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Could you be more specific about those civil wars?
The difference between we are coming to murder 17% of Poland and to prevent Hungary from leaving our sphere of control is suffiently huge not to ever have the two in the same paragraph. What's next? Comparing Warsaw Uprising to Waco, Texas? You know, both had civilian casualties - including kids - and both had fire.
Wow Richie...still holding a grudge against the Third Reich??? After nearly a century??? Still getting off on war flicks??? Wow....that must have hurt!
I picked it from the blacks here. After over a century and the trillions we, whites, spent on their fatherless babies, they are still talking about slavery and demand more money.
Seriously, I watch what's best on Neflix and the British war series are so good. Further, it is kind of hard to get over the events like several of my family members checking in and never checking out of Auschwitz.
Finally, the anti-German views here were prompted by an attempt to equate, or at least compare, Germany and Russia and their roles in Poland's history. I know that mine is a minority view here, but it's not even close.
I am not "Richie". My name is Rich, which is much better than Sausage.
Just exchange Jews with Muslims and maybe you get an idea how people could be made to stand cheering at the sidelines watching their neighbours getting first jailed into camps and then murdered, believing they "had it coming". The hate is all the same, absolutely no difference!
You would not be the first adamant Nazi-Hater who wishes secretly for another Hitler to do it again (hence the longstanding obsession with all things Third Reich), only this time to them "mooslims", after all they deserve it, right?
You would not be the first adamant Nazi-Hater who wishes secretly for another Hitler to do it again,
Or the only one. Germany is full of them but they are too scared to say it. One day that bubble, like a bad zit, will burst and the Muslim scum will run back to their s***holes without toilet paper and running water.
BTW, how do they clean up after number 2 in the middle of nowhere. Sand? Ouch.
It's an easy thing...that hating...the object might change during the times, adapted to the most actual scape goat, but it's quite easy to whip up otherwise totally normal people into a frenzy. But it's all okay as long one still wants nothing to do with the Nazis, after all "we" are sooo different...we have real reasons to hate....Hitler meant well but he got it all wrong....that with them Jews was just a misunderstanding....them Mooslims on the other hand... yeah...sure....
But it's all okay as long one still wants nothing to do with the Nazis, after all "we" are sooo different...we have real reasons to hate...
The term NAZI's has been abused way too long and too often - as a handy replacement for Germans - in order to take the bite out of the war documantaries by implicitely suggesting that the war attrocities were committed only a small and evil elite, not simply by the German nation.
All hate, just as love, has its underlying reasons. In the PC world today, we are allowed only to discuss hate itself as uncivilized and evil, but never what leads to it. Even in Germany, I wouldn't be allowed to organize a debate under the title: Was Hitler wrong? I would be in prison or at least shouted down. Aside from the extremes, Hitler acted on what he was given by the victorious allies and the banksters. Even the most hateful would admit that he was a patriot. (As opposed to our Obongo, for example. Sorry for the digression. I just couldn't resist this one because I really hate this sob.)
Detailed historical facts are not very popular these days. Say that the black American slaves were treated better than some still are in Africa today and might just as well start cleaning your desk.
Because the answer is clear....besides the women and girls raped by the Russians in Berlin, Hitler did cost us masses of territory, people, whole cities and our whole history. He ruined Germany...and that's purely from a german perspective, the Holocaust against Slavs and Jews not even part of it.
No enemy of the german people could have done worse! Not a patriotic thing to do if you ask detailing of history can change that.
That was the end result. I was refering to the pre-war period, the unemployment, inflation, reperations, and such. Had he stayed within tolerable limits, he would have been seen as the greatest German leader ever. What these tolerable limits might be is another matter, but one thing is sure: Czechoslovakia, Austria and even Poland under his control would not start the WW2.
@My name is Rich..... @Bratwurst Boy, "...oops, excuse me, "Wurst" @Lyzko, mine is rabbit (Hase) and I don't know from nothin'!LOL
Seriously though fellas, my comments now directed more to RichMazur, I think we're conflating issues here! Germany is no longer "under the US boot", pal, hasn't been either for years now, and counting:-)
Those monuments to hatred, namely Treblinka, Majdanek etc. on then "German-occupied" territory, are no reflection on either present-day Poland and/or Germany. Surely, nobody here (I hope) is espousing dangerous nonsense such as "FORGET KATYN!", or "MOVE ON FROM AUSCHWITZ!" and the like. However, to hold contemporary Europe eternally responsible for the crimes on the past (albeit on their native soil), is to make any sort of future redemption as well as bridge-building next to impossible for the next generations.
It really is time to get over ww2. Hitler ruined Germany and countless other lives and countries. Stalin did the same. They are just two losers who failed their own people as well as all their neighbours. Problem is while Germany has progressed Russia has regressed. Germany is no threat to Poland now and provides a very valuable business relationship. Russia is a threat and provides almost nothing but headaches. If i was in Poland today and wanted to hate either side Russia wins hands down.
One lesson of the Nazis is that you just can't build something lasting on the ashes of murdered people...
That's how it should be. Two points, though: 1) the US did both and is doing fine, and (2) if Hitler just took over Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland, and didn't try to exterminate anyone, just as the US never exterminated Indians, he could have accomplished his goal without starting the war. Even the Jews could have been pushed out without mass murders. He was driven by pure hate and hate always displaces reason.
We here live on the ashes of the Aboriginals, a fact that is often swept under the carpet but at least most of us try to help when we can. Hitler was like Rich said, a hate driven maniac with no chance for reason.
Australia is taking people in from ques and such as per normal. However, if you are arriving illigaly you will be stored on a remote island hell where you will be slowly going nuts, you will deteriorated and be hated by the islanders that live there. Death there is part of the deal. They are attempting to censor what happens there too but failing miserably. So unless you are coming here legaly it may be better not to bother.
Because the answer is clear....besides the women and girls raped by the Russians in Berlin
Russians sacrificed lives millions of its own soldiers at the end of war and to significant extent their lives were sacrificed for a sake of German civilians. To save lives millions of German people. At the end of war Russians had complete superiority in air and didn't even had a real need to engage in extensive terrestrial combat. They could just burn all the Eastern German cities with fire bombs (like Americans did to Hamburg and Dresden), kill all the population with chemical bombs, destroy all the dams on the rivers and drown all the people in Berlin and in one word to kill anything that moves from the air. And you have to be greatfull they didn't do it to you grand parents.
What is a point to talk about collective responsibility of people for doing a COMMON CRIMES? Some of them did, some not. The was no any order of higher Soviet commandment which would encourage or justify any oppressions toward German civilians. Not even medium level commandment is known for this. Even contra some Soviet soldiers been shot for this. With the same success you can make statements like this: "A numerous immigrants who live in Germany raped many German women during the last decades". What would be any point of it?!
besides the women and girls raped by the Russians in Berlin
Yes. And in Poland too. In both places on an almost industrial scale and condoned by the leaders.
The big difference is that (mostly) Germans have come to terms with the tragedies of the past. The Russians have not yet come to terms with their collective responsibility for crimes against humanity.
@noimmigration Ww!l germany owes Poland for many hundreds of yars. Poland has a population drop because of Germany murdering hundreds of thousands of polish citizens and all the women and babies they killed for fun. Money can buy things but it can't bring ages million people back to life