug 2023   #554
Yep, that's the default modus operandi of Poland. LOL!

In that case the USA shouldn't have meddle at all, if they were to leave all the EE to their own devices...
Your USA created that stiuation in the first place and it is only right to solve it and not run away like a runt on the first sign of trouble.

You were here like a lighting to put paws in the honey pot and OH we pay for you, the F you do you morons ..

wake up!
pawian  226 | 27817
29 Aug 2023   #555
Recent news on culture:
Polish culture:
the RC Church are going to canonize the Ulm family who rescued Jews during WW2 and were killed for that by Germans - 9 people altogether.

Russian culture:
The Russian Orthodox Church is planning to canonize general Suvorov, the one whose orders cost thousands of lives during Russia`s wars in 18th century - both soldiers` and civilians`.

I didn`t know such things are possible in Russia. Amasing!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
29 Aug 2023   #556
Polish culture (...) Russian culture

I wouldn't draw any far-reaching conclusions about our respective cultures based on the abovementioned canonization processes. If you look at RCC in Poland, they are similarly supportive towards PiS as ROC is towards the current Russian government. Not much difference there.

Besides, the influence that religion has on general culture either in Poland or in Russia isn't as strong as it would seem to be at first sight.
Bobko  27 | 2215
30 Aug 2023   #557
the influence that religion has on general culture either in Poland or in Russia isn't as strong as it would seem to be at first sight.

Yes, but neither is it so weak as to be immaterial.

Many Russians, myself included, have long wondered whether it is something about Orthodoxy that makes the societies of Russia, Greece, Serbia, Georgia, etc... relatively less "efficient" (the kindest way I can put it) in comparison to Western societies.

It certainly provides a stronger immunization to the various obscenities emerging in the modern west... but also - as I said above - puts a certain "brake" to the similarly strong need to evolve.

In another thread, I was having a discussion with Ironside about "Russian fatalism". The smart people that write about this specific type of fatalism, often "blame" Orthodoxy.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Aug 2023   #558
they are similarly supportive towards PiS as ROC is

I wasn`t talking about the politics, but creating new saints. The Ulm family fully deserves sainthood coz they died for their Christian values.
What kind of a Christian was Suvorov? It is really a joke to make a saint out of a murderer.

I wouldn't draw

You wouldn`t because you are a Russophile.
I do because I am not. Ha!!!!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
30 Aug 2023   #559
relatively less "efficient"

When it comes to efficiency then it looks like: Protestantism > Catholicism > Orthodoxy.

However, when it comes to sticking to tradition, we have: Orthodoxy > Catholicism > Protestantism.

Of course, this is an oversimplification. We have protestant denominations who are extremely traditional, and we have Catholic episcopates (e.g. in Germany) that are very progressive.

you are a Russophile

Yes, I am. I said it many times and you repeated it many times. It doesn't change the fact that I try to remain objective, as much as possible, and not let my love for Russia cloud my judgement on important matters. It's called integrity. :)
Bobko  27 | 2215
30 Aug 2023   #560
When it comes to efficiency then it looks like: Protestantism > Catholicism > Orthodoxy.


BTW, the emperor which cast out your hated Suvorov - Paul I of Russia - and did everything to reverse his mother's aggressive foreign policy (Catherine the Great) - was a big Prussophile. With this, came also his especial piety towards the Protestant faith.

Had he not been murdered, who knows how Russia would look today. But then again, he got murdered, so you can guess at how unpopular these policies were within Russia.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Aug 2023   #561
Yes, I am. I said it many times and you repeated it many times

And I will repeat this till the last day to remind old members and teach new ones about certain aspects of the forum. :):):)

cloud my judgement on important matters.

Yours probably not. But you try to cloud the judgement of our readers. I was talking about saints but you introduced politics and suggested Polish Church is on par with the Russian Church. You are really out of your mind! :):):)
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
30 Aug 2023   #562
I was talking about saints

You introduced it as an example of Polish and Russian culture.

suggested Polish Church is on par with the Russian Church

When it comes to skurwienie with the ruling party, leeching of taxpayers' money and the levels of hubris, then yes - I'd say they are not very far from each other. Brotherly churches one might say. :)
Bobko  27 | 2215
30 Aug 2023   #563
When it comes to skurwienie with the ruling party, leeching of taxpayers' money and the levels of hubris...Brotherly churches one might say

Hahaha. So true. However, I think we may have you beat. Do your bishops have Patek Philippe watches and personal yachts?
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Aug 2023   #564
to skurwienie with the ruling party, leeching of taxpayers' money and the levels of hubris, then yes

Again you don`t understand - you are talking about earthly matters while I was about heavenly. What is wrong with you??

Brotherly churches one might say. :)

Not exactly. Stop degrading the Polish |Church in this stupid way, it is really pathetic. I don`t think they would support the war if mad PiS proclaimed it on one of our neighbours to capture their land.

That is why I wrote: Polish cutlure vs Russian culture. You suggest they are the same while I don`t - Russians are certainly more barbaric than Poles! Ha!.
Bobko  27 | 2215
30 Aug 2023   #565
I don`t think they would support the war if mad PiS proclaimed it on one of our neighbours to capture their land.

We will never know the answer to this, until we can observe the situation empirically.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
30 Aug 2023   #566
Patek Philippe watches and personal yachts?

Watches - easily, yachts - probably not (yet).

Russians are certainly more barbaric than Poles!

They are exactly like us only even more badass. :)
Bobko  27 | 2215
30 Aug 2023   #567

Perhaps the Soviets were onto something...

  • IMG_6729.jpeg

  • IMG_6730.jpeg
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Aug 2023   #568
They are exactly like us only even more badass. :)

You fekking Russophiliac liar! Do you suggest 70% Poles would support the war against Ukraine to recapture Lviv and others?? FU and you grandpas!!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
30 Aug 2023   #569
Perhaps the Soviets were onto something...

They might have made correct observations about the church but they drew wrong conclusions from them.

The existence of venal priests and bishops doesn't prove that religion is bad in itself; just like the existence of corrupt referees and players doesn't prove that football is bad.

I firmly believe that Our Lord Jesus Christ will return one day, and when the King returns it will be a good time for most archbishops and patriarchs to change their diapers. :)
Crnogorac3  3 | 665
30 Aug 2023   #570
Do your bishops have Patek Philippe watches and personal yachts?

For every such an example there is also another positive one such as that of Patriarch Pavle who was the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church and instead of being driven in a Mercedes or an Audi with a personal driver instead chose to ride the public bus. He was so humble that when he ate a meal he even collected the crumbs around his plate.

He became the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church during the time when Yugoslavia was falling apart, and guided his people during the tests and tribulations of war, sanctions and Nato bombing.

Patriarch Pavle: 1,000,000 People Attended His Funeral!

He was buried in Rakovica Monastery in Belgrade.

A wise and holy man who lived and led by his own example.

Home / History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?
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