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Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime

Ironside  51 | 13109
18 Aug 2020   #31
Didn`t I say clearly in my first post?

I made myself very clear in mine. You are saying that PiS uses anti-commie rhetoric and then hire some commies or take them in. There is no disagreement between you and I.

I only question your integrity and your attitude to the issue i.e. cvommies.
It is clear you do not support their exclusion from the public life.
In fact you only against those few commies or those who can be somehow assisted with commies ONLY if they work WITH PiS not against them.

Basically your stance is very common for soviets in Poland - they (commies working for PiS) are traitors of the post-commie camp and thereafter a fair game.

Ah and they are a perfect excuse to bash PiS from that angle as well. Nothing more!

I'm writing all that for those who are being fooled by your effort at muddling the issue and they somehow sincerely believe that PiS is full chock of commies. It baffles me that someone would think that but there are lost of fools like that out there - it seems.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Aug 2020   #32
Coming back to PiS in modern times.

Did you know that during the first PIS government 2006 -2007 they took Andrzej Kryże, another communist judge, to work in PiS Ministry of Justice? He was stubbornly promoted by PIS Minister of Justice. As a communist judge, he had senteced famous opposition activists to detention or imprisonment in 1979-1980.

After this demonstration celebrating the Independence Day on 11 November 1979, Kryże sentenced Bronisław Komorowski and Andrzej Czuma, in the photo, for claiming that communist Poland wasn`t a sovereign country and offending the Polish nation.

  • DhInmkWkAAnp_w.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Aug 2020   #33
they (commies working for PiS) are traitors of the post-commie camp and thereafter a fair game.

Only fascists like you could think so. You lost again. hahaha

Ah and they are a perfect excuse to bash PiS from that angle as well. Nothing more!

Not only PiS. I am going to write more about other rightists who used to collaborate with communists,. I already mentioned your idol from the past, Bolesław Piasecki, Polish fascist who turned Soviet.

Vesko Vukovic  1 | 270
18 Aug 2020   #34
It is clear you do not support their exclusion from the public life.

Lustracija / lustration, without a clear and proper lustration of ex-commies from all levels of society, Poland will not be able to move forward.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
18 Aug 2020   #35
other rightists who used to collaborate with communists,.

You cannot just choose one group to out as past commie traitors , you need to look across the board of public office, media etc.

I am 100% behind you producing a list and publicly shaming them here on the forum.
mafketis  38 | 11277
18 Aug 2020   #36
You cannot just choose one group to out as past commie traitors

and you can't blanket every person that had something to do with the government or party in the years 1944-89 as a "commie traitor"

PiS is the only major party that makes a big deal out of claiming to want to punish former communists but they're hypocrites since they ignore the former unrepentant communists among their own midst. The sight of Piotrowicz chanting 'precz a komuną' was enough to gag a maggot...

Lustration is a process that requires impartial and nuanced judgment... and by now is a dead issue except for a few hypocrites in PiS and a few fossils who are living in the past.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Aug 2020   #37
PiS is the only major party that makes a big deal out of claiming to want to punish former communists but they're hypocrites

Exactly. And one of the aims of this thread is to reveal that sick hypocrisy.

The sight of Piotrowicz chanting 'precz a komuną'

Yes, imagine Hitler survived the war and twenty years later he shouts: Down with Nazism! hahahaha

I am 100% behind you producing a list

I am constantly doing it.
Karol Karski, PiS member of Parliament and other institutions, belonged to communist Union of Polish Students in 1980s. He also took part in local government elections in 1988 which were rigged by communists.

Do you know how communists fixed elections? Even better than Europe`s last dictator, Lukashenka in Belarus today. He claims he got 80% support. In communist Poland, the regime boasted of 98% support with over 90% turnout. Not bad. hahahaha

People`s Tribune - main propaganda tool of the communist party.

  • wybprl1.jpg

  • wybprl2.jpg
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
18 Aug 2020   #38
1944-89 as a "commie traitor"

You never lost your home, country or members of your family to this curse, damn them all to rot in hell.

As an outsider you will never understand.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Aug 2020   #39
PIS are middle of the road politics and left wing extremists don't like them .

I see. That is why you are ready to close an eye to their hypocrisy when they cry out against former communists but gladly adopt various renegades involved in building communism.

Would your parents also close an eye????
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
18 Aug 2020   #40
That is why you are ready to close an eye

I told you and as a marxist you won't listen its part of your mantra, again , A.C.A.B , all commies are ba$tard$, eyes wide shut to your little tricks.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Aug 2020   #41
Yes, I refuse to listen to your tricks when in one post you declare support for neobolshevik PiS and enjoy their victories in elections and in other you lash at communists. If you could, you would vote for PiS despite their communist affiliations. Or you even did go voting, probably you already have citizenship.

That is why I asked you a vital question: what would your parents say to it if you told them you vote for the party which embosoms ex commies??
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
18 Aug 2020   #42
If you could, you would

Hey Im a Polish citizen same as you and am eligible to vote, but I choose not to vote , for the same reason I gave up voting in the UK. If everyone abstained from voting it would send a message that something new needs to happen.
mafketis  38 | 11277
18 Aug 2020   #43
No it wouldn't.....
Ironside  51 | 13109
18 Aug 2020   #44
aims of this thread is to reveal that sick hypocrisy.

that is what I said, you aim to bash PiS nothing more.

Only fascists

all you got is slander and nonsense.

idol from the past, Bolesław Piasecki, Polish fascist who turned Soviet.

First of all why he is my idol? Making statement like that can only soviet clown like you. Secondly he wasn't a fa.... That a slander and a lie.

Beside he was of Jewish origin that makes you an anti-Semite! lol!
mafketis  38 | 11277
19 Aug 2020   #45
As an outsider you will never understand.

And you're an insider.... in Poland? Linguistically and culturally you're British with some Polish ancestry....

you aim to bash PiS nothing more.

They deserve some bashing for their hypocrisy (which is worse than any other party in Poland).

They also deserve some bashing for their general cack-handed operations and the way they protect loyal incompetents (like the criminal Sasin).

Bashing PiS is only bad if you support them (like I guess... you do).
Ironside  51 | 13109
19 Aug 2020   #46
Bashing PiS is only bad if you support them

No, go after them on the point and issues you hold a different view than them.
IF you (as pawian does) think there is nothing wrong with ex-commies taking part in the public and political live why would you bash PiS if they do that. As far as I know they do pass any legislation that would prevent commies from taking a public office or to impair them in anyway.

So a charge a hypocrisy in that case is a stretch. Whilst the same charge applied to pawian is spot on.
mafketis  38 | 11277
19 Aug 2020   #47
IF you.... think there is nothing wrong with ex-commies ... in the public and political live why would you bash PiS if they do that

It's not the policy so much it's the hypocrisy.... they say one thing and do another..... theyself-righteously slashed pensions of people who simply worked in prl structures while appointing some real prl scum to the government

hypocrisy - hipokryzja
Ironside  51 | 13109
19 Aug 2020   #48
they say one thing and do another..

have you ever seen a political force at the helm that always does what it says and always says what it does? Maybe in the medieval monarchy but not in any modern democratic or not state.

All I'm saying that that bashing when not backed up by a personal conviction is just a mud slinging exercise - how that differs from what the PiS does? As far as i know pawian and you are not even politicians. Why do you emulate so well something you claim to find abhorrent in your opponent?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Aug 2020   #49
Great. Maybe now you can make a thread titled "Poland's leftits bonds with PRL communist regime." Assuming you accurately describe the situation, the list of names will be three times as long as any PiS links with former commies. Oh and of course naturally in both cases, whether it's right or left, there'll be the names of both Jews who didn't hide their last names and crypto Jews who changed their names to sound more Polish.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Aug 2020   #50
As far as i know pawian and you are not even politicians

Not yet but when PIS collapses, I am going to become the Minister of Education. buhahaha Maf is going to be my deputy. Or the other way round - I don`t care, I am not power-hungry.

have you ever seen a political force at the helm that always does what it says

Of course, but PiS claim they are the most righteous and law-abiding organisation in the history of Poland. Here and elsewhere, we constantly prove it is a lie. Just like their claims they fight communism are utter lies.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Aug 2020   #51
It's not the policy so much it's the hypocrisy.... they say one thing and do another..

Besides, those ex-commie supporters and partners dare to abuse other people calling them commies. That is outrageous and that is why their past pro-red choices need to be fully exposed.

Krzysztof Czabański, nominated by PiS to rule the Polish Radio and media, used to work as a jpournalist for a few communist newspapers. He was a member of Socialist Youth Union and later of the communist party for 13 years.
Ironside  51 | 13109
19 Aug 2020   #52
we constantly prove it is a lie.

No you don't. You use those use in a vain hope that you will dissuade PiS voters not to vote PiS anymore. Its a forlorn hope.

There is another reason for you to keep bringing it up constantly, you think you rile PiS supporters with that - but on PF there is no PiS supporters.

So it must be yet another reason you obsessing about that subject - hypocrisy.
Hypocrites love espousing and waffle about real or imaginary hypocrisy of others.
mafketis  38 | 11277
20 Aug 2020   #53
but on PF there is no PiS supporters.

There's you..... you jump to their defense all. the. time.
Ironside  51 | 13109
20 Aug 2020   #54
There's you....

let just no comment your embarrassing comeback.
mafketis  38 | 11277
20 Aug 2020   #55
I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't embarrass you so often....
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Aug 2020   #56
No you don't. You use those use in a vain hope that you will dissuade PiS voters not to vote PiS anymore.

Again, a logical mistake.
So, you disagree when I said we expose PiS` lies here. You claim we try to influence PiS voters instead. It surprised me you connect two different things like that.

Isn`t it obvious that PiS` lies exist independently of our activity here and it doesn`t matter what our intentions are?

Conclusion: you shouldn`t deny obvious facts about PIS` hypocrisy.

you think you rile PiS supporters with that - but on PF there is no PiS supporters.

Of course there aren`t and it has never been my intention to persuade or dissuade anybody. My main intention here is to educate - also fascists like you - e..g, in your case, I teach you logical thinking - a few lines above I found a flaw in your "reasoning."

Hypocrites love espousing and waffle about real or imaginary hypocrisy of others.

buhahaha What?? Where did you get this crazy concept from? From Hitler diary (fake) or Stalin`s red book of golden thoughts ? hahahahahaa
Spike31  3 | 1485
21 Aug 2020   #57
Instead of "right-wingers" you should have used the name of political party "PiS" in the title. You are misleading the readers
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Aug 2020   #58
No, I am not misleading anyone. We focus on PiS right now but it is obvious you haven`t read the thread coz I already mentioned a prewar nationalist Piasecki and am going to tak about other right-wingers who supported communists.

Besides, I included PiS in the title.
Ironside  51 | 13109
22 Aug 2020   #59
I'm sorry,

I'm sure you are not. Judging by your last responses which are both silly and cheap you are shameless. Hey but at least you CARE ( as if).

Again, a logical mistake.

Again you don't know what logic is. As you continue in your post it is clear you are talking about a factual mistake not a logical one.

Unfortunately for you this is neither. It is a question as if someone reads your intention right.
What more confusing for you I don't need to take your claims seriously. In other words you just wasted your time to show off how smartassed you are to be busted once again. lol!

Where did you get this crazy concept from?

From you!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Aug 2020   #60
From you!

Do you expect me to feel honoured that you copy ideas from me? hahaha

No, I don`t, but still it is funny you are parroting after me.

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